Faded Embers

بواسطة thriving-13

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Atlas grabs my hips and pulls me close to him. "I have never wanted someone the way I want you." My heart jum... المزيد



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بواسطة thriving-13

*TW for use of homophobic slurs*

Sean's POV:

Stocking the bar is among my least favorite jobs because it's all brute strength and I am not an extremely beefy, strong type of guy. Of course, I have tried to grow muscles since I started working at eighteen, but my arms decided to stay noodle-like. I can lift the things, but I do not reap the results that I so desire.

Luckily, I have Miles and Will.

Will is one of my favorite coworkers, since he's always willing to jump to work and he never expects me to do everything just because I'm living with Miles. One of my old coworkers that was here when I first started always made backhanded comments about getting me the job and Miles wanting something else in return and expected me to do the majority of the work. Of course, Miles was livid, so he and the bar manager, Jennifer, hired Will from another bar that was looking to cut staff and hours.

He's an extremely polished bartender and knew exactly what Jennifer and Miles wanted, so even though I went to school, he helped me out when I was learning. Will has never been cocky or rude, and we often joke around while at work.

He's bisexual and if he didn't have a super sweet girlfriend of five years, I would definitely try my luck with him. He's hot and has a great personality, and that's a couple of the qualities that I look for in a guy.

"Sean, do you want to prep the fruits so I can do the restock?" Will asks as I hand him a heavy box from our shipment to put in the pantry. "You look like you're breathing pretty heavy."

I give him a thumbs up. "I'm good, and yes, I'd love to prep the fruit."

"Use those dainty twink fingers!"

"Oh, fuck you," I comment, opening the walk in fridge and grabbing the citrus fruits that I always start with because they hold for the longest time and can be prepped in advance.

Will laughs again, flashing me his so-called "award winning" smile. "I don't think Annie would be too happy if I let my coworker fuck me."

"No, and I respect her too much to let that happen," I say, cleaning my paring knife so I can slice up the fruits.

The bar doesn't take long to prep, so we are ready to open at six, as we always do. Our security guy, Chase, is at the front and begins to let people in. The lights are already a little dim and music is playing as people file into the club. The DJ is a cool guy and his music always keeps us entertained.

I work from five until one in the morning, whereas Will works five to eleven, and Jennifer comes in at nine and works until three in the morning when we close. That way we have enough people at our peak, which is usually ten until midnight, and it bleeds over to one and two at times.

Miles comes out of his office around six fifteen to help us finish setting up the bar. He always pitches in and spends his time walking around and making sure that everything is running smoothly. He also has to make frequent visits to the bathroom to make sure no one is having sex in the bathrooms because he has a strict policy against that. Of course, people can leave together because we cannot control adults, but we all keep an eye out to make sure there's no suspicious activity, such as drugs or harassment.

We have signs up in all of the bathrooms that have random drink names that have a different meanings in case someone is feeling uncomfortable and needs to secretly tell us that they need an Uber or Lyft called. Thankfully, Miles is a great judge of character and can usually tell if someone is suspicious so it's not often that someone feels threatened, but it's happened before.

I go through the night serving light drinks, as we serve lighter beverages so we don't risk people getting wasted, and both Will and myself are fully trained on how to see if someone has drank too much.

Things aren't crazy tonight because it's a Tuesday, and by midnight, things have really slowed down.

Jennifer and I are hanging out and talking because there isn't much to do, and a lot of people are lounging on the couches and making friends. Miles has always been really proud of how people seem to come together and make friends in his club, whether it be on the patio, the couches, or on the dance floor.

"Miles was saying earlier how he now has the number of some twenty three year old who he's flirting with a bit," Jennifer says, and I raise an eyebrow because Miles didn't tell me that.

"Well, he wants to find the one," I comment, taking a sip from my water bottle. "Maybe he's just daddy material."

Jennifer laughs, drinking her own water. "We both know Miles is interested in something real, though. Who knows if the kid is actually into him?"

"Miles is a-"

"Great judge of character, I know. Trust me, that's the only thing I hear around here besides Will calling you a twink most of the day."

I can't help but grin because I love my coworkers and their quips. This place is my home, and I love being here and knowing that I'm going in a direction that's good for me. Sure, someday I want to meet the perfect guy and have a partner in crime, but I'm still young and I have time.

I'm not in any rush.

"Hi, Sean!" a chirpy voice calls, and I turn to see the same guy that picked Atlas up on Saturday night. "Damn, those pants look good on you!"

I'm glad it's dark because even though I'm not really attracted to Calin in a 'I-want-to-sleep-with-you' way, I can't deny that he's cute and his comment makes me blush.

"Thanks. Can I get you something?" I ask, leaning forward against the bar.

Calin nods eagerly. "Sure! I don't know bar talk that well, but can you make me something super light and super fruity?" he asks. "I like a slight buzz, but alcohol isn't my favorite thing."

I get to work as Calin looks around the club.

"It's a nice place. Where's your boss?" Calin asks once I've served him the overly sweet concoction.

"I'm not sure. Miles usually makes the rounds to the bathroom right about now, but he's usually pretty busy."

Calin huffs. "Well, it was pretty rude of him to invite me if he isn't going to give me the attention I crave."

"He invited you?!" I exclaim, before two and two add up in my head. "Oh, so you're the twenty three year old..."

Miles makes his entrance at the bar and stands behind Calin. "I hope that drink is light," he says, and Calin shivers but looks really pleased that Miles is in close proximity to him. "I didn't ask you here in order to get you drunk."

"Why did Jennifer have to be the one to tell me that you had a thing for... well, him?"

Miles sits down next to Calin. "It never really came up. I wasn't attempting to hide it from you, though. Besides, Calin and I are just getting to know each other right now, so I invited him to the club."

"Huh," I hum, putting away some cleaned glasses. "Where's your friend?"

Calin rolls his eyes. "At home. I tried to get him to come out tonight, but he has classes to teach tomorrow morning. However, tomorrow night he's off of work and he doesn't teach on Thursdays, so do you two want to come over for a movie night? I Google-stalked this club and saw that the Ember is closed on Wednesdays..."

Miles grins at the overexcited boy, ruffling his styled hair and making Calin pout. "I'd love to go."

"Sean?" Calin asks expectantly. "You can bring your dog, Miles!"

"I'll go," I say. "What movie?"

"Haven't decided, but I will, don't worry!" Calin exclaims, finishing his drink. "Oh, shit, I never paid for this!"

Miles stops him from fishing out his wallet. "It's on us," he says in a sultry voice that I've never heard him use. "How about a tour of the club?"

Calin grins and follows him, bidding me a good night.

Jennifer grabs his empty cup. "If you want a place to stay tonight, Sasha and I have a spare room. Those two are going to be fucking till dawn."

"Miles said they're just getting to know each other!" I argue, even though I can tell that they're both really into each other.

It's just the way they look at each other. Their eyes are shiny and they both seem way too comfortable for having only met last Saturday.

"You're not stupid, Sean," Jennifer says with a smirk. "It's nice to see the boss man finally settling down!"

"They just met."

"They're super cute though, no? That little guy seems all over the place though, so I bet everything that Miles can guide him. It's rare to see people connect that easily."

I hum in agreement because she's completely right. They click, and it's great to see my mentor so happy and fond of someone else in a relationship type of way. For me, he was merely my mentor, but he can be more for Calin.

"What about you?" Jennifer asks, throwing away some old, dried slices of lime.

"What about me?"

"Are you going to start looking for someone? Even if it's not the love of your life, it would be fun for you to get out there, right?"

I shrug. "I haven't decided yet. I'm happy where I am right now."

Jennifer continues cleaning our workspace. "Well, if you ever need a place to sleep while those two go at it, I'm glad to be of assistance. Now go make a recycle run and help me put away some of the heavier things before you clock off!"

I do as she says, and the whole time, her words echo in my head.

Am I going to start looking for someone?

I've never been in a real relationship and I don't really know where to start. Even though I'm happy with my life, I can't deny something is missing, and maybe that something is a partner who can help me be even more than I am now.


When I wake up, I grab my phone and check the time. It's almost noon, but that's an understandable time to wake up because I don't usually get to bed until two or three. Even though my schedule puts me at one in the morning, I will sometimes stay and help Jennifer if it happens to be a busy night.

I get out of bed, shivering as my bare skin hits the cool air of my room. I wrap myself up in a blanket and walk out to the kitchen and prepare crepes for myself and Miles.

"Good morning," a very much not Miles voice says, and I see Calin walk out carrying Toast in his arms.

Bailey is following him closely, wagging her tail and sitting down by my feet. She's a food seeker, so I'm not surprised she's begging for me to share some of the crepes with her.

Calin is wearing a T-shirt of Miles', and I can see a small hickey on his neck, just above his collar bone. He sits at the bar and Toast presses her face against his cheek.

"How was your night?" I ask in an innocent voice.

Calin doesn't even blush, which shows me just how much he is not ashamed or embarrassed by his actions. He's really an interesting person!

"It was amazing! I know you said that Miles is something of a mentor for you, but did you ever sleep with him?"

I shake my head, my own cheeks turning red.

"Damn, should've tried it. His tool is massive and he knows how to use it!" Calin exclaims dreamily. "I'm surprised you didn't pound on the door and tell us to shut up because I'm not that quiet, but I really tried so I wouldn't bother you!"

I hand him a bowl of slice strawberries as well as jam, whipped cream, and a plate with a couple of crepes. "Don't worry, I stayed asleep," I assure him, tossing a strawberry slice to Bailey. "You're a good kid, so I definitely approve, unless you prove yourself to be bad for Miles. I may be younger than him, but I will always try to take care of and support Miles the best that I can."

"I'll be a good boy, don't worry," Calin says in a flirtatious voice.

"You'd better be!" I hear Miles call from down the hallway, and he walks toward the kitchen and stands behind Calin. "Morning, Sean."

I smile at the two because they look so happy and it's weird because they're not even dating yet. However, I can tell that they're connected in a way that Miles hasn't been connected to someone since I started living with him. He's never been one to settle down, but there's something different in his eyes when he interacts with Calin.

The three of us laze around for most of the afternoon, but we decide to head to Calin and Atlas' place, but before we even open the door, there's yelling on the other side.

A woman is screaming and I assume it is Atlas who is trying to soothe her, but the screaming doesn't cease.

Calin looks livid and slams the door open.

Atlas is holding his hands in front of his face as a woman with badly dyed hair and overdone make up is screaming and hitting him.

"I'm going to tell your mom about you, you dirty faggot!" she screeches, slapping Atlas across the face.

What. The. Fuck.

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