The Shift

Da dropsofargent

100K 3.8K 558

Book II of the Lost Luna Trilogy *** I had finally accepted being a wolf-less Luna. Well that's what we had a... Altro

The Shift
01. Dull Pains and Aches
02. Blonde to Brown
03. Voices
04. The Animal Within
05. Goodbye Skylar. Hello Cana
06. Alec
07. Sierra Doesn't Know But Ryan Does
08. Two Chest Hairs and Three Pound Weights
09. Curls Frilly Dresses and the Coven Ball
10. So....Sierra Does Know?
11. A Quest For The Moon Goddess? Or A Quest For Me?
12. Let's Get The Show On The Road
14. Apartment 6b
15. The "Corporation"
16. Sairah
17. Game Plan
18. Reconnaissance

13. Welcome to Cincinnati

4.1K 187 61
Da dropsofargent

Hey guys, so this is gonna be a filler chap, but I promise there's gonna be stuff happening, I swear. It might even start at the end of this chap not sure yet <3



So here we were. In Cincinnati, Ohio. It hadn't been a long trip, only like three hours by plane and I had been asleep most of it. I was glad that Wyatt was here to keep Alec company because if he wasn't, Alec and Ryan probably would've been glaring at each other the entire time, even with me sitting between them.

The airport was nice, and filled with tons of people. I couldn't help but stand at the gate for a moment and stare at everyone going back and forth, both arriving and departing. Ryan came up behind me and nudged my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

I blinked slowly, watching a woman tend to her baby. I ignored the small pang in my chest knowing I'd left Jake at home. But if this had something to do with the Moon Goddess, then it would probably be extremely dangerous, so I focused on that thought instead. "I have no idea what the hell I'm doing here, Ryan." I shook my head, still not looking at him. "We just flew out here because Sierra said we have a quest or whatever, but we have absolutely no idea what the hell the quest is supposed to be. Talk about poor planning."

Everything came rushing at me then. All the doubts and worries. I could vaguely hear Cana in my head saying something about being impulsive and rushing into things. And she was right I suppose. I had five people who followed me here, probably expecting some sort of game plan. Which I did not have.

"Hey." He said. I didn't look up. "Skylar." He tipped my chin upwards until I met his gaze. "We'll be fine. Okay? Let's just get to the hotel. It's almost 10:30. We can get some sleep and start tomorrow. Don't worry about it."

I sighed, nodding. "Alright." With that being said, the six of us walked down the terminal, our bags and suitcases in hands. We'd all packed not lightly but it wasn't enough for more than two weeks, which hopefully was the extent of our stay. But who knows? Whatever the Moon Goddess had planned might stretch our time limit.

It was a long walk through the airport, mainly because of the people around us but even then it was a big place. I wasn't sure how long it took us to get to the front of the airport until I looked at my phone and saw it was now almost 11.

Once we were outside, Cameron hailed a cab, well two since one couldn't fit us all. I rode with Ryan and Alec, which is always pleasant, and Maggie rode with Wyatt and Cameron.

I stared out the front window of the cab, ignoring the glares being thrown across me. I could feel Ryan's tense form sitting to my left and the annoyance from Alec on my right. It was ridiculous and already getting old and I'd only known Alec a day or two. But I did understand it.

"Can you guys not please." I said quietly, letting my head fall back against the leather. I was getting a headache from I don't even know what and I didn't feel like dealing with this. "You won't even be in the same room so can you just let this cab ride be peaceful please."

"Tell that to him." Ryan grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Tell that to me?" Alec recoiled, his eyebrows going up. "You're the one glaring at me even though I've done nothing wrong. Like at all."

"Nothing wrong?" Ryan snapped back and I sent a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess that this trip would be over with soon. "Need I remind you that-"

I pushed them back into their seats. "Shut up! Or I will send you home." I glared at them. "Both of you."

They stayed silent the rest of the ride which thankfully was only about ten minutes. I didn't know the name of the hotel but it was nice and very big, probably expensive too. Alec slipped out of the car and I followed after him. Ryan got out the other side and we all grabbed our bags from the trunk. The cab with Maggie, Wyatt and Cameron pulled up just as Ryan payed for our ride.

We waited at the curb for the three of them to step out and pay for their ride, curtesy of Ryan of course. They grabbed their bags and we all walked inside.

"We got two rooms with four queens and a pull out." Ryan said as we entered the lobby, shrugging apologetically. "Which was all that was available for six people."

"I'll take the pullout." Maggie called, shouldering her bag.

Ryan nodded. "Okay, Skylar, Maggie and Cameron you're with me, and Wyatt and Alec have the other room. We're all going to get some sleep then start on this quest tomorrow morning."

We all followed him up to the counter after agreeing. I gnawed on my bottom lip, my fingers tapping the handle of my suitcase. I was actually really tired even though all I did was sleep on the plane, so I was looking forward to just collapsing on the bed.

Moments later, Ryan handed one room key to Wyatt and the other to me. We made our way to the elevators and traveled up to the third floor. Wyatt and Alec went ahead and entered room 333, while I opened the door to 334.

Nobody spoke much as Maggie and I took turns changing in the bathroom. She pulled out the couch and fell back against the pillows, almost falling sleep instantly. Cameron had done the same while Ryan had put our bags near the dresser, waiting for me.

I climbed into bed, feeling a sense of relief as I relished in the soft pillows and sheets. I was wearing my Camp Half-Blood Orange t-shirt and black soffe shorts, feeling a bit like Halloween. Ryan climbed in next to me and I snuggled up against him, watching the ceiling fan go in circles.

"Everything will be fine, Skylar." He murmured into my hair, brushing a few strands behind my ear. By this point I'd gotten used to having brown hair, though I did miss my blonde hair. "We'll be home to Jake before you know it."

I sighed, closing my eyes. "I hope so."

He didn't reply and seconds later his breathing evened out. I placed my hand on his chest, feeling his heart thump underneath my fingers. I smiled slightly before letting it drop.

Next thing I knew I heard the sound of rushing water. I opened my eyes and found myself staring up at what looked to be tendrils of energy and white light floating above me. It was like the northern lights, but you know, white. I blinked slowly, confused. It all looked like a dream.

But I don't remember ever falling asleep.



Sun shone through the hotel window, though I swore I had closed the curtains last night. I rubbed my eyes, sitting up slowly. My head felt weird but I couldn't figure out why. Cameron was leaning back against the headboard, staring at the wall. A pang of guilt shot through me as I realized Cameron was probably thinking about Lish. I felt terrible about having to asking him to leave her behind, but it must've been worse for Skylar, who had asked him.

I glanced to my side and noticed Skylar wasn't there. Panic rushed through me before I shook my head, pushing it away. She was probably in the bathroom or something. I slipped off the bed and walked over to my suitcase, glancing at a still sleeping Maggie before pulling my shirt off. I got dressed quickly and turned back to Cameron who looked like someone had kicked his puppy, or rather looked like a puppy who'd be kicked.

My mouth twisted in a grimace as I called out to my friend. "Hey Cameron, I know this is hard and I completely understand if you want to go home to Lish right now. I'll even pay for your flight." I knew that they needed Cameron, but I still didn't like watching my friend miss his mate. I knew what that felt like, even if it had been under different circumstances.

Cameron blinked, seeming to come out of his daze. His eyes flicked up to mine. "No. I mean I do want to go home like right this second, but I know you need me and I know Skylar needs me. Not only are you two my friends but you're also my Alpha and my Luna and it is my duty as a warrior to serve you."

I felt the urge to roll my eyes at that because I'd never made any of my warriors "serve" me, it was just what was stated in the pack law. I did, however, understand that that reasoning might be the only thing that would keep Cameron going on this trip, so I held in my usual comment and nodded instead. "Alright. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you in anyway."

Cameron nodded slowly before getting up to get dressed. I walked past him to the bathroom, knocking lightly on the door. When there was no answer I called out. "Skylar?"

Again there was no answer. My eyebrows drew together. Without another thought I opened the door to reveal an empty bathroom. The familiar panic shot through me once again. Where was she? I backed out and looked at Cameron. "Have you seen Skylar?"

Cameron's eyebrows went up. "No. She was gone when I woke up." He straightened up from putting his shirt on. "You don't know where she is?"

I shook my head. "No. But I won't freak just yet, though I want to. Remember that time I flipped out and she had just been at the store? Maybe she's doing something or she could be in Alec's room." I growled out Alec's name.

"We're in Cincinnati, Ryan." Cameron said, giving me a wary look. "Where could she possibly go?"

That did not make anything better. "Wake up Maggie please." Was all I said in reply as I ran out the door. I knocked-banged actually-on the door next to theirs.

Alec opened the door a second later without a shirt, glaring at me groggily as if he'd just gotten up. "What?" He growled.

I rolled my eyes. "Is Skylar in here?" I hated even asking that question.

Alec's eyes took on a confused look. "No." He said slowly. "Why?"

"Because she's not in our room either." I replied quickly, running my hands through my hair and trying not to panic. "Where could she be?"

Alex blinked the sleep and confusion away, replacing it with concern. "Have you tried calling her? Like on her cell phone? Or I don't know through your mate bond?"

My eyes widened. That's why my head had felt weird earlier. Skylar had blocked me. "She blocked me." I growled out, shaking my head in frustration as my panic began to rise. "Something could've happened to her. What if she was kidnapped again? What if she's being hurt right now? So many things could be happening to her and I have no idea because I can't even get inside her head!"

"Woah!" Alec said, holding his hands up in alarm. "What do you mean kidnapped again? Wait no that doesn't matter. Ryan I know this probably won't help coming from me but you need to calm down. If you don't you may never actually find her."

I glared at him incredulously, hating that he was right. I took a deep breath and blew it out through my nose. Alec nodded slightly and took a step backwards, warily watching me. "Track her scent Ryan. Figure out where she went. She's got tiny legs, she couldn't have gotten far."

"She's actually quite fast, believe it or not." I grumbled in response, taking slow breaths. Alec, as annoying as he is, was right. Without another thought I turned away from Alec and took a deep breath, taking in the scents around me.

I could smell the chipping paint on the hotel walls, the bacon and eggs from the downstairs diner, Alec's musky scent that had an odd hint of flowers to it, alcohol from the drunk girl stumbling and giggling along down the hall in broad daylight (humans were so weird), and the strawberry gum stuck to the door jam directly in front of me. Through all of that I was able to pick up Skylar's scent of daisies and immediately began walking down the hall without looking back.

I heard Alec yell at his brother that he was going out and footsteps followed behind me. I glanced at him briefly, thankful he had a shirt on, before looking straight ahead. "Know where we're heading?"

I wasn't really in the mood to stop Alec from following me, so I just snapped back in response. "If I did I would've already found her."

"God you're so moody." Alec grumbled as we waited for the elevator.

"You'd feel the same if your mate had just disappeared randomly." I replied. We entered the elevator and I pressed the ground floor button.

Alec leaned against the railing. "Well I haven't found my mate, so, here's the shocker, I don't actually know how you feel right now."

The look I shot him was scathing and Alec didn't say anything else. Another minute and we were both off the elevator, walking briskly to the entrance. Once we were outside, I let Ayden reign over some control, so he could track Skylar's scent. I didn't even have to think as Ayden controlled my movements, my feet taking me down the busy street, Alec almost jogging to keep up with me.

It wasn't long before Ayden had taken me and Alec down through alleys and backroads that led to a small expanse of forest. The trees were different from what I was used to, and I could only thank the Moon Goddess that this portion of Cincinnati was still unclaimed territory, otherwise they'd all be in deep trouble. Alec and I walked straight into them, pushing back the undergrowth and branches.

Ten minutes later, the sound of trickling water was heard and it seemed to block out everything else. Ayden suddenly propelled me forward with a speed I'd never been able to use as a human before. Skylar's scent was all around them as they scrambled down a ravine, jumping over rocks and fallen tree trunks.

At the base of the ravine there was a patch of bright green grass that formed a path to two giant willow trees, whose long, draping moss-like leaves created a sort of curtain. Light shone through as Alec and I neared. We shared perplexed looks before I pushed back the soft curtain.

Behind the curtain seemed to be a small oasis of sorts, with a pond that didn't originate from the ravine, giving the sense that it was something magical. There was also the same bright green grass here, surrounding the pond. Just beyond the pond were giant gray stones on which a shrine sat. I knew it was for the Moon Goddess based on the glowing light that surrounded them in tendrils of energy and the large, transparent moon hanging above them. I was surprised and confused to find a starry night staring down at me, as if we hadn't just been walking through Cincinnati in broad daylight. Stars twinkled and danced around the bright moon.

"Hey." Alec nudged my shoulder, bringing my gaze back down to earth. I followed Alec's gaze to a small figure asleep in the grass between the pond and two stones. It was Skylar in her orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and black shorts. My eyes widened when I noticed her hair was once again beautifully blond. She lay in the grass just below the shrine, looking peaceful and as if there was a halo of light surrounding her.

"Oh thank god." I muttered, feeling Ayden relax when he saw she wasn't in danger. Though why she was here was still a mystery, that was something they could discuss later. I motioned for Alec to stay where he was and stepped forward, moving to go pick up Skylar. I was two steps away from the pond when the light emanating from the moon above them flashed obnoxiously bright, momentarily blinding me.

I blinked a few times and looked up to see a woman floating down towards me. My jaw dropped. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I was staring at the Moon Goddess herself.


And the long awaited update.....what do you think's gonna happen?? Comment your thoughts ;)

[oh and her blond hair is back in case you didn't notice, lol, so now Claire Holt accurately depicts Skylar Nightly (minus her eyes not being green but who cares she's perfect anyway)]

Hope you enjoyed this chapter guys XD it's been like 3 years since I've last updated and mostly because I've been rewatching supernatural and slowly killing myself, and also because I've spent the summer with my dad

Don't forget to vote! <3 love you!
See you in 3 years!

~carry on my wayward son~


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