Jacob Frye the mysterious ass...


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This is a story about how James Smith met Jacob Frye and was let in to the Assassins Creed. James started to... Еще

Jacob Frye
The Fight Club...
A New Champion!
A Funny Feeling...
A New Visitor...
The Assassin's Order?
The Big Fight.
Crawford Starrick
Rest in piece.
The end?

James the assassin.

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I was ready to become a assassin. But i had been busy all night planning this and that, so i went to bed. The next morning i woke up and i was ready to go. Goodbye old clothes.

I put on my cap for hopefully the last time and headed out the door. I was walking down the street when a horse and cart sped past me, i was nearly blown off of my feet. Then another cart went by followed by another one. I only then noticed that one of them was Evie. She was chasing after someone. I had to try and find their train. I walked all the way to a train station, i didn't know Evie ever came into Lambeth. I waited at the train station for an hour until eventually a train came up. I saw a Rook in there. This was it! I ran over and jumped on. I was out of breath and when i looked up i was faced with Henry Green.
"hello.. James?"
"oh hello sir, i-"
"please, call me Greenie"
"Greenie, i was wondering if you had any weaponry that i could borrow. I promise i'll give it back unlike Jacob"
"Well then, i mean i do have some, but they aren't on this train"
"ah i see, care to show me?"
"of corse"
This was it. I followed him as we got off the train and he took me to this house. It was in the main part of London. When he opened the door it was full of weapons.
"this isn't my house it's a friend of mine's."
"right ok." I was amazed.
"so i advice you take this one"
he walked over to the wall and picked up these Brass Knuckles.
"you'll need this too"
He picked up a gauntlet. It was gold and of corse it wasn't as good as Jacob's or Evie's but it looked awesome. He attached the Brass Knuckles to the Gauntlet. He then placed it on my arm.
"does it fit?"
"thank you"
"my pleasure"
Good now i have some weapons to use. I also took a revolver. Won't be needing that dead mans weapon anymore. Now to head to the shop. I walked out of the house and back to the train. Then when i was there i walked onto the Carriage with the shop on and asked for some bullets, some throwing knives and some bombs. I then took some medical kits to heal myself in a fight.

"thank you" I said to him. He nodded his head to me. Now i needed my outfit. I needed to find Evie. Just my luck because she walked through the train door.
"Evie i need your help, can you find me an outfit, like an assassin outfit?"
"easy, easy. You need to calm down. I don't know, why?"
"i want to be a proper assassin"
"Ah. Well if you follow me.."
"ok" I was ready. Evie led me to a wardrobe where there were loads of Assassin outfits. They were amazing, one side was Evie's outfits and the other was Jacob's. I realised I would have to use Jacob's. Evie looked at me.

"You will have to use one of Jacob's, i hope you don't mind."

"No! No! Of course not?" I said a little too hastily. Evie just looked back at the wardrobe.

"Right, Jacob is wearing Edward Kenway's today. Kenway was a Assassin back in the 1700s."

"ah i see, sounds like he was well known."

"Yes he was, that's why Jacob wears his outfit in remembrance of him."

"wow, so which one will i wear?" I touched one that was red and black, i really liked it.

"That is the Master Assassin outfit, i don't think you will be wearing that" Evie laughed. I wasn't amused by that comment.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked rather offended.

"Nothing don't worry dear" She replied. "Jacob just will not be happy if you wear that"

"But why?"

"because he likes that outfit, and he is rather annoyed with you right now"

"Well that is understandable"

"Why did something happen?"

"i will explain later" I sighed remembering the look on his face after he had pulled me out of a fire. He was so angry and confused. I was glad i was staying away from him at the moment. I didn't want to get in his way anymore and this gave me time to become better. Anyway that didn't matter right now. I needed to get an outfit.

"So" I asked Evie. "What outfit will i wear?"

"hmm, i think maybe this one will do for now." Evie pointed towards this black and slightly rugged outfit. It looked similar to the master Assassin outfit except from it looked a lot less expensive. I wasn't complaining though.
"this is the outdoorsman outfit" Evie told me. "Rich leather and rough fabrics capture the feel of the rugged outdoor, what do you think?"
"i like it" I smiled.
"oh and by the way it decreases detection speed by 15%"
"that's good, can i wear this one then?"
"sure, i don't think Jacob will notice. He just grabs anything from here these days" She replied. Rolling her eyes. I was so happy right now. Because i had weapons and an assassins outfit. "can i go and try it on?"
"be my guest" She replied rather tired. I walked over to a empty room and tried it on. It was a struggle because i've never put on anything like this before. It looked very fancy. When i had it on i went back to Evie to get her opinion. She smiled impressed.
"you look very smart. I like it"
"oh and Evie" I asked quickly before i forgot.
"can you.. train me?"
"Funny you say that actually, me and Greenie were just thinking about that. So yes i will." Evie said. "Jacob doesn't like Greenie because he believes what our father told us. 'don't let feelings get in the way' so he hates Greenie."
"Thank you so much! And i'm sorry about Jacob and Greenie."
"I will have to do it because Jacob doesn't want to see you right now so there is no way he will train you."
"That makes sense"
"Did something bad happen? You haven't told me and he didn't either"
"Well, yesterday i went down to see him kill Maxwell Roth and Roth set the building on fire"
"Oh my"
"yes and then Jacob saw me and he wasn't happy that i got in the way, he escaped and saved me but he was very angry at me. So i want to become a better person"
"well isn't that nice. He'll get over it. He always does. Most of the time."
"I hope so"
"Don't worry about it."
"So.." I plucked up the courage to ask her. "Does this mean i have Assassin blood in me?"
"I have been doing some information gathering on that topic, and as it seems.. yes. You are"
"Calm down, yes. Your parents were also Assassins."
"They WERE?"
"Yes, they died to save the Creed. Respect." Evie walked over to the table and placed down her revolver. She sat down on her chair.
"i never really knew about how my parents died, i thought it was in a fire or something." I said. Confused and intrigued all in one.
"Nope." Evie said picking up a newspaper. "They died to save the Apple of Eden from an evil Templar. That is how it had been for years. The Templars want the Apple of Eden because of the power it has."
"Yes power. It is the key to free will. The Templars want it to rule the world. So us Assassins stop that from happening. It all started at the beginning of the human race you see."
"oh i see. I said sitting down in a chair opposite her. I had to sit down so i didn't faint. This was a lot to take in.

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