Dark bois chat

Cyyesz tarafından

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I just update this whenever I'm bored :') INCLUDES SHIPPING Another ego thingy cause that's all I write about. Daha Fazla



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Cyyesz tarafından

Okay so to point out, I also want to have a few non texting moments in this book, to make it a bit more fun and interesting. So here we go!




Mare stood a bit more straight and adjusted the guitar he had behind his back, attached to him by a strap, right before knocking on the door of the house he was at.

It was opened almost immediately.
"Oh, hi there, Mare!" Said man was greeted cheerfully by none other than MatPat himself. "Come on in!"

"Thank you, Matthew." Mare said as he stepped into the house.

"You come over quite often, nowadays." Mat spoke as he closed the front door.

"Um... Yeah." Mare replied with a bit of an awkward chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Mad and I are just close friends..."

"I noticed." Mat said as he showed Mare a friendly smile. "Stephanie and I will be away for an hour or two, any moment now, but Mad is in the living room with Oliver and Steph."

"Thanks." Mare just said before going to the living room. When he entered, he was met by Stephanie sitting on the couch with Oliver, telling him to behave while Mad is watching over him, and said alter ego was standing a bit away from them, having his arms crossed as he patiently waited for Stephanie to finish.

Though, he looked up when he saw Mare enter. "Hey." Mad greeted him as he walked over to the other and standing next to him.

"Hello to you, too." Mare greeted him back, smiling at him.

"You brought your guitar?" Mad asked as he eyed the intrument against Mare's back.

"Yeah. Just in case." Mare said as he simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright." Stephanie spoke as she stood up from the couch, revealing the long, black dress she wore. She walked over to Mad and Mare. "Thank you again for watching over him, and-"

"Nightmare!" Oliver suddenly shouted as he ran over to them, especially Mare.

"Hi there, buddy." Mare greeted the child as he crouched down more to his level, raising a hand to the child, who understood the assignment and gave him a high-five.

"-And it's nice that you're here, Mare." Stephanie finished her sentence.

"It's nothing. Go ahead and have fun with Matthew." Mare said as he looked up at Stephanie for just a second before going back to Oliver, who was giving him a bunch of high fives now.

"Yeah. Well, good luck!" She said before heading towards the hallway at the front door. The door soon sounded, making clear that the couple has left.

"So...... What to do?" Mare asked both Mad and Oliver.

"We still need to make dinner. Maybe we could do that?" Mad offered.

Mad stood up, holding the child in his arms now. He was good with children, despite the intentions he was created for. "Sounds fine by me. You wanna eat, Ollie?" He asked the child.

"Ya!" The child responded cheerfully.

"He can help set the table. He's done that before." Mad said as they made their way to the kitchen.

"Oh, you already know how to set the table?" Mare looked at the child as he asked him that, his voice in a bit of a baby voice.

Oliver nodded quickly. "Yes! I only dropped a plate once!"

Mare set the child back on the ground when they reached the kitchen. He also took the guitar from around him and set it against a wall carefully so that he had more freedom to move his body.

"How about you start already, Ollie?" Mad asked. "You know where I always sit. Where do you wanna sit, Mare?" He asked for Oliver as he pointed behind his shoulder, at the dining table.

"Hmmm..... Place me next to Mad." Mare decided.

"On it!" Oliver stated as he ran over to the cabinets with the plates and glasses/cups.

"Careful with the glasses and plates remember?" Mad reminded the child, who responded with a quick yes.

"Well... What did you think of making?" Mare asked as he rolled up his sleeves, and then went over to wash his hands.

"I was thinking of something simple. French fries with carrots and peas." Mad said as he also washed his hands now Mare was drying them off.

"Oh that's done within fifteen minutes." Mare commented.

"Exactly." Mad hummed. "Could you get pots? They're in the cabinet underneath the microwave."

"Yes sir." Mare did a salute as a small joke before getting the objects.

"Maddy?" Oliver's voice sounded. "Can I have a big plate, too?"

"No. You're not big enough for those, sorry." Mad replied, seeing Oliver pout and get a plastic plate, setting it down on the spot he always sat at.

"But I'm done now." Oliver then said.

"Mare can help you put something on TV. Right, Mare?" Mad asked the other ego as he turned to him.

"Oh... Sure." Mare said as he set the last pot that was needed on the counter before walking out of the kitchen. Though, before he did, he saw Oliver just stare at his guitar. He walked over to it, and picked it up, snapping Oliver out of the small trance. "Come on, buddy."

Oliver followed the ego back into the living room, and jumped onto the couch, landing right on his butt.

"What do you want to watch?" Mare asked as he grabbed the remote from the coffee table.

"Can you play that?" Oliver wondered instead of answering properly.

Mare turned to him to see the kid point at his guitar. "Of course I can." Mare replied with a soft smile.

"Also for me?"

Mare thought about it for a bit, remembering Mad in the kitchen. "Alright, but quickly. I still have to help Maddy."

Oliver nodded, and that was a sign for Mare to sit down on the couch as well and hold his guitar properly so he could play on it. He tested a few strings, hearing that the notes were still right, and he started playing a song. He sung along, too.

"Call me on the phone at three, I talk to you while half asleep

Complaining 'bout your mother so I take you to the cemetery

Rant to me I like the sound, I like your voice, I like your mouth

Oh, oh,

Mare then stopped. He felt like he was getting a bit too much into his emotions.

"That was boring!" Oliver complained.

Mare scoffed before laughing. "Okay.... How about this, then?"
He cleared his throat, and started playing again.

"Man, if I gotta be honest,

I dropped out of college, found myself a whole new realm of knowledge,

Down the forest, foraging for sounds that I can rhyme with orange--"

After a while, Mad peeked into the living room to see Mare playing a funky tune with his guitar, and Oliver dancing around.
He found it interesting how Mare could switch from such a slow and feelsy song to such a cheerful one. He couldn't unhear the first song he sang due to the silence in the house, and honestly, he was curious what that was all about. But now, he had set that small thought away as he saw how Mare smiled at the dancing kid. Although, good things have to get to an end eventually.
Mad cleared his throat, catching both boys' attention. "Dinner's ready."

"Oh- already?" Mare asked, standing up from the couch.

Mad hummed and nodded, heading back to the kitchen and sitting down around the dining table. He had already put the food on the plates, and had filled all glasses and cup with water.

Mare and Oliver came in quickly after, and the three of them started eating.

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