You're my reason

Von We2etge6

36K 452 83

I love you Mehr

Cast Introductions
Chapter 1: Welcome to Hollywood arts
Chapter 2: The Bird scene
Chapter 3: Stage fighting
Chapter 5: Birthweek Song
Chapter 6: Robarazzi
Chapter 7: Survival of the Hottest
Chapter 8: Wifi in the sky
Chapter 9: Beck's big break
Chapter 10: Cat's New Boyfriend
Chapter 11: The Diddly-Bops
Chapter 12: Sleepover at Sikowitz's
Chapter 13: The Wood
Chapter 14 :Freak The Freak Out

Chapter 4: Tori the zombie

1.8K 23 0
Von We2etge6

Brooklyn outfits:

Brooklyn hair:

Today, we sat and watched as they rehearsed for uptown downtown. Tori, Robbie and Beck played the lead

I on the other hand, I helped plan the choreography for the play

"Ready?......Action" Sikowitz said

"I don't know" Tori says

"Oh, come on! Why can't you admit that you're in love with me?" Robbie plead

"Why are you in love with me?" She asks

"Because you're beautiful. Look at your face on the moonlight" I snorted and Sikowitz shot me a look

"I can't"

"You can"

"No, a person can't look at their own face, it's impossible"

"Then marry me and I'll buy you thousands of mirrors"

"But that's too much"

"My father is billionaire. I can give you everything you've ever wanted and I'm very good looking"

"And lights go" Sikowitz orders

"It's okay that you don't know" Beck said, he's so dreamy

"But you deserve an answer"

"I can wait for you. I would wait a thousand years. I know I'm poor, I know I don't have much to offer it I love you" I got slightly jealous, Tori got to play Beck's love interest

"Because I'm beautiful?"

"I don't love you because your beautiful. I love you for you" I gripped my chair holding back a snarky comment, then disco lights and music started playing

"What is with the disco?!" I screamed at Sinjin

"I'm sorry. I hit the wrong thing" He apologized


"All right, why don't we take a break? Tori and Beck you guys were great, really nice stuff" Sikowitz said

"Thanks" They both said

"How was I?" Robbie asked

"I've seen worse" I said making Jade chuckle

"Guys.....guys, everyone shut up for a second" Jade said

"Watcha got?" Beck asked

"An e-mail for Principle Eikner. That says, To all students involved in our school's production of uptown downtown, Sofia Michelle will be in Los Angeles the weekend of the 17th and will be personally attending your opening night performance. That's amazing!" She exclaimed

"OH MY GOD! Who's Sofia Michelle?" Tori asked and I shook my head. How can I be related to her, good thing it's not by blood

"Oh no no no What? She gets to be the lead and she doesn't know even know who Sofia Michelle is?" I said to Sikowitz. He knew I wanted to be the lead but it was gave to Tori

"What, is she the lady who does those infomercials with the vibrating hairbrush?" She said and I face palmed

"I love that hairbrush" Sinjin butt in

"Look at the cover of your script" Jade said flatly

"Oh, Sofia Michelle wrote the play we're doing"

"Oh, Sofia Michelle wrote the play we're doing" I said mocking her

"She's lie the biggest playwriter on boardway" Cat explained

"All right, you guys we knew we had to be great but now we have to be perfect. We're are not gonna disappoint Sofia Michelle"

" And you're sure want Robbie in this play?" Jade asked

"I'm good" He defended himself

"At what?" I asked him then the disco started again

"Will you kill the disco?!" Jade screamed at Sinjin

"No one can kill disco" He says dancing

After, everyone left I ran through the choreography for the last number

"Finally falling"

I did a spin and ran into Beck

" Sorry babe"

"It's fine" He taking a seat

"The choreography is perfect, babe don't worry"

"How did you know?" I asked sitting next to him

"You always worry about the choreography" He says handing me a water bottle

"Well, I have to get class have fun" He says planting a kiss on my lips and walking out of the black box

I have study Hall last period so I was black box at he end of the day

There was a piano sitting on the stage. I sat down and began to play 'Shallow'

Before I started singing Beck walked in and sat next to me on the bench

As I finished playing he grabbed my face and kissed me

"I love you" He said

"I-I gotta go" I said grabbing my bag and running out of the black box

"Hey Brook!" Cat called as I ran around the corner

"Can't speak right now!" I ran into Jade and pulled her into the girls bathroom

"What's wrong?" She asked

"Beck said the 'L' word" She smiled and laughed

"I'm serious!" I said

"What were you doing when he said it?" She asked

"We just finished singing shallow together, then he kissed me" I did blush a little

"Well, do you love him?" I smiled and then frowned

"Yes? Maybe?" I sighed

"I don't know" I said

"I think you do but I think you're afraid of saying it back because your last relationship was bad"

"I mean, yeah. What if he hurts me?"

"He won't. Beck is an amazing guy"

"I don't know, it's awkward now. I ran out to him"

"Go find him and tell him" She ordered me and I stood there

"NOW!" She yelled at him. Usually, I don't let people talk to me like that but she was right

"Okay...okay!" I said running out of the bathroom find Beck

"Hey Brook" Cat called

"Hey Cat. Have you seen Beck?" She shook her head

"Andre, have you seen Beck"

"Boys bathroom" He said

"Which one?"

"The one by Sikowitz"

"Thanks" I ran down the hallway and flung the door open

"What are you doing in here!" He said drying his hands off

"You know this is the-" I cut him off by kissing him and soon he kissed back

"I love you too"

"Suddenly, my choice is clear" She sang deeply

"Clear" He sang deeply

"Come on, man"

"Clear" She sang deeply

"Brook, you try"

"CLEAR!" I said and we all laughed

"Now, I'm amused"

"Hey, it's almost 8:00. Are you getting hungry?"

"Yeah, want me to go pick up the pizza" Andre asked

"Yeah sure" I said laying across the couch

"Let's get a large pepperoni"

The doorbell rang and I sighed

"COMING!" I yelled and opened the door

"Makeup time" Cat sang as she came inside

"Hey Cat!" We greeted her

"Where should I set up?" She asked

"Kitchen table" Tori told her

"Oh, I love kitchen" She slip off the kitchen

"Hey Andre"

"Sup, little red" He said putting his wallet in his jeans

"What's that supposed to mean?" She yelled and I chuckled. Cat was growing on me

"I don't know you're short and have red hair" He explained

"Oh, that's creative" She giggled

"Can we just get this whole monster makeup thing over with?" She begged

"Sure, let's get started. Hey, can Andre be my assistant?" She asked me

"You can ask him?" I said pouring myself a glass of juice

"Hey Andre, you wanna help me put monster makeup on Tori's face?"

"Bye" He said walking out the door

"I like him" I said

"Maybe, he had to use the bathroom" Cat said pulling stuff out

"In my front yard?" I asked

"Well, sometimes my brother......" Tori cut her off

I sat on the couch while Cat did Tori's makeup

"Wow, look at me. I'm hideous" Tori said examining Cat's work

Cat, I thought you said you were doing her makeup? She looks the same" Tori threw a bottle at me and I caught it

"It's amazing Cat" I said setting the bottle on the table

"Oh, you really think so?"

"Yeah, I totally look like a zombie"

"Ay, I'm not failure" Cat cheered and I rubbed her head

"Oh, hey let's go and scare my sister" Tori said sneaking to the other side of the stairs

"Okay" I said throwing myself back on the couch

"Trina, come see something?" Tori called

"Is it for me?"

"Is it your talent?" I asked

"Where's Tori? Ah, did they deliver my vibrating hairbrush?" Tori did this fake scary growl and Trina started at her with straight face

"How could you not scared by this" Tori asked

"I've seen our grandmother naked. Thing scares me anymore" I chuckled remembering Trina's encounter

"Come on, let me get some apple juice" Trina said waiting for someone to grab

"Then, go get some" I said sipping my glass of juice

"Fine, I'll do it myself"

"Whoa-Rrr. What's is this for?" Trina asks picking a bottle of grizzly glue off the table

"Oh, that's glue" Cat said

"Yeah, but why is it with makeup supplies?"

"What's the problem?" Tori asks

"Why didn't you use dermaglue?" I asked

"I ran out, so I got that out my dad's toolbox"

"Are you insane?" Trina said

"Will it come off?" Tori panicked

"Why didn't you read the label?" I asked

"Cause I got distracted by the picture of the cute grizzly bear. I mean look at home, He's like fuzzy little" She said showing us the bear, he kinda

They tried getting it off her skin and nothing was working

"You guys, I'm playing the lead in a big music tomorrow night and my character is supposed to be beautiful" She screamed

"Well, you do not look beautiful. This is not gonna........Look, worse comes to worse, you postponed the play" Trina said

"No, I can't. Michelle is coming to see it" Tori explained

"Oh, wow that's so exciting" Trina says

"No, it's not"

"Why not?"

"Cause I'm rotting zombie, that's why!"

"I didn't mean to"

"Okay all right, I got pizza" Andre said as he came in and walked right back out and I chuckled

Brooklyn Outfit:

Brooklyn hair:

"5.......6......7.....8" I said as the cast rehearsed the dance

"That was dynamite, expect Robbie. Is something wrong with your pants " I asked sarcastically

"No, Why? Was I dancing weird?" He asked

"No, it was great" Beck said patting his back

"Now everyone, go get some water. Hydrate and rest up for the show" I said

"Tori" I called

"Yeah, What's up?"

"Your face. It still looks hideous" She rolled her eyes and walked away

"You're gonna do amazing tonight" I said handing Beck a water

"Thanks Brook. Do you think you can contain your jealously tonight?" I rolled my eyes and he chuckled

"As long as nobody messes up my choreography, you better get it all right. We went over it a million times" I said poking his chest

"I promise, I'll do it all perfect" He said drinking his water

"Go get changed" I smacked his butt as he walking down. He turned around and smiled at me, shaking his head

I was standing around when I heard Marty talk to a lady

"Hi Michelle. I'm Marty, the director"

"Pleasure to meet you"

"Oh, I'm Lane and I'm a big fan"

"Miss Michelle, this is our student choreography Brooklyn Vega. Her sister Tori is playing the lead

"Wonderful. I'm excited to see your work" She smiled then walked to her seat. Now I was nervous

"So, I'm on my private jet, almost half way to Barcelona. When I say to the pilot, I've changed my mind. Take a left, we're going to Prague

"You're too much"

"Aren't I?"

"Hey, hey you there!"

"Yes sir?"

"That luggage is very expensive. Don't just toss it around like a monkey"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Check out the girl coming this way!"

"Oh my god, she's gorgeous"

"She's beautiful"

"Excuse me, but most women don't wanna be screamed at when they're being proposed too"

"I'm rich, I'm handsome and I have a nice boast. Stop acting like a stupid girl

"Wait, you got a little something right there. This..." I snorted as Tori fake punched Robbie

Tori rushed back out on the stage looking amazing and she finished the choreography flawlessly

"Well, that was interesting performance. When I wrote that play, I certainly never pictured Penny as a freakish zombie during most of it"

"Oh man, I'm out of pills!"

"Look, I can explain" Michelle put her hand up

"You don't need to explain. I totally got it"

"You did?"

"You do?"

"She got it" Marty laughed

"What did she get?" Tori asked

"The whole commentary on what's really beautiful. Having these two young people feel true love for a girl with a hideous face, really emphasized the whole point of the play, which is substance over beauty, the beauty within"

"Really, we we're really glad you liked it" I said and she smiled

"I really enjoyed your choreography Miss.Vega" I was shocked


"Yeah and did you enjoy my performance, Miss Michelle?" Robbie asked and I snorted

"Wow, I am late for my plane"

"She hated it" I said

"We heard, you were gonna be in L.A all week" Jade said

"Right, bye and congratulations everyone" She scurried off

"Wow Robbie, you even scared off Sofia Michelle"

"Shut up Brook" He said walking away

He was luck that Beck was here and that he walked away

I got my bag together and felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and Beck had a bouquet of roses"

"Babe...." I said smiling

"I think I'm supposed to get you flowers" I said

"Well, you so stressed about the choreography. I just wanted to get you a little something, so you know how much I appreciate you" I took the flowers and smiled

"I love you"

I love you too"


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