Lace and full moons| Remus Lu...

BแปŸi TheMessExpress

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The Cast


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BแปŸi TheMessExpress

Chapter 1 - A Sweet Escape

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

In some ways, the Monet family was seen as perfect; their bloodline was as pure as they come and their ancestry was full of the greatest French Witches and Wizards in history. They were considered one of the most powerful and most feared families in the wizarding world and you could see how much that was taken in their stride.

This in mind, it was no surprise the amount of influence they had at the ministry and this had allowed both Monet parents to take advantage of said fact. In between hushed voices and her daughters pleading cries, Cassandra (in a raging fit of insomnia and anger) wondered how on earth she managed to survive the joys of her childhood. Lonely silences became homely and trusting, the bruises became a constant dye etched onto her skin and the constant resentment was so powerful it could've been dangerous. 

She had come to terms with the idea of spending the rest of her life being homesick in the house that was supposed to provide her comfort with the parents that were supposed to smother her in love and affection. Sometimes, if she really thought, a tear would be brought to her ten year old self as she watched other parents with joyously proud smiles etched onto their faces, adoration melted into their expressions as they made memories with their child. The longing for the affectionate parental relationships had never left the blonde, it permanently left a gaping hole in her heart all throughout her childhood and continued into her adolescence and at the rate at which her relationship with her parents was deteriorating she will die with a sorrowful pit in her stomach. It only worsened when the Monet parents received the letter from their daughter of her house. The looks of pure disgust increased along with bruising touches and dark arts used on the girl , soon enough the blonde's good girl act dissipated just as quick as her love for her parents; the more hits she took, the more her heart broke.

Eyes, wandering around the station, Cassandra tried her best to distract herself from the fact that the circulation in her left arm had been gone for about half an hour now. Eva Monet's deathly grip on the girls bicep hadn't faltered since the moment it was placed there when they apparated to Kings Cross Station. The platform was bustling as ever; teenagers fighting to get out the loving embraces of their emotional parents as they prepare to be without their child for a prolonged period, girls squealing as they were reunited with their friends, overwhelming crowds only made the stressful atmosphere worse alongside the headache-inducing noise.  

However, although you wouldn't be able to tell from her bored expression, Cassandra almost felt her heart leap out of her chest when she spotted Marlene stood next to Christian Sinclair, the pair keeping a fair distance away from Cass and her family, well aware of her mothers behaviour. Instead the three opted for a form of silent communication and simply nodded towards each other, an understanding forming that they were all okay before the two made their way onto the train- Cassandra was sure she would spend the first two hours of the travel trying to find them. Once again, Cassandra was stuck in silence next to Eva as she spoke to the parents of the Slytherins who were soon interrupted by their sons; Regulus Black, Lucius Malfoy, Rodolphus Lestrange, Theodorre Nott, and her cousin Alexei. All of the small group had decided to make it their mission to get the girl riled up so while their parents joined together in conversation, the boys decided to entertain themselves with the blonde. None of the Slytherin's worth listening to approached the girl, so she was left with the likes of Narcissa who talked at her and the rest of the boys who just pestered her, trying to get her to break her cold demeanour. 

"You alright Cass?" Theodore spoke, his gaze lingering on her lips before finally having the courage to look her in the eyes. 
"Just peachy thanks." she replied rolling her eyes as her mother's harsh tug on her arm after hearing her attitude when speaking to the boy.
"Cassandra Monet, I didn't bring you up to be rude." Eva shrieked, giving a shocked face to the adults around her, she was no longer happy now that her award-winning trophy was talking but soon got dragged into another conversation now distracted enough for the blonde to unfortunately listen to Theo again. His smug face making him look even more punchable than ever.

"How was your summer Cassandra?" he had asked
"I smoked and read, that's about it."
"Oh please, you pissed off to that old hags house and came home drunk on multiple occasions Cassandra. Ne sois passe stupide." he had chimed in, not giving the girl a chance to speak. (Don't be stupid)
"Yeah look where that fucking got me hm?" she said nodding towards the murderous grip on her arm. Theodore chuckled at the cousin's antics, Cassandra's attitude reminding him why he was talking to her in the first place, a challenge

If Regulus Black knew Cassandra, which he did considering he was the only Slytherin Cass could handle being around long enough to not strangle, he knew as soon as he saw the smallest flinch when his father's hand brushed against the girls back in an almost condescending way, that something was deeply wrong. It was obvious in the miniscule movement of her eyes in pure panic. 

It was no secret her family were interested in the dark arts. The white lines decorating the skin of her back and the deep red one dancing along her muscles a prime example of this, her mother's recent childish anger outburst causing a dark curse to be flung carelessly at the blonde. It had happened on the first day she returned intoxicated to the Monet manor, her mother lasted the best bit of 10 minutes before she could no longer stand her daughter anymore. It may come as a surprise considering the amount of times she had cared for herself, Cassandra's healing abilities came to a halt when she tried to stich herself up using a mirror. So shockingly, all it took was a single harsh twist of the girls shoulders, she had done to attempt an escape from the grip on her arm as seconds before she had watched her hand become a shade paler, for the noiseless pull of her skin and a sudden lack of tension signifying her stitches release- a hot droplet of blood cascading down the dent of her spine, staining the back of the black sweatshirt she had chosen to wear. Swallowing, the girl met Regulus's concerned gaze as their parents passed arcane pieces of information as subtly as they could; however it looks like the boy had already figured her out. Shit. 

Abraxas Malfoy turned to look down at the blonde who was still caged by her mothers hand and spoke.

"Ah Cassandra look how grown up you look." He looked at her mother, "What a beautiful daughter you have Eva."

Cassandra grimaced when she felt his fingers grip her chin, a common trait the Slytherin purebloods shared- cold hands. Chin in between his pointer finger and thumb, he move her head from side to side, a subtle smirk on his face after noticing the darker line of a scar running down her lip before returning his blood-stained hand back to his side; continuing conversing as though nothing had happened. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Can you believe we're back again?" James said directing his case cart towards the spot next to Sirius. Remus looked up from his book briefly and gave him a perfunctory nod in response. "Considering we have gone through 4 years of this shit I'm surprised you aren't used to it by now. " Sirius spoke looking at his friend, he rolled his eyes at Peter's glare.

"Oi keep it down idiot my mum is right there." Peter said nibbling on a biscuit while nodding his head in front of the group and towards the plump woman in front of them. Sirius only snickered at the boys panic knowing full well the woman was unable to hear them.

The 4 had always found the journey to Hogwarts a lot more exciting than the returning one- but who didn't. The bustling crowds; the reunited friends and the sounds of joyous laughter. It all makes each one of the boys become filled with a small buzz as they think about their upcoming 5th year at Hogwarts. Pranks, parties, quidditch, it was all like a dream. However it only took a second of miserable eye contact with the blonde they recognised as Cassandra Monet for Remus's thoughts to be redirected along with his mischievous friends as the small gathering of parents stopped in front of them.  

From afar, he watched the interaction and silently assessed the situation; every movement of his eyes; every movement of hers; the flinch of her hand; the slight curl of her lip in disgust. The girl looked a lot worse since their last encounter in summer. Her eyebags were now a heavier purple, the freckles on her face were now faded and less cheerful, her eyes were hollow and filled with exhaustion. He had known about the messy Monet drama involving Cassandra, thanks to Sirius who was partial to a gossip between his friends, so he had a brief understanding of her living situation and after seeing her with Sara over the summer he had a brief understanding of the situation. 

"Alright lads, lets find the cart before anyone else manages to take them all." Sirius says grabbing his luggage and heading off with Peter and James finally being the one to stop the grimace the group were due to the Malfoy's close proximity to the blonde (an obvious attempt to break the silence created upon noticing the scene) - Remus was soon following after not without a second glance. Having a feeling Sirius was protecting the Marauder's from the horrors of Cassandra's and his worlds they had been so comfortably oblivious to. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

As the whistle signalling the second call for any students rung out, Eva's grip finally subsided and Cass was eventually able to move her fingers, the feeling of blood rushing to her hands along with the subtle fade of the tingle made her release a sigh of relief. The mother and daughter's goodbye interaction was brief. Extremely brief. Not going far enough for the woman to mutter the embarrassing words of 'I love you', but more an emotionless kiss on the cheek before her harsh breath against her daughter's ear as Eva whispered the words "Rappelez-vous ce que je peux faire Cassandra." (remember what I can do)

Her mother stood straight, her slender hand digging into the girls back as she fisted the material of her sweatshirt in hopes of bringing the girl closer. Cassandra scoffed and looked her mother in the eyes as she slightly cringed at the pain erupting along her shoulders and down her spine. Her mum smiled, clearly pleased with the hurt she was causing, "ne me teste pas, fille." (do not test me girl.)

Clearing her throat, Eva waved her daughter away along with the rest of the parents- not even bothering to look in their direction as the girl settled in the middle of the small group, Regulus on one side, her case on the other. Eyes twitching in annoyance, Cassandra soon entered the transport with eyes filled with excitement and arm gently intertwined with Regulus's the girl was finally starting to feel the effects of her poorly done stitches. With no little and no food in her, the blonde was soon becoming light headed and unaware of the way Regulus has wordlessly slipped the two away from the rest of the Slytherin bunch and into a nearby toilet that was surprisingly big enough for the two. 

"Cassie..." he began in pity as she held herself up on the sink.
"Don't speak to me in that tone, you make me sound like a child." she replied quickly kneeling on the floor and pulling all the equipment out of her luggage she needed to reseal her gruesome back. She met Regulus's eyes in the mirror as she peeled away the blood sodden shirt she had been wearing underneath her sweatshirt and unravelled the poorly knotted bandage- staring at the distorted skin on her back through the mirror on the wall. She traced her finger over the disorderly pattern of lines and fresh scars that she could reach. Wincing when she touched the newest one going from the top of her shoulder down to the start of her bra- still freshly red with blood, dying the raw skin around it a light crimson, the lack of professional help and poorly managed time meant her cut didn't have enough time to heal. From what she could see, the skin had split once again after not having enough time to bandage it up properly before she had left. The overwhelming worry swimming in his pupils was simply too much for the girl which meant the gaze was broken very quickly. Cassandra trusted Regulus so for her to be in such a vulnerable position in front of him was nothing out of the norm as he reviewed the mutilated line on her back, swallowing the lump formed in his throat. 

"Fuck sake Cass." he said quickly standing up to help the girl clean any areas she couldn't reach with cold water and a wash cloth she had found in her bag. The boy was quick to discover the girl was in more of a critical condition than he had thought. 

Seemingly distracted while pulling the girl towards the nearest toilet as quick as he could before his friends noticed their disappearance, Regulus had forgotten about keeping a low profile and making sure no one had seen them just like Cassandra had muttered under her breath while she let him lead the way. This then led to piquing the unfortunate interests of the Marauders James and Remus who were returning from a trip to the snack cart after Sirius began whining about his hunger. Alas, curiosity got the better of the two as they looked at each other in confusion before going over to the half open door. They probably looked like absolute weirdos, but considering no one was walking around the 5th year compartment they had been spared of any embarrassment. 

"Why did she do it?" he asked as the girl softly winced while he disinfected her cut. She wrapped her arms around herself so her hand rested on her shoulders while letting out a soft sigh, "I came home from Sara's drunk." 

As she said this, she pulled away from Regulus's touch and knelt to her bag conveniently placed in front of the two and pulled out a small bottle of alcohol, newly bought and still sealed. Regulus eyed her actions as the crack of her opening the lid echoed across the silence of the toilet walls. She took three strong gulps before she finally allowed herself air. Upon opening her previously closed eyes, Cassandra was surprised to find a pair of peering and intrigued stares looking at the pair through the small gap in the door, their pupils zoning in on the bloody mess of her back only for them to widen in shock and horror. 

God Regulus how careless can you be. 

Recognising Remus from his mess of auburn hair and the soft curls on his forehead and noticing the piercing blue eyes she had become accustomed with over the summer, the girl licked her teeth while moving so she was eye level with the two boys. Her comfortability with being topless around the three was gone unnoticed as the two come to their senses after witnessing the state of her back, Remus looked to Regulus who was now placing the bloody wash cloth under the running water- his chest tightening after seeing the two together.  

"What are you doing boys?" she asked widening the door slightly so their body's could be seen, luckily for Cassandra the two tall frames was enough for anyone behind them to be unknowing of the situation, allowing her dignity to be still in tact- it wasn't like she cared anyways. 

"We were just trying to see if you were okay Cass. We'll be leaving now anyways." James spoke up for the two of them.
"Speak a word of this to anyone and I swear to fuck I murder both of you." she spoke, her voice low and clear before closing the door, the lock clicking place.
"Cass? Since when did he call you Cass?" questioned Regulus as he focussed in on the needle piercing her skin and tying her gash together to the best of his abilities, shaking hands not helping his case. 

"His mum is friends with Sara so we spent a lot time together during summer." 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Cass? Since when the fuck were you on nickname terms with Cassandra Monet." Remus exclaimed as the two made it back to their compartment, paying no attention to the clueless two who had now looked up at the name, suddenly interested in the conversation. James looked in between the three uncomfortably, he knew he had stumbled up- Cassandra and James were never seen speaking to each other. She had her friends and he had his. Anytime they did spend with each other during Hogwarts were done in private, under the roof of the Astronomy tower smoking weed or in the girl's dorm room since Marlene and her other dorm mate were never in, constantly consumed by books in the library. 

"Jesus Christ Remus, it's nothing. Leave it." James had said, raking a hand through his hair clearly in distress. That's the thing, the four had spent the entire summer wondering about the girl and James had managed to keep their friendship secret even through tough investigation from Sirius and Remus but were left unsuccessful in getting him to break. Yet, all it took was one simple slip up and now his progress had been completely forgotten. God, he had never felt so stupid. He was doing this in order to adhere to Cassandra's requests, ensure no attention was drawn to her due to his popularity amongst the Gryffindor crowd. 

"I'm sorry but what the fuck had just happened?" Sirius asks, breaking up the shouts.
"Me and James were on the way back from the snack cart," Remus spoke throwing two boxes of chocolate frogs at Peter, "and we watched Regulus pull Monet into a toilet and she looked so fucking out of it."
"So naturally, we both went to see if she was okay and we saw her topless with this huge slash going down her back." James finished the story only for Remus to carry it on. 
"Yeah and James here seems to know more about the girl than he's letting on."
"Why are you so bothered Moony, what you jealous?" 
"Enough both of you" Sirius laughed as they sat down in a huff, "We all want to know about her lets just get to the fucking school first."

There was a beat of silence.

"Wait you saw her topless?" Sirius questioned. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

3231 words

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