The Outsiders Christmas


9.4K 138 172

The most magical time of the year spent with The Outsiders! Read a new story most days to build up to the Chr... Еще

❄️ The Outsiders Christmas ❄️
Little Sister
All I Want For Christmas: Part 1
All I Want For Christmas: Part 2
BONUS: Gift Exchange
Last Christmas
No One For Christmas
Not So Jolly: Part 1
Not So Jolly: Part 2
Not So Jolly: Part 3
Not So Jolly: Part 4
The Naughty List
He's Not Santa Clause: Part 1
He's Not Santa Clause: Part 2
Under The Mistletoe
The Missing Reindeer
Holiday Jail Break: Part 1
Holiday Jail Break: Part 2
Holiday Jail Break: Part 3
Holiday Jailbreak: Part 4
The Day Before Christmas
Make Me: Part 1
Make Me: Part 2

For The Love Of Sugar Cookies!

313 4 3

For The Love Of Sugar Cookies! (Written in 2021)

WARNINGS: adult themes + swears

If meeting his family wasn't enough, you also have to compete with his ex girlfriend at the annual family Christmas party but you don't leave without embarrassing yourself..

- - - 

Little flakes of snow fell from the sky, and laid rest on the hood of Steve's car. We were both sitting outside of his parent's house, and I was feeling immense anxiety over it.

"Trust me, they'll love you as much as I do." he tried to assure me, not realising the fear I had meeting his parents, whom he always told me had such high standards and which I knew I would never ever meet.

"I am not good with first impressions." I breathed, attempting to calm these nerves.

"Every first we had, definitely impressed me." he winked, hinting at something more scandalous. I playfully slapped his arm. His family seemed so intimidating from all the stories he had told me, and now was it... I had to meet them. 

Steve helped me out of the car, I needed it as my legs were wobbling all over the place. He knocks at the grand front door and within moments a woman opens it.

She lightened up upon seeing Steve, that's when I realised it was his mother who had opened the door. He wraps his arms around her small frame, "Nice to be home." he says warmly into her hair.

His mother then noticed me, and her expression changed for a split second then she grins wickedly, as if she was faking it, "Well hello there." she says, directing her words at me.

It was her eyes which told me that she already didn't think much of me. Her mouth was curved into a fake grin, but those eyes of hers, looked like they were in downright pain.

She ushered us inside, Steve took my coat and placed it on the rack. He holds onto my hand and gives it a little squeeze as we are guided into the formal living room. I felt judged from the moment I had walked in as stares covered me.

He lets go of my grip to greet everyone while I marvel at the room. It was fancier than anything I had ever seen before. Gold trim, red bows and an enormous Christmas tree, right there next to the fireplace.

Steve returns to me, and we make our rounds which includes his ex-girlfriend. It occurred to me that she was much liked by the family, or else she wouldn't have been here. She already snarled at me, so things weren't going great already.

Steve left me for the bathroom. I had never felt more alone in a crowded room before. His ex glared at me, making rude remarks to another person, who I had yet to meet. I needed to get away from her obsessive snickering, so I turned around and like the clutz I am, knocked straight into Steve's mother.

She was holding a tray, but now the sugar cookies were crumbled all over the floorboards. "I am so sorry." I breathed in a flustered state.

As shocked as I was, it wasn't the last of my embarrassment. One unfortunate event led to another and as I stepped back to help clean up, I somehow managed to spill eggnog all over Steve's great aunt. 

She huffed, as I scrambled to clean the spill with a towel but it wasn't soaking up, instead just spreading the liquid all over the table. As I stood up again, the sound of a loud thud happened behind me.

"For the love of sugar cookies." I growled, kicking myself for all this.

I slowly turned to see the Christmas tree had tumbled over and it was me who had done it. Everyone in the room stared at me with horror spread across their faces. The corners of my vision started to darken around me, and I knew I had to flee before I spewed all over this nice room. 

I scurried out of the living room, and past where Steve was speaking with his cousins, then hurried through the front entrance. He notices I am upset and follows me.

"Every one of them hates me." I cried, and cried as the heat rose to my cheeks, "They think I am some stupid girl!"

Steve was surprised at my outburst, "Hey, hey..." he consoled, trying to calm my frantic panic attack, "Sweetheart, please calm down."

"I ruined Christmas!" I wept with those tears brimming from my eyes. I was weakened from the emotions I was feeling, it was all too much.

"No you didn't, hell you made it more entertaining!" Steve assured me.

I just stood there sobbing to him, there was nothing more I could say or do to make it right. I had embarrassed him enough and he was sure to break it off with me in no time. 

"My ex-girlfriend is an ex for a reason. She's a major pain in the a**, and I don't give a damn what she thinks. I didn't even invite her here. She just showed up. I don't want anyone else but you, my love." Steve embraced me.

"Really?" I sighed, my bottom lip trembling, he really did love me... after all I did to embarrass him in front of his family, he still wanted me for me...

"I am more worried about if you're okay or not." smiled Steve. 

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