I'll let you Top [Taekook]

由 Vkochii23

25K 1.1K 269

Kim Taehyung has always been up Jeongguk's ass about the smallest of things: from unbuttoned collars and mess... 更多



2.1K 113 53
由 Vkochii23

For probably the first time in his entire life, Jeongguk is actually on time to detention today. He didn't go to stall at his locker or go on his phone in the bathroom, or even pester Yoongi and Hoseok until they dropped his ass off at the classroom themselves.

He went straight after class, the excitement over finally getting his vengeance on the school's angel wiping out any of his usual dread.

Actually, he's in the room before Taehyung even is, leaning up against the teacher's desk at the front of the class, blazer thrown over the chair and the sleeves of his shirt rolled up. He pushes a hand through his hair, keeping that one persistent strand off his forehead, all ready for the asshole to walk through the door- but then he remembers one last thing.

He pops the two buttons of his collar open, loosening his tie slightly, just knowing it'll rile the boy up from the get-go.

He can already hear the 'do you not listen to anything I say on purpose, Jeongguk?' Hands on hips, frown itching onto his face. He never scowls at him, of course. No, no, that ray of fucking sunshine doesn't scowl. But from there, it'll be so easy for Jeongguk to move in, teasing and pushing all the right buttons until he's so close, it'll almost be the boy's default reaction to kiss him.

They fuck, Jeongguk holds it over him for the rest of his life, and the rest is history. A very nice, peaceful history without Kim Taehyung. A genius plan, really. Maybe he'll treat Hoseok and Yoongi donuts when his little scheme succeeds.

So, when the door does finally open, Jeongguk turns his head with a simper on his lips and when he sees Taehyung look vaguely annoyed at him (probably because of quite a number of reasons), Jeongguk says, "Five minutes late, Vice-Prez- even Noh's more punctual than that."

Taehyung scoffs, fixing down his hair which looks marginally dishevelled, and smoothing out a crease in his tie as he shortly answers, "I had gym last period and we ran over time since Mr. Bang asked me to show everyone a 540 kick."

Jeongguk scrunches his nose in confusion.

"I didn't know we did Taekwondo in gym."

"We don't," Taehyung tells him pridefully, "Everyone just wanted to see it."

That. That right there is one of the many things Jeongguk can't stand about Kim Taehyung. He's such a fucking show-off.

Taehyung re-composes himself, walking right over to Jeongguk to where he's standing in front of him, only a small space between them as he points at Jeongguk's collar, eyes withholding the closest thing to genuine malice he ever sees him with- so far, that is... he plans to experience its full effect this afternoon.

"You think doing that's cute?" Taehyung asks him, eyebrow cocked in condescension as his fingers reach Jeongguk's tie, making his point. "Blatantly trying to piss me off by doing everything I tell you not to?"

"Not doing it to piss you off," Jeongguk lies, slightly bitter at the other boy seeing right through him. Taehyung scoffs, pulling on his collar all of a sudden to button it up, and yanking his tie in one movement so smooth that Jeongguk barely even has time to blink before the boy's moving away again, muttering, "Sure you aren't."

He clears his throat, fixing his collar into place a little more, and moving off the desk just as Taehyung tells him, "Go take a seat. I'll grab you a stack to start you off."

Jeongguk crosses his arms, eyes narrowing at the boy as he watches him cross the room to the old supply closet. He swings the doors of it open, checking the top shelves' boxes for the useless documents and slowly working his way down it, grunting in light annoyance each time he fails to find anything.

By the time he gets to the bottom shelf, he's looked through about twelve boxes, back probably starting to ache with how he's bent over like that with his arms and head inside the cupboard and his ass sticking up in the air. His pants cling to the curve of it and Jeongguk must admit he's kind of impressed. He can't say he's ever paid particularly close attention to Taehyung's ass, but it's surprisingly nice... soft-looking with the way the material hugs to it perfectly.

He doesn't even realise his feet have dragged him over there until he's standing right behind the boy, but when he does, his stomach burns contently with the satisfaction that his plan has just reached the second phase all thanks to Taehyung himself.

He's not a creep, so he's hardly gonna just touch the boy without his permission or anything- he just needs to think of a line... stand close enough to kind of give Kim the memo and he's sure he'll melt like putty right away. Hell, maybe he can fuck him right here, have him hold onto one of the shelves with the box he's supposed to sort out on it.

Yeah, maybe he'll say something like-

"What the hell are you doing?"

No, not that why would he say-


Taehyung's already stood up again, obviously having startled slightly upon seeing Jeongguk right behind him since he's a little farther away than before, and is defensively clutching a cardboard box in his hand, eyebrows furrowed and mouth forming a confused line.

Jeongguk inwardly curses. There goes that plan.

"I thought you might want some help looking?" He says, as if that was obvious, but Taehyung's stance doesn't relax any. If anything, he looks even more defensive. He shakes the box in his hand, silently pointing out that he's already found it, and hands it to Jeongguk, murmuring, "You're so weird today." Then, he turns to close the closet back up, but not before leaning over again to grab a stray page from the floor, giving Jeongguk a full-on view of his ass again.

He straightens up once he gets it, gracefully turning on his heels and placing the paper on top of the stack in the box.

"Dropped one," he says with a grin Jeongguk doesn't understand. There's a glimpse of something in it, in his tone, too, something almost playful but... jeeringly and... is...

Is he mocking him?

Jeongguk wills himself not to react besides giving a short huff, and he begrudgingly follows the boy to the front of the room again, setting the box down on the table Taehyung points at. He sits down on the desk next to it, face stuck in a glare as the boy picks his blazer off the seat and throws it over to him, Jeongguk exasperatedly catching it and slinging it over his shoulder.

"You should put that on," Taehyung informs him, sitting himself down at the teacher's desk, pulling out a pen from his own jacket's pocket and taking the small form he has to fill out to clarify that Jeongguk did come to detention, was on time, etcetera, etcetera- since Noh himself isn't here.

Well, that's definitely not what he was wanting to hear from him, in regards to his clothing- but, either way, Jeongguk doesn't listen, just giving him a long look that says 'explain.'

Taehyung scribbles something down on the sheet, handwriting neat and completely legible, of course, even when he glances up at Jeongguk and his hand keeps on writing.

"Dress code. Unless you want another detention tomorrow, I suggest you put it on."

"That only applies outside of the classrooms," Jeongguk counters- the only reason he knows as such is because it's such a stupid rule that he hears everybody complain about it daily.

Taehyung shakes his head, going back to putting his focus on the form as he tells him, "Outside of class, not classrooms i.e. in detention, full uniform is required. Do I need to write you another slip, or are you going to behave?"

The boy's focus suddenly darts back up to Taehyung at that, who's staring at him from underneath his eyelashes, eyes dark and narrowed and Jeongguk feels a shiver run down his spine at the word choice.

He slips off of the desk, roughly tugging his blazer on despite the heat of the gnawing summer, and he's just about to regain his position when Taehyung says, "Sit. Chair. Now."

The command is so unexpectedly heated that Jeongguk automatically loses his defiant composure, mouth fluttering open and closed like he's trying to give a response but can't. Taehyung's never spoken to him like that before but his stomach twists at it- does this mean his plan's working?

He feels a little surge of joy at that, and sits down at the table with an arguably suspicious smile on his face. But if Taehyung notices, he doesn't comment on it, flipping over the page on his form once he's gotten through the first.

Jeongguk peers at the box in front of him. It's not all that high- probably won't take him much longer than thirty minutes if he actually worked. In theory, he should totally be able to manage the whole thing in the remaining forty-five of his detention, but that's under the guise that he would actually work.

And doing what he's told won't rile Taehyung up.

As if the boy can read his mind, he suddenly interrupts his train of thought by saying, "You have to actually sort through that for me to write that you did, by the way."

Jeongguk leans back in his chair, tone challenging when he asks, "Why should I care what you write?"

Taehyung's pen stops, hovering over the page so he doesn't make an ink-dot. He slowly looks up at him again before he answers, "Because if you don't do anything, you'll just get in more shit, Jeongguk. Why is it so hard for you to just obey? "

Jeongguk clenches his jaw, seeing his opportunity arise once again.

"Because I'm not obedient," he replies easily, and there's a second where neither of them says anything, just caught in a stare-off, until Taehyung puts the cap back on his pen, and sets it down on the table.

"No, I know you aren't," he says, leaning on one of his hands as he guesses, "I bet you like always being the one to give orders, huh?"

Jeongguk's lips tweak into a smirk.


"Like to be in control?" Taehyung prompts, and the other boy nods his head, watching as the vice-president's fingers run along his bottom lip, thoughtfully or teasingly, he can't really tell- but he certainly hopes it's the latter.

"Like others to be obedient..." he lists, voice suddenly so much softer and hushed as he adds, "pliant... submissive."

Jeongguk licks his lips.

"Yes. "

And suddenly, like a switch, Taehyung leans off his desk again, uncapping his pen and pointing it in the air as he smiles so damn innocently, like he hadn't totally just implied that he's sussed Jeongguk's sexual preferences and chirps, "Well, that's not how it works here, I'm afraid! I'm supervising you and therefore it's my duty to make sure you do the work you were put here to do. You listen to me and neither of us rots our brains out over this back-and-forth you're pulling before four-thirty."

Jeongguk's brain malfunctions for a second, he's so confused over what just happened. Then, he notices that he'd been gripping the desk so hard his knuckles have turned white, and he lets go abruptly. Jeongguk sits back in his chair as he mindlessly picks out the files from the box and lays them out on the table in front of him. Then, he drops the box to the floor to give more room, and puts the stack of paper on the desk.

It can't be helped. Taehyung was starting to look more like he was gonna beat the shit out of him instead of letting Jeongguk fuck him if he kept avoiding his task.

Besides, he can annoy him in other ways. Better ways.

But, whilst Jeongguk tries to think of a way, he ends up absentmindedly sorting the files, anyway. It's not like it's particularly difficult work- that's kind of the worst thing about it, actually; it's brain-meltingly boring.

Time passes much quicker than it ever has in detention before, he's certain, because by the time Jeongguk comes up with a plan, he only has fifteen minutes left. But he has a plan now, and that's all that matters.

He notices how Taehyung's scrolling through the school laptop, one hand cradling his face with a pout on his lips as he huffs to himself at whatever's happening on the screen.

"Something wrong, si-" Jeongguk cuts himself off, almost choking on his breath as he puts a hand over his mouth, eyes staring frantically in front of him wondering how the fuck he almost called that shitstain right over there 'sir.'

He's just... so used to pestering the headmaster during detention and... and he sighed just like him two seconds ago- Jeongguk wasn't even looking, so it was an easy mistake...

He takes his hand away from his mouth when he glances at Taehyung, who looks completely oblivious to the whole ordeal.

Okay, total overreaction, Jeon. It's not like you called someone mom in front of the whole class or anything. God, why does he feel so warm all of a sudden? It wasn't even a big deal.

"The system's down," Taehyung calmly explains, cutting right into Jeongguk's internal meltdown. "I can't find your student ID number. Do you have it?"

Once Jeongguk gets over himself, chest still locked in a slight lingering tightness that he dutifully ignores, he knows exactly how to put the actual phase of his plan into action.

Go over to him, lean down, take the pen, write it for him, turn back until he's just close enough that, once again, it'll be the boy's default reaction to kiss him.

Blah-blah, they fuck, blah-blah, rest of his life, blah-blah history. Shit, maybe he'll treat Hoseok and Yoongi to dinner, on second thought. Just to really rub it in their faces that he made the stupid-genius plan work.

But, just as he's about to rise from his seat, Taehyung puts up a hand to gesture for him to stop, directing him to sit back down as he says, "No need to go anywhere. Just call it out."

He really has got this whole teacher thing down to a T. It's a little bit pathetic, actually.

Jeongguk sits again, slouching in his seat in annoyance as he slowly drawls, "Four-zero-two-two-nine."

Taehyung hums, jotting it down in the space before muttering, "Thank you, you can get back to work now."

Ugh. This is way harder than Hoseok made it sound. Totally his fault if he fails.


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