
נכתב על ידי DaKawaliKid

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(quick note: if you're against anything lgbt+, i suggest you pick up another book.) In a world where people h... עוד

1 - my introduction.
2 - i'm on the streets.
4 - my shopping went wrong.
5 - a prayer.
6 - caught in the rain.
7 - someone i'll care for.
8 - back at the mall.
9 - research in my face.
10 - chance meeting with an underage gunner.
11 - an artist's thoughts.
12 - his origins.
13 - boards, lies, and our non-magical training.
14 - an otherworldly arrival.
15 - defense of fairweather.
16 - isolation: preparation.
17 - isolation: war.
18 - subway assault.
finale - truths, ironies, the secrets hidden.

3 - my panties got stolen.

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נכתב על ידי DaKawaliKid

Few days had passed since that incident and the weekend came about. Chris got up, feeling like his usual self as he got off his bed and took a small notebook from the floor, flipping through its pages to search for a breakfast recipe. He settled on some scrambled eggs and sausages, and closed the notebook before walking to the kitchen.

He put down a bowl on the white counter and took out a few eggs from the fridge before cracking them open. Taking out a fork next, he beat the eggs as he stirred them until the color seemed to be the same on all sides, then prepared the frying pan. He poured the mixture into the pan and quickly used the fork to make sure nothing got stuck.

The sausages came out from the fridge next, and he cooked them before putting them on the plate with the scrambled eggs. Just as he was about to get eating, a girl wearing blue sports attire opened the door to his place, sweat running all over her face. Her skin was slightly tanned from the amount of exercise she did every day, and she was slightly more muscular than the average girl.

"Oh." Chris waved with a spoon in his hand. "Morning, Arielle."

Arielle Kareda was a girl who would train every day to improve her Multi-Style ability. Even on days where she was given a break, she would keep on practicing one of 5 fighting styles she had mastered until the sun went down.

"Hah... Morning, Chris. You wanna go out for a jog?"

"Don't get me started on the fact that you disturbed my breakfast."

Arielle walked in and closed the door behind her, wiping herself with a towel. She undid her ponytail, letting her brown hair loose, and wiped it as well.

"You've been getting into regular exercise lately, huh?" Chris asked, putting a spoonful into his mouth.

"Yeah," she said. "I can't practice my martial arts that often now without getting hurt myself. I mean like, come on, did recoil throw a reverse card at me?"


"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm gonna run out in a bit. Wanna tag along?"

"You can wait for me outside. I gotta shower first."


Arielle quickly stepped outside and closed the door, tying her hair up as she did so. Chris, having finished his breakfast, walked into his closet and started taking the clothes he needed, only to realize...

"Hey, where did my panties go?"

He started searching around the closet.

"I swear, I stored them somewhere around here..."

After looking in one place, he looked in another.

"No, not here... Not here either... Damn, not here as well..."

"Hey, Chris, you ready yet?" Arielle shouted from outside, crossing her arms as she waited impatiently.

"Not yet! My panties suddenly disappeared!"

She immediately broke into a laugh, seeing this as a funny matter. However, the moment she heard the sound of windows opening, she remembered what Klein had said few days prior, on the day after that incident. "If you hear windows opening from Chris' house, quickly run in. There's a chance someone's getting him."


The windows were open and the air was blowing in as Chris disappeared. Again.

"I'm not letting the kidnapper get away this time!" she thought as she quickly leaped out the window. Seeing the large drop, she twisted her body in a clockwise fashion.

"Taekwondo: Dollyeo Chagi – Selo! (Roundhouse Kick – Vertical)"

Her kick nullified her falling velocity, but it destroyed the building she landed on in the process.

"Hey! Careful there next time, young lady!" an old man shouted.


She quickly dashed from building to building as she tried to track down the kidnapper.

"Hey, don't you see that?"

"See what?"

"That vigilante girl is in casual clothes!"

"Really? I've never seen her wear those outside!"

The girl was crouching on the roof of a car, looking at her surroundings. The people who noticed her quickly commented on her attire choice, using a green shirt and a white skirt instead of a blazer. She wouldn't have rode atop a car if the person she was aiming to take down wasn't a real bummer for her.

Her feet started to move to the front of the car, ready to leap, only for some underwear to land in her face. Quickly taking it off, she inspected it.

"That's... mine?" she thought.

In front of her was a truck, and inside the truck was a man cackling wildly, waving at her with another piece of underwear in his hand.

"So that's where my panties went. That pervert."

She pointed her index finger at him, charging up some electricity on the fingertip, but quickly canceled it the moment she realized that it wasn't a good idea.

"Hey! Why are you hesitating?!" another girl shouted. She quickly looked to her right, and spotted Arielle, dashing and leaping on the rooftops as she tried to reach her. "Just shoot! No one gives a damn about the streets, anyway! They'll be repaired in an instant!"

"You're right," she thought. "No one gives a damn."

She quickly stood up and charged the electricity on her fingertips once again. Then she fired. Three shots were all it needed to get the open truck rolling off its wheels and into an armored truck carrying convicted criminals. They had hit a cross-intersection, and Arielle, having managed to finally catch up, leaped down from the rooftops.

"*cough* *cough* You damn girls! Can't you see how much money I make from selling these?!" the man said, getting up from the wreckage.

"Yes," the girl said, "and some of those are mine. Hand them over."

"Heh. What happens if I won't?"

"Then this'll happen." Arielle responded, walking towards the man. "Muay Thai: Mat Yaep. (Jab)"

She quickly threw a powerful jab, knocking him out.

Meanwhile, the other criminals got out from the wreckage, and quickly surrounded the two of them. The girl glanced at Arielle, who dusted her hands, and said, "Would you mind teaching me an attack or two?"

"You wanna learn?" Arielle responded with a grin. "Alright. Pay close attention. Come at me, you cowards!"

The criminals quickly charged at her, some with weapons in their hands, some charging up their abilities instead.

"Taekwondo: Yeop Chagi. (side kick)"

She kicked one of them unconscious on the side of the head.

"Pencak Silat: Tendangan Atas. (Upper Kick)"

Unleashing an upward kick as she backflipped, she simultaneously kicked away an airborne opponent and dodged an ability attack. Meanwhile, the girl was throwing everyone away with a whip made of electricity, swinging it around as it constantly broke the sound barrier.

"Wing Chun: Biu Sao, Taekwondo: Naeryeo Chagi, Muay Thai: Mat Wiang San. (Darting Hand, Axe Kick, Swing)"

With a combination of martial arts, she effortlessly took down 4 of them. She looked back and shouted, "You got that?!"

Upon hearing her, the girl threw a jab at an approaching enemy.

"Not bad. Muay Thai: Kradot Chok! (Superman Punch)"

She quickly leaped into the air and took out an enemy, before thinking that she shouldn't be wasting any time. "I've warmed up enough. Ready to see me beat you all up?"

Cracking her knuckles, she immediately got to work. 3 of them were taken out with simultaneous Taekwondo kicks, and 5 more from Muay Thai and Wing Chun moves strung together. An armed man nearly hit her, but she quickly grabbed the man with an Aikido move and disarmed him before slamming him onto the ground.

On the other side, the girl had combined a basic Taekwondo kick with her electricity to deal extra damage to the approaching criminals. It seemed as if they were calling reinforcements, because there was a portal where they kept on coming out. Once she saw it, the man holding it up didn't even last a second before being taken down by her attacks.

"Thanks for closing that portal! I'll take care of the rest!" Arielle shouted, getting into a stance.

A series of Pencak Silat moves were made to dodge several attacks, with the last one lifting her up into the air. Recalling an action webtoon she once read, she flipped herself onto her side in midair.

"Take this! Personal Style: Terram Fractionis Slam! (Ground-Breaking Slam)"

With a single roundhouse kick, the ground beneath her broke into pieces and was thrown into the air. The criminals who weren't knocked out by that attack were finished off by the other girl's speedy attacks.

"Phew. Never thought my workout would involve beating up some people alongside a celebrity."

Arielle looked behind her and saw the girl kicking the air a few times, trying to imitate her. She suddenly noticed the people gathering around them, like the paparazzi swarming a celebrity. A reporter among them held out his microphone in her direction and asked, "How did you feel beating those criminals up?"

"Oh no," she thought. Slowly but surely, she could feel her energy draining faster than when she was beating up those enemies. Quickly glancing at the girl, she spotted her taking her panties back before dashing away. She breathed a sigh of relief before facing the reporters.

"A little relieved that I was being supported by someone. Couldn't have beat all of them myself."

Chris opened the door to his home, having "returned from shopping because he couldn't find his old ones". Placing the panties back to where they belonged, he stretched a little, then walked out the closet, kicking the air a few times as if he was practicing taekwondo without any knowledge of it.

Arielle got to the door and opened it, only to find Chris successfully doing an airborne hook kick.

"Have you learned taekwondo before?" she asked.

"Nah, I just picked it up from a little thing I saw."

"I see..."

Arielle walked out from his house and down the stairs, a single thought in her mind.

"Why is the main character not getting that much screen time?"

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