delulugirliesunite tarafฤฑndan

12.7K 316 615

ON HOLD! โ๐™‡๐™ค๐™ซ๐™š ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™จ ๐™–๐™จ ๐™– ๐™›๐™š๐™š๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ, ๐™—๐™ช๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ช๐™š ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™– ๐™˜๐™๐™ค๐™ž๐™˜๐™š. ๐˜ผ... Daha Fazla

โœง W E L C O M E โœง
PR ~ betrayed
PR ~ a friend
PR ~ hogwarts
Y3 ~ dancing together
Y3 ~ together
Y3 ~ layra
Y3 ~ sisters
Y3 ~ magical
Y3 ~ flirty much?
Y3 ~ edith
Y3 ~ detention with diggory
Y3 ~ sirius black
Y3 ~ quidditch
Y3 ~ father?
Y3 ~ christmas
Y3 ~ jealousy
Y3 ~ kissing a grandma
Y3 ~ prophecy
Y3 ~ love, dad
Y4 ~ reunion

Y3 ~ truth

361 10 9
delulugirliesunite tarafฤฑndan

"Seems like Scabbers filed the divorce papers."

Collide - Rachel Platten
Wordcount - 5301


The quartet had received another note from Hagrid. This one was simple and stain-free, not a tear had shred onto the small piece of paper, which read;

It's over. We lost. Executing at sunset. Don't come down. I don't want you to see it.


"I can't believe it." Hermione said, wiping a tear from her chin.

"We have to go there." Y/n said firmly. "We can't leave Hagrid to deal with it alone."

"Agreed." Harry said. "I'll get the cloak."

Moments later, they were all pressed together under Harry's cloak while wandering gloomily over the grounds towards Hagrid's Hut. The walk there felt eternal, and even the birds seemed sad as they sung their song like an orchestra at a funeral.

Harry's hand sneakily slipped into hers, squeezing the palm of her hand warmly, making Y/n feel the heat from the squeeze rush through her veins. Her tense body calmed down just a bit. Harry seemed to have that impact on her, whenever he held her hand or something like that she would usually calm down just a little.

Harry knocked on the big door to Hagrid's Hut upon arrival, they waited there for a moment and spotted Buckbeak laying down further away, giant Pumpkin's scattered around him. Y/n felt the urge to cry. How could you be so heartless that you'd want to kill such an innocent and lovable creature as Buckbeak? He was the most beautiful Hippogriff Y/n had ever laid eyes on, and the flight over the Black Lake on him with Harry was something she'd never forget, a moment in her life when she was truly happy.

Hagrid opened the door, his face was swollen and eyes bloodshot. "What're yeh four doin' here?" He asked. "Didn' I tell yeh to stay inside?"

"You really thought we were gonna listen to that?" Y/n said, raising an eyebrow. "Come on Hagrid, of course we'd come!"

"Righ', well come in then yeh lot. But you gotta leave when they come, don't want yeh watchin' that type o' stuff."

Harry, Y/n, Ron and Hermione walked into the Hut. Ron and Hermione took a seat at the giant table as Y/n and Harry joined Hagrid by the window.

"Thought I'd let him out for a bi'." Hagrid said, referring to Buckbeak who seemed to enjoy the sun outside. "He likes bein' outside yeh know..." He continued, quickly wiping a falling tear from his chin with the help of his big hand.

"Well... why don't you just set him free?" Harry asked.

"'Cause they'd know it was meh." Hagrid sighed in defeat. "An' Dumbledore'd get in trouble... he said he's gunna be here when they--" He couldn't say it. "When it happens... great man Dumbledore... great man."

Hermione looked up, her eyes glossy. "We'll stay with you too, Hagrid." She said.

"Yeh'll do no such thing!" Hagrid said fiercly as he turned around and left the spot by the window to go over to the kitchen-part of his hut. The quartet fell silent. "Want sum tea?" Hagrid asked.

Harry, Hermione and Ron said they could take a cup while Y/n said nothing. She really didn't want any tea at the moment (or ever in her life), but she didn't have the heart to straight up say no.

Hagrid put on his steamer and went to grab some tea bags, but as he did, he seemed to remember something.

"Ron, before yeh lot leave!" He opened a jar and carefully lifted up a rat-

"Scabbers!" Ron exclaimed. "You're alive!" He got up from his chair and went over to take his rat, a surprised and happy smile on his face.

"Might want ter keep a closer eye on yehr pets, Ron." Hagrid winked.

But Hermione had also risen from her seat and looked in difference to Ron, furious. "Think you owe someone an apology, then." She said, rather fiercely.

Ron sighed, and turned around. "Fine, next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know."

"I meant me, idiot." Hermione crossed her arms over her chest.

"Right." Ron said. "Sorry, Hermione."

Hermione wasn't able to reply with anything witty, because behind her, a pot was suddenly crushed with a high force.

"What was that?" Y/n questioned, eyes wide at the sudden break of the pot.

Hermione lifted up a small stone, it seemed like someone'd thrown it from outside. The question was; who?

Not even a second later, Harry let out a grunt and rubbed the back of his head where someone had thrown another stone. He turned around swiftly to see who had thrown it, but he then spotted three men walking towards Hagrids hut. It was Dumbledore, the Minister of Magic (Cornelius Fudge) and the executioner.

"They're here!" He said.

Y/n looked out the window, and also spotted the men.

"Oh, crickey!" Hagrid said. "It's nearly dark, yeh shouldn' be here! Yeh'll get in trouble, big trouble! Especially you, Harry, Y/n."

Hagrid hurried over and tossed Harry his invisibility cloak and ordered them all to leave through the back door.

The quartet quickly dissapeared under the cloak and as quietly as possible, moved towards the back door as a knock was heard on the front door.

"Quickly!" Hermione ushered. "I don't wanna hear it..."

"Me neither." Y/n swallowed thickly at the thought of Buckbeak getting executed, and she suddenly had the urge to throw up again. "Let's hurry!"

Harry opened the back door as silently as possible, and they all looked out to see Fudge, Dumbledore and the executioner enter Hagrid's hut. The quartet then slipped out the back door and closed it as quietly as they'd opened it.

First, they hid behind the large pumpkins in Hagrid's front yard to make sure they wouldn't be heard. While doing so, a crack was heard from the woods behind them. Hermione looked out from under the cloak.

"What?" Harry asked.

"I thought I just saw..." She started. "Nevermind, let's hurry! I don't wanna see nor hear it!"

Hermione kept on hurrying them, reminding her friends that she really didn't want to hear anything while Ron kept complaining about Scabbers who seemed to want to escape his owners grip.

"Will you just shut up so we can move?" Y/n snapped at Ron in a muffled voice, she was really getting irritated at him now.

"It's Scabbers!" Ron defended. "He won't stay still!"

"Come on guys!" Hermione groaned.

They kept on moving, as slowly as before due to Ron's constant complaining about Scabbers. "Come on, Scabbers." He said. "It's me!"

"Just leave him then, he clearly doesn't want to be here and I don't think anyone else wants him here either." Y/n said harshly.

"Hey!" Ron said, his anger building up at what Y/n had said. "He wouldn't survive a day out in the wild, and I want him to be here!"

"Whatever. Just shut up and move."

The four fell silent and their pace fastened as Ron continued cursing at Scabbers under his breath.

Finally by the castle, they all stopped, panting. Y/n looked down at Hagrid's hut and Buckbeak who was still laying outside by the pumpkins, though this time with the executioner beside him, his axe was heigtened above the Hippogriff. Y/n swallowed, knowing what was about to go down.

And then, they heard it. It sounded like when you cut fresh meat in two. Y/n's heart seemed to stop for a moment. Her face paled as she let out a shakey breath.

"They did it..." She whispered. "They really did it..." A silent tear fell from her eye, but she didn't even bother to wipe it away. She never cried for Edith or anyone in usual, but she felt like Buckbeak deserved a tear or two. He was just an innocent Hippogriff. He'd done nothing wrong.
Hermione had her face burried into Ron's shoulder, her sobs muffled by his sweater as he comforted her with one arm, the other holding Scabbers.

Harry had his arm around Y/n, allowing her comfort in his embrace as he himself shred a quiet tear.

But the moment was quickly interrupted by Ron, who let out a shriek. "Scabbers!" He exclaimed. Y/n released herself from Harry's grip to see what he was on about now.

"He bit me!" Ron said, he was in too much chock to move.

"Ron..!" Hermione whined as his brain finally seemed to start working again and he rushed after his rat.

"Seems like Scabbers filed the divorce papers." Y/n said as the three hurried after Ron who had managed to catch Scabbers further away by throwing himself over him.

But Harry seemed to realize something, and his eyes went wide. "Guys..." He said to Y/n and Hermione. "You do realize what tree that is, don't you?"

They all slowly looked up to see no other tree than the Whomping Willow. "Ron!" Hermione yelled. "Move!"

But he didn't, he sat there, staring in trance at something behind them. "No, you move!" He screamed, pointing. "Behind you! It's the grim!"

None of their brains seemed to comprehend or process what Ron just had said, it was already too late when a big, shaggy, black dog jumped over them and sped towards Ron.

"RON!" Harry yelled as the dog took a firm grip of Ron's leg with his mouth and dragged him backwards towards an opening in the Whomping Willow.

"Harry!" Ron cried. "Y/n, Hermione! Help!"

Harry, Y/n and Hermione rushed after to help out their friend, Harry even threw himself forward to get a grip of Ron'd hand, but missed with mere millimeters, and with that, Ron was gone in the willow, still dragged by the 'Grim'.

Just as Harry was about to jump after him, a branch of the tree knocked him out the way, and it didn't hesitate to do the same to Y/n and Hermione. They all landed on the grass with a grunt further away.

"We have to help him!" Y/n panted.

The Whomping Willow's branches creaked as they flew in the wind, it was as if it was getting ready to fight a war.

Ron's screams was still echoing from inside the tree, and it all triggered Y/n to run straight in there to help him.

She went for it, and shot herself forward with all force she could muster.

"Y/n!" Harry yelled as a branch harshly knocked her out the way of the opening. She landed flat on her stomach and let out a small cry, but quickly got up again to charge towards the opening.

This time, Harry and Hermione also went for it.

"Move!" Hermione yelled as a branch came at Harry. He ducked it, but then got shot away by another branch, making him loose his glasses in the grass.

Hermione avoided a branch by jumping, but landed on the next one which sent her flying over the tree, shrieking in fear.

Y/n had also managed to land on a branch and was now slunged around the tree as well. She saw her opportunity when the branch neared the hole opening in the tree and went for it. She let go of the branch and then managed to prick the hole, landing right inside the tree with a grunt.

Outside, more screams were heard and moments later, Harry came landing on top of her. She let out a small groan of pain and he grunted a sorry, making sure she was alright.

He stood up and helped Y/n up as well right before Hermione came flying through the hole too. She landed harshly on the ground and Y/n was quick to help her up.

Hermione looked around and brushed off some dust from her jeans. "Let's go then." She said, and so they did.

It was rather spooky, and the tunnel was dirty and small. The trio came to realize that they were actually inside the Shrieking Shack. Y/n hugged herself to keep warm, sure, it was summer, but inside the Shack it was extremely cold and she was only wearing a t-shirt.

"You can borrow my sweater if you want." Harry offered when he saw her.

"Thank you, Harold, but I'll manage. Plus, you're gonna be the one freezing if I take your sweater and I don't want that."

Harry wanted to argue, but didn't as they reached an entrance to another room, from which they could hear small cries; them belonging to Ron.

"Ron!" Y/n exclaimed. "Are you okay?" She hurried up to him. "Where's the dog?"

But Ron didn't answer, with trembling fingers he pointed behind her. "It's a bluff." He said shakily. "It's him, he's an animagus!"

Y/n turned around slowly, sucking in a sharp breath. Him? Who was him? And that's when she saw him. Sirius Black himself, standing right behind the broken door which creaked when it closed slightly, revealing more of him.

There he stood, her supposed father, in ripped clothes and ruffled, messy, black hair which reached to right above his shoulders. Y/n's heart slammed against her ribs as he took a step towards them.

Harry grabbed Y/n's wrist, slowly pulling her behind him. But she shrugged him off and took a step forward as well.

"You." She said, narrowing her eyes.

"Me." He said simply, raising an eyebrow while smirking maniacally.

Hermione then took both Harry and Y/n under her shield. "If you want to kill Harry and Y/n you'll have to kill us too!" She said fiercly.

Black only laughed. "No, only one will die tonight."

Harry broke free from Hermione's grip and charged towards Black, grabbing him by the throat before pushing him onto the ground. "Then it'll be you!" He shouted, wand at his neck.

Black continued to laugh. "Are you going to kill me, Harry?" He mocked, showing his ugly, brownish teeth.

Y/n watched the situation, breathing heavily and standing ready in case she needed to interfer.

Harry didn't say a word. The tip of his wand was shaking and was slowly pushing harder and harder against Black's throat.

"Harry, don't!" Hermione squaled from behind, bug Harry ignored her.

"No." He said harshly. "He killed my parents! He betrayed them, and now," He turned his head towards Black again. "Now you're on a second killing streak to kill your best friends son and your own daughter, am I righ?"

Then, suddenly, Black flipped Harry over and placed his firm hand around his throat. Harry choked as Black's grip grew harder. "I don't think so." Black mumbled, his mouth still formed in a dangerous smirk. "As I said, only one will die tonight."

Y/n didn't hesitate and ran forward, kicking Black hard in the stomach, making him let go off Harry and letting out a groan.

"You okay?" She murmured to Harry who mumbled a: 'Yeah, fine' before standing up again.

Y/n then layed her eyes upon Sirius again. She felt disgusted by the fact that he was her father. He who had murdered dousins of people and betrayed Harry's parents.

"Hey," She said. "Serial killer, if you want to kill me or Harry, let's just say it's not gonna be easy and you're not gonna success."

Black let out a laugh at this. "Like father like daughter. I see you got my sarcasm, but I must say you've got your mothers beauty." He narrowed his eyes. "Pity she isn't here to see it."

"Well no shit, because you killed her!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Did I now?" Black said, his eyes lit up in surprise. "Well, that's news."

"Don't play dumb." Y/n snarled. "I know. I know everything. I overheard McGonagall talking about it."

"Minnie?" He said. "She's still here? Not that it surprises me..."

Y/n raised her wand, pointing it straight at Black. "Yeah, and now, you better leave because we are not gonna let you kill anyone in this room."

"I'm not so sure about that." Black grinned, but he wasn't able to do anything, because now, Professor Lupin burst through the door.

"Expelliarmus!" He yelled, making Y/n's wand fly out of her grasp before he then pointed his wand towards Black.

"Professor Lupin?" Ron said. "How'd you get here, how'd you know where to find us?!"

"The Map." He said simply.

Ron frowned. "But... how do you know how it works?"

"I was one of the creators." Lupin explained. "Moony. Sirius Black here," He looked over at him. "Was Padfoot. James, your father, Harry, was Prongs. Your mother, Y/n, was Lynx and Peter was Wormtail. I saw you three on the Map, yes, it shows people under an invisibility cloak, ah the numbers of times I saw James disappear under it... Anyway, I didn't believe what I saw, Peter Pettigrew was with you and then a second dot appeared, Sirius Black. That's how I decided to come down here myself, because the Map never lies." He explained this all very quickly before turning to Black.

"Well, well Sirius." He said. "Looking rather ragged, aren't we? Finally the flesh reflects with the madness within."

Black grinned. "Well, you'd know everything about madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?"

Lupin then lowered his wand and smiled. Y/n's eyes widened as he embraced Black like a brother.

"I found him!" Sirius whispered to Lupin.

"I know!" Lupin replied.

"He's here!"

"I understand."

"Let's kill him!" Black spoke eagerly.

"NO!" Hermione interupted loudly. "No!" She repeated. "I trusted you! And all this time... you've been his friend?!"

Lupin's gaze fell upon Hermione.

"He's a werewolf!" She said, pointing at Lupin. "That's why he's been missing classes!"

"How did you find out?" Lupin asked, taking a step forward. "Snape's essay? Or did you see how I always was absent during the class before a full-moon?"

"Both." She stated.

Lupin nodded. "You really are the cleverest witch of your age." He said.

"Enough talk, Remus!" Black interrupted, he seemed rather urgent. "Come on! Let's kill him!"

"Wait!" Lupin ordered.

Black lost it. "I DID MY WAITING!" He yelled madly. "TWELVE YEARS OF IT, IN AZKABAN!"

"They have the right to know, they must understand, Sirius!" Lupin argued.

"I know what happened." Harry interrupted, taking a step forward, his gaze upon Black. "You betrayed my parents. You're the reason they and Y/n's mom, your own wife are dead!"

"No, Harry." Lupin said calmly. "It wasn't him. Somebody did betray your parents, but it was somebody who, until quite recently, I believed to be dead."

"Who was it then?" Harry shot.

"Peter Pettigrew!" Black said, his voice high and desperate, the vocals clinging. "And he's in this room, right now! Come on, come on, Peter! Come out and play!" He taunted.

"Wait!" Y/n spoke. "Lupin, you mentioned that somebody, Pettigrew, betrayed Harry's parents. But you didn't say anything about my mom, is she...?"

"Nobody knows." Lupin said, knowing where she was going with the question. "Most people believe she's dead, killed by Peter as well, but there isn't any proof, nobody's ever found her body."


"We mustn't get our hopes up." Lupin finished.

"Right..." Y/n said, Hermione gave her a pitying glance.

Then, out of nowhere, Snape wrestled through the entrance. "Ahh," He said, wand pointing straight at Black. "Vengeance is sweet. How I hoped to be the one to catch you."

The quartet's eyes widened.

"Severus..!" Lupin tried to interrupt, but Snape forced him away with the tip of his wand and continued speaking.

"I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle, and now, here's the proof!"

"Brilliant, Snape." Black said in a cold voice, pacing around an old piano in the room. "Once again you put your keen and penetrating mind to the task, and as usual you come to the wrong conclusion! Now, if you'll excuse us, Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to." He then glanced towards Ron.

Snape stabbed him with the tip of his wand. "Give me a reason." He snarled. "I beg you."

Lupin shook his head from side to side in protest. "Severus," He said. "Don't be a fool."

"He can't help it, it's habit by now." Black said hurriedly. Y/n almost laughed, but stopped herself from doing so since it was a very inappropriate situation to laugh in.

"Be quiet, Sirius!" Lupin said, not wanting Snape to be tempted to do something.

"Oh quiet yourself, Remus!" Black snapped, making Lupin then back away in defeat.

"Oh, look at you two." Snape mocked. "Quarreling like an old couple."

"Oh why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set?"

Snape's face ossified as he shoved his wand harder against Black's throat. "I could do it, you know." He said slowly. "But why deny the Dementors? They're so longing to see you."

Black's eyes flickered with significant fear. "Do I detect a proper sense of fear?" Snape mocked. "Oh, yes. A Dementor's kiss. One can only imagine what that must be like to endure. It's said to be nearly unbearable to witness, but I'll do my best."

"Severus, please!" Lupin spoke in a begging manner, but Snape ignored him.

"After you." He said, nodding towards Black.

Harry stepped forward, he'd sneaked Hermione's wand out of her pocket since his own was laying further away on the floor and pointed it towards Black. Everyone was frozen. But then, Harry quickly changed directions of the wand and sent Snape flying backwards, knocking him out by the help of 'Expelliarmus'.

Ron's eyes widened. "Harry!" Hermione gasped. "You attacked a teacher!"

"Yes, Hermione." Y/n spoke up. "And you set fire to his robes in first year, get over it."

She fell silent as Harry ordered Lupin and Black to tell them the truth about Peter Pettigrew.

"He was at school with us," Lupin began, he seemed slightly out of breath. "We thought he was our friend."

"No," Harry said. "Pettigrew's dead! You killed him!" He pointed Hermione's wand towards Black again.

"No, he didn't!" Lupin interfered, casting himself in front of Black. "I thought so too until you mentioned you'd seen him on the Map."

"The Map was lying then!"

"The Map never lies, come on Harry, we created it ourselves!" Black said loudly. "Pettigrew's alive, and he's right there!" He pointed towards Ron who gaped, the fear visible in his eyes. "Me?" He trembled. "He's mental!"

"Not you," Black spat. "Your rat!"

Ron shook his head. "Scabbers' been in my family for--"

"Twelve years?" Black finished for him. "A curiously long life for a common garden rat. He's missing a toe, isn't he?"

"So what?!" Ron exclaimed.

Y/n quickly put the pieces together. "The only thing that was left of Pettigrew was--"

"His finger!" Black finished for the second time. "The dirty coward cut it off so that everyone would think he was dead. And then, he transformed into a rat!"

"Show us then." Y/n ordered, still not quite believing the whole thing. She decided, that if Black or Lupin could prove that Scabbers was indeed Pettigrew, then she'd be on their side.

Black forced Scabbers out of a whimpering Ron's grip, seizing him by the tail. "What are you trying to do to him?" Ron yelled timorously. Hermione had to hold him back by the arms to get him to stay in place.

Black let go off Scabbers, both his and Lupin's wands pointed at him. The rat ran around for a bit until trying to jump through a hole, when with a 'pouff' he transformed into a man. And that man, no other than Peter Pettigrew.

And just like that, with a 'pouff', Y/n's whole picture of Sirius Black changed. He was innocent. His best friend had framed him for murderer which had made everyone hate him. He'd had to survive twelve years in Azkaban for absolutely nothing. Suddenly, Sirius Black wasn't a person she despised. She looked up to him as her father, a role model. It's strange really, how fast an explanation can change everything. Before, she pitied Pettigrew. Now, he was easily one of the three persons she despised the most at the moment.

Pettigrew was currently at the center of the room, sniffling like a rat, his hands by his dirty face. "Remus?" He spoke. "S-Sirius? My old friends...!" He tried to run for it, but Sirius and Lupin stopped him. He desperately looked around for some sort of escape. He knew he was over. His eyes stopped at the sight of Harry.

"Harry?" He said in the sweetest voice he could muster. "You look so much like your father, my friend, James."

Sirius was quickly before Harry. "How dare you speak to Harry?" He snapped. "How dare you talk about James in front of him!?"

Lupin had now approached the two as well, his wand pointed at Pettigrew. "You sold Lily and James to Voldemort, didn't you?!" He said, it wasn't a question.

"I-I didn't m-mean to--" He sniffled, his voice cracking up. "The Dark Lord--" He said. "You have no idea of the weapons he possesses. Ask yourself, Sirius. What would you have done?!"

"I would've died!" He yelled angrily. "I would've died rather than betray my friends!"

Pettigrew tried to run for the door again, but Y/n bravely stopped him by blocking it. He stopped near her, whispering in her ear, sending her cold shivers down her spine. "Y/n..." He said. "Clara wouldn't have wanted me to get murdered by your father." He tried to earn her sympathy. Sirius was enraged. He threw him off of her and shouted; "Don't you dare speak to my daughter! You hear me!? Don't you dare! I will kill you right now!"

"NO!" Harry yelled.

"Harry-- what are you?" Y/n said, her face a literal question mark.

"We'll take him to the castle." Harry said, ignoring Y/n completely. Pettigrew fell to his knees. "Bless you boy." He said, he was close to tears. "Bless you."

"Get off me." Harry snapped. Pettigrew obeyed immediately. "We'll take you to the castle." Harry repeated. "Then the Dementor's can have you."

Pettigrew's relieved face turned into terror. His happy tears was now tears of fear as his teeth started to chatter.

Lupin seized him by the arm, forcing him to stand again as Harry and Sirius went off to help Ron walk.

"Sorry about the bite." Sirius said to Ron as they all began to walk down the old, wooden stairs of the Shrieking Shack. "I reckon that twinges a bit."

"A bit?!" Ron yelped. "A bit?! You almost tore my bloody leg off!"

"Well, I was going for the rat. Normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog. In fact, more than once, James suggested, that I make the change permanent. And I suppose I could live with it, but I don't think Clara would've appreciated it."

Y/n smiled slightly at the mention of Clara where she walked behind them with Hermione. She wanted to know more about her, and decided that she'd ask Sirius about it later.

When they exited the Shrieking Shack, it was dark and the only thing that lit up the grass they were standing on was the lights of Hogwarts which was towering above the further away.

Ron was sat down on a stone further away, complaining about his leg as Hermione was hovering over it to see how bad it was. "They might chop it..." He spoke. But Hermione only shook her head at his ridiculousness.

Y/n noticed Sirius absence, she realized he was a bit further away, looking up at the castle. She rose to go speak to him, but before doing so, she also called Harry.

"C'mon Harry." She said. "We should talk to him."

But he shook his head. "No," He said. "You go alone. He's your father after all."

"And your godfather." Y/n pointed out. "Come on now." Harry sighed, but gave in. And so, the two approached Sirius who gazed at the castle in awe. They stood beside him, on each side.

"I actually never realized how pretty this place was." Sirius began.

Y/n had no idea how to respond to that, she simply nodded. Everything had changed so abruptly. Most of all, her thoughts of Sirius Black, her true father. It had all been quite overwhelming, but seeing as she believed his story of innocence, she wanted nothing more but to get to know him. She had always longed after a real parent. One that she could have a great bond with. Maybe Sirius was the one, she wanted him to be. After years of suffering from Edith, she felt like she deserved a good parent.

"It's cruel that I got to spend so much time with your mother, Y/n and your father, Harry while you got to spend so little." Sirius spoke up again. "It's so unfair."

"The world is unfair." Harry said, kicking the ground with his foot.

"Very true." Sirius nodded.

Y/n felt her hand rise up to her neck, fingering on her necklace. "Hey, Sirius?" She said. He hummed lightly. "You know about the theory that my mother could be alive, and how Lupin said that we mustn't get our hopes up...--"

Sirius hummed again.

"What do you think? Do you believe she's alive?"

"That's a tricky question." Sirius said truthfully. "As far as I know, nobody's seen a body, but I haven't seen any signs of life from her side in twelve years either. I do wish Clara's alive, she's the most beautiful, kind, funny and intelligent girl out there." He nudged Y/n lightly. "You remind me of her, in a lot of ways."

Y/n chuckled lightly. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"You should." He said, giving a faint nod. "You know, Harry, Y/n..-" He started, and took a deep breath. "I don't know about your current live-situation but if-- when I get cleared and am stable... I was wondering if you maybe wanted too..--"

"Live with you?" Harry asked, the hope in his tone noticeable.

"Well," Sirius said. "Yes. I am your father and godfather after all."

"We'd love to--" Y/n said. "At least I would."

"Yeah, me too." Harry spoke. Sirius grinned. "As I said-- it's going to take time and I won't promise anything, but I just wanted to know if you wanted to because then..."

Y/n continued to listen to Sirius' banter about Harry and her living with him. For her, it was obviously a yes. Firstly, she would love to get to know her father better and maybe take back the time they were apart. She knew Thomas'd be okay with it, since he worked a lot and was barely home, plus he still fought for Edith even though she'd treated her "daughter" like shit.

She glanced up at the castle which was beautifully lit by the full moon. Full moon. Werewolf. Remus.

"Sirius..." She hesitated.

"Yeah, kid?"

"You know how Lupin is a werewolf..."

"Obviously. Why?" Realization struck him like lightning. "Shit."

He hurried away towards Lupin who looked like he was going to be sick further away. "Remus, my friend, have you taken your potion tonight?"

No reply. Just a whining whimper.

"Moony! Have you taken it?"

Obviously he hadn't.

Sirius wrapped his arms around his old best friend in a desperate try to make him stop the transition. "Remus, remember who your real friends are, okay?"

A bone snapped. Y/n shut her eyes tightly, not wanting to witness the pain that struck through Remus' eyes as another bone snapped. A small yell was heard, and then silence. Y/n peaked her eyes open and sucked in a sharp breath as she laid eyes on the werewolf in front of her.

"Professor Lupin?" She asked hesitantly. The werewolf was calm. Y/n didn't hesitate to slowly approach him.

"Bad idea," Ron whimpered beside her, trying to get her back to the group. But she just kept going. "Professor Lupin, are you there?"

For a few seconds, nothing happened, but suddenly a loud growl emerged the werewolf's throat and it launched for Y/n who was thrown backwards with a yelp, head banging against a rock as her vision turned black.



Hey and sorry for the terrible updating, school started early August and it just came flooding over me. This chapter isn't all too detailed when Sirius and Remus explain the Marauder stuff, which I hope is okay. chapter left and then we've finished POA! How far we've come, it's amazing holyyy. Also, I am not in the mood to write the whole turn-back time thing and it doesn't really add anything to the plot so yeah I made Y/n crack her skull open so she wouldn't have to go lmaoo. It rlly gives me "Lupin, this isn't you" or "I can fix you" vibes, which I hate but whatever😭

Okumaya devam et

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