Stuck in Heaven

Bởi ashowstoppingstarkid

617 67 108

It's a rewrite! Because the other one was written... a long time ago. I have grown. Canon has grown. Megs Mc... Xem Thêm

Chapter One: Only In Fanfiction...
Chapter Two: For the Love of God Don't Shoot!
Chapter Three: Which Witch?
Highschool's Not a Musical
Chapter Five: You're Either IN Or You're OUT
Chapter Six: Bumpy Roads
Chapter Seven: The Witching Hour
Chapter Eight: First Dates
Chapter 10: Coming Together
Chapter Eleven: Doomsday Survivalists
Chapter Twelve: Overture
Chapter Thirteen: Cutting the Exposition
Chapter Fourteen: The Plot Thickens
Chapter Fifteen: Top of Act Two
Chapter Sixteen: Climax #1
Chapter 17: Not a PEIP

Chapter Nine: Family Matters

31 4 7
Bởi ashowstoppingstarkid

"And that's when Dad bought Bella here- he named the car." Ethan sighed, pulling into the driveway of their garage/ house. Megs had kind of forgotten they were one and the same.

Megs had just sat through roughly twenty minutes of car restoration stories. Were cars their thing? No. Were they particularly interested in the stories? No. Were they kind of just smiling and nodding? Mostly. It was sweet how passionate it was though. They understood more about what he was saying than most people would, but they still only got about 75 percent of it. But hey, they were going to have a lot of interests Ethan didn't understand. So they listened, and they tried to relate. Tried being the keyword. 

"He sounds like he uses my system for naming things." Megs chuckled. 

"Whaddya mean?" Ethan blinked. 

"Well, when I was younger... every time I needed to name something, I named it something similar to its source word. So like I named the Giraffe at the zoo Raffi." Megs explained. "Your dad named his Bel-Air Bella."

"Huh. I never even thought of that." Ethan blinked. He parked the car, sighing. "You ready for this?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Megs shrugged. 

"You'll be fine." Ethan assured them. He got out of the car, opening the door for Megs again. 

"God, do you think I'm feeble, Green?" Megs teased, getting out.

"Never." Ethan smirked. He carefully, almost hesitantly, took their hand gently. "This ok?"

"This is just fine." Megs assured him. He led them up to the door, opening it and leading them in. 

"Dad?" Ethan called out. He let go of Megs' hand for a moment and wandered around the house. He sighed, returning to Megs and taking their hand again, this time much less hesitantly. "He's probably in the garage."

"Lead the way." Megs smiled. 

"Oh, it's just through here." Ethan chuckled softly. He led them through a door literally just in front of them. 

They were met by a visibly frustrated Tony Green leaning on the hood of a Civic, seemingly staring it down. Megs actually recognized the stance- and they definitely recognized the glare. They gave it to their piano a lot. It had a clear meaning: Whys isn't this working? It also could be accompanied by an earth-shaking scream, because that's what Megs always wanted to do when that look crossed their face. They were ready to explode when they looked like that... and they imagined Tony was too. Yeah, they were definitely going to leave him for Ethan to handle. If they interfered at this point they were practically asking for an argument, and that wasn't the first impression they wanted to give. Tony's head turned towards Ethan, sighing. 

"Ethan... where ya been?" He asked. 

"On a date..." Ethan bit his lip. "I, uh... I'd like you to meet my partner, Megs."

"Hey." Tony raised a quick hand, distractedly, going back to looking at the car.

"What's goin' on?" Ethan asked, figuring out that this wasn't the time for a formal introduction. 

"Customer's tellin' me 'bout a ratlling sound in the front of the car." Tony grumbled. "They're right, I'm hearin' it, but I checked everywhere I can think of and I can't find nothin' wrong!"

"You checked inside the IP?" Megs suggested. "If one of the clips isn't set properly, it'll fall off and make a rattling sound inside the car. Those things are surprisingly hollow."

"Didn't even think of that." Tony blinked, looking at them. "You know cars?"

"Worked on the line making them." Megs smirked softly. "Actually, I've made somewhere near 2000 IPs for Civics in my time."

"No kiddin'!" Tony smirked back. "You know where the best point would be to pry it out?"

"Well, you're gonna want to remove the covering on the A-pillar for better access since that's put on after the IP is installed. Once you're down to the framework, it shouldn't be too hard to take it out." Megs considered. 

"Wanna help?" Tony offered. 

"I'd be glad to." Megs smiled softly, walking over to the car. "By the way, you're gonna need a torque head for a size 10."

"Damn, 10? I thought they were using 12s on these things!" Tony whistled. 

"Nah, that's too hefty I guess." Megs shrugged. They took a screwdriver, masterfully unsettling the clips on the A-Pillar cover to reveal the frame. They readied their torque wrench and continued working. "I always thought it was 12 too until they sent me to repair."

"You worked repair?" Ethan smirked. "Didn't mention that."

"Well, it's actually a part of the other zones and processes." Megs told him. "You learn how to do the repairs for your zone."

"Huh." Ethan considered. 

"You make some damn good money doing it too. Most of the time you get to work Sunday so you're making double pay." Megs hummed. 

"Thank god you're not one of those useless line workers." Tony sighed, watching them work. 

"Hey, none of us are useless." Megs warned. "Even if we don't actually know much about cars, we're breaking our backs out there making them."

"Sorry." Tony sighed. "What I mean is... one of those people on the line who don't know anything 'cept what they're puttin' on the car."

"Yeah, I know." Megs assured him. "I just... it bugs me when people discredit our work like that, y'know? Like we don't know anything or do anything. I had to get a lot of chiropractic therapy because of the damage it did to my back. And my wrist still hasn't recovered fully from when I hyperextended it and displaced my floating bones."

"Damn..." Tony winced. "Didn't even think 'bout the fact that you could get hurt out there."

"Oh, we do. A lot." Megs sighed, before carefully sliding the IP out and taking a look inside. They found the clip that had fallen out and quickly set it back in place. 

"That's it?" Ethan blinked. 

"You'd be surprised how much of a racket that can make." Megs chuckled, starting to put everything back together.

"What else did you work on?" Tony asked. 

"I worked quality before getting a real on-the-line job, and then I worked IP, front end module, wiring, and engine." Megs listed off. 

"What'd you do in quality?" Tony blinked. 

"Oh, tons of stuff. Underbody checks, wiring checks, CSD..." Megs shrugged. "I can do a decent paint repair if you ever need it."

"Ethan, where the fuck did you find her?" Tony smirked. 

"Them." Ethan corrected. "They're new to the school."

"Oh, sorry." Tony apologized again to Megs. "So what do I call you?"

"Well, my name is Megs. I'm nonbinary." Megs explained. They didn't want to confuse him with the whole no-label thing. "And I use they/them pronouns. Like Ziggy."

"Good kid..." Tony hummed in approval at the mention of Ziggs. "And what'd Ethan call you?"

"His partner." Megs clarified. 

"Like 'girlfriend' or 'boyfriend' without the 'girl' or 'boy'." Ethan nodded. 

"Oh shit, you're dating." Tony's grin started to widen. 

"That's literally the first fuckin' thing I told you when I came in here." Ethan rolled his eyes.

"Eh, I was distracted." Tony shrugged. ""Is there like... a nonbinaryfriend or somethin' you also use? In case I blank on the partner thing." 

"You can call me that." Megs chuckled. "Enbyfriend also works. It's like N-B for Non Binary."

"Good to know." Tony smirked softly. "You chose good on this one, son. Not like that last tramp you brought-"

"Dad!" Ethan flushed red. "Don't call Cici a tramp!"

"Why'd you break up with her?" Tony quirked a brow, evidently proving a point. 

"'Cause I found her in the bathroom neckin' with Johnny." Ethan grumbled, looking to the ground. 

"'N what'd we find out last week?" Tony continued. 

"Don't slut-shame Cici. It ain't right to do that to no one." Ethan sighed. 

"You get what I'm sayin'?" Tony sighed. 

"Yeah..." Ethan blushed. 

"This one ain't like that." Tony hummed, seeming to prove his point. "She- They're good. That Cici was always such a bitch to me."

"We get it, you didn't like Cici!" Ethan groaned. "We don't gotta be comparin' my partners, ok? It's not fair to Megs that you're settin' standards and shit."

"Fine." Tony sighed. Megs finished up setting the A-Pillar cover again. "I'm gonna take the car for a spin to make sure she's not rattling... you wanna order a pizza for dinner?"

"Didn't Vinny bring you over a lasagna?" Ethan pointed out. 

"You didn't toss that in the trash?" Tony blinked. 

"No! Famiglia is famiglia, remember?" Ethan scoffed. 

"Not when their cooking is shit!" Tony rolled his eyes. "Jesus, kid, there are exceptions to the rule!"

"Vinny's not that bad." Ethan winced. 

"The lasagna is black." Tony sighed. 

"Yeah..." Ethan admitted. 

"Ordr a pizza." Tony chuckled. "Actually, order two. And get some wings to go with it. It's Friday night."

"Fine." Ethan relented, smirking and walking back into the house. 

"Megs, you gonna stay?" Tony offered. 

"I, uh..." Megs blinked, not having expected that. "Y'know what? Sure. Let me just text my dad and let him know."

"Who is your dad?" Tony asked as Megs took their phone out. 

"Henry Hidgens." Megs muttered as they started texting. "I've been living with my mom for a while now, though. I just moved here because... I couldn't be with mom anymore."

"I gotcha." Tony winced sympathetically. "Sorry about her..."

"Uh... thanks?" Megs bit their lip, sending the text. "I still don't know what I'm supposed to say to that."

"Neither does Ethan." Tony chuckled sadly. "I don't think there is anything you can say to that."

"Anyways..." Megs sighed. "Uh... thanks for inviting me to have dinner with you."

"Hey, you're part of the family now." Tony shrugged. "This is what we do. Plus, you probably saved my ass with that car."

"Alright, order's in." Ethan sighed. "While you're test drivin' the car... maybe Megs and I can take a drive and pick  up the pizza?"

"Yeah, go for it." Tony smirked. "I was gonna drive the Civic for a bit anyways, gett a feel for her."

"Great!" Ethan almost seemed to cheer. 

"You be careful with Bella." Tony warned. "I don't wanna have to repair another scratch on her."

"She'll be fine, dad." Ethan rolled his eyes playfully, opening the garage door.

"You two have fun! I'll meet you back here for dinner in a little bit." Tony winked, climbing into the Civic and driving away. 

"Told ya he'd like you." Ethan smirked wickedly. 

"He's a great guy." Megs chuckled softly. 

"Uh, just so ya know... we're goin' to my family pizza place. I mean, it's not me and my Dad's, but... my Zia and Zio- Sorry, Aunt Andrea and Uncle Lorenzo run it."

"Your family is really into their Italian heritage, aren't they?" Megs realized. 

"Yeah." Ethan chuckled softly. "Uh... my Mom wasn't Italian, otherwise I'd be Giuseppe after my great grandfather. I'm lucky I got out of that."

"I'm sorry about her, by the way." Megs sighed sympathetically. "What happened? If you don't mind telling me."

"She, uh... she didn't die on her own terms." Ethan muttered. "She wasn't sick either."

"Oh god." Megs winced. 

"They never caught who did it." Ethan mumbled. "It's hard, y'know?"

"I can't imagine." Megs hummed, shaking their head. They hesitated, before pulling him into a gentle hug. 

"Sorry, I totally killed the mood." Ethan sighed. 

"No, I asked." Megs assured him. 

"Let's uh... just go get the pizza." Ethan pulled away, walking out to his car. "My aunts are going to be all over you, so... brace yourself."

"Are they excitable or protective?" Megs checked. 

"Both but mostly excitable." Ethan chuckled softly, climbing into the car. "They've literally driven partners away before."

"Well, my family is pretty crazy, so... I think I can handle them." Megs rolled their eyes playfully, climbing in beside him. 

"See half of why I didn't wanna go is because cousin Vinny works at the pizza joint." Ethan sighed, starting the car. "And if I roll up there... he ain't gonna take it well! He's fuckin' dramatic!"

"Oh no." Megs winced. 

"Dad's right... he can't cook. Which is why he works the cash." Ethan grumbled. "We gotta see him."

"Blame it on your dad." Megs tried. 

"Oh, for sure." Ethan hummed. "He'll still bitch, though, and I don't wanna go through that."

"Sorry." Megs sighed. 

"Nah, it's not your fault." Ethan shook his head. "So, uh... I know you don't wanna talk about your parents... are your family the same way?"

"Nah, they're mostly fine." Megs smirked softly. "One side was mostly Newfoundlander, so.... I know what you mean about excitable families."

"What's a Newfoundlander again?" Ethan checked. 

"People who come from the province of Newfoundland. They're fishermen, and a really tight-knit community. Funny people." Megs told him. 

"Gotcha." Ethan chuckled. 

"That side of the family had a lot of colourful people. I was one of two girl cousins growing up, so I got spoiled. I'm surprisingly not the only gay on that side!" Megs continued. "The other side was also very chill. I was the youngest by nearly a decade. All my cousins drank wine like water. Good times."

"Oh, my family drinks a lot of wine too." Ethan assured them. "Dad'll probably even pop it out tonight if you want any. Vino is... a big part of the Italian culture."

"I know. I actually was studying some Italian before I came here." Megs chuckled. "Non molto, ma abbastanza per sostenere una conversazione."

"What?" Ethan blinked. "Parla solo poco italiano"

"Sorry." Megs chuckled. "I know enough to carry a conversation."

"You know more than me..." Ethan snickered. "My aunts are gonna love you."

"Are they, like... first generation?" Megs blinked. 

"Second, like my dad. But they speak lots of the language. Dad prefers English." Ethan told them. He seemed to blink in realization. "Oh god... Nonna might be there tonight."

"Oh?" Megs quirked a curious brow. 

"On one hand, I'm not gonna have to worry about Vinny." Ethan considered. "He won't bitch with Nona around. On the other hand... I'm gonna be presenting you to Nona."

"Are you... ok with that?" Megs checked. "I can wait in the car."

"Nah, I think she'll like you. I just gotta explain to her a few things, and... it may take her a little longer to get them." Ethan warned.

"Understandable." Megs nodded. "Is she... religious?"

"Deeply, but cousin Alessandro is gay and she's totally cool with that so... she's not that kind of religious." Ethan hummed. "She's more upset that his current boyfriend is French than anything."

"She gonna have anything against me being Irish?" Megs checked.

"How many generations back?" Ethan blinked. 

"Four or five." Megs shrugged. 

"You're fine, you're American." Ethan rolled his eyes playfully, pulling up into the parking lot of an old Pizzeria. He sighed. "Here it is... they really gotta renovate the place."

"It's... definitely seen a lot of love." Megs agreed. 

"Best fuckin' pizza you'll ever eat, though." Ethan whistled. He got out of the car, once again opening the door for Megs. "Listen, before you say anything snarky, my aunts are watching and I would be dead if I wasn't a gentleman."

"Fine." Megs smirked softly. 

Ethan gently led them into the pizzeria, taking their hand in his gently. He bit his lip, approaching the counter. Megs could feel all the eyes on them. They hadn't failed to notice how the joint had gone from lively to absolutely silent when they'd walked it. It was one of those moments you read in books or see in movies, but never actually see in real life. Megs could feel Ethan's entire family examining them, inch by inch. It wasn't as uncomfortable as they had thought it would be, though. It wasn't judgement, per se, but observation they were going through. Ethan seemed to completely ignore it, walking up to the counter. 

"'ey, Vinny, you got my order ready?" Ethan sighed, reaching into his pocket. 

"What happened to the lasagna Mama made?" Vinny raised an unimpressed brow, grabbing the order.

"It was burnt. Dad wouldn't eat it." Ethan shrugged. 

"Yeah, that's why I gave it to you." Vinny scoffed. "Though ya'd be more grateful."

"We're broke, not dogs." Ethan rolled his eyes.

"Ethan, who's the belleza you've brought with you?" A woman asked from in the corner. 

"Uh... this is Megs." Ethan blushed, squeezing Megs' hand. "They are my partner."

"Non-binario?" Another man checked. 

"Yep." Ethan nodded, popping the 'p'. The entire room's faces seemed to light up. 

"Nona, Ethan's got a compagnu!" A cheery woman called back into the kitchen. 

"You guys are working Nona? What is she, 85?" Ethan scoffed disapprovingly. A woman pulled Megs into her arms, looking them over.

"Oh, Ethan, they're gorgeous!" The woman beamed. "You are a very lucky boy!"

"Don't they speak?" A man teased. 

"Uh... si. Ciao a tutti." Megs smiled nervously. 

"Ey, parlano Italiano (Hey, they speak Italian)!" A man cheered, the rest of the room cheered along with him. 

"Ho dovuto impararlo. (I had to learn it)." Megs calmed down slightly. "Canto molte canzoni d'opera e tu sai quanto la lingua italiana ne sia parte integrante. (I sing a lot of opera, and you know how integral the Italian language is to that.)"

"Si!" The woman who had been holding Megs chuckled. "Ethan, aren't you going to introduce us?"

"Uh, yeah. Um... Megs, that's Auntie Andrea, and you were talking to Lorenzo... In the corner you've got Maria, Susanna, and Isabella, my Uncle Mattia and Auntie Emilia's daughters. They're both in the kitchen..." Ethan started. "Guys, this is gonna get complicated."

"Cucciolo?" An elderly woman walked slowly out of the kitchen, lead by a taller, burly man. 

"Nonna..." Ethan chuckled nervously. 

"Are my ears deceiving me, or have you gotten yourself a fidanzata?" The woman beamed, looking over Megs. She took their hand.

"Compagnu." Ethan corrected. 

"Ethan, tessoro, you're pronouncing it wrong." Nonna giggled. 

"No I'm not, Nonna." Ethan sighed. "The 'u' ending is... kinda a recent addition to the language?"

"For gender-neutral terms, Mama." Lorenzo explained. 

"Why are you referring to her in gender-neutral terms?" Nonna asked, confused. 

"Because, Nonna, they are non-binary. It means they don't got a gender. It's like being trans." Ethan explained. 

"Oh." Nonna considered. "I have never heard of non-binary. So they like to be referred to with gender-neutral terms?"

"Si, Mama." Andrea nodded. 

"It's becoming a lot more common, Nonna." Vinny added. "Even I sometimes use gender-neutral pronouns."

"Scusa, caro." Nonna smiled softly at Megs. "I did not mean to offend."

"Senza offesa, Nonna (No offense taken, Nonna)." Megs smiled back, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "Mi chiamo Megs. Ciao! (My name is Megs. Hello!)"

"Parlano Italiano!" Nonna gasped, beaming. She pulled Megs into a tight embrace. "Ethan si è trovato un buon compagnu italiano (Has Ethan found himself a good Italian partner)?"

"No, Nonna. Sto soltanto imparando la lingua da un po'. (No, Nonna. I've just been learning the language for a while)." Megs told her gently. "Sono un cantante d'opera (I'm an opera singer)."

"Bene!" Nonna grinned, pulling away. "Oh, look at you! Ethan, look at them!"

"I done a lot of lookin' at them, Nonna." Ethan chuckled. 

"You had better not mess this up, cucciolo." Nonna told him sternly. "You have got yourself a beautiful, good-hearted partner, I can already tell. You could do with someone like that in your life."

"I know, Nonna." Ethan sighed. "Believe me, I know how far out of my league they are."

"Good." Nonna sighed, giving him a little pat on the arm. "Ey, Vinny, did you get the poor boy his order?"

"No, Nonna. I'll get it now." Vinny sighed. He pulled out two boxed of pizza with three smaller boxes on top and a large bottle of coke. 

"What's your favourite drink, tessoro?" Nonna asked Megs. 

"I like Sprite." Megs bit their lip. "But you don't have to-"

"Shush! You are famiglia now! We provide for each other." Nonna smirked softly. "Vinny, get them a Sprite to go with it."

"Nonna, I didn't order all of that..." Ethan blinked. 

"What did I just say to Megs." Nonna tutted. Vinny passed everything to Ethan. "Now go. Enjoy your night."

"Nonna, I haven't paid." Ethan chuckled., reaching for his pocket again. 

"You're not paying!" Nonna scoffed. "Tonight we celebrate for you! On the house! Now go!"

"Nonna, Andrea and Lorenzo are going to go out of business they keep giving me food." Ethan protested. 

"We will not!" Andrea rolled her eyes. "We're the best pie joint in town, and people know it. Now go on before Mama kicks your ass to the curb herself!"

"Fine!" Ethan relented, carrying the food. Megs followed. "Grazie, Nonna! Grazie, Zia!"

"Ciao!" Nonna chuckled, watching them go. 

"Your family is so sweet!" Megs gushed,  climbing into the front seat. 

"Oh, they really like you." Ethan chuckled. "I mean, damn, you worked them..."

"I really didn't... I was just open to getting to know them. I tried to find common ground." Megs rolled their eyes playfully. 

"I've never seen Nonna fall in love with someone so quickly." Ethan admitted, starting the car up. "She's usually decent to my partners, but she always pulls me aside after to tell me to be careful."

"Well I'm honoured that I've earned her trust." Megs blushed softly. 

"You're sure it wasn't too soon to-" Ethan checked. 

"Ethan, no." Megs assured him. "I loved meeting your family. Even if things don't work out between us... I'm really glad you trusted me to meet them."

"Ok." Ethan sighed, smiling softly. "Y'know, I wish they'd let me pay."

"That's the way family is sometimes." Megs shrugged. "My aunt once almost gave us a cat, neutering and everything included, and offered free vet care for it- she was a vet, if you couldn't figure that out. My mom only said no because we had a trailer in a park where you weren't allowed pets."

"Damn." Ethan whistled. 

"We had it named and everything." Megs chuckled. "I'd named him Hobbes. After the tiger in Calvin and Hobbes."

"Aw." Ethan cooed. "I'm more of a dog guy."

"So am I, but this guy played fetch." Megs chuckled. 

"I love it." Ethan chuckled. "Tell ya what: if we're still a thing in like... four months, let's get a dog together."

"We don't even live together." Megs pointed out. 

"It'll live with you, and we can raise it together." Ethan shrugged. "Dad's not a fan of animals."

"What are we gonna name it?" Megs smirked. It wasn't the most plausible plan, but hey, they could dream. Just for fun.

"Well we gotta meet it to know that!" Ethan scoffed. 

"I got a better plan, E." Megs got an idea. "Because we don't know where life's gonna take us... and we both clearly like dogs."

"I'm listening." Ethan smirked. 

"Why don't we get a dog for me, and you can visit it every day?" Megs suggested. "Like... say tomorrow?"

"Do I get to help name it?" Ethan checked. 

"Of course!" Megs chuckled. 

"And are we calling me it's dad?" Ethan contained his excitement. 

"For now, yeah." Megs rolled their eyes playfully.

"Great!" Ethan grinned. "I'm in!"

"I start work at two tomorrow, so... how about eleven we go to the shelter?" Megs planned. 

"Ok!" Ethan nodded. "I'm so down!"

"Alright." Meg smiled softly as they pulled into the driveway. 

"What... what are you planning on after high school?" Ethan asked carefully. 

"College for Musical Theatre." Megs told him. "You planning on starting right in your dad's garage?"

"That or findin' another one to work in." Ethan sighed. "Where you plannin' on goin'?"

"Well... I've heard U Hatchetfield actually has a decent program." Megs considered. "Either that, UCLA, or UMichigan are my plans right now."

"I... I mean, if we're still together by that point, I kinda wanna go with you." Ethan bit his lip. "That weird?"

"What, wanting to be close to your partner? Nah. That's not weird at all." Megs assured him gently. "These are things we should discuss a bit further into our relationship, though. I'm glad that you're so eager. I'm... really happy with this too so far. But we have to figure out exactly what we are together, our dynamic... I think we'll last, Ethan. I'm not afraid to admit that. But we have to do some growing with each other first before we get too carried away."

"I'm with you." Ethan agreed. He climbed out of the car, picking up the food. "Sorry if I-"

"No, Ethan... you have to understand, establishing boundaries is a part of that growing." Megs smiled soothingly, also getting out. "It's really healthy for us. It's not that you did something wrong. I'd just prefer to think about that later. Establishing an understanding between the two of us is really important."

"Alright." Ethan sighed in relief, before walking into the house. "Dad, I got the pizza?"

"How much do I owe you?" Tony sighed from inside the living room, where he was already lounging with a glass of wine and watching some sport on TV. 

"Nothin. Nonna wouldn't let me pay." Ethan chuckled. 

"Oh yeah? How was Mama?" Tony smirked softly. "You didn't take your new partner in, did you?"

"'Course I did." Ethan scoffed. 

"You put them into the shark tank?" Tony scoffed in return. 

"You kiddin'? They fuckin' loved them!" Ethan snickered. "Nonna gave me the speech this time around."

"No way!" Tony laughed. He smirked at Megs. "How'd ya win her over?"

"I was nice... e parlavo italiano" Megs smirked back. 

"Oh, that'd get 'er." Tony rolled his eyes playfully. "Where'd ya learn to do that?"

"I studied opera." Mega chuckled. 

"No shit!" Tony chuckled. "Oh, Mama would love you. Ethan, set the table."

"Living room?" Ethan checked. 

"Where the fuck else?" Tony scoffed playfully. 

"Well we got a guest..." Ethan pointed out. 

"I'm fine with sitting wherever." Megs told him. "My family sits on the floor all the time for pizza night. That way you can watch TV or movies while you eat."

"Exactly!" Tony chuckled. "God, Ethan, I don't know what you did right to get this one, but... good on ya!"

"Mr. Green, I don't think you give your son enough credit." Megs rolled their eyes playfully. "He's a good boy."

"It's Tony, kid." Tony smirked. "And I know. I know he's a sweetheart."

"He is. He's such a gentleman." Megs sighed.

"Really?" Tony quirked a playful brow. 

"Oh yeah." Megs winked at Ethan, who had flushed red as he set the table. "He won't even let me open my own doors."

"I taught him well." Tony laughed softly. "How long you two been dating?"

"Let's be real, probably around a week, but today was technically our first date." Megs admitted. "He, uh... He tried to stick up for me when I was getting bullied my first day of school. I mean I handled it myself but the effort was appreciated. So we became friends. And then Lex Foster-"

"Oh no." Tony rolled his eyes. "See, I like that girl. She's a good kid, no matter what anyone says. But she's got a temper, so any time one of the partners brings her up... ya know it's not gonna be for a good thing."

"It's not terrible." Megs assured him. "But, uh... you know, she knows Ethan-"

"Better than he fuckin' knows himself. Yeah.." Tony sighed. 

"Well... they were fighting because Ethan had told me a bit about what was going on with her, and she went into a whole tangent about how he'd only told me because he had a crush." Megs sidhged. "And, uh... they worked things out, he admitted she wasn't wrong... and we decided we didn't really want to rush into things. So we planned to, if we were still interested in each other romantically, go out on a date today. It gave us time to really get to know each other and think about whether that was what we really wanted."

"That's too fucking mature for Ethan to have thought through." Tony blinked. 

"They made the suggestion... but it was a damn good idea." Ethan admitted. 

"Damn, you got a catch." Tony whistled. "They've got the brains for you."

"I know, right?" Ethan scoffed. "Oh, and dad, no food jokes tonight. Like about weight and shit or overeating. Megs actually fucking struggles with that shit."

"Gotcha." Tony nodded. He looked over Megs. "Why the fuck do you struggle with that?"

"Dad!" Ethan chided. 

"I'm just sayin'!" Tony pointed out. "There's nothing fuckin' wrong with them!"

"My mom thought differently." Megs bit their lip.

"Oh... uh... that's fucking shitty of her." Tony sombered. 

"I guess." Megs shrugged. 

"Uh... you just... if I ever make you uncomfortable, let me know." Tony told them. 

"I will." Megs nodded. 

"Alright, uh... we serving ourselves?" Ethan checked. 

"Yeah, just get some plates out and set the food on the counter." Tony nodded. 

"What do we got for movies tonight?" Ethan asked. 

"Nothin' new, but I got some of your favourites." Tony sighed. "We got the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Galaxy Quest, The Princess Bride, The Avengers, Jupiter Ascending-"

"Jupiter Ascending?" Megs raised their brows, unimpressed. 

"It's so fuckin' bad it's funny." Ethan defended himself. 

"That's the only valid excuse." Megs smirked. 

"Why don't you choose the movie?" Ethan offered them. "Since you're the guest and all..."

"Princess Bride." Megs said without hesitation. 

"Damn, that quickly?" Ethan whistled. 

"It's one of my comfort movies." Megs chuckled. 

"Same here." Ethan admitted. "I'm a sucker for a happy ending."

"Aren't we all." Megs sighed contentedly

Megs couldn't help but think of Ethan's own ending in Black Friday. It was far from happy. They'd gotten to know him really well over the past week, hanging out with him at school and after... and their date had been even more revealing. Ethan was a puppy at heart- just like his Nonna had called him. He deserved the happy ending he'd always dreamed of more than anything. Maybe in this timeline he got it. If there was anything Megs had learned, it was that there were millions of timelines. God, they hoped this was one where he lived. It was already differing from Black Friday with them dating him. Hopefully that was enough. Because they had already fallen harder than they thought was possible for this man. Mind you it helped that they'd already loved him from before, but they were now deep into a hole they weren't going to be able to climb out of. 

They tried to brush it off and enjoy the night. What wasn't there to enjoy? Ethan was right, the pizza was the best they'd ever tasted- as were the wings, garlic bread and dessert they had been given. And they were watching one of the most iconic cult classics of all time. There were few things Megs loved watching more than The Princess Bride. Quoting some of the most quotable lines in pop culture. Laughing. And, at Ethan's insistence, cuddling- not that Megs was complaining. They were very big on cuddling with people they trusted. And they trusted Ethan more than they probably should. It was a fantastic night, which was a prelude to a fantastic next day and week after. 

To start it all off, Megs went out with Ethan to choose a dog- which Henry was all for. He figured that an animal companion was a good idea for Megs, and Harriet had always been soft for dogs. They ended up finding a mutt- they were told it was probably part Great Dane and part German Shepherd. All they knew for sure was that he was one under percent a sweetheart, and he'd won their hearts from the first wag of his tail when they walked in the room. Megs had decided on the name Padfoot- after Sirius Black. They hated JK, but Sirius in all his suppressed queerness was one of their comfort characters. And he'd seemed to love the name. Ethan called Megs a dork, but they owned it.

Then, they ended up having a great shift at the diner. Linda and Gerald had been there, and Linda hadn't been a total bitch. She had even apologized for ignoring Henry's calls once she'd figured out that Megs wasn't a threat. She'd even invited them over for tea- which Megs accepted out of courtesy. She was, allegedly, family. To be honest, Megs was much more keen on Gerald than Linda. he was not only a better patron but also... just a nicer person. The Monroe kids had loved them. River was absolutely adorable- only 3 and a half. Very adamant about that half. Megs had agreed to babysit for Linda when she and Gerald going to a gala. They knew that the other three would be a handful- especially Trent- but River would likely make it all worthwhile. 

The next few days were equally as good. There were sweet moment s that made it all worthwhile, like good morning and good night texts from Ethan, a surprise visit from Ziggs on Sunday... life was good. It was Monday when the next big thing happened. They really should have seen it coming. Hannah had literally told them it would happen. It happened exactly as she'd said too. It was late- it had to be two in the morning. Megs was long asleep. They'd had an off feeling before going to bed, but they'd assumed it was because the apotheosis was nearing. But, as their father had always said, assuming makes an ass out of you and me- as was amply proven by the loud ringing of the doorbell. 

A/N: New chapter! Woooo! This is a fun one! One more until the plot really picks up. Then shit gets real! It's so fun to be writing this again. See y'all soon!

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