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De SixoSalvatore

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207 5 1
De SixoSalvatore

I've lost ideas at this point, so the next few will probably be some random moments I saw on Instagram/ Interviews/ YouTube. Mainly #Liva moments. Not in any order.

"Fucking hell." Were the first words that escaped Ziva Malik's lips as the sound of flashes going off sounded around the corner. Ziva had stepped out with the blue eyed boy for a quick smoke, not expecting to get papped. She took one last drag of the cigarette before throwing it onto the ground and squashing it under her feet. Looking at Louis, the man simple smiled at her. Taking it as a 'I've got it covered' she waited for him. "Can't I have a cigarette in peace?" Louis questioned as the group of men came around corner. Though his words were light, there was a frustration behind them. "Yes you can." The paps replied, turning to the brunette "Ziva are you smoking too?"
"Actually yes." She replied, cutting Louis off. Eveyone just kind of stared at her in shock "Mine just finished." Turning to her boyfriend, Ziva grabbed his cigarette and set it on her lips, inhaling the smoke. Her cheeks hollowed as she let go of the cigarette and blew out the air, making sure she was slightly tilted so the air hit Louis' face and lips. He liked it like that, the air surrounding them as they lived through it. It was sensual, Ziva had to admit. Blowing out the cloud, Ziva gave the cigarette back to Louis "Excuse me." She fakely smiled and walked away, Louis following shortly after, the boy connecting their lips as soon as the car door closed.

"We're gonna get you guys out of here. Just stay close." The guard demanded. One Direction's location got leaked? Yup, nothing new. There's thousands of people out there, fans and paparazzi all waiting to get their attention? Nothing new. Ziva got into another fight? Occasionally. Niall got dragged to the floor? Fuck No. The whole band stood at the LAX, Anxious to go out between thousands of people. You'd never guess they performed in front of thousands of people with the amount of nerves. They all formed a line. Niall in front with Zayn behind him, Ziva squished in between him and Louis who had Harry behind him.
It all just kind of happened. None of them expected that walking out, Niall would be pushed to the floor by one of the paps and the night would end how it wasn't supposed to.

As soon as Niall got back on his two feet, Ziva stood on his left while Zayn stood on his right, anger coursing through their veins. "I'll walk with him to the car." Ziva declared, Zayn nodding. He had some assholes to deal with. "Come on Ni." She walked the blonde to the car, him sitting in the front seat as Ziva gave him a water bottle "You good?" And the boy nodded, grateful for the brunette's warm hand that rubbed his back. When her twin came into view, he nodded, taking Ziva's place and settling in the back with Niall in between him and Harry. "Excuse me ladies." She walked through the circle of fans around the cars, protecting the band. When she got out and saw the pap standing in front of her, she calmly talked "Mate what's up?" The flashes went off "What're you talking about?" He pretended. Ziva almost scoffed "You know what I'm talking about. You pushed Niall to the ground. Maybe it was a mistake, but it'd be appreciated if you apologise." The man showed her his middle finger, keeping out of the camera lense "I didn't do shit." The man retaliated. This time, Ziva did scoff and folded her arms across her chest causing his eyes to divert "It's bad enough that you pushed my friend to the ground. I'm simply holding you accountable. How hard is it to say 'Sorry'?" The man shrugged "Don't be a bitch."

Now, Ziva Malik was angered. Her eyes narrowed to slits as she took a step towards him "Excuse me?" He smirked "I said. Don't. Be. A. Bitch." He took a step back "I heard what you said. I'm just confused on how someone can have the nerve to push someone and then call me a bitch when I'm being calm while holding you accountable." He didn't reply, taking steps back for every one Ziva took forward "You wanna say I'm being a bitch? Now I will be." She spoke icily before jabbing her nail into his chest, making sure her nail scratched "You're a wanker. A tosser and a manky person. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself." She raised her voice. Seeing his expression, Ziva smirked "I'm sorry if my words were too fast for you. You want us to take a buffer?" She could've sworn she saw people snort. Popping her hip out, Ziva kept her right hand on her hip, the smirk gone "You want me to show you a bitch? Bring it on boy. I can do this all night." There was silence, literal pin drop silence in the road full of thousands of people as they all awaited the man's response. "You're a fucking terrorist." He spat.

There have been rare moments in the brunette's life where she couldn't decide whether to strangle the person or just pounce and chew their ear off. It being so because those were rare times when she got so angry that tears of hatred were ready to flow. The whole crowd jumped to her defence, even the man's o workers turning against him. The whole crowd was triggered. Everyone yelled at him, telling him what a disgusting man he was to even say that. It was as if time was frozen for Ziva. There have been times she had to go through the extra security and questioning along with her twin because they were half Pakistanis. A different form of racism that was. But despite it all, she was lucky enough to not hear it directly. The person saying it felt as if a whole world's weight came down on her. Ziva hunched over, the weight on her shoulders too much to bear herself while standing straight. In what felt like minutes, there were people around her, all waiting for a command on what to do. A single nod and they would maul him. A single 'Get him out of here' and the security would drag him out of the scene. But she needed to take care of him herself. She had to prove that just because she was a woman, she wouldn't let a man just walk all over her and get away with it. It was her time to convey to the other woman out there of all races, religion, color and ethnicity that they were strong. They were important and they did not deserve to be taken for granted. It was time to prove the men of the crowd and out there that women were strong and capable of everything. If they could bleed for five days every month and still do all the work, balance work and home, keep a baby in their bun for nine months and pop it out, they could easily end you, with words. After all, one should raise their words not voice because it is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.

"According to you, I'm a terrorist. If I was, not denying or confirming, pretty sure I have a bomb and a gun somewhere in my luggage. Should I get it?" She asked sweetly, a smile on her face. It was more of a cocky smirk rather. She watched in satisfaction as the man paled, his camera dropping low. Ziva moved closer, circling him like a prey. He was the predator and boy was she hungry. "See, that's the problem with men like you. Think you're some big shot thing because you click pictures of me for a living. Talk big game, but there's no ball to back you up. You love causing trouble but being called out hurts your small knob. Men like you are what we call Mingebag, in London. You know why? Because your prices are so low. You just run after whoever has the bigger price like a fucking dog-" Ziva stopped. Well, was rather forced to stop because he pushed her back, hard. The unexpected push caused her to stumble but not luckily fall. Security was dragging the man away, who was pushing and kicking and screaming by the time Ziva regained her balance. It took a moment to register what had just happened, and when it did, Ziva was folding up the sleeves of her jacket and walking after the man at a fast pace. The guards walked faster, knowing it'd be a mess if Ziva got his hands on him with how she was shouting insults "You bloody minging arsehole!" She pointed a finger at him "Little piece of shit, fucking tosser. Cocksucking lilltle piece of shit-" She kept going even though the man was at a good 20 feet away from her now. All of a sudden a hand was clamped over her mouth as another slid around her stomach "Ziva." The person grunted but she paid no mind. She kept shouting all types of insults, which came out as mumbles. Guess she did have to raise her voice and words. "Ziva enough. He can't hear you anymore." The person stood in front of her. Familiar brown eyes came into her view, obstructing her view of the alley where the man was taken. The hand was taken off her mouth and instead both slid around her waist, keeping her from moving forward. She thrashed in the boy's hold, making his grip loosen each time "Let me go Zayn. That motherfucker needs to learn a fucking lesson." This time, another pair of hands slid around her shoulders, the extra weight pulling her back and slowing her movements.

"Ziva we have to leave." The person slowly spoke "Zayn, Harry I swear to god-" But her sentence was interrupted as warm hands cupped her cheeks, forcing her face to come face to face with the blue eyes she loved. "Ziva. I get that you're angry. But right now, it's late and cold. We need to go. He will not get away with him and he'll be taken care of. Come on." The boy pleaded. His warm touch making Ziva more aware of her surroundings. It was then she noticed that Harry had his arms around her shoulders to restrain her arm movements. Zayn held her waist to try and stop her from moving. Tjough he was at a more distance now since Louis was squished in between his and Ziva's frame, his hands cupping her cheeks and his legs tangled with hers to stop her legs from thrashing around. Ziva looked at Zayn, finding peace in the fact that his eyes showed how he wasn't going to let the guy get away with what he said and did. The brunette beauty nodded "I'm fine." The three moved away from her, letting her come down from the anger high.

Getting back in the car, Ziva sat in the back seat with Harry on the other window and Niall in between two. None of them said anything as the car drove out of the parking lot. It wasn't until the Range Rover got on the freeway that Niall laughed "That was pretty badass."

"Let's talk about the fans. Obviously big part of the movie." The interviewer Rebekah started. The group had sat down for an interview with PopSugar Entertainment for their movie, This Is Us. They were having fun so far. "Is there anything that made you want to reach out? Like oh that's special so you communicate with the fans. Not something scary like a cover or something." It took all the will power in Ziva to not turn to her right and look at Louis. Zayn, Louis and Liam sat in the top row with Ziva, Harry and Niall in the front.

A/N: Please excuse my poor drawing. I can't draw to save my life. So this is just a representation for you on how I imagine them sitting. Yes, I got the idea from Duplicity so idea credits to Julez.

"There's a lot of good art out there. Like fan art. A lot of talent." Liam spoke after a moment, Ziva nodding "Yeah. It's like I see some drawings and I go like 'damn that's beautiful'. Many of our fans could seriously go pro." Ziva announced. Louis just nodded, giving non verbal agreement in fear that he would blurt out the fact that his phone wallpaper was a drawing of Ziva that a fan had done. It was too beautiful to not be there. 

A/N: Not my art because as we saw earlier, I can't draw. I got this from google so credits to the owner!

The fan art wasn't the only thing the fandom was good at though. "They even write these stories actually." Ziva started. She turned to the boys "I don't know if any of you have read them but they write like these Alternate Universe stories about us and call it 'Fan fiction'." Ziva quoted. Rebecca looked shocked "You've read fanfiction?" And Ziva nodded "They come up with really interesting things. It's a good thing like I love the work they do. Real creative."

"Niall you revealed that you walk around the studio a little bit nude. Was it only you or did anyone else join in?" Ziva groaned at the question "Ziva seems to be frustrated right now." Becca laughed. Ziva smiled widely at her "It's just that if like we're in a studio and it's too hot, the guys take off their shirts and clothes and walk around in boxers or just a towel and I can't do that so I have to walk in a robe which isn't much better. It's really unfair." They laughed at her misery "I'm sure someone wouldn't mind the view." Liam winked, obviously hinting towards Louis. The brunette blushed, her cheeks dark pink. She swatted Liam's thigh "Shut up."

"Ziva what would you say. What spice girl do you think you are?" The brunette thought for a minute "I guess I'd say a little bit of all of them maybe. Like I have the best of each world." She laughed "I mean, I can get pretty scare when I get angry. The boys are protective over me. I like to think I can be a good leader and then I do like my Cartier and the Vuitton..." She trailed off.

"We're gonna play a little game. You don't have to say anything but you just point your finger towards the person." Becca explained, all of them nodding. "Most likely to google themselves." Ziva's finger went to Zayn. "Most likely to forget lyrics." Liam. "Most likely to do something unexpected on stage." Everyone's fingers were divided between Louis and Ziva. "Most likely to have a song written about themselves." And while Ziva pointed at Harry, everyone pointed towards Ziva. "Ooohhh. Most likely to take the longest to do their hair." Ziva pointed at herself while the others did too "In my defence, I've got some pretty long hair."
"Most likely to have a secret twitter account." Ziva pointed to Liam. "Most likely to call their mom." Everyone pointed to Louis. "Most likely to cry over romantic comedy?" And again, Ziva was the one. "Most likely to date a fan." Niall. "Most likely to stay up all night." Louis, Zayn and Ziva.

"Ziva what would you say are your favourite tattoos?" The interviewer asked. They were breaking down their tattoos for Cambio interview and everyone had already explained theirs. "I don't know actually." She looked around her body, paying attention to the tattoos. "I don't really know. I've got a few little ones and they're all my favourites. I can't choose." She declared. "Why don't give us a quick rundown then?" The interviewer proposed. "So, the first one I got is this little like key . I wanted something small for my first one so I got this key at like kind of the base of my left hand. It's a really cute key. I like it." The key wasn't the first tattoo Ziva had gotten, but it was the first one that matched with one of Louis'.

"Then I've got these five birds flying on the inside of my wrist. They kinda represent freedom and flying out of your comfort and just exploring as a group. I've got five of them, so you could dedicate each to one of the boys."

Ziva pulled down the neck of her shirt a little to show her collarbone tattoos. "I have a 'Love yourself first' tattoo on my left collarbone because as we know, self love is more important. Then I have a butterfly on my right collarbone because who doesn't love butterflies?"

Turning around, she moved her shirt's back to the side and revealed another tattoo. It was an two Z's, one inverted and the other upright, connected with a heart in between them. "I got this one a few months ago actually. It's got two Z's. One for Zayn and one for me. This was my birthday gift to Zayn, a birthday tattoo on myself." She laughed. The interviewer got a closer look as the camera zoomed in "Oh my god Ziva that's beautiful." The interviewer gushed "Thank you." Liam chuckled before he spoke "We were pretty blown away when she showed it to us."

A/N: A visual representation since I didn't find anything like what I wanted. Please excuse the shitiness. I think you get the concept.

"What about the letter on your finger?" The lady pointed. Ziva's gaze turned to where she was pointing while everyone else stilled, curious to see how she would get out of that one. "What letter is that?" She asked, the brunette stammering "It's a 'L'."
"That's like a pretty big commitment on your finger." The lady pointed out. Ziva nodded, she knew it was the moment she got it "The L stands for"  Louis  "Love." Ziva finished instead. "I got a L tatted on my left hand's ring finger because I wanted it to be kind of clear that whoever I would marry in the far or near future, It was going to be because I love them. So, the L just stands for 'Love'. I kind of want to show off that you know the person who puts a ring on it will be the love of my life." Ziva's body was turned to the back, her eyes on Louis while she spoke. It was a big commitment, she knew that. But she was ready for it. Turning her attention to the lady, she pointed to the side of her ring finger between the pinky and the ring finger. "And I have a 'Hi' here." And she was cut off by the lady "So it'll be like 'Hi Love'" And Ziva nodded enthusiastically "You get it! These baboons didn't." She laughed. Harry made an offended face "My apologies majesty that we didn't understand the silly concept." All of them laughed out loud at that.

A/N: Just imagine a cursive 'L' there instead and a 'Hi' on the left of the finger.

The Italian X- Factor performance was going to be awesome. Ziva could feel it. Dressed in a black Dress that had a sweetheart neckline with long sleeves and ended at her knees, Ziva strapped on some pencil heels. Her hair had been curled around her shoulders with some light makeup on her face. "We're on in five." A crew member yelled, everyone rushing around to make sure everything would be perfect for their performance. She walked past Louis towards Zayn, the blue eyed boy taking a deep breath in as her Marc Jacobs Divine Decandance, her usual scent, hit his nostrils. He had never smelt something so better. He would have connected her lips to his, but he couldn't because it was time for their performance. They stood in almost a circle. Ziva at the front with Liam behind her. After Liam was Zayn and then Harry, ending the row with Louis who stood after Niall.

A/N: I'll be putting Ziva's parts in Bold while the rest of the song will be in Italics.

Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days

She told me in the morning
She don't feel the same about us in her bones
It seems to me that when I die
These words will be written on my stone

And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I been holdin' on too tight
With nothing in between

The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time
Is frozen (the story of, the story of, the story of)
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

Written on these walls are
The colors that I can't change
Leave my heart open
But it stays right here in its cage

I know that in the morning now
I see us in the light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still

And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burning bright
The way that I've been holdin' on so tight
With nothing in between

The story of my life, I'll take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time
Is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

And I've been waiting for this time to come around
But, baby, running after you is like chasing the clouds

The story of my life He takes me home

He drives all night

To keep me warm
And time is frozen

A/n: There is a high note in this 'frozen'

The story of my life, I give her hope (give her hope)
I spend her love until she's broken inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)The story of my life
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life

Ziva had been right. The crowd was making a lot of noise as they got off the stage, Louis pulling her immediately by her arm into his dressing room. He pushed the door shut, pinning Ziva against it and clicking the lock shut. "Louis what-" But he cut her off, attatching his lips to her in an urgency. With his left hand pinning her wrists a little over her head, he used his left hand and dragged his pointer down her cheek "The dress looks so good on you. But I do think it'll be better on the floor." Pulling away from her, he pulled up the sleeves of his jacket and settled on the couch, his legs spread apart "Strip for me."

"Okay. If you could cast a star wife to be alongside you in the movie, and obviously, husband for you Ziva, who'd it be?" The blonde interviewer asked. It was an interview that the band was doing to promote their documentary "This is Us." It was Niall, Harry and Ziva in one room while Zayn, Louis and Liam were in another. "I don't know actually. Never thought about it. Does Louis Tomlinson count?" She laughed. Harry and Niall just looked at her, not believing she actually said that in an interview. Harry elbowed her a little, making her straighten up "I mean, I'd usually say any of the boys because I'm really comfortable around them. Yeah, yeah." She stopped laughing "But I'd say probably Ian Somerhalder." She nodded, Niall smiled, trying to lighten the mood "The vampire guy?" And she nodded in affirmative "Yeah. I'm into the whole bad boy older brother thing." Harry bit down on his lip, trying not to laugh at how flustered the brunette had become.

"I mean, I don't know." Louis spoke, thinking for the answer of the question. "Making someone a wife is a big deal so I think I'd want someone who I'm really comfortable around, ya know?" He looked between the interviewer and Zayn "I'd say probably Ziva because she's already in the film and a great girl and I'm really comfortable around her. So either Ziva or Natalie Portman." He joked. Zayn's face morphed into one of surprise, he knew they were serious but this was another level. "And Zayn how'd you feel about that?" The interviewer asked "I mean, It's her life, their relationship. I'd support her with whatever she chooses." He responded.

"If you had to set up your sisters with one of the band mates, who'd it be?" The interviewer asked, Zayn making a disgusted face and shaking his head like the rest of the lads "No no. That's just... disgusting." He answered "But you said that you wouldn't mind Ziva marrying Louis." Zayn shrugged, stammering over his words "W-Well i-it..... uh, umm.." But the interviewer laughed, clearly seeing his struggle. She moved on so he wouldn't have to explain himself "Liam, Louis what about you?"

"I don't think I'd want my sisters dating any of them. I mean, just no. And Zayn could date any of the boys if he wants to, but I don't think he will? Like, last time I checked, he wasn't into boys. So I don't have to worry about him and someone. Liam for example. And my sisters, no never. They're too young for these guys." Ziva smiled "Yeah, I wouldn't let my sister date them either. I've seen it out there and it gets scary." Ziva pouted at Harry's response, teasing the boy "Aww man. I had a whole proposal planned for Gemma. I was gonna take her on a date and ask her out." The interviewer laughed "But I think Louis might ask you out first or vice versa?" Now, Ziva was blushing 'W-What do you mean?"
"He said he'd cast you as his wife or Natalie Portman." Niall made heart shapes in the back, pretending to swoon "Next question?" Harry asked with a knowing smirk "Next question."

"The crowd here at the GMA's is overwhelming today, because of as you can tell, these people." The lady spoke, pointing towards where they all sat. "We have so much things coming up but first let's have a chat with the guys, Louis, Liam, Niall, Harry and the beautiful lady Ziva Malik." Ziva waved at the crowd, smiling, the smallest real smile "Now the last time, there were six of you when you performed in the park in 2013 November. Zayn, actually tweeted out, and said that hey he loves the new music and he supports you guys. How does it feel to be a force of that?" Ziva lightly scratched her ear as she spoke "I mean, obviously it's been kind of different with him not being there but I think when you loose a player in the game, it just brings the others closer and I think that was what his departure did. We just became closer."

"Well with the new single, Drag Me Down, obviously nothing's dragging you guys down since it's already Number 1 in 86 countries. Not bad." Ziva laughed a little and clapped her hands, trying her best to ignore Louis' stare on her. "The question is, why in the middle of the night?" Ziva bought the mic to her mouth and spoke "I would like to know that too actually." The red lady turned her attention to Ziva "You didn't know?" The brunette shook her head "No, not at all. I'm sleeping in my room and at 12 Niall and Harry are banging on my door. So, I open it and they're like 'We dropped Drag me down' and I couldn't register it since my brain was still sleepy so I was just like what the heck?" Harry answered this time "Well, I think we just wanted to kind of drop it out of nowhere. Usually we have a whole build up to it and I think it was kind of fun." "And it's also the middle of the day somewhere." Niall joked.

"You guys have your fifth studio album coming up. What can you guys say about what should fans expect from it?" Ziva though on this for a moment "In my personal opinion, I'd say it's our best album. It's just such different work and I love it so much." The boys saw the hurt on Louis' face. She had written the song after what happened with Briana and Louis, the songs were her feelings and she loved them more than the ones she had written when with him. That had to hurt.

Four years of love songs on albums, tens of songs that she had as demos, all about him. Yet the songs she wrote after she broke up with him were her favourite. But could he really blame her? He was the one who broke her heart. He was the one having a child whose mother wasn't going to be Ziva Malik and have her hair as he originally wanted their child to. He had no right to feel the way he felt, but he did. The only hope of redemption was the fact that she hadn't removed her 'L' tattoo on her finger. She was being the bigger person by not removing the tattoo and still acting at least civilized, different than what anyone else would have been if they had said that she was ready to take the next step of their relationship. Maybe this was why Zayn had been angry at him the next day and took his frustration out on twitter instead of just calling and fucking up Louis. He took the easier and lighter approach.

"In the midst of it all, I want to thank you all for stopping by at Good Morning America. We know you're in the middle of a tour, playing New Jersey tomorrow night. How do you handle all that energy?" Ziva smiled and spoke "I feed off of the energy. I think I speak for all of us that it is honestly the best and we love it. That and a good ear cleaning session." They laughed. "What do you all do behind the scenes?" Ziva looked at Liam and they shrugged "It's not something so fancy or something. It's not like we party a lot, well, we do. Some turn out a little disastrous than others." Ouch. That was a blow. "But like we just usually ang out before a concert and just kind of have fun, talk, play ping pong, give our voices rest, eat and stuff like that. Nothing too exciting really."

"Well I gotta say from one father to another, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming fatherhood." The crowd went silent, the boys throwing subtle glances towards Ziva who was pale as a sheet, her insides churning and the sandwich from earlier wanting to come out. There was no news of a child, that she had been informed of. It was bad enough that they were broken up but a child?! Why wasn't she told of this. Gulping harshly, Ziva dreaded to speak when the interviewer looked at her "Ziva? You haven't spoken a lot and you look quite pale. Are you okay?" She nodded "Yeah yeah. I usually get a little sick the first few days we come from Europe to America. The sudden weather doesn't do me a lot of good but that's it." It wasn't. She wanted to cry and throw up at the same time. The small amount of hope she had inside herself for her and Louis, shattered.

It was time for soundcheck, the boys scattered as Ziva sat on a small platform, holding in her tears as the crew set up everything. "Ziva..." She heard that all familiar voice. "Don't. Please." The boy sat down next to her "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked quitely "It wouldn't have changed anything." She shook her head "Yes it would have. I wouldn't have to had find out on national television or get my heart ripped out in thousands of our fans. Do you know how it feels when you're heart feels like it has been separated from your body, smashed to the ground and just hurt again and again? No you don't. You don't know how it feels when the guy you love, the guy whose initial you have tatted on your ring finger just betrays you and leaves you in the dark while he goes out and about with someone else. As if hiding your love and pretending you didn't feel anything for him in front of thousands of people wasn't bad enough. I expected you to tell me." He went to speak but she cut him off, turning away from the crowd causing him to do the same. Her tears flowed when she was away from the world, eyes instantly becoming red "I don't know what to do Harry. I have no idea what I am supposed to do now." Her voice broke, cries erupting instead. The curly haired boy hugged her to his chest, his hand patting her head as she cried silently. He let her cry, knowing there was no way he could help her. He could just be there for her when she broke down and give her the reassurance he could. After all, heartbreak wasn't something anyone could get over so easily.

The soundcheck went by smoothly, as much as i could, given the new tension between Louis and Ziva. He tried to approach her at one point, but she just waved him off, distancing herself and engaging in an unrequired conversation with Niall who went along with it. Only because he could see the desparation in her eyes. "You have to talk to him someday you know?" Niall told her, stepping away from the mic as they made adjustments. Ziva glared at the coral coloured band of her mic. "No I don't. We have only a little of the tour left. I'll ignore him during that then I am going to never see his face again after the hiatus. Transport to another world." Niall laughed out loud as she made her angry pouty face, looking ridiculous. "You can't do that." He objected. "Why not?" She retaliated. "Well, because because." Ziva grabbed her water bottle and hit it in his head "Idiot." She laughed.

A/N: These were about five of the short moments I had planned. Again, they aren't in any order. I'm writing as I discover so no actual timeline and these are gonna be short ones and not like full 20 mins interviews. My heart is breaking for what I have planned for Ziva. I think you guys already have a very good idea of what happened. They haven't verbally discussed much yet, I will be making another moment for that. And I want to do one for like a few Liva theories fans come up with. Like we see on Larrie instagram pages, they have like these theories and all. And they capture the moments or inside stuff like that. Only headlines and stuff, not a lot of narrations.

And can we talk about how I can write so many steamy scenes between Ziva and Louis but then I don't want to because I think I might get uncomfortable, but then I don't know because I haven't tried it out. So no promises. Let me know what you guys think!

ALSO, I am well aware that Marc Jacobs Divine Decandance came out in 2015 and Italian X-Factor was 2013, but let's just roll with it thanks.

A LOT's been going on in my life lately and idk what to do lol


Please vote and/or comment. It makes my day :)

- Sim:)

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