ON HIATUS - Nothing means Eve...

由 destin_entrelace

496 26 0

"I can't do this anymore" "You are nothing to me" "It's not my fault she left you" _______________________... 更多

Chapter 1: Gorgeous Green Eyes
Chapter 2: Rainy Days & Rainbow Umbrellas
Chapter 4: An Unfamiliar Face
Chapter 5 - Nothing at All

Chapter 3: Little Black Lies

57 3 0
由 destin_entrelace

* Just to clarify this takes place after Hero's Day (Chameleon: Season 3 Episode 1 - According to google)

* So I know when there's a new Ladybug they come up with a different name but I kinda want to keep it Ladybug but if you have other ideas please let me know :)

* I know Lila is in one of my last chapters but pretend it's been like a week since then

* Slight swearing ahead


"Every white lie has a black truth" - Aye Aye


You and Adrien laugh at Alya's embarrassing story of Nino, who was currently blushing and hiding his face under his cap.

"Why do you have to expose me, Alya!" The DJ exclaims to the reporter, his hands covering his eyes as he groans and bangs his head on the desk.

"You practically asked for it, that's what you get!" Alya sassily remarks, chuckling at the sight before her. Adrien was sprawled out on the table in front of them and you were tightly clutching your stomach laughing hysterically. The fact that Nino, the king of all things cool and collected, was embarrassed made you giggle ten times harder.

"Okay, Okay we get it! That tiger didn't like me one bit, but we have a more important thing to talk about." He sighs hoping to get the three of you off his back. "Where's Marinette, class is going to start soon?"

"I have no idea but then again this isn't the first time she's late." You chuckle fondly at the bluenette girl, who couldn't be on time to save her life.

The said girl then stumbles into the classroom, falling flat on her face and dramatically making her way to you and Alya in a matter of seconds, that could rival the Flash's speed. Nino and Adrien greet their clumsy friend before engaging in a conversation on embarrassing stories of their own.

A look of pure happiness stretches across her face as she looks down to see that a certain blonde in fact had no one to sit next to.

Oh boy!

Marinette rambles, something about three kids and a hamster, her face going through too much emotion for your brain to process.

Yep, I have a headache now.

"Woah, girl. That seat isn't for you," Alya says, cutting her friend who was probably in the middle of daydreaming and fantasising about Adrien. Marinette's flabbergasted expression was honestly hilarious but you continued for the sake of it all. Besides your tummy hurt from all that laughing, you were sure there were no tears left in your eye sockets.

"Mari, Lila was diagnosed with some sort of hearing issue last week hence why she has to sit at the front," You say precariously, knowing very well that the two girls had some beef that was yet to be settled. You glance briefly at the door, catching a glimpse of the brunette you three were currently talking about.

Speak of the devil.

You nudge your two friends before turning your attention to Miss Bustier.

"I'm sure you've all heard that Lila has unfortunately been diagnosed with Tinnitus just last week when she went to the Kingdom of Achoo. But that doesn't mean she should be treated any differently. She is a part of this class just as any one of you" Miss Bustier says softly, placing a hand on Lila's shoulder.

The class nods understandingly. You glance at Marinette who was gritting her teeth and trying to smile in a not so threatening manner.

Well most of the class.

You silently snicker at her attempt to be secretive about it.

"Hi everyone! Oh a seat in the front row, that's so kind of all of you, such sweethearts (kissy noises)," Lila says. The obnoxious sickeningly sweet tone dripping from her words was enough to make you barf but you held it in.

"You have a hearing problem Lila?" Marinette questions crossing her arms in annoyance. This girl just shows up after being gone a week, has a hearing condition and gets to sit next to the love of my life? The bluenette thinks to herself rolling her eyes at the girl standing before the class.

"Yes, I now suffer from Tinnitus, a constant ringing in my left ear ever since I went to the Kingdom of Achoo and saved a kitten from being run over by an airplane. It's sound sadly burst my eardrums." Lila wails.

To say you were confused was an understatement. You eye her suspiciously as the brunette strolls over to the green eyed boy, sitting by himself.

"The best part is now that I'm back you can help me with my studying Adrien, since you're such an amazing student!" Lila forces herself on him, clutching his arm tightly. Adrien leans as far back as he can to get away but she only smirks in return. Your eyes burn with jealousy, but you hold in the urge to rip her off him.

Marinette huffs at the sight, gritting her teeth furiously.

"It's okay, Mari. Now you and I can have some one on one time," She smiles at you gratefully and pulls you along to the back before Adrien jumps up, eager to get out of the brunette's grasp.

What a dork.

"My eyesight and hearing are good. I can sit at the back, Marinette if you want, that way you and Lila can sit up front. I don't mind" He smiles at you softly before glancing at the two girls glaring at each other.

He's too nice. Wait, he wants to sit next to me?

"No!" Marinette and Lila both shout, disgusted at the idea. You were pretty sure you jumped at least 6 feet into the air.


Your raven haired friend sheepishly smiles at you while you glare at her playfully.

"My return is causing too much trouble on top of my Tinnitus, maybe I should have stayed on the other side of the world. If Marinette has an issue then I should be the one to sit at the back," Lila slowly pries herself from the desk as the class 'awws' in sadness.

Marinette looks back and forth from Lila to the class before sighing."I don't have any trouble. I just didn't want Adrien to sit at the back because of me, besides I'm sitting next to Y/nn and who can pass that opportunity." The bluenette cheekily grins at her classmates (including you) laughing.


"Look at that, now she's going to be the one to name the hamster" Marinette bangs her head on the desk wailing as she watches Lila interact with the love of her life.

"Chill Mari. Besides, do you think Miss 'I know a bunch of famous people but can't seem to remember them' would stand a chance with Adrien, I mean look at him. He's a celebrity himself." You reassure your friend, patting her back. It seemed to do the trick.

She chuckles. "Yeah, you're right. I'm overreacting"

Out of the corner of your eye you spot (A/n: haha get it) a black and purple butterfly fluttering away.

Huh, Is that an akuma? Wow, they look weird. Someone might get akumatized, Lila isn't exactly the sweetest.


"I'm sorry I can't carry my own tray. It's almost impossible with this sprained wrist." Lila says to the group of students before her, who all shaked their heads in a 'don't worry about it' manner.

What the heck, sprained wrist? What next, Oh my god, I broke my skull. I can't use my brain. Can you help me? You're kidding me right?

You glare at her from across the cafeteria, Marinette following suit. You didn't understand how the class believed her totally wacky stories, especially Alya who was a reporter, for god's sake.

"Lila's totally lying. She made up that whole Tinnitus story just so she could sit next to Adrien and the sprained wrist is completely bogus too." Marinette says, anger evident in her bluebell eyes.

"I don't get it, Marinette, you barely know Lila. Why all the hate!" Alya exclaims.

"I mean she does have a point. Hearing issue, pretty random if you ask me if she was sitting next to me just last week." You state, taking a bite of the cheese sandwich on your food tray.

"Come on guys, you can't be serious." Alya fiddles with her apple unsure of who to believe. She wanted to trust you two but with the knowledge that Marinette hated Lila and the possible jealousy led her astray.

"You remember Lila when she first came to school right after the summer break. She was only here for one day and went on that around the world trip. Well, something felt off to me so I followed her," The bluenette beside you huffs.

Alya and Nino sat with jaws dropped but you had a proud smirk on your face.

"Whoo, that's my girl. You're going down, Lie-la" You high five Marinette and she giggles at your enthusiasm. Tikki pokes her head from your jean pocket at the commotion and chuckles quietly, before hinting to the leftover cookie on your tray. You smile and drop it in your pocket.

"You eavesdropped on Lila and Adrien. That's not cool!" Nino scolded.

Adrien was there?

"A good reporter always verifies her sources. Can you prove she doesn't know Ladybug?" Alya says after what felt like forever.

Marinette stutters, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, so you take the lead.

Operation bad cop is a go.

"Okay, you want proof she's lying, watch this." You whisper at them before continuing in a much louder tone for everyone to hear. "Hey Lila, you forgot your napkin!" Throwing the napkin across the cafeteria, it lands in her grasp and the class is left dumbfounded.

"Haha, see that it's obvious she doesn't have a sprained wrist!" Marinette grins.

"Oww, once when I was in India I witnessed someone get their eye gouged out by a corner of a napkin. If I hadn't caught it, it could have injured Max. I didn't have a choice, owwww." Lila whimpers, clutching her hand in 'pain'.

"Lila, you sacrificed yourself for me!" Max exclaims, pushing his glasses up from slipping down his nose.

Max, aren't you supposed to be a child prodigy? I mean a napkin gouging out someone's eye. Yeah right, we're talking about a harmless piece of cloth, not a freaking knife.

"Please, cut the crap Lila, there was a good two seconds when you acted completely normal when catching the napkin despite your 'sprained wrist'." You purposely emphasise 'sprained wrist', air quoting it. She glares at you but it's gone as soon as it appears.

The class gives you disapproving looks of hatred and disappointment as you and Marinette leave the scene.

"Don't worry, Mari! I believe you. I'm not buying that sweet act for a damn second."

The blue-eyed girl smiles at you. "I'm glad I met you Y/n,"

"Me too Mari, but can we stop by the bathroom? I need to take a pee." You say to her, dancing around a bit.

"Wow Y/n, you just ruined the moment!" Marinette says laughing uncontrollably.

"Hey! When you gotta go, you gotta go," You race into the restroom with your clumsy friend following after you.


Just as you were about to unlock the stall you hear the door open and another voice echoes across the bathroom walls.


"Marinette, are you crying?" The girl doesn't reply so Lila continues. "I can sense you don't like me but I don't understand why, we barely know each other. Don't tell me it's about this new setting arrangement in class."

"What! I love sitting next to Y/n. I just don't want you to be sitting next to ...." She trails off, staring at the floor.

"Of course, you're jealous that I'm sitting next to Adrien because you would've given anything to sit there yourself," Lila remarks, jealousy evident in her green eyes. "There's no point in fighting over him. We can be friends!"

Why am I jealous? I've known him for a week and probably said a total of 11 sentences to his face. Just because he's easy to talk to or the fact we bonded in the rain doesn't make him ours. Plus he's Mari's man.


They would be cute together, I guess.

Something in Marinette snaps. You swear you could hear the growl of her voice getting louder the second. "I'll only be friends with you the day you stop lying Lila. I can't prove it but I know for a fact you don't have Tinnitus, that your wrist is just fine, you don't know prince Ali because you've never set foot in Achoo and despite what you got Alya to write on her Ladyblog, Ladybug has never saved your life!"

Lila is flabbergasted but quickly recovers."I only tell people what they want to hear."

It's called lying bitc-

"There's nothing you can do about it anyway. People can't resist when they hear what they like to hear. If you don't want to be my friend, fine. But soon you won't have any friends at all, and trust me I'll make sure of it"

There's a thud and you're pretty sure Lila pushed Marinette against the wall. As much as you wanted to strangle her right then and there you couldn't risk getting caught and causing more drama.

"And I'll make sure you never get close to Adrien anywhere. You seem less dumb than the others so I'll give you one more chance. You're either with me or against me. You don't have to answer right away, there's until the end of class today," The brunette huffs and walks away, slamming the door behind her. You assumed she did a hair flip before trudging off.

You open the door and rush to the bluenette on the bathroom floor, her eye sockets digging into her knees. "Hey, you okay?"

"No, she's going to take everyone away from me! And I thought Chloe was evil, she's like a supervillain who doesn't even need a costume." Marinette's sadness was left with nothing but anger. Her eyes were red and burning with rage.

"If we don't expose her lies, she's going to ruin both our lives Y/n! She'll turn our friends against us, including Adrien!" She punches the wall behind her, her knuckles a ghostly white.

You see an akuma fly towards her and your heart drops dead.

"Mari, hey. Marinette. Calm down okay. I know this is bad, like really bad but we have to stay strong. We're in this together, always will. We will find a way to expose her but it will take time."

You eye the butterfly still in the room. "I need you to stay positive okay, nothing can be fixed by anger. Remember I'm here for you," The butterfly leaves and you sigh a breath of relief that you didn't know you were holding.

"Thanks, Y/n. I'm here for you too." Marinette smiles fondly. "I always thought you were good with words," She smirks, her demeanour doing a double turn.

"It comes from my sassy mom, you can thank her," You reply back grinning.

"Yes please!" Marinette chuckles and you laugh in response before realising that the akuma was out loose.

You blurt out. "Oh, hey Mari, you go ahead, my mom's calling me."

"Really but I didn't hear the ringer," Marinette says confused.

"Yeah umm my phone, you see it's on silent and it's one of those phones that you can't hear anything out of it." You tell her hoping she'd buy your lame excuse.

You can't hear anything out of it. Really???

"Ok then? I'll see you, next class," You could tell she didn't buy it but you sprint back to the bathrooms anyways.


You were currently in the girl's bathroom trying to calm yourself down.

"Umm I don't know about this, I mean I'm new and I've heard the yoyo thing is hard to master and maybe I should practice with a real yoyo before a magic one cause- " Tikki gives you a look and that makes you shut up almost instantly.

"Relax, you got this, I believe in you Y/nn!" The bug kwami smiles at you encouragingly and it seems to do the job of calming you down.

"Ok, so I say Tikki spots on? Wooow"

You feel the wind rush through your veins and you do some sort of routine that you definitely didn't practice before.

Why the heck is my body moving for me? Why is that your first thought? I don't know I'm you! FOCUS.

You looked down to your hands and you were sure your jaw touched the ground. Your jeans and hoodie (whatever you were wearing) were covered with red spandex, black polka dots decorating the surface. Black material ran up your forearms and ankles and a mask was plastered on your face, highlighting your eyes. Your hair was nicely styled, your fly-aways tucked behind your ears. (A/n: You can imagine it however you like because I am not a hairdresser lol)

"Wowwwwww look at me! I'm so fancy, but this definitely gives another meaning to skin-tight"


Stupid yoyo work!

Okay so it took you a bit longer than expected to get onto the ledge without yelping and crashing into a wall (minus the time you took giving yourself a pep talk) but you eventually landed on the roof just in time to spot the villain, who looked awfully like a certain blonde-haired boy, but you couldn't be sure since the guy was wearing a cap.

Praying that you don't fall to your doom, you jump, screaming after you feel your feet leave the earth. You chase after the guy, flipping over buildings and apartments like it was nothing until he looks back and you lose your balance.

Adrien!? It can't be.

He cackles and jumps onto the Eiffel Tower, not before popping a few balloons that had the previous Ladybug's face plastered on it. You land at the bottom, dread overcoming your features as you watch him near the edge, wobbling slightly.

"Adrien! Stop, please we can fix this!" You yell up at him, hoping he will reconsider. Your heartbeat escalates by the second that passes, and your eyes start to feel drowsy, willing to be closed, but you force yourself to keep them open.

'Adrien' stops and turns around, his eyes widening at the fact that he saw you instead of the blue-eyed pigtailed girl Paris was accustomed to. An outline of a butterfly/moth thing appeared on his face, emitting a lilac glow.

That's how Hawkmoth communicates with his villains? Wow, not too bad, Hawky.

Hawkmoth's eyebrows were furrowed deep in thought before an idea popped into his head, an evil smirk playing at his lips

"Well, that certainly is not the Ladybug we know. It seems like there's a new bug in town. Take her miraculous, she's not comfortable with her new powers yet!"

"Yes, Hawkmoth," 'Adrien' replies back with a devilish smirk, before jumping off the Eiffel Tower. Your heart falls, your mind repeating 'save him' over and over and over again.

Pushing your legs, you skid underneath the blonde, catching him from falling flat on his face.

"My princess charming, you saved my life!" 'Adrien' leans in for a smooch but you harshly shove him off you, glaring at the boy or whoever it was.

"You are definitely not Adrien." You utter at the villain, eyes tracing their attire which looked just like the green-eyed classmate of yours.

"You're right, I'm Chameleon. Your smart new bug makes the fight all the more interesting."

Propelling your yoyo in a circular motion you block the incoming attacks aimed at your head, reaching for the red cap. You tear it in half, expecting a weird purple and black butterfly-like earlier to fly out but you're instead left with a ripped cap.


You look up to see that Chameleon had vanished.

Shoot! You know I can't tell if it's cool or slightly disturbing that they're able to shapeshift into someone else.


After what felt like hours but was probably a few minutes you land in a crowded park.

Gosh, Chameleon could be disguising themself as someone and I wouldn't know who. WHY IS THIS SO HARD???

Your internal crying was cut off by a little boy proclaiming that he knew where the said supervillain disappeared off to. You thank him, gesturing for him to get somewhere safe before rushing to the area.

"Chameleon! Show yourself! I won't hesitate to tie you up with this thing," You look down to the tangled yoyo wrapping around your arm. "If I knew how." You mumble quietly.

"My Quentin, you found him, Ladybug!" A voice calls out, distracting you just enough for the little boy from earlier to jump right at your face.


You wince, closing your eyes quickly to brace yourself, only to be pushed away by a black blur. You steady your breathing and prop yourself up, stopping at the squishiness beneath you. Looking down you see your limbs tangled with someone else's and your hand on their chest.

A feeling of warmth rushes through your body, your insides overflowing with butterflies. You glance at their face, their eyes closed, and you feel your face burn at the fact that your soon to be crime-fighting partner was lying underneath you.

Cat Noir.

"My Lady, thank god you're alright! You didn't come to patrol last night, I was worried," He mumbles gently, testing the waters, not sure if he could handle Ladybug's broken face when Sandboy attacked, again. He opens his eyes slowly, and they immediately trace your face before widening in shock and then in anger.

Oh Sh*t


Guys I am so sorry this is late. I was planning to post this a few days after the 2nd chapter but then time got away from me. Unfortunately the next chapter might also be posted way later in the future just because I have school and stuff. But Cat's honour, I promise to work on this book in my free time for you guys. xx

Anyways, Thank you so much for checking out this book, even reading this. It means the world to me that someone out there smiled because of it.

Until next time.




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