By SonamDiwakar2

313K 7.9K 3.2K

After fight outside animal clinic with Stiles, Scott fails to prove his friendship with him not first but las... More

5. Can I Call Your Dad
6. Unnerving Discoveries
7. Calling Noah
9. Isaac
1. Everything I Did Was For Nothing
10. Lab Buddies
11. We're Not What We Were
12. Thor
13. Scars He Hide
14. Step Toward Hell
15. She Saved Me Again
2. Uncle Phil
16. Survivers Are Left To Suffer
17. Beacon Hills
18. Season Four
19. All The Truth's Out
20. I'm Gonna Kill Them
21. Normal
3. Time To Meet The Avengers Kid
Thank you so much
22. Ah! Old Highschool Drama
23. He's My Son
24. A New Family
25. I'll Be Okay
26. Never Normal
4. What The Hell Heppend In Beacon Hills
27. I'm Not Your Son
28. A Long Day
29. A Long Day (P2)
30. Kyra
31. Web Of Lies
32. We Can't Tell Them
What do you think
33. We Can't Tell Them (P2)
New Book
34. Worthy
36. All Of Me
37. Mom
38. How It Feels Like
i need to say
39. Safe And Sound
40. Storm

35. Stars And Moon

3.3K 122 51
By SonamDiwakar2

Bucky was in kitchen, preparing food for dinner. Almost everyone is in house and on their floors. He is making everything healthy, becouse everyone was eating mostly unhealthy food nowadays.

Stiles, Tony and Phil still might take couple of hours to come back. Cooking was also a way to keep himself distracted from the fact that, Stiles was not in tower. It's longest he's been out and Bucky just don't felt  right. Spacially after what he noticed yesterday.

It's irritating sometimes when he don't know where Stiles is and he can't rest until he know Stiles is fine and with someone safe. He know Stiles is with Tony and Phil right now but it's been almost whole day without seeing the him and he want to.

He again tries to focus on cooking instead of Stiles. He will be here in some time and he should prepare some food. Stiles will only realise that he's hungry when he will see the food, otherwise he'll be starving but couldn't think he should eat.

"So much green. Hun." Natasha comments, almost making Bucky jump.

He was so lost in thoughts he didn't realise Natasha and Steve are on floor. Steve was in living room with a megazine and Natasha behind him.

"You didn't notice us coming." Natasha points, seeing his reaction.

"I was just thinking." Bucky sighs.

"About Stiles." Bucky's expression was her answer. "He's with Tons and Phil. He's fine Buck." Natasha says, softly.

"I know....but it's longest he's been out and I...just." Bucky trails of at that. Steve also walks inside the kitchen listening to their conversation.

"If you don't want to miss him like that all the time you should just tell him." Bucky looks at Natasha, incredulously.

"Nat! are you really serious right now. Tell him what?" Bucky tries to play dumb. Natasha and Steve are always trying to get him to accept something he isn't ready to accept to himself.

"You know what Nat is taking about Bucky. You can't lie to yourself anymore." Steve says, in his most gentle voice.

Bucky couldn't reply to that. He isn't lying to himself. He accepted it long ago that he care about Stiles more then he should....but he's scared. Scared he will just push him away if he confessed. He know Stiles dont like him that way.

"I know you must be thinking that Stiles don't like you that way....I can't assure you he does but you have to atleast show him that, to know how he feels." Natasha says, guiding Bucky out from the kitchen and on a couch.

Bucky is just wondering from when she became love adviser. Becouse that advice is really good.

"You can tell me Bucky.... we've been here for each other our whole life and I want to help you." Steve says and Bucky sighs.

Steve and Bucky have been with each other in all their ups and downs, and never failed other. They are brothers in everything but blood. Scott might have been the same for Stiles if he wasn't as selfish as he is. Bucky sighs realising even now he thought about Stiles.

"I care for him Steve....more then I should. I can't go two minutes without thinking about him and it scares me. From the moment he stepped in the tower with Phil and Clint, he's been all I think about." Bucky somehow stops himself from saying more, becouse he know he won't stop if he started.

"He feels the same Buck..... beleive me on this." Steve says, placing a hand in his shoulder.

Everything in Bucky wants to believe Steve's words, but that could be true.

"Just try and tell him Bucky.... atleast show him how you feel." Natasha tries, again.

Bucky shook his head. He know he can't lie about his feelings in front of these two anymore but telling Stiles was not even on his map right now...or maybe never.

"I can't risk anything with Stiles! I will just push him away and everything will be massed up if I said anything. I will just end up hurting him." Bucky shutters.

"From what I know it's not going to hurt him." Steve says, vegualy.

Bucky looks at him questioningly.

"The way his first thought is always you whenever he needs something. The way his eyes searches for you whenever he enters the room.... spacially how you are the one, who can comfort him after his nightmares and you are the one his hands reaches out to when he's nourves. All these things tells me that if you told him.....he might return the feeling." Bucky looks at Steve with open mouth from shock.

He know all of that is True. He himself lookes for Stiles first now, not Steve. He know Stiles founds him easy and more approachable. Does that mean he can give it a try. But what if he just took away someone Stiles is comfortable with from him by doing something selfish.

If he told Stiles how he feel and Stiles don't feel the same then Stiles will never came to him in his hard time becouse he might think he's giving Bucky wrong signal.

But that's also a possibility that Stiles feels the same and Stiles will never approach him. He will found doing this more scary then Bucky.

That's just one big messed up situation. But Bucky have an idea. A tricky but good one.

"I think I know what I should do." Bucky mutters.

"What!" Natasha and Steve both asked, at same time with huge smiles on their faces.

"I have an Idea. That way I wouldn't say anything staight forward but if Stiles have any kind of feeling for me then he'll understand." Bucky says, with a determined look.

Steve and Natasha tried to get to know what's Bucky's plane but he left them hanging in middle as an punishment for disturbing his cooking.


Kira is driving with Liam to Argent's apartment. Chris called them personally after meeting deaton to came by in school hours and not tell anyone.

Everyone else from pack is in school and they both bunked to meet him. They both know he wants to talk about Stiles but why only two of them is question.

Kira parked her car and got out with Liam. They both walked inside without saying anything and checking if anyone followed them.

Since Scott told everyone about Spies, Liam has been spotting someone around constantly. But these guys just watches them from far and are so well hidden that if Liam wasn't searching for them then he wouldn't have saw them.

Even now he saw one guy in coffee shop near Chris's building when they entered.

Liam rings the bell and Chris opens the door after a minute. He let both teens inside and guid then to his living room.

"Why did you call us here like this?" Liam asks, impatiently.

Chris thinks for a moment deciding where to start.

"I wanted to ask what you both think about what Deaton told us yesterday?" Chris asks, fidgeting with his phone in hand.

"Then why did you called only us here?" Kira asks, Liam nods all along.

"Becouse I know only you two think like me about this situation. We're the only ones, who don't want to drag Stiles back here. Now answer." Chris pushes slightly.

"We're scared. We just found out that there is an whole organization and Avengers on our tail thinking we're criminals and they have Stiles....and maybe Issac too." Kira says, freaking out. It's worst when she's putting it in words

"I don't think Chris thinks the same." Liam says, looking at Chris's face, who didn't look convinced by kira's answer.

"I was wondering if we're doing right thing by trusting Deaton." Chris says, making kira and Liam confuse.

"You think he lied about everything." Liam says, his eyebrows knitting together.

"Not everything. But the thing that they are giving Stiles a false sence of security to gain information and fill venom in him against us didn't fit with what I found." Chris says.

"Why would Deaton lie....and what you found?" Liam asks, he's completely lost right now about their position.

"I think Deaton is the one, who's filling our head with his words for something he want, what that something is, I don't know. But I want you both to not trust that guy at all. I don't want him to fill your heads with his words and let him use you." Chris says, in serious voice.

This situation is making him feel like Allison's time with Gerard. How his father twisted every truth to use his daughter for his deeds. Same might be heppening with them right now. They don't know what's going on in New York, but he's not trusting that guy.

"You think Deaton is brainwashing us for to get what he want!" Kira says, looking Ill. Chris nods at her.

"That guy showed up from nowhere with all the information and said Stiles and even Issac are in SHIELD'S custody. And somehow both told them everything! I can't believe Stiles will trust someone wrong for that long. He's smart and would have figured out their intentions. Not to mention Issac is there too. Now he want us to go and bring Stiles back anyhow! Without thinking how many people want him dead here. And do you have any idea about what's going on in news nowadays?" Chris lists things and asks, both teens could just shake their heads.

"If you'll consider the time according to when Stiles reached his uncle's House in New York, everyone in news is also talking about a mysterious boy living in Avenger's tower. Every Avenger and other important persons in that tower have been cancelling lots of meeting and are spending their time in tower with that boy. Some times they would just cancelled every plan and would disappear for whole day. Media is doing everything to know who that boy is but whole tower is like a protective shield and no one can even get a glimpse of him or even his name. There are lots of theories too but everyone know they're fake." Chris says, showing them hundreds of articals on his phone.

Kira and Liam are just shocked they didn't notice any of this till now, then again, they're living on other side of country with enough shit in there're life to see news.

"We know it's Stiles. They're giving him complete security and privacy. But that can also be seen as cutting him out from whole world. It sounds both negative and positive at same time." Kira says, huffing.

"I thought too.... until I found that Stiles and Issac both are going to highschool in New York. I found that by an mail I got from Issac's online course. He's been transferred to mid town high and after searching more I found that Stiles was transferred to same school. And if they're letting them both complete their graduation secretly then they didn't want to harm them I'm sure of that fact." Chris says, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You gethared all that information in one night." Liam says, kira nods with him. Chris can't help but smile at both teens.

"Is that all you got from all that?" He asks.

"I'm just trying to make sence of why would Deaton lie to us and want Stiles here if Stiles is safe and maybe even Happy in New York." Liam says.

"I don't know that either. But I know one thing that Stiles might be safe with Avengers but I can't trust SHIELD nor Deaton. We just have to go with Deaton's plane and made sure Stiles won't come back with Scott and others. We also need to know what the hell is going on in New York." Chris explains both teens their situation.

"We also don't know where Theo and Malia's mom are. Desert wolf made it clear that she want Stiles dead and we don't have fucking idea what Theo want." Liam growls.

"Liam's right. We might just show both of them where Stiles is. I tried to tell that to others before but they didn't listen. Scott and Malia said Stiles can't protect himself and they have to do they did really great job in that before!" Kira says, in nourves tone.

Chris listened to both teens and sighs. They're right. It's also one of their problems.

"That town is like a curse. I lost my whole family here.... first my sister....then wife and then father." Even if Kate and Gerard are alive, they're dead for him. "I tried to keep Allison away from here after that but she came back and I lost her too. As her last wish I tried to keep her friends safe and took Issac away. I thought Stiles would be safe with his dad but I was wrong. Now everything is just a big mess and two kids most close to my doughter might be in dengar." Chris whispers, while rubbing his hands over his face.

Liam and kira looks at him with sympathy. Liam never met Allison and kira didn't get a chance to know her better. But they know one thing that she loved her friends enough to die for them, and Stiles loved her enough to live for her. Kira know Stiles was broken after nogitsune and maybe only Allison's sacrifice was the thing to brought back his will to live.

"We will solve this mess Mr. Argent. Everything will be alright." Kira says, optimistically. Chris and Liam both menages to smiles at her.

"Can't you just call Issac to ask him about what he's doing in Avenger's tower?" Liam asks, after a long minute. Chris shakes his head.

"That's the first thing I thought....but when I tried to call I found that he changed his number. I can't do anything but just wait for him to call me first." Chris says, Liam Sighs.

"That means we just have to go with whatever plane pack have and stop them from doing any more demage." Kira says, Chris nods.

"Now you both should go back to school. You still have some classes left, and don't mention anything we talked about out of this room. Alright." Chris says. Liam and kira nods and left.

They know exactly what to do now, and not trusting Deaton is biggest of them.


Stiles, Tony and Phil came back in tower and Stiles went straight on his floor to get fresh before dinner.

Everyone was already on common floor when Stiles got there. Only Thor was gone to meet Jane. Whole floor was smelling heavenly, Stiles know Bucky cooked today and he likes Bucky's cooking. He made some really different dishes that Stiles don't even know about.

Everyone was sitting around dining table. Papper got up from her place and gave in a warm hug, Stiles instantly huges back.

"Tony and Phil told us about your training." Pepper said, breaking the hug and guiding him to his chair between her and Issac.

"They told us everything she said but they also don't know what and how you did." Issac says.

"I did things with water. Like how to control it and change it's a temperature and size. I don't know all the things but she said I will be able to do them with time." Stiles says, and whole room nods.

They all are proud after knowing why Stiles have these powers. Stiles is spacial and it's a proof of that. They just wish Stiles will accept that too and stop thinking low about himself.

"What is she going to teach you tomorrow?" Bucky asks, filling a plate for Stiles.

"I forgot to ask that but she gave me some books about Sparks and other things." Stiles answers, reaching and accepting the plate from Bucky's hand.

"I would like to read them....if you don't mind." Steve asks, hesitantly.

"No problem uncle Steve. I have three books...I can't read all of them at same time." Stiles says, shaking his head.

"Can you do something now?" Clint asks, gaining a look from Natasha and Bruce and chuckle from others.

"If I did something wrong then all of this delicious food will get flooded away." Stiles says, with mouth full of food.

"I actually wants to ask you something Stiles?" Tony says, everyone looks at him but only Pepper seems to know what he's talking about. Tony continues after Stiles nods.

"I was thinking that we should disclose to media about you." Stiles's and everyone's eyes widens and Tony continues before they can interrupt.

"Not your identity....but that the boy living with us is my son. We will tell your name when you're ready." Tony says, taping his foot on floor.

"You can't just tell them that you have a seventeen years old son out of the blue." Phil says, expecting a good answer.

"We have a story to tell everyone, and Noah also have to agree with us otherwise he will be arrested for.... abuse and so many other things." Tony says, looking at Stiles.

"What is the story?" Stiles asks, if they told real story then his mom's reputation will get slaughter by media.

"We will release our engagement photographs and tell that we didn't workout and she was pregnant with you when she married Noah. Noah accepted you and it was decided that you're custody will be transferred to Tony when you will turn seventeen. And now you're gonna live with us. Noah had to agree with this story if he don't want to go to jail. We will not tell your and Noah's name until you're ready. So no one can trace you." Pepper explains, Stiles isn't sure who came up with this. Pepper or Tony.

"I don't have any problem, but if it just makes things worse then before. It will spread like fire." Stiles asks. Tony just smiles at his approval.

"It will couse more problems for some time but I will increase the security. And we will ask whole media for some privacy. I know they will respect wishes of their hero." Tony answers, smug like always.

Whole room keeps their comments to themselves. Stiles and Tony are the onse to make ths decision and they did. They're going to respect it.

After eating and chatting with everyone Stiles excused and found himself going at terrace with one of the book given to him by Kyra.

Stiles might be sitting there from one hour and he haven't read a word. Looking at stars and moon was too distracting to look the book.

He don't remember who, but someone told him once that when one of your loved ones dies they became a Star. Stiles know now that it was not true but he trusted it when he was young. He used to think his mom is watching him from those stars and smiling at him. He sometimes wishes it was true and everyone he lost was there, in front of his eyes.

And moon have a different story. This one he stills believe. This one was told to him by Allison. She told him that she loves watching moon becouse she thinks that somewhere her soulmate is also looking at it. That even if they both never met eachother and don't know each other, they're still under the same moon. And this moon knows everything, and is smiling at them.

Now Stiles too looks at the moon thinking maybe his soulmate is also looking at this beauty from somewhere. Stiles isn't sure if he deserves someone to love him despite how broken he is, but Stiles wants to love someone. With all his heart and soul. He will never expect anything in return, becouse he himself can't give much.

Is anyone even going to love someone like him. Maybe there is someone, and Stiles know him. But that's just too farfetch for him to even think about. Stiles is not someone who could be loved the way he needs, spacially from the one Stiles want.

He have a family now and that's more then he can ask for.

He sat there for one more hour trying to read his book but his eyes kept going towerd moon, which was looking more brighter then ever.

In the end he decided to go to sleep. Bucky would be waiting for him he know. They both decided that everytime asking is tiring.

Stiles got on his floor and said good night to already sleeping Issac. Then he opened his door to see Bucky sitting on a chair in front of his window with headphones on. Stiles's heart jumped for a second when he saw Bucky was looking at the sky, but he cleared his head.

He was just seeing things like he wants. Stiles know that Bucky likes listening to the music when he's alone. He says it calms him and he always likes to find songs related to his or his friend's life.

Bucky looked back when Stiles shut the door. He smiled and turn of the music. Without much talk both lied in bed with eachother in their arms. Bucky tried to sleep but scars on Stiles's neck was all he could think about.

He can talk to others and try to figure something out but he thought that Stiles needs to know. They always keep things from him and Stiles always understands why they did that. But this time it was something really important and maybe horrifying. If someone needs to know it first then it's Stiles.

Stiles.....I want to ask you something?" Bucky asks, taking a deep breath.

Stiles shifts, so now Stiles was face to face with Bucky and looks back at him

"It that something important?" Stiles asks, with sleep in his voice, Bucky nods. "Then ask."

"Remember you told us that when you got this body it didn't had that stab mark and Scott's claw marks on your body....but you still had your old scars." Bucky says, already regretting after seeing how Stiles's mood change by mention of nogitsune.

"Yes....why did you asked....that." Stiles says, in small voice.

Bucky took a long moment before saying this.

"You have four puncture marks on your neck. I don't think you could see them without someone's help."

Stiles's face turns pale at Bucky's words. He never had any marks on nap of his neck. But if he had he or someone else can't see them without knowing about them.

He hurriedly gets up from bed and runs towerd bathroom mirror. He opens all the cabinets and luckily finds a small hand mirror. He turns back to find Bucky parked up at doorway looking panicked at Stiles's movement. Stiles hands Bucky the small mirror and pulls hin in front of big bathroom mirror.

"Help me see that!" Stiles says, his voice is shaking just by the thought. He is hoping inside it's just a random scar from one of his hundred attacks and accidents.

Bucky nods and positions the mirror behind Stiles so Stiles can see his neck's reflection in big mirror.

Stiles pulls his T-shirt to look at the reflection to find four small white scars. Bucky said he saw puncture marks but Stiles knows that these were claws marks. Stiles tries to remember when he got them but his mind draws a big blank. And Stiles knows why. That memory is taken or suprassed.

"Do you remember something?" Bucky some menages to ask.

He was hoping Stiles will say that he got it from somewhere or he just forgot to tell them about it but expression on Stiles's face is saying, it's not something Stiles know about.

"T- these are....claws marks. S- someone u- used them on me, and I don't..... remember......b- becouse they took the memory. They took a memory Bucky!" Stiles sobs, Bucky wraps his arms around his shaking body.

Bucky don't know what to think. He's horrified and infuriated. His eyes are wide with tears in them on verge of spilling.

He guides Stiles towerd bed and sits on the edge of it. Stiles's whole body was shaking with his sobs. He was trying but couldn't remember when it happened. He can't think who could have done it. He was surrounded by werewolves. Any of them can do that, he can't even trust Scott to not do this after everything he know now. Only Liam was not on his list.

"Do you have any way..... to know who
did....this?" Bucky asks, after Stiles calmed down enough to drink water.

Stiles doesn't reply and keeps staring ahead him for long time, making Bucky worried.

"Only a werewolf can recover a memory..... Issac can help." Stiles whispers. Bucky shakes his head.

"But Issac isn't an Alpha. It can hurt you. We can't risk that." Bucky says, he can't even stand the idea of Stiles getting stabbed by claws, and it heppening by someone who don't know how to do is just too much.

"Neither was Scott when he entered mine and Corey's mind. Peter also did with Issac. You should just know what to do. Status didn't matter." Stiles says, with determination, but Bucky can also sence anger.

"We are not risking it Stiles! Just promise me you won't do that." Bucky says, holding Stiles's hands to get him out of his thoughts.

"But I need to know what heppend. I- I can't stay like that. Knowing something is missing from my mind and someone took it!" Stiles exclaims, with pleading eyes.

"We will find some other way......and Issac can also get hurt that way Stiles. I can't let you both risk your life." Bucky tries again knowing this will work.

Stiles's eyes fills with tears knowing Bucky is right. He takes a shaky breath and let some tears fall. Bucky again wraps him in a hug and regrets his decision to tell Stiles this now.

Soon Stiles was sleep in in his arms and he slowly shifts him on bed. Stiles's face was red and covered in tears from crying. Bucky cleans his face with some tissues and looks at his sleeping face. Bucky brushes some of his hair from his forehead and holds him until he himself also fall asleep.

Sneak peak for next chapter

Stiles and Bucky, both were smiling like idiots. But then Stiles's smiles fells. One of his fears comes back in his mind, what if he's dreaming. He wants to count his fingers to know but he don't want to let go of Bucky in fear that Bucky will disappear.

"Please tell me I'm not dreaming.... please tell me it's real.... that what you said is real." Stiles beggs with tears in his eyes. Bucky's heart breaks in thousand pieces.

"As real as that sky and real as that moon. I'm here Stiles.... we're here.....and it's real." Bucky says, cupping Stiles face in his hands.

Stiles just leans forward and kisses Bucky. Bucky kisses back, their lips moves in sync, like they've been kissing eachother from their whole lives.

Stiles can't describe how much he missed this and Bucky can't describe how much he wished for it.

The kiss is short, sweet, and gentle. Theirs no open mouth or tongue. Bucky knows Stiles is not ready for that, and Stiles is not sure if he is either. Yet it's more passionate than anything they've done before, because it's filled with emotion, confessions, filled with unspoken promises and vows.

Finally I was able to wrote stiles×bucky in this story. I'm soooo exited to post next chapter, it will be posted soon I hope.

I gave a little sneak peek for next chapter so you can know or guess how it could have heppend.

Hope you liked it. You can commant to give me ideas. I will add them if I can.

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