Attack on Titan: A Second Cha...

By PranJ1

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My 5th story. This is the English version of the Indonesian language Attack on titan story. More

1. Chapter 1 ~ Memory
2. Chapter 2 ~ I Go Back To The Past?
3. Chapter 3 ~ Eren and Sasha's Punishment Round
4. Chapter 4 ~ Ymir And Histroaia
5. Chapter ~ 5 Something
6. Chapter ~ 6 Annie Leonhard
7. Chapter ~ 7 What's wrong with Eren?
8. Chapter ~ 8 Thief
9. Chapter ~ 9 The Suicide Squad
10. Chapter ~ 10 Royal Lineage
11. Chapter ~ 11 Relationship
12. Chapter ~ 12 Closer to him
13. Chapter ~ 13 A Plan
14. Chapter ~ 14 Graduation
15. Chapter ~ 15 Trost Crushed
16. Chapter ~ 16 Recognition Confusion
17. Chapter ~ 17 Festive Night
18 Chapter ~ 18 Recruitment Ceremony
20. Chapter ~ 20 Titan Inside The Wall
21. Chapter ~ 21 Survey Corps Plan
22. Chapter ~ 22 Arrest
23. Chapter 23 ~ Hope Behind the Wall
24. Chapter ~ 24 Police Part-1

19. Chapter ~ 19 World Truth

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By PranJ1

Erwin glanced at him. "Is there anything you need?"

Eren saluted, trying to suppress the nervousness he suddenly felt. "Yes sir. I have something to discuss with you. In private. Where no one else can hear us."

The other scouts looked at him curiously, while Erwin studied him.

Erwin nodded. "Very good."

※ ------- ※

A few moments later, Eren and Erwin were seen riding one of the wooden elevators near the edge of the Trost District and on top of the wall.

"This should be secret enough, there is absolutely no way anyone could eavesdrop on us here." Said Erwin while glancing at the city.

After that, Erwin looked at him seriously.

"So, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Eren swallowed hard, trying to make his face look blank.

"Earlier, you asked us if we were ready to give our lives for mankind, I would like to ask you the same thing."

"Are you willing to risk your life to protect those on the wall? Are you ready to do it? What is necessary for our survival, even if it means facing unknown dangers, or even rebelling against the government?"

Erwin was silent for a few moments, not long after that he answered.

"I am ready to do whatever it takes to ensure the future of humanity, if rebelling against the government is necessary to achieve this, so be it."

Eren stared off into the distance, gave him a little glance and started talking ...

"Very well. The following conversation never took place. If anyone asked you what I spoke to you here, you would tell them that I told you how I witnessed my mother's death during the initial offense five years ago, and ask about your experiences as Survey Corps to strengthen my resolve. "

Erwin considered this for a moment before nodding his head.

"Fine. So what do you have to tell me?"

Eren took a deep breath. This is it.

"I was the Titan carrying the boulder that day."

"I see. Are you human, or Titan?" Erwin's eyes widened, but he managed to keep his expression neutral.

"I am a human with the strength of the Titans, there are nine people like me in this world and they are the key to what is happening right now." Eren shook his head.

Eren paused before starting his story.

"Many centuries ago, the power of the Titans was under the control of the country known as the Eldian Empire."

"They use this power to maintain control and order, and often use it to ruthlessly crush their enemies."

"Finally, the Eldians started fighting amongst themselves, and this is their downfall."

"The Marleyans, one of the races the Eldians had conquered, saw an opportunity to overthrow their oppressor, and with the help of the sympathetic Eldian family who possessed one of the Titan powers, the Marleyans succeeded in destroying the Eldian empire."

Erwin remained silent, which Eren was very grateful for.

"The Marleyans control the seven Titan powers. Of the remaining two, one is missing."

"Everything else belongs to King Eldia ... This power is known as the Founding Titan, and is by far the most powerful and the most dangerous. With this power, the user can create and control Titans at will."

"After the empire collapsed, the King moved as many Eldians as he could from the main continent and to the nearby Paradis island."

"He then used his Titan power to create millions of Colossal Titans, and used it to build three great walls, Maria, Rose, and Sina."

"Wait, are you saying..." Erwin glared at him.

"Yes. Within the walls these Titans are asleep even today." Said Eren glancing at the wall under their feet.

Erwin lowered his head, looking a little nervous for the first time.

Eren continued.

"After building the walls, the King turned Paradis into a kingdom of hermits, cut off from the rest of the world."

To ensure temporary peace for the people within the walls, the king left a warning around the world. "

"He said that if his peace was disturbed, he would let go of the giants of the wall, and use them to trample the earth."

"So we're not the last humans." Erwin spoke softly.

"No. Far from it and these other countries, they see us as a threat, because of the King's warning 100 years ago." Said Eren while shaking his head.

"So that's why they attacked Wall Maria. But why would they risk angering the king's descendants if it could mean the destruction of the world?" Erwin looked thoughtful.

Eren continues ...

"There are several reasons. First of all, they believe that Paradis is a ticking ticking time bomb, and it is only a matter of time before the Titans of the Wall are freed.

"As a result, they want to eliminate this threat. Another reason is that they want to restore Founding Titan.

"Even though Marley managed to become a world superpower due to the power of the Titans, the world changed."

"Soon conventional weapons will surpass the Titans' strength. In order to maintain their position in the world, they must take back the Founding Titan."

"I see. But why don't the king's descendants do anything? If the Founding Titans can control other Titans, they can use this power to make the Titans leave Wall Maria, or prevent them from entering. Why is that? They didn't do anything?" Erwin frowned.

Eren grimaced.

"Because of an oath the King made 100 years ago."

"Even though he threatened to trample the world, this was never his true intention ... It was just an empty threat meant to buy temporary peace."

"Before inheriting the Founding Titan, the King mourned the ruthless history of the Eldian empire, and all the people the Titans had killed."

"After inheriting the Founding Titan, the king initiated the events that led to the destruction of the Eldian Empire, and gave strength to the Marleyans, who had long been oppressed by their people."

"He then created this walled empire, and vowed to leave the war."

"The Founding Titan's true power can only be used by one of the royal blood."

"But because of the oath made by the King, all of his descendants who inherited the Founding Titan's powers were unable to use it, because they were bound by his will."

"The king knows that sooner or later the Wall will be attacked, and he plans to let everyone inside the wall die to atone for all the blood caused by the Old Kingdom in the past."

Erwin's face became serious as he processed what Eren said, and the implications.

"Did the King erase people's memories?" After a while, Erwin asked.

"Yes. To ensure peace within the walls, and to keep the people in darkness, he stole their memories of the outside world, and made them believe that they are the last human beings in the world to have been ruled by the Titans." Eren nodded.

"So, my father is right." Erwin smiled bitterly.

Erwin gave Eren a dubious glance, then asked.

"But how do you know all this? And where do you get your strength?"

"My father." Eren lowered his eyes.

Eren looked at his right hand, and continued.

"I was born and raised within the walls, but my father came from outside the walls using the power of the lost Titan, the power of the Titan Attack. Shortly after Wall Maria fell, I ... inherited her Titan, along with her memories."

"Who is your father?" Erwin looked curious.

"My father, Grisha Yeager, was born and raised in one of the internment zones in Marley devoted to the Old Man. While Marley's people were once oppressed by the Eldian Empire, the situation has turned around, and Marley's people are now brutally bullying the Old Man, just keeping them to their ability Their Titan. "Eren responded.

"Titan ability?" Erwin blinked.

"Yes. Only Eldian could become a Titan and have Titan powers ... Yes. Titans, everyone ... they were once human." Eren nodded grimly.

"So all this time..." Erwin's eyes widened, and he looked away.

"When my father was very young, his sister was killed by Marleyan officers. But because she was an Eldian, there was no justice for her sister's killers. Years later, she joined a rebel group known as the Eldian Restoration, with the aim of bringing her back. Eldian kingdom. An important part of their plan is to try to attack the Wall before Marley can take back the Founding Titan. "Eren lowered his head.

Eren looked at Erwin more seriously.

"You see, the whole world doesn't know that the King erased our memories. They see us as dangerous devils who are a threat to the whole world."

"So, were the Eldian restorationists attacking Wall Maria?" Erwin frowned.

Eren shook his head, and spoke.

"No. Before they could carry out their plan, they were betrayed. They were given the worst punishment the criminal Eldian could ever give."

"They were taken to the shores of Paradise Island, and turned into Titans, destined to roam this land forever beyond the walls of some kind of purgatory."

"However, before my father turned into a Titan, a double agent named owl killed all of Marley's officers. He did this using the power of the Titan Attack."

"He then told my father to sneak into the wall and take back the Founding Titan, before Marley did. My father then inherited the Attack Titan, and sneaked into the wall."

Eren's gaze turned melancholy and continued.

"There, he met my mother, married, and gave birth to me. During this time he was investigating, trying to find where the Founding Titan was."

"But if Founding Titan is held by the royal family, shouldn't the King or one of his family members hold the power?" Erwin looked thoughtful.

"No. The current king is a con artist, a puppet to hide the true identity of the ruler of the wall. The man who holds the power of the Founding Titan is a man named Rod Reiss." Eren shook his head.

"Your Excellency?" Erwin glared at Eren.

Eren nodded.

"After Wall Maria was destroyed, my father confronted Rod Reiss, and begged him to use his strength to stop the invading Titans before the wall people were devoured."

"But Rod Reiss, bound by an oath of pacifism, refused. My father then turned into a Titan and tried to take him by force. He ultimately failed, and Rod Reiss escaped."

"But my father learned that although Rod Reiss can turn into a Titan, he cannot use the full power of the Founding Titan because he vows to leave the war."

"If startled, Attack Titan could easily overpower Founding Titan in its current state."

"After this, my father ... gave the Attack Titan to me, and entrusted me to complete his mission."

Erwin who heard that was silent for a moment and only looked at Eren.

"But why? How old were you when he gave you this power?" Erwin looked confused.

"Ten." Eren grimaced.

"Ten, he cannot complete the mission on his own" Erwin repeated. "

"No. In terms of the Titans' power, there is ... which can best be described as a curse. The real Titan's racer, Titan's ancestor, died thirteen years after he got his powers. No power can surpass hers, so everyone who inherits the power. the Titans will die thirteen years after they inherit him. And my father's thirteen years are running out. "Eren sighed.

"But doesn't that mean..." Erwin's eyes widened.

Eren looked at his right hand again.

"I have about eight years left."

Erwin was silent for a moment, a hint of sympathy on his face. Eren found himself unable to meet his gaze.

"Do you know about the Titans who attacked Wall Maria?" Erwin asked.

"Yes. Actually, I know who they are." Eren frowned.

"Is it true?" Erwin's eyes widened in astonishment.

Eren looked down.

"Reiner Braun. Bertolt Hoover. Annie Leonhart. Said they came from a small remote village south of Wall Maria, but this is a lie. They actually came from behind the wall, like my father did, and attacked Wall Maria because they were ordered by Marley."

Eren looked at Erwin.

"I've been suspicious of them for some time, but I'm sure it was them after I overheard a conversation where they discussed their plans to attack Wall Rose."

"Do they know about you?" Erwin looked at him seriously.

"Well, obviously after what I did, they found out about my God, but no, I don't think they know my identity." Eren shook his head.

Erwin looked away, his face flickering with conflicting emotions.

"This ... has a lot to understand."

"I can imagine. My father didn't explain much before he ... gave me his strength. I have a lot to focus on over time." Eren smiled softly.

Erwin met Eren's gaze.

"I appreciate that you feel you can entrust me with this knowledge."

"Honestly, after the attack on Trost, I started to suspect that some humans could turn into Titans, and I was hoping to draw them out by indirectly asking for their help through the speech I gave."

"However, I never thought it would work right away by coming to me, you have made my job much easier, and I can personally guarantee your safety, and I will guard your secrets from all but a few of my most trusted subordinates."

Eren nodded at all of Erwin's words.

"Thank you. Even before I inherited my father's mission, I wanted to join the Scouts, because I wanted to see the world behind the walls."

"With your help, it can come true. Of course, I want to investigate a lot of things, and see if the facts match your story." Erwin smiled.

"I understand. I'll just ask you to refrain from chasing the other Titan shifters just yet, because we have to be careful in terms of catching them." Eren shrugged.

"That makes sense. I'm sure I'll think about more questions, but for now I just want you to answer one more question. Can you prove that you have the power of the Titans, as you said?" Erwin nodded.

Eren reached into his pocket.


Eren took out a small knife, and stabbed it in the palm of his hand. A few seconds later, the torn flesh joined together again.

"Steam. Just like..." Erwin looked amazed.

"A Titan." Eren nodded.

Erwin reached out and grabbed Eren's hand.

"Very well. Welcome to the Survey Corps, Eren Yeager."

To be continued...

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