Forbidden Mates(boyxboy)


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What happens when vampires and werewolves,( natural born enemies.) Decide to live together as equals on the s... Еще

Chapter 1- Mates
Chapter 2- Mates part 2
Chapter 3- What would happen
Chapter 4- Siblings
Chapter 5-The scent
Chapter 6- The twin
Chapter 7- Go
Chapter 8- The cottage
The cottage pictures.
Chapter 9- Friends
Chapter 10- Who's the villian.
Ouestion/Answer- special
Chapter 11- Yuan
Chapter 12-Yuan part 2
Chapter 13- Caught
Chapter 14- Vic
Chapter 15- Dad
Chapter 16- Coma
Chapter 17- Coven
Chapter 18- The Ambassadors
Chapter 19- The Pack
Chapter 20- Bad Alpha
Chapter 21- New Traitor
Chapter 22- It's Just A Feeling
Chapter 23- Awkward conversation
Chapter 24- The Nursery
Chapter 25- The Past
Chapter 26- Foreign Help
Chapter 27- Ultrasound
Chapter 28-New plan
Chapter 29- Wicked Surprise
Chapter 31- The End

Chapter 30- The Battle

130 12 0

Third Person POV

All it took was a few minutes after the fight had already begun for bodies of the wounded and dead from both packs, but mostly from the side of the enemy were littered in heaps across the floors. And the once beautifully mowed and daily watered green lawn. Was now stained crimson while sounds of agony and howls of grief rang through the air. It was a horror seeing both sides trying to rip each other apart just so they could get the upper hand. And though it wasn't yet determined which side was winning. Storm  had faith in his pack and the witches. Who were all fighting strong. And he also knew that victory and the defeat of the enemy was the only thing on his pack members minds as they took on the enemies? Headstrong.

Storm's eyes quickly raked through the chaos and soon he spotted Tony. Who was desperately trying to fight off a huge wolf. The young alpha growled ferociously before he rushed over to the aid of the warrior. He quickly rammed into the wolf that was attacking Tony, knocking into the wolf's side. The wolf howled out in pain as he hit the floor with a loud thud. Pitiful whimpers left the thing's mouth until its body went stiff.

Storm looked over to Tony who was breathing hard as his genes rushed to patch up the huge claw marks on his side.

"Are you ok?" He asked him through their pack link.
Tony looked over at his soon to be alpha and quickly nodded his wolfy head.
"Yeah, thanks," his ragged voice said in Storm's.
"What happened?" Storm demanded as he snapped another wolf's neck.
Tony stood up on all fours with a slight hiss.

"They attacked us when we least expected it. We were just chilling and laughing at something stupid, Desmond had said. Before he cried out when an arrow shot him in the chest. And...well you know what happened next," he informed.

Storm quickly nodded his understanding before he nugged the warrior with his head.

"Are you ok to continue fighting?" 

"Yeah, I'm all healed up," he stated proudly.

Storm rolled his eyes before he spoke again.

"That's good, just don't die. Remember you have a baby on the way and a hot mate waiting for you," he stated trying to encourage the young warrior.

Tony seemed to brighten up at the mention of his unborn child. And when he swiftly killed off an oncoming wolf that was about to snap at his neck, Storm just knew that his pep talk had gotten the warrior extra determined. Causing a smile to stretch across the young alpha's face.

"You too," Tony spoke again.

Storm looked at the wolf questionly but Tony didn't continue. So Storm asked.

"Me too, what?" 

"Remember, Alpha,  that you also have a pregnant mate who's waiting for you to come and save him," Tony replied.

Storm's eyes brightened before he looked back down at the warrior and nodded firmly.

"Let's both make it back to our mates ok?" Suggested the soon to be alpha. And Tony just nodded before he sped off to help the others.

Storm smirked mentally before he released a vicious warning growl, just as a brown wolf that was a bit smaller than him. Jumped onto his back. 
Storm quickly went into an attack stance before he began to harshly shake his body from side to side. Like if he was a wet dog  off water in an attempt to get the enemy wolf off of him. And after a few more shakes the wolf finally went flying into a tree. And the young alpha didn't waste any time in snapping the thing's neck instantly. 

Meanwhile, Markus released a loud sigh.
"This sucks," he exclaimed with a loud groan as he leaned his head against the hard cold walls.

The room that he and everyone else who wasn't fighting was in. Was a very spacious sound proof to the outside room with a large steel door that was meant to protect them from intruders directly in front of Markus. The room was dark as the only source of light came from the small window above them, that wasn't even large enough to fit a hand through. There was no furniture except for a very unusual picture on the left wall of the room.There also were no seats or beds so everyone just sat on the floor jumbled up in a large group. 

Women tried to comfort each other as they prayed for the safety of their mates and family members. While others just allowed their sobbs to be heard. Mothers cradled their children close to their chest as some sang sweet calming lullabies.

But even though all this was happening around them there was only one thing on Ambrosia, Marie, Markus and Mary-kay's mind. They all couldn't help but notice how loud the sound of war was outside of the room. Oh how they wanted to be out there fighting alongside their people. But instead they were stock in a in a room.

"Mark?" Came barely a whisper of Mary-kay's voice.

Markus quickly looked over at his friend who was currently resting her head on Ambrosia's shoulder. Markus' eyes widened, he had never seen Mary like this before. She was always such a sassy bitch that always seemed to pook his irritation button, but now. She was a sobbing runny nose mess. 

"Do you think that they'll be ok?" 

The young vampire was snapping out of his thoughts when he heard those words leave his friends lips. His face quickly broke into a sweet smile before he took her hand in his, offering her comfort.

"Of course they will be," he replied and Mary-kay nodded while Marie and Ambrosia agreed with him.

"How do you know?" Asked a young woman as she held her sleeping toddler in her lap.

"I just know,"  Markus replied with a smile and the girl smiled back at him.

But all of a sudden there was a loud bang on the steel door. Causing the room to go dead silent. 
Mary-kay quickly lifted her head from Ambrosia's shoulder before she and said woman shared a look.
"Shh," ordered Marie as she placed a finger over her lips. She and the others quickly stood up just as  there was another loud bang on the door. It sounded like someone was trying to break the door down. And that just caused the men, women and children in the room to begin to panic. But Mary-kay quickly silenced them.
"Stay calm everyone, the door is impenetrable," Ambrosia said, allowing the others to relax a bit.

Then it went silent for a while again, making everyone believe that it had stopped.
But then a louder bang, like a bomb went off. And the women sprang into action.

"Alright everyone try not to freak out, but I believe that was a boom they just used. So that means this door is going to be blown down," exclaimed Markus sarcastically.
Causing women to begin to scream and children to begin to cry.

"Markus," Mary-kay squealed as she elbowed him in the side.
"Look what you did,"  Mary-kay said as she pointed to the people around them.
"Oh, my bad."
"Ugh, you're so, so…," Mary said as she tried to find the right words. But then.

"Silence!" Shouted Marie and the room immediately went dead silent.
"Is there any way to escape this room without going through the door?" She calmly asked.
"I know," a little girl with short brown curls excitedly said.
Marie smiled down at the girl before she gestured with her hand for the girl to come forward.
"When my dad was helping build here and he brought me along with him. I saw that there was a small passageway that leads to the basement behind that weird painting,"  the girl said.
Markus scoffed loudly before he walked over to the painting and yanked it off the wall. And true to the girl's word behind the painting was a large enough passageway.
"Huh, it all makes sense now," Markus mused and the others all agreed.
"Alright no more dilly-dallying. They're trying to get in so all those who can't fight like the women with children and the kids. Will go to the basement and the others who want to remain will stay back to cause a distraction," Ambrosia said.

All heads nodded in understanding before the group split up. The children both werewolf and vampire were placed into the passageway first. Before the women with child and a few male mates entered. 

Only five women excluding Markus and the others remained behind to fight.
"Ambrosia you should go with them because you're with child," Marie exclaimed but Ambrosia just nodded her head.
"I know, safe ok?" She asked before she pulled the duo vampire that she had watched grow up. They were like younger siblings to her and now that her younger brother had gotten kidnapped and may probably be injured. She didn't want the same to happen to those two.
"We'll be fine Brosia," Mary-kay sweetly assured the young vampire who was like an older sister to her and her brother after her mother had died. 
"And we'll come back with Aiden and Wesley," added Markus and Ambrosia just sighed into his neck before she pulled back.
"Ok then," she said as she smiled at them both before she walked over to the passageway.
"Be safe everyone and bring our loved ones back," was the last thing Ambrosia said to the group before she left and the painting was placed back over the passageway. Just as the impenetrable door came crashing down.

"What a lousy ass door," Markus sassed.
The others quickly agreed before five men appeared in the smoke that crept into the room from the bomb.
"What do we have here?" Asked one of the men as his lips pulled back into a wolfish grin. Revealing his chipped yellow teeth.
"Looks like someone needs to be introduced to colgate," Mary-kay sassed, causing the others to burst out laughing. 
The man growled loudly before he slapped one of the men that was with him in an attempt to stop them from laughing.
"I'll show you little missy, just as I showed that mate of yours," the man threatened. But this only angered Mary-kay to the point that she leaped and tackled the man to the ground.
"How dare you!" She shouted as her long retractable claws scratched at the man's face.

How dare he even mention her mate. How dare this fealty man speak like that to her.  All this went through Mary-kay's head as she continued to scratch and claw at the man. Ignoring his screams of agony Mary-kay enjoyed the smell of this werewolves blood. And though it was a toxin to her species she was glad that the man was dying.

"Mary?" Markus called and the vampire immediately halted her clawing before she looked back at Markus. Who was staring wide eyed at her.
"He's dead," Markus informed and Mary-kay quickly looked back down at the man beneath her. And true to Mark's word the man was stiff and lifeless beneath her.
"Oh," was all she said before she picked herself up. She then looked around the room and noticed that the other men were already dead causing her to smirk.
"Ok ladies, let's go give those men a hand," Marie said as she dusted her hands.
Everyone else nodded their agreement before they rushed out of the room.

Meanwhile the young Aloha quickly shredded a wolf to pieces before he released another growl.
Those wolves and hunters were like pests to him as they refused to stop coming.
"Goddess they're annoying,"  Nolan exclaimed through the pack link. And the others found themselves instantly agreeing. 
The fight went on like that for over an hour and to be honest, the group was exhausted. All of them were basically running on instinct now. As they all had allowed their wolves to take full control of their  body and mind.
"Yeah they are," agreed Oni as he swiftly dogged an arrow that had been flying straight towards his head.
"I can't take much more of this,"  he finished as his teeth enclosed around the hunter's thin neck.
Oni growled slowly in irritation just  before he felt a familiar presence behind him and quickly turned around. Just in time for him to be tackled to the ground by none other than his brother.
The Beta bared his teeth up at his twin who glared down at him with hate filled eyes. His brother then snapped at his neck but Oni quickly dodged it and used all the strength he had in his hind legs to kick his brother off of him. Darrel quickly got up before he charged for his brother. 
And again Oni dodged him.

"Why are you dodging brother? Come on attack me,"  Darrel taunted.

But Oni paid his twin's words no mind. Oni had no intention in attacking his brother, that was his blood, his bredrin. And he would never lay a hand on someone so close to him. So instead of trying to attack his brother, Oni chose a different approach. And decided that he would talk it out like he always did when they were younger.
"Why are you doing this Darrel. We're brothers,  twins to be exact?" Oni asked as they began to circle each other.
Darrel scoffed loudly before his hateful glare hardened.
"Because they always see you first. We have the exact same face but yet you're still the cuter one. Or the smarter one, Storm even picked you over me to be his Beta. You even got a pretty mate and what do I get hah? Nothing that's what I get," Darrel ranted, causing Oni to stop dead in his tracks.
"You're doing all of this out of jealousy?" Oni demanded.

He couldn't believe that his brother would've gone against not only himself but also their pack and family. Just because of something as petty as jealousy.

"Yeah I guess I am," Darrel replied before he rushed to attack Oni again, only for.....
"Oni!" Came the voice of Mary-kay who was running straight into the center of the chaos.

The twins quickly stopped dead in their tracks before they spun around to see Mary-kay running ahead of Markus and Marie. Who were still trying to call her back and as well as fight off the other wolves.
Oni wanted to scream at her to go back but he couldn't talk and they had not yet created a proper mate link. So he was unable to communicate with her. 
But then all of a sudden Oni's eyes snapped back to his mate when he heard Markus shout out.

"Mary-kay look out!" 

Mary-kay halted in her running and she quickly turned around before her eyes widened.
A huge arrow was heading straight for her and it was too late for her to react. 
"Mary-kay!" Markus screamed out again.

Mary had closed her eyes as she stood there awaiting the arrow, but when there was a loud cry out she didn't feel any pain. She quickly opened her eyes but soon wished she didn't.

There before her on the grassy floor was none other than one one of the persons Mary-kay dispiced. Why would he sacrifice himself for her? He had betrayed his family brother  and pack but yet still here he was laying lifeless on the floor at Mary-kay's feet shot with the silver arrow that was meant to kill her. 
Oni slowly walked up to his brother's stiff cold body before he nudged him with his snout. And he tried to receive his brother many times and got no response. Oni knew that his brother was very much dead. 
And soon he then released a loud saddened howl allowing the others to know that his brother had died.
All the members of both the Dark Moon pack and the Evergreen pack. Stopped fighting before they joined in the howls of grief. 
"Darrel!" Abby cried out as she came rushing along with the other witches to her brother's side. As soon as she reached she instantly dropped to her knees just as Darrel turned back to human. His cold stiff body was cradled close to his older sister's chest as she cried. 
Darrel was Abby's youngest brother. She had promised their mother before she died that she would take care of her brothers. And now that one of  them died Abby felt completely useless. She hadn't done a good enough job in protecting him.

"Darrel!" Shouted Darnel as he rushed to his children's side.
"Mother, is there any way we can bring him back?" The man asked as he pitifully looked up at his mother.

Darnel knew that there was something wrong with Darrel as he would always withdraw from groups or stay locked up  in his room. But he had never thought that his youngest son would've run to the enemy's side only to be killed later. He had raised Oni and Darrel all by himself after his witch mate had died due to an unknown reason. And Darnel had thought that  he had done a good job in raising the two boys. But apparently he did not and he only had  himself to blame for giving Oni more attention than Darrel. 
"No, he has already passed over to the goddess," Elaine replied sadly.
She had loved Darrel dearly as he was one of her grandson's. But she had to be strong for the others.
"No no this can't be it," Abby sobbed.
But they all knew that there was nothing any of them could do. So they just stock to grieving. Until…
"Who killed him?" Demanded Seth as he rose from the floor.
His eyes raked through the groups of the  living before his eyes landed on the hunter that was currently  cowering behind Felix who stood proud. 
Seth saw red as he released one ferocious growl before he charged for the hunter.
How dare they kill him he was hism…never mind that. Seth thought as he rushed toward the hunter. 
He didn't care if he would hurt the hunter that stood in front of Darrel's killer. All Seth knew was that that hunter killed Darrel and that he had to kill the hunter.
"Move aside hunter, or you'll get hurt!" Shouted Seth as he stopped only a few inches from Felix.
Felix glared at the wolf with so much hatred.
"No!" He said and Seth just scoffed.
"Then you'll die with him," he growled as he raised his large clawed hand into the air.

Felix was defenseless as his arrows were scattered across the forest floors and his bow was broken. Even the knives he usually kept on him had been used to kill off wolves of the enemy. So he just stood in front of his colleague and waited for his throat to be slashed. But when it didn't he quickly opened his eyes.
"What are you doing?" Demanded Seth as he tried to yank his hand from Aiden's grip.
Aiden snarled at Seth before he looked over to Felix.
"I will not let you hurt my mate," the vampire said, causing Felix's eyes to widen.
"And that makes it ok for all the wolves of their pack and vampires of your clan he's killed?" Asked Seth.
When those words left the wolf's mouth Aiden immediately released Seth's hand.
"No it doesn't," mumbled as he stared at the ground.
"So he'll be punished," he said, causing the other wolf to scoff.
"What are you scoffing about? You killed many of ours. Does that mean that I should kill you?"
Seth glared down at Aiden before he spoke.
"That is because I hate the Dark Moon's pack for killing my pack."
"Then why do you care about Darrel?" Asked a wolf in the background.
"That part is irrelevant, just let me kill the human," Seth demanded. 

Storm stared intently as Aiden glared at the wolf before his nose twitched when he smelt his mate. His ears immediately stood up as his tail began to wag. 
"Where is he,  where's mate?" Excitedly asked Zed as their eyes raked through the chaos. Then he spotted him, but soon then growled.
"Well that was a wonderful performance, but let's get to the main event shall we," spat Clifford as he dragged Wesley out of the forest by his neck after he had knocked Roger on conscious. 
"Release him," ordered Alpha Jack but the older vampire just laughed.
"And why would I do that when I want him dead?" He asked with an evil smirk.

Storm was furious but at the same time he was terrified. He knew that killing a vampire was easier than people think. All you really had to do was rip off their head and burn them like in twilight or make them bleed out. Because when all the blood they consumed from human's was drained out  they'd turn to dust. That's exactly how vampire's died of hunger, but the bad was because vampires were cursed. They wouldn't enter  heaven, they wouldn't even be privileged enough to enter hell. So they'd be sent to the limbo for souls, a place filled with nothing but madness. And Storm really didn't want his mate to go through that. And by the hold Clifford had on Wesley's neck, the young Alpha. Knew that, that was exactly what Clifford was going to do. 

"Clifford don't do this, Wesley had nothing to do with whatever problem you and my father had," Newell tried to say but Clifford refused to hear him out. And instead he focused on the faces the pregnant vampire he had a hold of, mate was making.
And he smirked.
Storm growled when he saw Clifford smirk, oh how he wanted to rip that smirk off before he shredded apart the vampire's body. And when he saw the face his mate was making he couldn't help it any more and went to charge for Clifford but again he was held back but this  time by Elaine's voice. 

"Storm, wait, he wants you guys to come to him because he's surrounded by a barrier made by a witch. I can sense it," the old witch informed as she glared at the crafty vampire.
"He must've  put it up when we were all focused on Aiden and that wolf," added Selene and Elaine just nodded her agreement.
"That may be true, the barrier only allows people to exit, not enter. Anyone who tries to enter would be burnt even if you're a werewolf or vampire," Elaine informed before her eyes widened in question.
"Where did someone like you learn our witches most valuable spell?" 
"Miss Witch, I've been alive longer than you and I've picked up a few things," informed Clifford before he looked back down at the trembling Wesley.

"Let's finish this shall we?" Clifford smiled before he went to slash Wesley's throat but was stopped by..
"Father stop!" Shouted Lucy, as she rushed out of the forest with Yuna, and Claire right behind her.

"Mom?" Came Wesley's hoarse voice as he stared at his mother through his tears.
"Yes baby I'm here," Lucy cooed.
"What are you doing here?" Demanded Clifford.

Lucy glared at her father before she pointed to Yuan and Claire.
"They helped me escape," she explained.
"Claire? Didn't I tell you to look after the girls, why did you disobey me?" Asked Elaine…
"I'm sorry, High Priestess, but I wanted to help. So I used the teleportation spell you taught us and went to get Lucy. But when I arrived I saw her and the kid already rushing out of the house. And it took me a while to regenerate my powers before we could  come here," Claire explained as she looked up into the eyes of her leader.

Elaine just sighed before she nodded her approval of Claire's choice.

But her eyes then trailed back to Clifford when he groaned in irritation. 
"All this damn love is going to give me a disease," he groaned as he threw Wesley on the floor. He then raised his clawed hand  and again went to slash Wesley's throat.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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