The Mind Of A Tipsy Teenager

由 SushiiDew

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[Featured] ~~~ ●●Everything is fun and games until someone's dead.●● ~~~ Taylor Sharma has experienced enough... 更多

Author's Note
Characters and Aesthetics


86 29 15
由 SushiiDew

"Alcoholism is a well documented, pathological reaction to unresolved grief ."

-David Cook


12th Sept 2017


The night breeze softly brushed a few loose hair strands away from my face as I realized how incredibly cold it had become.

I stood at the doorway, holding open the black wooden door with a blank look on my face.

The hazel-eyed, innocent looking beast standing right in front of me blinked for a few long moments and I couldn't help but notice how his long lashes brushed the almost invisible freckles on his upper cheeks.

His hand still hovered in mid-air and the long sleeves of his untucked shirt fluttered in the light breeze, exposing the black band he wore on his wrist.

My facial expression remained stoic as I observed the party of three.
I eyed the two girls behind Zain, who had still not noticed me in the doorway.

Celina was in the process of giving Raven a long speech about some book stain, reminding me of the one my mum had given me when I had arrived home late that afternoon. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest in a very haughty manner and a few grocery bags lay beside her feet.

On the other hand, Raven was busy staring at a very tiny stain on her book which looked more like an encyclopedia.

My gaze finally landed on Zain's stagnant hazel orbs. Amusingly, his pupils were way smaller than normal.

By that astounded look on his pale face, I could tell that I had caught him off-guard.
I returned his baffled stare with my nonchalant one, not intending to break eye contact .

His hazel orbs darted between my cold eyes. It was as if nothing else mattered to me at that point in time except holding his gaze.
There was no way I'd look away first.

"Taylor?!" Celina voiced, somewhat excitedly, noticing me for the first time.

The sudden sound of Celina's voice snapped Zain out of his trance.

He cleared his throat and abruptly looked down to his feet as he withdrew his wavering hand.
His slightly freckled cheeks flushed pale pink in the frosty air outside.

Celina seemed like she had forgotten all about her argument with the other girl because the next second she abruptly pushed Zain aside and walked past him through the doorway to give me a very tight hug.

I almost jumped as she practically lunged at me, engulfing my thin figure in her arms.

I stiffened.

I never really approved of hugs. Or in that matter any physical contact with acquaintances, regardless of the fact that we used to be close.

So you can guess how uncomfortable it was for me to be just...standing there...getting squished.

"I didn't know you were coming, I was looking for you!" She exclaimed, still holding on to me tightly.

Looking for me?

The other girl, Raven, whom I had often seen in school drowned either in stacks of books or hefty digital devices, walked right past us into the house.

She didn't even spare me a glance as she stormed into the living room with a stern look on her face, clutching her book tight.

"Hail Mother Gravy!" Jace yelled from the sofa, for some unknown reason, without taking his blue eyes off the Tv screen as Raven, almost robotically, marched to her room which was connected to the living room.

She slammed the door hard, but not before throwing- a freaking perfume bottle- right at Jace's head.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, adjusting his disheveled cap.

Celina thankfully withdrew her hands from my body and placed them on her hips, all the while having a wide smile plastered on her face.

"Taay, I'm so glad you came. I really wanted to meet up," Celina admitted as her eyes scanned my stunned face.

Taay? Did she just call me Taay?

"Um, okay?" I mumbled, processing her words.

I subconsciously licked my lips as I looked away to the dark night outside the open doorway.

Zain wasn't there and neither were any of the grocery bags.

I stood confused until I turned my head and noticed him setting up the groceries in the kitchen.

Must have slipped right in when Celina was hugging me.

He didn't even look up as he took out a few cartons of milk from the grocery bags and carefully placed them on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboards.

"You heard it, didn't you?" Celina grimly whispered. I grimly tilted my head to peer at Celina.

"The news. It's about Violet, isn't it?" She carried on as her eyes darted between my two brown orbs. Her face was close enough for me to see the light shimmer of the foundation on her cheeks and I looked away, swallowing hard.

Biting my lower lip again, I shifted my gaze to Jace who sat on the sofa watching Tv and Zain who was still setting up goods in the kitchen.

No way was I speaking all this in front of them.

"Could know...," I mumbled as I gestured away from the living room, hoping that the pretty girl would understand.

She nodded grimly, understanding my point.

"Follow me."

She took my hand and led me past the living room, the kitchen and beyond the stairs towards a narrow passage. We walked past so many rooms on our way and at one point I even got a glimpse of an indoor swimming pool through an ajar door.

It reminded me a lot about Violet. Her house was practically a modern manor.

After a while, we arrived at our destination, entering a fairly large bedroom.

It was Celina's room. I knew it as soon as I spotted the school cheerleaders' poster on her radiant white wall.
Oh and just beside that was a huge picture of Justin Bieber with an illegible pink scribble on the side. Sadly, I was able to make out four words- Celly- loves- you-honey- in that exactly sequence.

After lightly closing the door, Celina tucked her hair behind her left ear and turned around to catch me staring at the cheerleaders poster.
I blinked, looking away.

Apart from being regarded as one of Violet's good friends from her cheerleading squad, I had first known Celina from a totally different setting, a totally different place.
Celina and I...we sort of had a history of our own. Something we mutually didn't ever really talk about. We actually knew each other since elementary school years. You see, she was my first friend...and my first kiss...

Yeah. I wasn't the most straight person on the planet, okay?

Anyways, the only thing left from our childhood friendship was basically memories. Celina had changed towns during the start of our fourth year in elementary school and this distance eventually made us drift apart.

It was surprising (and a little awkward for me at least) when she got enrolled at my high school during Sophomore year. This entire situation was probably the biggest "coincidence or fate" case in my life.

Unfortunately, just a few greetings and conversations here and there were our only interactions in Westward High.

The third best cheerleader in Westward High and the closest friend of the famous Violet Thomson, had clearly drifted apart.

"I've heard about what...happened to her parents on the news, the allegations and all..." she finally spoke, trailing her speech.

I froze.
Listening to it made it feel so strange. Like Violet was a criminal or something, which she wasn't.
I was sure of it. She didn't do it.

"She didn't do it," Celina spoke, literally speaking my thoughts.

I looked in her eyes and saw a peculiar spark of defiance. Her eyes seemed to speak for her. It said what her mouth had.

I silently watched Celina shake her head and pace around her room.
"I don't think there's a possibility of her doing this. The chances are quite low. Come to think of it, she couldn't even watch horror movies, let alone take part in this," she emphasized like a lawyer, flagging her manicured hands in the air.

Despite the genuine tone of her voice and the sincere look on her eyes, I was finding it a little hard to completely trust her.
Does she really think Violet is innocent? Is trusting her gonna be worth it, especially since we're no longer close?

Celina folded her arms in front of her chest and stood upright.

"I know what you think about the news, Taay. You're her best friend. And as far as I know, you wouldn't stand watching silently while being accused."

I kept quiet, comprehending her words.

Celina scanned my face silently, waiting for a response. Somehow, I couldn't give her any.

She sighed.
"I'm trying to find her, Taylor."

I involuntarily blinked at her sudden confession.

Celina is trying to find her too?

Is this situation too obvious to be confidential?

"I tried calling her using Raven's phone but she hasn't been responding. She hasn't replied to any messages either. I'm just...I just don't know where she would go," Celina stated as she walked round to a large window frame in the room without even noticing my reaction.

I bit the inside of my cheek, evaluating the situation.

"I thought of asking you about it but then I couldn't find my phone and Raven didn't have your number. I didn't even know where you lived."

"But then you arrived on our doorstep right at the time that I really needed you," She stated rather thankfully. Her eyes lit up as she met my gaze, placing her left hand on her hip.

Wait, wait, wait...

This was going wayyy too fast.

I wanted to meet Celina...and Celina wanted to meet me?

I sighed and rubbed my face with my thin and cold fingers.

"So you are saying that you haven't been in contact with her since last night?" I questioned, sliding my hands into my jacket pockets.
Celina's eyes slightly narrowed.
"Haven't you?" She asked in turn.

What followed next was plain silence. The situation was understood by both parties and we plainly looked at each other's blank faces.

Celina blinked fervently.

"But you guys are so close. I thought...I thought you guys maybe talked or something...something that could help find her..." She trailed, half whispering.


Violet did not contact Celina.

So Celina was as clueless as I was.

Pfft. Dead end. Great.

"Well I didn't. What else do you think I came here for?" I replied.
"Did it not occur to you that I was searching for her as well? I came here to ask you if you had any contact with her."

Celina seemed dumbfounded.
Her hands lay aimlessly near her sides as she stood numbly on her spot.

Well, what was she expecting to hear when she asked me a few minutes ago if I wanted to talk about Violet?

Wasn't it obvious that I was going to ask her about Violet's whereabouts?

Come on! She must have surely known that I stayed over at her house last night, being a drunk wacko that I was and in that case I had no idea of where Violet was and when she had left the party.

Wait a second.

"Do you know when Violet left the party, last night?" I asked, a little ray of hope igniting in my chest.
Celina pouted, thinking for a few moments.

If she ain't saying something helpful then Imma get outta here.

Celina flicked her fingers and gave me a thoughtful look.

"I can't really guarantee this, Taay. The last thing on my mind last night was Violet..." Celina said, focusing on a memory. "There were a lot of people we spent time with, I'm not sure how she got home..."

I waited, rather impatiently, expecting her to finish her statement any time within five minutes as she brainstormed.

I had compromised quite a lot of minutes already and I genuinely felt that I should've been at home at that moment.

"She might have gone with that guy she was always making out with," she finally stated, pointing out her index finger.
"What was his name again?"


My teeth automatically gritted, making my jaw muscles slightly stiff as soon as I muttered his name.

How could I forget about Michael?

" might be him. I think she could have left with Michael but I'm not really sure...there's a possibility because she didn't stay overnight..."
I took a breathe and let it out gently as that dumbass's name registered in my head.

If that idiot is seriously involved in this then he is so dead.

12th Sept 2017


I avoided Zain entirely as I practically marched to the living room and he avoided me, somewhat in a similar way.

He probably didn't even try to breathe in my direction as he was busy in his phone, leaning against the kitchen counter after putting all the groceries neatly in its place.

The muffled sound of music travelled through Raven's closed bedroom door as I passed it on my way to approached my boots which lay abandoned right in front of the doorway.

I hastily picked them up and tried to fit my feet into them.

Celina entered my peripheral view as she slowly walked towards the living room, holding an expression of deep thought as she rubbed her cold fingertips against each other.

Jace's head curiously popped out of the sofa at the shuffling sounds produced by my struggle to get my bloody feet inside my shoes. He observed me with a very noticeable frown on his face.

"You're going already?" He asked out loud. Zain's hazel eyes snapped towards me.

"Yeah," I breathed out, looking up to Jace's questioning face. The tv was still on and its gentle hum played in the background as my eyes darted from Jace to Celina and then finally to Zain before I looked away towards the large window situated beside the door.

"I have a personal agenda," I practically murmured, gripping the side of my leather jacket.

Michael's house.

That was my 'personal agenda'.
I didn't know where he lived.
Neither did Celina.

So much for being popular...

But I had to find out and I had to go. There was no other option. I just had to get around the barriers, somehow.

"What's the rush, babe? I'm sure your agenda can wait. We're starting a movie in ten," he stated, taking off his cap and brushing his long blonde hair.

Rolling my eyes, I ignored his comment and I turned towards the door.

"Wait, Taylor," Celina spoke as she placed her hand on my right shoulder.

I blinked, peering over my shoulder, at her face.

She looked a little flushed when she removed her hand from my shoulder and let it dangle aimlessly by her side.

"I'm coming with you."

Jace threw his red cap across the other end of the sofa.

"You too?!" He exclaimed.
"Now who's gonna watch Final Destination with me?!"

"You have Zain," Celina suggested.

The boy in question shook his head as he turned around to open the fridge and grab a can of beer before swinging the door shut, keeping his gaze on Celina.

"No can do, I have science assignments," he simply stated, slowly shifting his hazel eyes to my brown ones as if to say, you've got it too; you'll have to do it too.

"Let's go," I urged Celina after giving Zain a cold look.

Jace was dismayed. He gave Celina a betrayed look, poking his tongue onto his left cheek.

"Sorry, Jace. Let's watch it some other time, okay?" She reassured him while quickly slipping on a pair of sandals which lay on a small shoe rack just beside the door.

"This is important." She simply stated.

Jace's blue eyes shifted to me, curious and wary.

I think he knew we were on to something, but he didn't say anything else as he turned his back on us and focused on the television screen.

"Whatever." He muttered, changing the channel.

Celina ushered me forward.

"Let's go."

She stepped forward to grab the door knob before opening the door. The rush of cold air against my body was so surprising that I gasped, holding my clenched fists against my chest.

Damn. It was freezing.

Like freezing freezing.

"Well, shit," I cursed under my breath, shrinking behind Celina and shoving my hands into the waistband of my jeans.

We were just about to step outside when I happened to notice a police car parked right at the side of the road, just in front of Celina's driveway.

If it weren't for the infuriating blue and red flash lights on the police car, I would have never had noticed the silhouette of two policemen who seemed to be striding right over to the two of us.

Was I overthinking? Were they really coming here?

As they drew closer, Celina abruptly paused at the doorway.

"Huh," She frowned, subconsciously tucking her already numb fingers inside her jean pocket as she eyed the two officers.

Of the two men, one looked skinny and young as if he had just graduated while the other was a middle aged man whose hair was already white and balding. He had a grim look on his slightly wrinkled face which contradicted his companion's, who, despite pursing his lips in a thin line, looked like he was on the best field trip of his entire life and was so goddamn excited to be there.

"What are they here for?" Celina mumbled, puzzled.

I shrugged.

"Do you think someone snitched on our party last night? I'm sure we didn't have weed or pot this time.." she whispered, almost to herself.
My eyes widened as I glared at her.

"...this time?" I questioned, wondering how many parties of hers had encouraged the use of illegal substances. For all I know I could've been drugged or jailed last night.

Celina had to double take my expression and she chuckled meekly, the skin on her neck turning pink.

"Gotta be careful you know. Last year we got caught. Jailed for three days until my parents came all the way from Africa to bail me and Raven out, though Raven didn't really do anything. Not the best welcome ceremony for our parents," she looked at the approaching men with nervous eyes.

I actually didn't really care.

My one goal in mind was to get to Michael and possibly find Violet. I had no interest whatsoever in Celina's party issues and what not.

But before I could consciously comprehend my goals and step out, the two officers basically appeared right in front of us, towering over Celina and me in a gruesome manner.

I took a few surprised steps back into the house affected by the mean look on the middle aged officer's unshaved face. He seemed to stare right through Celina's soul when suddenly his deadly gaze shifted to mine.

Geez, dude.

I found it ironic how much this police officer resembled a typical serial killer.

Not gonna lie, he looked so-freaking-scary.

"If you're gonna go, can you hurry up and close the fucking door. It's freezing!" I heard Jace exclaim, somewhat bossily.

"Is this Miss Ray's residence?" The younger guy asked Celina with much enthusiasm.

Celina blinked, her hand still holding the door knob, just a bit more tighter this time.

I subconsciously gulped while Violet's name kept repeating in my mind.

"Close the door!" Jace yelled.

"What do you want?" Celina questioned, feigning confidence as she tried to look sternly into the young officer's eyes.

His excited demeanour remained unfazed as he answered Celina in a gleeful, robotic sort of tone.

"The police needs Miss Ray for an enquiry. The neighbourhood community zone claims that this is her residential property-"

"Guys?" Jace called out from the living room with confusion.

"- and we request you to cooperate with us for everyone's benefit. Now could you please inform Miss Ray about our arrival...or is she either one of you..." The young guy's eyes darted from Celina to me in an accusing kind of way.

Celina gulped.

I gulped.

The young guy stared.

"Okay, Ted, your times up. Too soft for the brats of this generation. Move aside," The scary middle age guy boomed with his gruffy deep voice as he shoved the younger officer behind him, stepping forward towards us.

At that moment, Celina and I took several steps back, visibly frightened of the big guy.

"Which one of you is Celina Ray?" He basically spat, glaring at us with his huge black eyes.

Celina and I exchanged a glance. Her eyes pleaded not to tell on her and although we weren't the closest, I surely wasn't planning to.

Our lips were pressed in thin lines when we looked back as the gruesome figure.

His gaze darted from Celina to me, perhaps detecting the silent conversation between us.

He grinned wickedly.

"So you're not going to tell, are you? Well then I'll just have to take you both to the police station," He declared smugly, scratching his scruffy beard in pleasure.

And right at that time, Jace made his entry, making matters way more worse.

"Who the heck are you, bruh? And you need to shave that shit off your face," Jace spoke, standing right behind me. I could've slapped him for his stupidness right there and then, but the foreign idea of going to the police station rooted me to my spot.

I did not want to end up in the police station.

The officer's facial expression remained stern and scary. He looked at Jace as if more disgusted than offended by his rude comment.

"Curse all you want kid, but you're coming too," he commanded.

Lost in my thoughts of being taken to the police station, I didn't register Jace's reply, or the frustrated conversation that started taking place afterwards.

It also made me unaware of the time when Zain, noticing the commotion in the doorway, joined us, adding fuel to the flame with that can of beer in his hand.

It was when Raven, as if in a movie, coincidentally got out of her room yelling "Has anyone seen my hacking laptop?" that the officer finally decided to take all of us to the police station.

And that, folks, was how I ended up in the police station for the first freaking time in my life.

Author's note

Bruh, my wattpad app is glitching. It's so hard to publish in it...
*cries dramatically*

Also, apologies for the grammar/structure errors. My editing sucks.

And I thank ya'll for tolerating my crap.


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