Nothing You've Come To Expect...

SweetDreamsCA द्वारा

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Who would have thought, that I'd be here telling the story of this love. Serendipitous. Unespected. A love li... अधिक

1. the here and now so suddenly became a different world
2. there's nothing like the element of surprise
3. i reckon i just might have broke the ice
4. well you need not come coke-head close to me
5. desire starts to make demands
6. my heart melted in the heat like yours
7. i'm leaning in to kiss the past goodbye
8. i found a place full of charms, a magic world in my baby's arms
9. your entrance just caused the temperature to rise
10. i guess the coastal air gets a girl to reflect
11. midnight has got the hots for me
12. and now a face in the crowd, she's not
13. he was born to blow your mind
14. hotel room free love revival
15. once it's started it's so tricky to stop
16. going home with trouble written in dirt on her knees
17. played like dancing fools turning the tension round
18. there's a set of rickety stairs in between my heart and my head
19. and your love is standing next to me
20. the fairytale was climbing up a mountain far too steep
Intermission: Playlist 🙂
22. (Part 1) finally, i slipped out of reality
23. (Part 2) finally, i slipped out of reality
24. i just can't get the thought of you and him out of my head
25. she was bitten on her birthday and now...
26. she clings to his consciousness wherever he lays
27. tenderness a plenty book
28. when can you come back again?
29. and is this what you wanted?
30. you're the only one that bent me this far out of shape
31. she used to be my girl
32. only time that we stop laughing is to breathe or steal a kiss
33. when true love takes a grip it leaves you without a choice
34. i want to stay with you my love the way some science fiction does
Thank you
Bonus Chapter- Yesterday's still leaking through the roof

21. nothing seems to stick without you baby

1.8K 34 156
SweetDreamsCA द्वारा

Warning: smutty part towards the end



It's the last morning together for a while.
Waking up with Alex is one of my favorite things and it already doesn't come often as it is. I will miss it.
I'm laying half on him, half on the bed, cuddled up next to him, my head resting on his shoulder. We're still sweaty from some pre-coffee delight.
His lips, kissing mine tenderly, taste of the dirty things he just did to me.
I brush my fingers on his arm, envying his light peach fuzz on them. I have to wax. Life is unfair. On certain things at least; I don't feel like complaining about life at the moment. It's treating me pretty fairly.

I stop my hand on the spot where a ray of sun sneaking through the blinds creates a little shimmering line on his forearm. I run my finger slowly on his tattoo, on the letters forming his ex's name. I've been wanting to ask about it so many times, but I know it's a touchy subject for him.
He notices my touch lingering on it.
"It's probably time for it to go," He comments.
"Whatever you feel like, babe."
"I'll take care of it when I'll have a chance."

His alarm didn't malfunction this time. Not too long ago, I sneaked under the sheets and he woke up and lifted the covers with a smirk, only to find me kneeled down working on him.
"Good morning to you too...!" he husked with his eyes still half open.
He lifted up on his elbow, watching me with his head tilted. He closed his eyes for a second parting his lips as I went deeper on him.
"Who's gonna wake me up the next few weeks?" He asked, breathy, raking my hair back from my forehead and keeping his hand on my head.
I let him go like I would with a lollipop. "Nobody, I hope!" My frowning face made him smile.

We stop to have dinner all together once back in LA. A night of relax before the hectic leg of the tour in Europe.
"I hope you don't have to go right away." Alex says as we all get up to leave.
"Not just yet, but I have to start heading to San Diego soon, babe." My face gets pouty.
I have an important meeting at work tomorrow morning. I can't be late and I need to be fresh. There's not much I can do about that, I just have to go and it kills me.
Alex brings his fist to his heart, making a dramatic expression of pain.
"Come to mine's, just for a bit. For a cuppa."
"That I can do."

We sit at the kitchen counter talking, waiting for the kettle to whistle. We had enough alcohol this weekend, so he's fixing some tea.
I love hanging with him in the kitchen. These are the moments I prefer with him. When he's strapped of the rockstar clothes and persona(s) and he's just his real self. I watch him with a smile as he fills the tea cups, all focused in what he's doing.
"We should cook together one day. You could teach me summat," he says all of a sudden, like he was hearing my thoughts. Or maybe he was having the same thoughts. Maybe these are his favorite moments also.
"I'd love that."
He raises his eyes and shines a little smile before going back to the tea cups.
"Are you sure you want to do that with an Italian? We can be quite patronizing when it comes to cooking!"
"I can take it." He serves me my cup and sits right across from me with his.

"So, I was talking to our tour manager. I think we have like three days off at the end of May. Perhaps I can fly back."
"You'd come here for like, one day and a half and then go back?"
"I did that before for less important things. Why wouldn't I do it for you? I'd do the moon and back twice easy just to kiss half of your mouth."
I take his hand in mine, smiling.

"That's sweet baby, but it's too much. You're crazy."
"That's all my pals are telling me..."
"And they're right!" I sigh. "Even if you do it, I have work and even if that day I call in sick or something, we will only have maybe 24 hours together in total...and that would be such a hassle for you to cross half the world, two times, for 24 hours. I feel stressed out for you just thinking about it!"
"Right..." Alex runs both his hands though his hair, blowing his cheeks out in frustration.
"We'll have to just wait until Italy. Fuck this."

Damnit. The struggle is real. This is making me a bit nervous.
They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but is that true? I still have that same fear that we will lose momentum.
I chew on my lip, lost in my thoughts as I stir the sugar in my tea. I think what's going on in my mind is showing on my face, as always.

"This is nothing new for me, or for you," Alex says. "I had busy girlfriends and I have been on the road like, half me life. You've dealt with this as well, even though the circumstances were different. This isn't the reason why we aren't with those people anymore, is it?"
"No, it isn't. I think."
"There were other reasons." He lights up the cigarette he was fidgeting with for the past few minutes.
I tilt my head to the side nodding.
Alex blows the smoke out turning his head a bit so that it won't go on my face. He rests his face on his hand, his elbow planted on the counter. "In the meantime we can plan our Italian escapade. Where are you taking me?"

I'm laying in bed with tears still in my eyes. I'm feeling really down tonight. I cried a bit as I was leaving his house earlier tonight and we got lost in a lengthy goodbye hug. We postponed that moment a few times, but I really had to go at that point.
A tear rolled down my cheeck when at the door. "Damnit," I said as I wiped it off. I tried so hard not to cry in front of him.
"It's ok." Alex wiped another one and then kissed my cheek. "Don't cry, love. It makes you quite...salty." He said to lighten the mood.
I may be the only one who laughs at all his dad jokes. Well, after Miles maybe.

"I'll be alright. I just can't deal with goodbyes."
"Not a fan either." Those sad puppy eyes. Aww man.
"You don't have to cry for me. Ever," he said, moving a lock of hair falling on my face. "I want to make a promise to you - and to meself: I'll never make you cry."
"I hope goodbyes are an exception 'cause I can't help..." I attempted a smile, which probably looked more like a sneer.
He closed his eyes, nodding. "Goodbyes are an exception."
Maybe he shouldn't make such promises.

I unwillingly removed my arms from around him, to finally walk to my car. But I lagged for a moment looking at him.
"I put a spell on you..." I said stabbing my index finger in the middle of his chest. My brows were furrowed as I looked up on him with a playful menacing stare.
"...because you're mine!" He sang, finishing the line of the old song.
These are just jokes on my part, but maybe also little reminders that he doesn't want to piss off an Italian.
He takes my hand and plants a little kiss on it. "Don't worry about a thing."

You know I can't stand it
You running around
You know better daddy

I blew him a kiss as I started the car, and as usual he caught it and put his palm on his mouth.

I put a spell on you
Because you're mine.

As I'm laying, thinking about our farewell and his promise which although quite ambitious, I found incredibly sweet, I see a text coming from him.

Sunshine Of Your Love - Cream

It's getting near dawn
When lights close their tired eyes
I'll soon be with you my love
Give you my dawn surprise
I'll be with you darling soon
I'll be with you when the stars start falling

One of my favorite songs.

'When the stars start falling.' Right. Summer. And it's only spring. Goddamnit.
Usually I find this song sexy, but tonight it's making me emotional.

I've been waiting so long
To be where I'm going
In the sunshine of your love

The water pooling in my eyes starts overflowing.
Tears on the pillow via my cheeck.

Damnit, now I'm horny and sad

Tehehe that's a feeling I'm very familiar with.

Is it? 😂

I mean, I wrote a whole album about it...

I laugh so hard at that. He's always able to cheer me up and sometimes all he needs is a one-liner.

This song goes in our playlist I suppose

Can't wait for your 'dawn surprise' 😉

It will probably compare to yours from this morning

You're not helping!

No stars tonight. Something in your magnetism must have pissed them off

Maybe they're simply not in the mood... Just like me.

Give me a smile babe. I can't see it but I can feel it


Have a good night my darling. I'll call tomorrow as soon as I settle. Love ya


Not a chance.


I'm in such a mood. I'm at work and I can't focus on anything.
Today is an old friend's birthday so I decide to take a mental break and get distracted with this. We keep in touch through Instagram, even though I am not very active on there, so I opened it to send her birthday wishes.
I wish I fucking didn't.
I'm not looking for the band's footage much anymore, I only check YouTube to see some videos of the concerts. But I used to before, so I guess the algorithm still thinks I want all that. All the latest.

I get drowned in posts about Alex...and yours truly.
Fuuuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I see pictures of us together.
I guess Concert_Dude_505 hit again, the other night at Coachella.

He got us in the backstage. Damnit we were so careful. How did he get into the VIP area? There are three photos that are making the rounds: in one we're walking hand in hand, in one I'm giving him a peck, in the third one we're just talking and smiling. These ones show my face, this time.

This is making me so uncomfortable.
I'm trying not to read the comments. The only ones I caught a glimpse of were 1/3 nice, 1/3 neutral and 1/3 hateful. Ok. It could be worse I guess.
Then one of them catches my attention.

"Omg. I know her."

Oh hell no, I think. My blood pressure goes up. What? No. I don't want anyone to know me. What's this fuckery? I keep reading.

"I met her outside The Observatory. She's very nice!"
She then proceeds to tell how the security was giving me a hard time with the pass so we got to chit-chat for a bit. That I said I was a photographer. That Ceci came to get me in.
Oh, I get it: It's Knee Socks girl.

"She did talk about knowing Alex, how he's such a nice guy! I can't believe I was hanging with Alex's new gf!!!"

At least Knee Socks girl appreciates me. Thank you sweetie!
Now people think I am a photographer. Oh well.

But it gets worst.

The Daily Mirror picked up the news. There's already an article with our pictures.


I'm not sure whether I want to laugh hysterically or cry and have a melt down at work.
My face is on the fucking Daily Mirror's website.

"The mysterious woman has been spotted with the rocker a few times in the last few weeks, a source told Daily Mirror."
A source? It must be that guy.

I wish I could talk to Alex. Or Ceci; she's always able to reassure me. But they're on their flight right now. I won't be able to talk to them until tonight.

ME keys-frontman-72922718

Holy shit! You famous now!

No no no no I don't wanna be!!! I'm freaking out Cla

My phone rings. Claudia.

"Hey there, 'curvaceous brunette'!"
I pinch the bridge of my nose. "They're calling me fat, aren't they? I'm not a size 0 model so...I must be super fat for the tabloids standard."
"I think they mean it in a nice way. Sexy curves. Voluptuous."
"That's the word he uses."
"See? Anyhow. It must be freaky. But you're private and you won't be harassed. He cares of his privacy too. You'll be fine girl."

I hope. I really do. I don't like being in the spotlight. And this is a big one.


Miss you already.

It's 7:23 PM. They must have landed in London not too long ago.


I don't have a pretty face waiting for me at the gate here :(

That's good news. *menacing italian stare*

Call you in a little bit

We talk for a bit when he gets to the hotel. He's very tired, so I don't keep him too long, but I tell him about the pictures all over the socials and about the article that I bumped into.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry babe. This will happen every now and then. I can't stop it. You're officially welcome to my world now!"
"Right! It's terrifying!"
"The best way to deal with this shite is to not pay too much attention to it. You can't worry what people think."
"Right. I'm trying, I swear. It's just I never had this happen to me before. It feels so...violating."
"I know, it can be disturbing at times. Another thing you'll get used to. At least a little bit."
I leave out a sigh.

He keeps talking
"The answer to this is keeping private, not getting involved. And we both do that normally; we don't mess with social media and shit like that. We won't be bothered too much. People talk...and I mean, eh, just let them talk. At the end of the day, we're the only ones who know." I perceive his smile.

I have that phrase going back and forth in my head as I go to sleep that night. It's strangely conforting.
I turn off the lamp and I lay on one side pulling the sheets up almost until my eyes. We're the only ones who know, I think, hugging myself and smiling at the dark.

Two weeks later

The first couple of weeks went by kind of fast. Thankfully.
The Puppets have been all over the place. They are crazy busy at the moment; aside from the concerts and festivals, the album is out now, another single was released and anywhere they go they have interviews to do.

A few things happened.
1. It was so much fun to see Alex and Miles live on a British show, where they played Aviation and did a short interview. They were hilarious. Watching Alex in real time made me crave his presence. I could almost smell his scent and feel his smooth face through the TV.
I have a feeling that the weeks are going to feel slower as we go.

2. Johnny Marr joined the band on stage at a couple of gigs in London for a beautiful cover of Last Night I Felt by The Smiths. I wish I could have been there to see that. Alex's excitement for this 'collaboration' was adorable.
Definitely a great accomplishment for anyone to perform with some of their favorite artists. Or idols, even. I couldn't imagine. Then again, I am dating one of my idols. Life is strage.

3. They introduced a new cover for the set, "Is This What You Wanted?" by Leonard Cohen.
I love Alex's interpretation of it. And how he makes it sound sexy with his effortless sensuality. His smirk on the line 'I was the dirty little boy' nearly killed me the first time.

No sight of Pamela, so far, according to Ceci. GOOD.

I've been doing ok for the most part. But every now and then I have my moments of down. It already happened a couple of times that at some point during the day, when it's night on his side of the world, I would start, completely out of nowhere, making scenarios in my head in which he picked up some girl and took her to his room.
Now I know jealousy; it's completely irrational. And it hurts.
Talking to him always sooths my nerves and dissipates my irrational thoughts.

The days have started to drag. I miss him and I'm getting restless and jealous, and envious of the people who are able to be there all the time.
Two more weeks 'til my trip to Italy. I can't take it anymore.

I'm finally off work and I check my phone as I walk to the car. I texted Alex earlier but he didn't reply.
They had a gig tonight and I asked how it went. He's probaly still out. He usually stays with the guys until late after the shows. Ceci and I sometimes videocall to make me part of the after show, besides, of course the show itself. After Italy she'll have to come back to the US for a bit and I'm gonna miss all her help.

Today though I haven't heard from Ceci either. And it's one of those days: I'm having bad thoughts. I'm already picturing Alex having sex with some bitch who sneaked in the dressing rooms. I feel like him in the "Why D'You Only Call Me When You're High?" music video. Seeing things. For goodness sake.
When we talk after the concerts, if he's not too drunk (or else), he usually waits until he's back at the hotel and on his own, so we can have all the privacy and all the time we want. I hope he won't leave me alone with the movies in my head tonight.

I've turned on the car and I'm starting to move out of the parking spot when I get his reply.

Alone at last. I'll call in a minute

I close my eyes smiling. Thank god. I need it.

Gig was great. They have good beer in Belgium.

I'm trying to figure out if these are two separate considerations or they're a cause and effect thing


What you up to?

Just in bed, wishing you were here.

In the car, but same. What if I was there?

I see three dots flashing for a while. Then

What should I say when I want to kiss the side of your neck and leave it at that?

When I want to feel the heat of my own breath bounce back and warm my lips after I strategically place them on my favorite pieces of your skin?

I want to leave goosebumps everywhere I have not yet kissed and spend the night trying to read them like Braille.

My jaw reaches the floor of the car as I read these texts.
Oh my God. This is beautiful.
I don't even know what to reply to that. I need a minute.
I re-read them over and over. I open the door to get some air in. I'm getting suddenly hot. And moved. I can't with this guy.

You promised not to make me cry, well you might fail here

My phone finally rings.

"Hey dolcezza..."
"Buona sera mio amore. Sorry for making you wait. I was taking care of something."
"I'm at loss for words. What do I even reply to that? Did you write it?" I'm just taken away by that poem.
"No, that isn't mine. It's a thing I've read. Made me instantly think about a certain someone."
"It's beautiful. And it might as well been yours, honestly. How are you baby?"
"I'm ok...hungry"
"Hungry? Isn't it like almost 2 in the morning?"
"What would I give for a bite."
"A bite of what?"
"...ok, I'm going to be very un-poetic now."
"Go ahead," I say intrigued.
"My kingdom for a mouthful of your wondrous tits."
Oh, that kinda hunger.
"Oh. Well, I won't be poetic either. I'd give a kidney now for a taste of your hard c-"
"Tomorrow," he says giggling, interrupting me.
"Tomorrow? What happens tomorrow?!"
"I'll be there, with you. You will have this fool at your feet. "

"I just booked a flight for tomorrow morning. I'll be in San Diego in the early afternoon, your time."
"What!? I thought you were playing at that festival in Polonia this weekend!"
"Well, they issued a storm warning over there so they cancelled it. And we had some time off before and after that, so that gives me five days of freedom. Why wouldn't I go and see my girl?"
"Alex! This is great!! I have a long weekend for Memorial Day. This is perfect! I mean I feel bad for the festival goers...But yay for us!"
"See...things work out on their own when they're right. I got a place where we can stay. You'll like it."
"You'll see."
"Oh, so secretive..! Besides, wherever that is, I doubt we will see the outside of that room very much."
"I have the same doubt..."
"Tomorrow, darling..."


Vera gave me the ok to move my lunch break to a later time, in the early afternoon.
This is the plan: pick up Alex at the airport, take him to the hotel or wherever it is that we're staying. He will rest while I finish my work day and I'll meet him there when I'm off.

I pull my car to the Arrivals curb, where I see Alex smoking and looking at his phone as he waits. He's in black jeans and boots, a grey blazer over a black and white buttoned down shirt. How can he look so handsome after an intercontinental flight?
I see him raising his eyes and noticing my car as I get out of the vehicle. With his head still down and a strand of hair falling on his face, he looks up to me over his sunglasses, with a smile.

He flickers the butt of his cigarette away, he puts his brown leather travel bag on his shoulder and picks up a worn guitar case. I love that he brought his guitar with him. I love being a spectator of his private performances. I treasure them.

I rush towards him with a grin, my heart exploding with happiness for having him in front of me once again.
We meet in the middle of the curb. Alex drops his stuff and I jump-hug him. I don't give a shit this time.
You all watch us. I don't care. Watch us being happy and in love.
"Ciao bellissima," he greets before catching me. He slides me down and we look at each other for a few seconds before sharing a kiss. I throw my arms around his neck while he holds me tight.

"I can't believe you're here!" I close my eyes, taking it all in: the fainted smell of his cologne on his neck, the feeling of his arms around me, the warmth of his body against me.
He kisses my neck, inhaling. "I've missed you. And your alliteration- ridden scent."
I part from him a little, to look at him in the face. I look at his lips, wanting to kiss him again, better, a proper kiss.

"There may be paps. I had a couple on me at Brussels airport. I think they might be onto us," he says lowering his voice.
"I don't care."
"Maybe I will, later, but now I don't give a shit." I bury my hand in his hair kissing his mouth again and again.
"There, I see one behind that pillar. Let's go baby."
As we get to the car I see the photographer when I look in the direction Alex was hinting at. It's a weird feeling.

I look at him as we sit in the vehicle. "You get off a one billion-hour flight looking like that? How the hell you do that?"
"Pfft." He takes the sun visor down to look in the mirror. "I look like death," he contradicts me, rubbing his face with both hands. He looks a bit tired but not any less beautiful.
"Death would be honored to look that hot. Fucking hell."
I turn on the car and leave, fast, before the photographer decides to follow us.

Alex gives me directions looking at his phone without telling me what our destination is.
"Ok, take the next exit."
"Oh we're going to Coronado Island! I love that place!"
Coronado, called improperly "island", extends on the bay, in front of the city, and it's connected to downtown with a scenic curved bridge crossing the bay and by a strip of land south of town.
I talked to him about it before, how I would have loved to take him to the quaint, charming beach town one day. He's never been.

"Ok so, make a right at the next light."
I know where that streets goes.
"We're NOT going to the Hotel Del Coronado. Are we?"
"Ehm...we might be."
"Oh my god! Alex, are you crazy?!"
"Why? Is it haunted?"
"Well...yes it is actually, but besides that, that place must be super expensive!"

'The Del' how the locals call it, it's a dreamy beachfront Victorian hotel that was built in the 1800s. It's huge and beautiful. You know that movie "Someone Like It Hot" with Marilyn Monroe? It was filmed here. That's also where L. Frank Baum wrote part of the Wizard of Oz. He even designed some chandeliers that are still there. Crazy huh?
"It actually wasn't that bad...and you said that staying at this place was in your bucketlist. Anything to see you happy," Alex says.
I fix a strand of hair that fell on his eyes. "You're already doing it just by being with me, silly. Cheesy, but true."

I stop the car at the curb at the entrance. I tilt down my head to look up at the grandiose facade of The Del with its white wood walls, the many red-roofed towers and arches.
I look back at him, shaking my head. "Sei un pazzo. You shouldn't have."
He shruggs. "I could make this dream come true so I did."
I stare at his mouth as he talks.
Now that we (hopefully) slipped under the paparazzi radar, I can claim my real kiss.
I unbuckle my seat belt, he does the same. "Can we make out now?" I make him chuckle.
"I don't see why not."

Our mouths part slightly after a lengthy hot kiss. Our breaths, a bit heavier now, hit our wet lips.
I have to take advantage of this pause to get the will to leave, otherwise I'll never be able to. "Ok...I gotta go back to wo-" I moved my face away, but he grabs the back of my neck, his thumb on my cheeck, and pulls me into him.
"Shh..." he says quietly, before kissing me again.

I counted the minutes all afternoon, now I'm finally off work. Got out at 5:01, at 5:23 I step in the beautiful retro lobby of the hotel and I get transported to the 1930s with its Art Deco design and decorations.
I collect the room card from the check-in desk and I ride the old elevator to the third floor. I've been in the stores on the 1st floor many times but I have never seen the guests floors.

I leave three syncopated knocks on the door of the room. No response. Maybe he's still sleeping.
I slide the key card and I catch with the corner of my eye a lady in a long brown gown entering a room two doors away. She was either a Amish of some sort, a cosplayer or the hotel is hunted for real.
The card slot flashes a green light. I shrug and I enter the room, dropping my overnight bag on the floor and closing the door behind me.. He's not there. "Alex?"
I notice the sound of the shower running as I get further inside. I smile looking forward to what expects me.

I walk around the room, curious. It's big. Pretty modern, in contrast with the historic nature of the building, and has a view on the ocean.
The shower is still running.
Alright. Let's get a head start then.
I remove my blouse and my skirt - my work clothes, remaining in lingerie. He loves simplicity, but tonight I want to stun him. I bought a beautiful set of lingerie, black, see-through with little subtle floral embroidery decorations to make it slightly more romantic. The bottom is a thong and it came with straps to be attached to hold-up stockings. I'm doing the whole shebangs. I refreshed and changed quickly in the bathroom at work before leaving.
He will find me in bed like this.

At least that was the plan, but I get distracted looking out of the window. The view is insanely spectacular! I can see the whole Coronado coast, at least the stretch on this side of the "island", and at a distance the silhouette of the Point Loma peninsula, ending in a cliff in the sea.

"Well...fuck..!" I hear behind me.
I didn't notice that the sound of the shower stopped.
I turn to Alex standing at the bathroom door in a chiastic pose , with an arm stretched and his hand on the doorframe. I have this random thought that his armpit is sexy. What the hell is wrong with me?
He's only wearing a towel. It sits very low on his waist, allowing a glimpse of the V-shape of his lower abdomen.
His hand is right above his crotch, where the towel overlaps, as to hold it from falling. His hair, all pulled back, is wet from the shower, and water drips from the curls down to his shoulders and then down his collarbones and chest. The omnipresent chain is at his neck as always.
He seems pleasantly surprised. Point for me.

"Hey..!" I walk towards him doing a subtle catwalk. I see his eyes dancing on my body as I get close, his lips parting.
"Fucking hell, babe..."
"It's mutual." I can't take my eyes off his body still a bit wet from the shower. I look at the little strip of hair running from his belly button down, disappearing inside the towel. That is a very happy trail, I tell you.
His arm is still leaning on the door frame. "I need another shower now," he says slowly, rising a brow slightly when I'm in front of him.
"Not now...I have other plans." I smile cheekly.

Alex surrounds me with his arms and pulls me firmly into him. My hands land on his chest and move down as our impatient lips lock together. He pulls my lower lip with his teeth before shoving his tongue in my mouth. I respond to it eagerly, desperately caressing his face and his hair, leaving out a light moan as I feel his hands greedy all over me, running over the stockings and on my butt. He's filling his hands with me. I'm doing the same with him, honestly.

I inhale in his neck and his fresh but masculine scent inebriates me.
I sneak my fingers inside the hem of the towel, feeling it getting lose. I make it fall on the floor. I feel him hard against my groin as I pull him onto me, with my hands inevitably on his ass. "We really ain't wasting any minute here."

"Exactly..." He abruptly shifts me infront of him, his body pushing onto mine and I end up against the wall, gasping. His arms cross on my stomach, squeezing me tight from behind.
I tilt my head when I feel his mouth on my neck, kissing, nibbling at the skin. I'm breathing heavily through my mouth. I never desired someone this bad.
"I missed you loads." It's almost a whisper by my ear.
His arousal is getting more and more noticeable, I feel it pushing against my ass.
His hands grab my breast, pulling me into him, then run down my stomach, and creep down over the fabric of my panties. I'm already soaking through.
I throw my arm back around his neck, I stroke his hair, his cheeck, I trace the line of his jawline.
"Not a minute wasted," he says as he slips a hand inside the thong, moving his fingers skillfully in the right spots.
" feel so good everywhere."

He stops and grabs my forearms to lift them and pin them against the wall, over my head. His body pushed against mine. A moan escapes my mouth. I feel weak, very weak.
I feel his heavy breathing on my neck, by my ear.
"Remember that one night, when you took a walk on the wild side? It's my turn," he says really quietly by my ear.
He lets my arms go.
"You should run for cover, this time."
"Oh, I'm not going anywhere."
I gasp whe he picks me up like a caveman, holding me over his shoulder, my butt up. He carries me like this and I let out little amused screams as we move. He throws me down on the bed on my back, I leave out a little shriek of surprise and excitement. I back away moving towards the center of the bed, I'm playing his game, acting like a pray.

He crawls over me with a smirk on his face, running his hands on my body as he gets on me. He sticks his tongue in my mouth as he gropes my thigh. I stroke his face and his beautiful arms, feeling his muscles contracting.
He kisses and bites on my neck hard, I it almost hurts but I like it.

He takes the straps of my bra down and I open the hooks in the back for him to hastily take it off. His hands get greedy and rude on me, his mouth addressing his hunger, working his tongue on my nipples, sucking and biting. He moves down to my stomach.
I always feel a bit self conscious about my non-flat tummy; every time he gets around it, I unconsciously cover it with my arm, even now that I feel so comfortable with him.
He grabs my arm and takes it off my belly. "Don't," he says stern. He places a kiss on it. "I love it. You're beautiful."

I cross my legs on his back.
He moves down and places another kiss an inch over the hem of my panties. His hands run down my thighs, pushing them open. He moves down with a frowning sex stare that will be on my mind for the next couple of weeks. Or forever.

His tongue creeps on the sheer fabric of my panties, once. I feel his warm and wet touch but not as much as I want to. It's a tease. His smirk confirms that.
He grabs the sides of my thong and pulls them down, so precipitously that the thin fabric tears apart.

He begins devouring me, licking and sucking like a hungry animal, his fingers tempting me to insanity. I keep closing my legs, feeling his face between my thighs and he opens them back everytime to work better on me. "You're so good," I say in a breath, my fingers buried in his hair.
He doesn't stop, actually increases the intensity of his moves until I feel a pleasure building inside me that makes me move in waves against him.
He notices my changes. "I want you to cum in my mouth baby."
I moan loud, nearing orgasm. " to my ears."
He doesn't let me go, his hand clamped onto my thigh, locking me against his face, licking and sucking. He quickens his pace as I spasm, moaning uncontrollably.

I watch him licking his lips and swallowing. "You're in my system now. In my cells." He fixes his messy hair, pulling it back with a hand.
"Oh my God." I giggle as I lay back down, all sweaty and breathless, satisfied -at least for the time being. My head drops down the edge of the bed.
"Come here," I say lifting my head back to look at him in the face. "Come around."

"What do you have in mind?" Alex asks walking around the bed. When he gets near, I let my head drop back again and I stretch my arms back and I grab the back of his thighs, pulling him closer. I look at him upside-down, licking my lips and opening my mouth ready to receive him. Placing a hand under my chin, he accepts my invitation, exhaling heavily when I wrap my lips around him sucking on him in and swirling my tongue on his tip.
He holds my head with both hands as he moves in and out watching me eating him out, going as deep as I can, loosing my breath. I catch him a few times closing his eyes, breathing heavily out of his mouth.

Leaning on the edge of the mattress, he reaches between my legs with the other hand and he gets me going again. His fingers inside me find the right spot and I moan without ever stopping taking care of him. I'm so ready again. Ready for him.

Alex climbs on the bed and kneels in front of my open legs. He grabs my thighs form the bottom and pulls me brusquely against him, against the core of his body. He opens my thighs even more in a urgent manner, eager to possess me. I can hear his heavy breathing. He squeezes them lasciviously, then he plunges inside me, not very gently.
His arms locked around my thighs pulls me against him hard. His thrusts are intense from the start.
"I'm out of me mind babe..." he breaths out.
"I don't want to be able to walk later tonight..." I provoke him
"We may need a safe word."
"I think we'll be fi-"
"I don't wanna hurt you, love."

Holy shit
"Ok." I think for a moment looking around. I see a vintage print of a beach scene with a Martini glass on the wall in the little kitchenette corner. "Martini."
Alex chuckles "Martini. Ok."
He crawls between my legs, and positions himself on me. I squeeze my legs around him as he pushes into me even harder, biting on my neck voraciously. He grabs my thigh in a tight grip, his fingers sinking in my flesh as he pounds me intensely.

He gets off me after a while, and makes me flip over, roughly, to lay on my stomach. I feel his teeth on my ass again. I squeak in delight.
He gets over me and lifts my core harshly sneaking an arm around me. I part my legs for him to mount me. I grab the headboard of the bed and I lift my self up arching my back, pushing against him. His hand glides up my back and grabs my neck from behind.
The headboard is hitting the wall violently when I spasm around him, exploding in a million pieces inside, almost screaming his name.
I never said 'Martini'. I wanted everything.

I fall down on my stomach, he rolls off me to his back, panting.
I know he's seconds away so even though I'm exhausted, sore and weak I'm not abandoning him. I kneel between his legs and I take him, throbbing, in my mouth. I don't leave his eyes as I go down on him, feral. Pleasure forces his eyes to close. Moaning, he pushes his hand down on my head and I feel his veins swelling and his muscles becoming rigid.

"I fucking love you babe," He groans as his essence goes down my throat and some drips down my chin, my neck, my breats. I wipe it with two fingers and I suck them darting him a smug smile. "Now you're in my system and in my cells, too."
He smiles tiredly and with his hand still in the back of my head, he pulls me onto him, and hugs me, my face laying on his chest.

"Come back with me."
"Stay here with me."
We talk at the same time once our breaths slow down, and we both giggle for it. I play with his little bit of chest hair while his hand caresses my back.
"They can do it without you, right?" I ask jokingly as I place an open mouth kiss on his nipple.
"Yeah, they don't need me. They probably didn't even notice that I was gone," he waves his hand ironically.
I leave out a long painful sigh.
Alex picks up the remains of my underwear on the bed. "Sorry about this... I'll get you a new one."
"That was hot."

I hear my phone vibrating a couple of times and I stretch to reach my purse on the nightstand.

I know we shouldn't read this shit, but this is too funny:

The rockstar was seen at Brussels Airport, leaving his band to return to California."

Pictures of him at the airport follow.

I laugh reading through, my brows arched. "Speaking of which..."
"What is it?"
"Look." I pass my phone to him.
He snorts a laugh.
"Another one where I'll be called the new Yoko Ono is gonna pop up soon, you'll see."
"Likely." He scoffs. "Can you walk?" He asks randomly, with a cheeky expression that makes me laugh.
"I think so. I'll try in a moment!"
"We can go to dinner somewhere later."
"Sure." I move to get up, but he grabs my arm.

"No, stay."
"I'm just going to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I brush him off giggling, I get up and I grab one of the neatly folded towels sitting on the trunk at the end of the bed. "A bit sore downstairs, but I can walk." I stop by the bathroom door, looking back at him, winking.
"Do I have a new tattoo?"
"I'm afraid you do."

He's lifted up on one elbow, the other one resting on his bended knee, his other leg stretched. His thighs are parted enough for me to see all of him. I bite my lower lip at this vision.
"You make me insane today," he says, serious. He spoke my toughts.
"You look like a fucking Greek statue. Like a British Apollo, or something," I reply.
"Come back to me." he orders.
His stare still has the power to make me blush. Especially that one.
Fuck. He's intoxicating
"I'm all filthy, just want to wash up really quick."
"Don't. I want you dirty."
Alright. Fuck it.
I toss the towel behind me and I rush back to bed.


The Del has a restaurant but I insisted for a more casual option across the street. We're walking along the elegant and lively boardwalk, with the ocean air making our hair puffy. We have a similar type of hair. I understand why he started using all that hairgel. I get Humbug hair when it's humid -or when I don't style it. It's a pain the ass.

A man pops out of nowhere in front of us with a big bouquet of roses, soliciting us in broken English to buy from him.
"No thanks," I decline politely, smiling and waving my hand.
Alex stops and asks him for one. He picks a red one, and he hands it to me after brushing it on the tip of my nose. I take the long stem and I smell the flower giving him a look, remembering the erotic moment we shared on our first actual date. This memory of him will never leave me. It will be indelible, like a tattoo in my brain.
His little smile tells me that's what he's reminiscing too.

"How much?"
"It's $5 sir."
Alex picks up his wallet and hands him a 20. The man takes a small roll of bills out of his pocket.
"No, no, you can keep the change."
"'s too much sir."
Alex waves his hand "It's alright. Have a good evening, mate."

We go on our way, hand in hand, chatting and watching the sun slowly descend above the ocean. It's golden hour of a beautiful May evening.
I notice a guy and a young woman standing at the side, not far ahead of us, staring at us (him) and getting nervous as we get closer.
"Fans at 10 o'clock," I warn him.
"We don't have to deal with them if you don't feel like, darling."
"No, no, I don't mind, please, go on and make their day!"

I let Alex's hand go when the fans stop him, but I don't leave his side this time. I don't want to seem intimidating in doing that though, so I volunteer to take a picture of them all together and they pose with Alex in the middle, sharing a side hug. I can tell the girl is about to pass out (figuratively). The way she looks at him...I know that face. I'm gonna make her day.

I move closer to them two. "Ok a nice hug now!" I exclaim making the eyes at Alex, gesturing to get closer to her. He looks back at me arching his eyebrows and I reply with a wink, nodding.
His arm locks around her neck and he leans his head against hers. She can probably smell his cologne, maybe even his hair. Her expression is priceless. She may pass out for real now. She and her friend can't stop thanking us. And me, for the great pictures.
I did it genuinely, but I hope this will gets me some points!

We move on, walking away in a side hug. They're probably staring; I feel watched. I turn around with non-chalance and I see them with their cellphones up towards us.
"They're taking pictures. Or filming."
"Shit, I'm sorry love."
"Eh..." I place my open hand on his butt, squeezing his cheek slightly. "...let's give them something to talk about, at least."
Alex turns his head towards me, and we share a look, giggling like idiots.

I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life

Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me

So happy together
So happy together


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