Y/N and the Avengers

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Y/N joined the Avengers because of her empath abilities and never really had a family until now. Sadly she ge... Więcej

What is going on?
No turning back
Let's get into battle!
She's gone
Missing Avenger
Soldier EQ8
Love and Confusion
When everything's crushing down
No matter what
You're a soldier
Still (a)part
The things you don't know
Lost Life
We can't change our past
The letter
Welcome back
The End

What would you do?

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"I hope you're not angry at us for doing this, but it's for safety reasons", Steve apologized.
"I get that..." You sat down on the bed and smiled weakly.
"Good... we'll come back tomorrow morning. If anything's wrong, just hit the button over there."
You nodded in response. He smiled and walked out of the room, the door locked behind him. You had to admit that he cared about you in a way you didn't understand yet. But he did. Captain America cared about a person who tried to kill him and his team. Why?

You couldn't find any sleep and turned around and around in your bed.
At some point, you gave up and got out of it; your thoughts were torturing you.
What should you do? What was wrong and what was right? Everything you ever knew and believed in had crashed, so how were you going to figure out the truth? Who were you truly besides killing and torturing people? You got angry. Not just because you felt so overwhelmed but also angry at yourself, Hydra, the Avengers - everyone. You stood up and leaned your head against the wall. "Get it together EQ8, you're not a primate. You are a soldier. A Hydra soldier. And you fucked up. YOU FUCKED UP!", you yelled and punched the wall.
And again. And again. And with every hit, you punched harder.
Then you stopped, took a deep breath, turned around, and slid down the wall. "You are EQ8", you whispered, "Our best soldier. Our whole hope and work are in you. Better don't ruin it. Or..." Or what? What would happen? What WILL happen? Death? Death still sounded like a good option. "You need to be better!", you yelled, "Don't fuck up!" With every word, you hit yourself: "Don't. Fuck. Up! You. Ruined. Everything! You. Deserve. To die! FUCK!"
You stood up and got the knife that you had snuck in. It was still under the mattress where you put it earlier. Taking a deep breath you sat down and focused on the knife.
Everything could be over in just a few minutes.
You pressed it against your wrist.
Suddenly you remembered when you sat on the bed and showed Natasha your scars. The scars you looked at right now. She was so kind and lovely... How could you forget that? Was that even real? Tears ran down your cheeks. Was this real or was it just a simulation Hydra had put you in?
"Come on!", you heard an angry voice. But it wasn't in your room, you heard it in your head.
"Where are we going?", you heard yourself.
"You'll see. I don't want to deal with this shit!"
You were crying and scared. Your dad had grabbed your arm and dragged you into the car. He drove you to the next psych-ward and left. He didn't ask what was going on or why you were sad. He was just yelling at you.
For crying.
For being so annoying.
For being so much work.
For everything.
Your whole existence was bad for your parents. "I can't believe that you are doing this to us! We're doing everything for you and you're doing THIS!", "Shut up! Do you want a real reason to cry?! I can give you some!", you heard him yelling in your head.

"Y/n!" You snapped out of your flashback and looked into a worried face. "Put that away", he said carefully. You followed his gaze to your wrist and realized that you still held the knife to it, even seeing a little bit of blood leaving the wound. You dropped the knife and Bucky shoved it further away from you with his foot. "Don't try to kill me", he said and sat down next to you. You shook your head and cried. "What happened?"
"I... I don't know. I am so confused...", you said quietly.
"What were you doing with that knife? Trying to kill yourself yet again?", he asked but you shook your head.
"Well... I thought about it...", you whispered, "But I..."
"But, what?"
"It wasn't my intention, no."
"So you just wanted to add more to these, huh?" Bucky pointed to the scars you had on your wrist.
"I guess? I don't know... It was.. like a reflex. I was just so angry...", you admitted and he took you in his arms. "We weren't best friends, not even close friends", you said and he pushed you away but grabbed your shoulders.
"So you remember." It wasn't a question, not really.
You shrugged. "I don't know what I do and don't. Hell, I don't even know who I am..."
"It doesn't matter, okay? Just know that we're here for you. Just goddamn please, please don't go back to Hydra. I can help you with all that, I know how that feels like. I am not sure if we had the same treatment, but I know how it feels to have lost yourself and not know what is right or wrong. Trust me, when I say that all this can get better and that I can help you." He took away his hands from you and you tried to find anything in his eyes. "You know that you can just get in my mind to get to know if I'm telling the truth?", he asked to underline his talk.
"Yeah, but I don't think that this would be a good start for trust", you whispered and he chuckled.
"True, true. But if it makes you stay, you are allowed to do so."
"Maybe another time. I think I should try trusting you first. Last time didn't end that well... I think Dr. Banner doesn't like me."
"Well, you shot him", Bucky replied.
"Right...", you said and sighed but he just grinned. "What?"
"Ah, come on!"
"You were pretty badass", Bucky said smirking.
"You might had the wrong intentions but I like the confidence you had."
"Was my old me different?", you asked, tilting your head slightly.
"Oh, for sure. I mean you just started working here so I don't blame you."
"What's wrong?"
"It's just..." You sighed and didn't continue. You weren't sure what to say, you didn't even understand your thoughts.
"You shouldn't give up. We almost had you back the last time but Hydra got you again... So you can find yourself again as well. Maybe it will take more time now but you can do it. You're strong", Bucky tried to encourage you.
"I don't know..."
"But I do."
"Can you promise me something?", you asked.
"Don't tell Natasha anything."
He laughed and you looked at him confused. "Sorry. The old you would have said the same. It's funny how Hydra tried to make someone completely new yet you still are you somewhere. They really failed, good for us though."
"Don't you dare-!" You stopped yourself and took a deep breath to calm down again. "Sorry...", you whispered.
"That's a good first step, I'd say."

Before they got in, they knocked. "Good morning. Had a good sleep?", Steve asked.
"Could have been better...", you sighed.
"We are going to grab some breakfast, wanna come?"
"I? You sure about that?"
"Of course", Steve said with a smile. You looked behind him and Bucky nodded.
"Okay, I'm... I'm gonna come with you then."

While the others ordered Pancakes and coffee, you just wanted water. Just when the waitress left they asked why you didn't order anything. "I don't... you know..." You felt embarrassed and scared but also very overwhelmed.
"Okay, no. You will eat at least two bites of my pancake, copied?", Natasha said.
"Copy that...", you said quietly and Steve chuckled. Natasha gave him an angry glance and his smile vanished.
Because someone kicked you, you looked up. Bucky stared at you and nodded to let you know you should do what Natasha had said. You didn't respond and looked down at the table again.
"You need food to survive, y/n, so don't feel bad about it", Bucky reminded.
"You don't understand...", you whispered and you felt tears in your eyes.
"Come outside with me for a moment, y/n", Bucky said and stood up.
"Where are you going?", Steve asked.
"Just getting some fresh air. I think y/n needs it right now. Don't wait for me, you can start when it arrives. But don't eat my pancakes!", Bucky said, grabbed your arm, and pulled you outside.
On the way, you couldn't hold the tears back anymore.
"Don't worry about it, okay? You don't have to stress yourself with eating. But it is necessary to have at least a bite or two okay?", he asked and you nodded but stared at the floor. With his finger, he put your chin up. "Just because Hydra forbid it, doesn't mean you aren't allowed in general. They used it to control you. Fight back and eat something", he said with a smile. You tried to smile back but failed. "We can also go grab your favorite coffee if you want. Just see it as a mission and the fight is to do whatever Hydra didn't allow. I promise you, no one here will punish you. If you do anything wrong, we will tell you. That's it. We tell, you apologize and don't do it again - end of story. No fear, no pain, just communication." He took away his hand and you took a deep breath.
"Wanna go back in?" You nodded.

Everyone already finished though they had a little bit left on the plate. You knew they left it for you but it pressured you even more.
"I can't do that", you said heavily breathing, stood up, and ran out. Steve immediately ran after you and grabbed your arm when you reached the outside.
"Don't run away", he ordered.
"No, I... I just needed to go outside. I'm not...", you sighed.
"Leave her", Bucky said when he caught up.
"But-", Steve started but got interrupted by Bucky.
"She won't run away."
"How do you know?" But Bucky didn't answer and just gave him an angry and demanding glare. Steve let you go.
"I'm sorry, I..." All you wanted was to run away, you felt like you didn't fit in and were just doing everything worse so you cowered, knowing that anything else would be received as an attack in any way.
"It's okay y/n. We're not angry at you. Anything you'd like to do?", Natasha asked after she too caught up.
"I'd like to go back...", you said low.

You noticed that the way back was longer so you asked what they were up to. "We're going to grab some coffee for the rest of the team", Steve explained.
"Here we go", Bucky said after a while and you were standing in front of Starbucks.
"I'd like to stay outside", you said so Natasha went in to order while the rest of you waited outside.

"Here", she said when she came back and pushed a cup into your hand, "Your favorite coffee. Try it or not, it's up to you." The cup was warm in your hands and created a nice feeling inside your chest. Natasha and Steve were in a hot discussion so you tried to stay behind. Bucky noticed and stayed with you.
"They look like a nice couple", you said in a sad tone. Bucky stopped and grabbed your arm so you stopped as well.
"You're kidding me", he said.
"You know that she loves you more than anything, do you?"
"I don't have many memories, so no. But I think it would be better either way if she would-"
"Y/n, no. Yeah, this shit is... shit. But don't think that she would replace you easily."
"I mean it's Steve Rogers, who wouldn't-", you said and Bucky interrupted you.
"Y/n. Come on. Don't be so jealous."
"I'm not! Well... maybe I am", you admitted mumbling.
He laughed and you sank into your thoughts, following Bucky when he started to move again. Mindlessly you sipped from your coffee.
"But don't you think it wouldn't be better for her if she would just find someone else? What I remember about us wasn't healthy", you said, staring at them and watching how they laughed and had fun. Now and then Natasha nudged him and laughed even more after it. You sipped again. "She looks so happy..."
Bucky nudged you. "She's happy with you too."
"But she was mostly sad and on the edge."
"That's just what you remember. Trust me, you were pretty happy together", he said.
You sighed and sipped again. Just now you realized that you had emptied half of your coffee and began to panic. Bucky stopped, grabbed your shoulders, and looked into your eyes. "It's okay, y/n. Nothing is gonna happen. I am proud of you, okay? You did a good job with drinking that", he said and nodded to the cup.
Bucky shook his head. "I bet if you would tell Natasha, she would be even prouder and happier than I am. And Hydra can't hurt you right now, okay?"
You swallowed and nodded slowly.
"Are you coming?", Steve called.
"Don't be so annoying!", Bucky called back and let you go.

When you were back again, you headed to your room while the others got their coffee and chatted. In your opinion, you had no right in joining them and you didn't get an order to do so.

You sat on your bed, facing the wall so the mirror wouldn't catch your front. Hesitantly you sipped from your cup, which you still held in your hand. It wasn't warm anymore but still tasted good, so you didn't care about it. Next time you'd see her, you would ask what she had ordered. Maybe you would go to Starbucks yourself one day to order it again. You were still scared of any consequences but it wasn't that bad anymore. As long as nobody watched you, it was bearable.

When you had emptied the cup, you placed it on the ground, lay down in your bed, and stared at it. The taste of that coffee was something you didn't want to forget and inside you begged to keep that memory. You had heard earlier that Pietro wasn't allowed to get coffee because he would be too annoying then, you felt sad for him that everyone was drinking some while he couldn't. "You're way too active already, you really don't need any caffeine to be more hyper", Tony had said. You didn't know Pietro or his sister and didn't want to change it as long as they wouldn't start a conversation with you. The glare of his sister was already enough for you to feel intimidated.
Someone knocked and walked into your room. "Can I lie down next to you?", Natasha asked.
"If you want to."
She didn't hesitate and lay behind you so she was in the middle of you and the wall, your back facing her front. "May I?", she asked while holding her arm above you.
"Okay." You weren't sure but also didn't want to push her away. It felt a bit weird, considering that you didn't really know her but you knew that for her it was different and you were sure that it was different for you too at some point.
She noticed that you were still staring at the cup, so she tried reaching it and was telling you, that you should just finally drink it but when the cup fell over easily when she touched it, she pulled her hand back. "It's empty", she said but you remained silent. Natasha stared at you now, her head with a gap over yours.
"Do you want to stare at me or do you want to say something?", you asked.
She laid her head next to yours again and squeezed you. "I'm proud of you", she whispered and kissed you on your cheek.
"What did you order?", you asked.
"Your favorite. Vanilla Latte with soy milk. How did you like it?"
"It was good", you whispered like no one else was allowed to hear it.
"We can get as many as you want."
You smiled and closed your eyes but suddenly remembered how she was around Steve and that you weren't a good girlfriend. "I'm sorry", you whispered.
"What do you mean?"
"I wasn't a good girlfriend and I am sorry for that", you said genuinely.
"Don't apologize. Just have a good time, alright?"
"Hm... Can I ask you something?"
"Can you tell me more about Pietro and... well... his sister?"
"What do you want to know about Wanda and Pietro?", Natasha asked surprised.
"I don't know to be honest... I have no clue who they are and Wanda doesn't seem to like me so I just want some information about them."
"I think you should talk to them sometime."
"Tell me at least why Wanda looks like she is about to kill me."
"I can't tell you, sorry. But I guess it's because you worked for Hydra and they... well they too have a history with them. And because Pietro almost died I guess she is just overprotective."
"He almost died?", you asked surprised.
"We were fighting against Ultron and when he tried to save Clint and a child, he got shot. Everybody thought he was dead but after a while, he suddenly was back again. I don't know how or who, but he said he got saved by someone."
"They made mistakes too, so just give them time to get to know you." She carefully stroked your hair which gave you goosebumps.
"Why isn't Thor here?"
"He's in Asgard, said he has a lot to do", Natasha explained.
"Are Steve and you close?", you asked and her hand stopped stroking you.
"What do you mean?"
Your heart raced. "If Steve and you are close."
"We are just friends if that's what you want to hear."
"I don't want you to say what you think I want to hear, I want to know in which relationship you are."
"Turn around", she said and you didn't want to but it sounded like an order so you did it nevertheless. She looked into your eyes which you tried to avoid and her hand laid on your cheek.
"Look at me", she whispered, so you did. "Steve and I are friends. He was there for me when-"
"I wasn't...", you said and felt tears coming up.
"Yeah, but not in that way. Don't worry about him, you are the only one I love, okay?" She started stroking your hair again.
"Maybe you should consider it."
You stopped yourself from speaking your thoughts out loud. "Forget it."
She took her hand away and scoffed. "You want us to date." Natasha stood up and you wanted to stop her but instead, you just watched her leave. You took the blanket and pulled it over your head.
"You always fuck up...", you said quietly.
"You don't", Bucky said through the speaker.
"Leave me alone. Was watching us at least entertaining for you?", you asked irritated.
The door opened a few seconds later. "I didn't watch you fully. Just the last part because I didn't want to disturb anything."
"Anything", you repeated and scoffed. "I bet I know what you hoped for."
"Shut up, Y/L/N."
When Bucky sat down on your bed you groaned. Forcefully you pushed the blanket forward so your hands hit your thighs. "No need to hurt yourself", he said and chuckled.
"Shut uuuup, goddamn...!" You turned aside and pulled the blanket over your head again. Bucky tried to get the blanket away but you held it tight so he stayed unsuccessful.
"Come on", he said.
"I can easily use my other hand."
"I don't care. Just remember that I don't use my ability on you, so do whatever you think's right."
"That's not fair!"
"Nothing's fair Barnes."
He scoffed: "I take it back."
"Maybe Hydra was bad for you through and through", he teased.
"Ah, come on. Shut up already."
He chuckled.
"So what did you want in the first place? I don't think your plan was just to come in and annoy me."
"That's what you think."
"Spit it out or I'm gonna mess with you", you threatened.
"Oh, I'm interested. What are you gonna do? Show me my worst mistakes? My trauma? Uh, wait! Bet you're trying to raise anxiety so I will run away from you. Or maybe you will-"
"Barnes, if you continue I'm gonna kill you."
"Try me."
"You wish."
"It was worth a try."
You took a deep breath. "Please just leave me alone. I don't belong here anyway." You felt his stare on you for a while until he sighed.
"I wish you could see what I see."
"I could just-" You stopped yourself from telling a bad joke that would just put you in a bad light.
"Tell me."
"Tell me", he still demanded.
"I won't."
"Because it's a bad joke on the cost of everyone."
"It's just us, I can handle a bad joke."
You sighed and took a deep breath. "I could just get your eyes out for that...", you said embarrassed and worried.
"Oh...", he said and stayed silent.

After a few minutes, you peeked over your blanket. He took the opportunity and pulled it away. "Ha! Gotcha!"
You sat up angrily. "You tricked me!", you complained.
"You tried to trick us a few times too and who knows if you still do."
Standing up you sighed and sat down in the farthest corner, holding your head in your hands.
"I didn't-", Bucky began but you interrupted him.
"No, it's okay. You're right."
 He stood up and wanted to get to you but you waved your hand dismissively so he sat down again.
"I mean at least you just have to tolerate me until the week is over, so..."
"Okay, enough of your depression, I don't wanna be depressed as well."
"But I don't-"
"It's not always about your ability, y/n. Get up now, we're gonna get you somewhere else."
"I better stay here", you said but he walked over, grabbed your arm, and pulled you up fast.
"Let's finally have some fun, alright? You had enough bad days."

When you reached the common room, Wanda ran to you, yelling that you should stop. Confused you looked around but everyone except Bucky just glared at you. "I knew she was a threat!", Wanda yelled, "Get her off of here!"
"Stop it, y/n", Steve ordered.
"What?", you asked.
"We thought you changed", Natasha said disappointed.
"I'm not doing anything!", you exclaimed.
"I said I'm not doing anything!", you tried again.
"He's in pain because of you! Stop already!", Wanda yelled.
They crowded you and tried to kill you now.

"Y/n, come on!" You opened your eyes. "There we go", Bucky said with a smile. You lay on the floor and Bucky had placed your legs on your bed, so your blood could get to your head easier.
"What happened?", you asked putting your hands on your face.
"You passed out, I guess you stood up too fast or it's because you didn't eat, I don't know."
"I didn't want to stand up in the first place and it's not that I stood up, you just grabbed me."
"I'm sorry... Still, we should get you out of here as soon as you feel ready", Bucky said.
"Please let's avoid the common room..."
"No reason..."

You waited at the door when Bucky told the team that you were heading off. With Clint on his side, he came back to you. "He's coming with us", Bucky said pointing to Clint with his thumb.
"Anything you'd like to eat?", Bucky asked when you were standing in the elevator, waiting until you reached the ground floor. With a 'ping' the elevator door opened. "Sooo?"
"No, nothing", you answered and went outside.
"Maybe we should get some French fries. She was really into it months ago, maybe it didn't change", Clint suggested. Bucky shrugged and headed to the next diner.

"I really don't want to eat", you said having the plate full of fries in front of you.
"You just passed out, you better eat or I'm gonna help you with that", Bucky said glaring at you. You sighed and shoved a few fries into your mouth. "Happy?"
"It's a start, yeah", Bucky said satisfied.
"Here", Clint said and pushed a small bowl with ketchup to you.
"I can't do this, Bucky..."
"You can. I want to see half the plate empty before we leave", Bucky ordered.
"Copied...", you sighed and Clint glared at Bucky but he just glared back. "Boys..." You put your head in your hands because your head started to hurt.
"Are you okay?", Clint asked.
"Yeah, don't worry about me. Just don't kill each other." The pain grew stronger and you squeezed your eyes shut.
"Are you sure you are okay?"
"Yeah", you grunted.
"Y/n, don't lie to us. What's going on?"
"I don't know... I just have a bad headache which doesn't seem to get better."
"Should we leave?"
"But she didn't eat yet", Bucky chimed in.
"Who cares about that?", Clint asked.
"I do", Bucky replied.

As soon as you got outside your headache got better and just a few minutes later it was completely gone. "You tricked us", Clint said.
"No, I didn't", you said hurt and he sighed.

You had gone back and were lying on the floor of your room when Bucky came in after a while. "Banner has a theory", he said and waited for a response which he didn't get. "He thinks that your headache could be either psychosomatic or that Hydra did something so you wouldn't disobey them or something like that."
You scoffed. "I told you I can't eat."
"But you could drink your coffee, so I thought it would be okay."
"I should go back...", you said low.
"What? No!"
"This just isn't my place to be."
"But Hydra is?", Bucky asked perplexed.
"I don't know..." You sighed.
"Of course, this isn't easy. But you have to keep going. What do you want?"
"Listen, Buck", you said and stood up, "I don't know who I am nor who I was, so I can't tell you. I wish I could. I wish I could just remember or know what is right or wrong but I don't, okay? I..." You started to cry and Bucky embraced you.
"We will figure this out, you are not alone. You're important to everyone here, okay? We love you."
You freed yourself from his arms and looked him deep in the eyes. "You have to keep in mind that we don't know each other. You may know a version of me, but I don't know who that is and if I can ever be her. The person I am now is EQ8, a soldier better than anyone else with the mission to succeed. To kill. To torture. And the only reason I didn't leave just yet is to get some time. And all you're doing here is shattering the only things I know. The only stuff I can hold on to. I'm sorry that an 'I love you' or whatever won't keep me here when all you do is try to unsettle me."
"We're not trying to unsettle you. We're trying to help you remember. I know that this is difficult and that it's easier to have even some kind of a clue who you might be no matter if that is actually true or not but that's not a reason to give up."
"I'm not giving up. But you want me to give up my life, imagine someone wants you to just give up your life and who you are", you tried to make him understand but he sighed and got annoyed.
"But this isn't you."
"This is me now."
"But do you want that to be? Do you want to hurt people? Kill innocents? Do bad stuff?"
You remained silent.
"Do you care about them?"
You looked to the ground.
"You don't", he whispered realizing. "So you have no problem to just kill me now?"
You immediately looked into his eyes and avoided it again as soon as you caught yourself.
"I don't get you", he said confused.
"Me neither", you whispered.
"Here", he said giving you a knife, "hurt me."
"I don't see a reason for that."
"Do you need one?", he asked, and because you didn't move or say anything he punched you but you did nothing about it. "Come on, fight me!"
"I'm not in the mood."
"You're not in the mood? Since when is EQ8 not in the mood to fight?"
You glanced at him angrily.
After the third punch, you took his arm, turned him around, and pushed him against the wall while you held his arm against his back. "Don't make me angry, Barnes", you warned.
"Tell me why."
"Because I'm going to hurt you then."
"Do it", he said but you released him.
"You should leave. Now!"
He walked to the door but suddenly turned around and ran towards you. You dodged his punch, grabbed his arm, and kicked him to the ground. While standing up he wanted to get you off your feet but you jumped up, grabbed his shoulder, and pushed him against the wall.
"That's it?", he asked rubbing his head. He tried to punch you, but you caught his fist, pulled him down, and kicked him with your knee in his abdomen. He groaned but straightened up, taking your arm to turn you around and pressing you against the wall. "You got pretty weak."
You pushed yourself a bit from the wall, turned around, held his wrist, and slid between his legs. He hit his head on the wall while you grabbed him from behind and held the knife to his throat. "Do it. Come on, EQ8, do it!", he provoked. You pressed your lips together and your hand was shaking out of anger.
"Fuck you", you hissed, dropped the knife, and left the room. Tony saw you and asked why you were alone and not in your room. "Ask Barnes, I'm out", you said angrily, not even glancing over to Tony.
"What do you think, you're doing?!", Tony asked irritated.
"Leaving!", you yelled.
He tried to stop you but failed. When you reached the elevator, Natasha was running to you.
"What are you doing?", she asked.
"I'm leaving."
"But you wanted to stay for a week?"
"Not anymore." When you tried to enter the elevator, Natasha got in your way and tried to get your focus. "Step aside, Romanoff."
"I don't want to fight again, so for fucks sake please just step aside!"
"No!" The elevator door wanted to close but Natasha was in their way so they couldn't and opened again. "You promised me a week and the week's not over yet! There is no way I'm gonna lose you again!"
Since you couldn't get her out of your way, you just pushed her in and pressed the button to get down.
"What is your plan?", she asked.
"Leaving, as I said." The doors closed.
"But why?"
"Ask Barnes. I'm not up for discussions right now."
"What did he do?!", Natasha asked irritated.
"He was stupid", you said, clenching your jaw.
"You didn't-", Natasha started and you rolled with your eyes.
"And that's why I'm leaving as well."
She got in front of you and was a bit unsure about her next step.
"What?", you asked annoyed. She pushed you against the elevator wall and kissed you. It was so sudden that you didn't know what was happening, but because it felt so good at the same time, you just kissed her back. Her fingers were running through your hair while her left hand pressed you against the wall.
"I love you, stay with me", she whispered and started to kiss your neck. With the hand you were holding her head, you grabbed her hair, pulled her away, and pushed her against the other wall to take over the situation and kiss her.
When the elevator doors opened, you stopped and were both heavily breathing. "We should do that again", she whispered so you nodded. She smiled and leaned her head against your shoulder. You stepped a little back so you could hold her tight.
"I love you", you said and she chuckled. "What's so funny?"
"We always have to fight, huh?", Natasha asked.
"Seems like it... we should work on that..."
"Yeah, we should... so you're staying?"
"At least till tomorrow."
"You can sleep in my room."
"Maybe a day more then", you said and you both chuckled.

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BUCKY BARNES X (f)READER • right person not enough time • Y/N is sent by S.H.I.E.L.D to care for the ex-winter soldier. Y/N is a trained assassin...
175K 5.1K 15
"𝚒 𝚊𝚋𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜" @𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑓𝑒𝑒 "𝚞𝚛 𝚊 𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚞𝚙 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚛𝚎�...