Tidal Waves

By MsUlian

691 29 171

"I've read a story about a young girl who had been kidnapped and taken away to live in a castle with a horrib... More

Chapter 1
Author's note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

161 5 48
By MsUlian

"Are you sure he won't get ya know... sick?" Mystras asked, getting off his horse. The others soon followed suit, with Piprika helping the still tied up boy off of Sinbad's horse. The pale skinned male just glared at her, not able to say much since he still had the cloth over his mouth. Mystras snickered to the look. "Or maybe he already is sick. I mean, look at him. He's all skin and bones, barely any muscle and his skin is like looking at a ghost." Sinbad sighed, setting his hand over the boy's head.

"Trust me, you best not underestimate this guy. He caught me off guard and threw me around like I was some rag doll." The violet haired pirate looked down at the white haired boy, who seemingly blushed but didn't react in any other way.

"Such a perfect way of flirting. I like your style, kid; I should use it on Piprika." Mystras giggled when the black haired girl blushed in embarrassment and anger. She shot a glare at her partner before turning away and walking to her horse. "Aww, someone's a little embarrassed over here~" Suddenly a knife was thrown directly at Mystras, only flying to the tree behind him. He blinked, unfazed for a moment before looking back at the knife.

"Shut up before I decide to aim." Piprika threatened, her face not exactly reflecting her words or actions as she tried to hold in a laugh from her friend's reaction. "Gullible." She mumbled.

"Look at this hair though, it's like snow! It's so soft too!" Sin suddenly interrupted the love quarrel quickly, knowing which way it would end from experience. Mystras, regaining his composure from the threat, set his hands on his hips, laughing.

"Speak for yourself, unique colored haired freak. Like, how many times have we come across a purple haired pirate in our lives?" he inquired, humming slightly as he placed his index finger under her chin. His gaze never once left the boys, though.

"Well, there's Hina-"

"-Hina and I come from a tribe that has hair that's blue, while you didn't even come from a tribe with purple hair." Piprika intercepted. The violet haired pirate slouched, deciding to drop the conversation and look at the pale boy. It was at that moment that he noticed something, the boy's eyes were wide with happiness. This was a kidnapping, right? Not some rescue mission. Yet still, the boy seemed relieved and happy. He stared up at the night sky, staring at the stars above. He tensed up when Sin lifted him back up and set him back on his horse.

"Anyone have a spare set of shoes?" He asked, taking the boys' feet and examining them. Mystras had made a good point when he mentioned about the boy getting sick and all. He needed warmer clothing, too.

"What size?" Mystras replied, searching through his bag attached to his horse's saddle. The golden eyed male brushed his thumb over the boys foot, gaining a flinch in return. It probably tickled. "Sinnn~ we're not gonna stand here all day for you to flirt with the kid." Sinbad, gaining back his composure, chuckled. He actually examined the pale feet this time.

"Hmm. About a size 5 in women's." He answered, to which, Mystras threw a pair of shoes at him. They hit him over the head, gaining a whimper from the apparent dog. "So rude...~" He murmured, taking the shoes and slipping them on the boy's feet. The boy frowned as the shoes were a little big and almost slipped off his feet but overall they fit. He reached up to his mouth, hands still tied, and pulled down the cloth.

"Jafar." He said, getting off the horse and handing the cloth to Sinbad, who made a questioning look. "My name." He explained further, and Everyone nodded. "And for your information I am not a child. I am 18-"

"Child." Mystras chirped in, sticking his tongue out at him. Piprika hit him over his head with a hard smack. "Ow...." Jafar sighed, turning back to Sinbad.

"I won't make any unnecessary noise, so please do not use that cloth on me." He practically begged, with the look in his eyes like he was reliving a memory of his. It was probably a dark one. Sin nodded, not questioning it and looked around. The sun was coming up, meaning that it would be easier to spot them. Not knights, but them.

"Come on. We have to hurry to the meetup place." Piprika called as she rode off into the forest once again. Mystras was on her tail in a matter of seconds, with Sin and Jafar only a little behind them.


"Oh there ya guys are. I was starting to think y'all weren't gonna make it." Sharrkan called once they made it to the river that led into the ocean which is where their ship was at. Everyone got off their horses, stretching. Sharr looked around. "I don't see any weapon." He commented. Suddenly Mystras put his arms on Jafar's shoulder.

"This child right here is the weapon." Mystras said, pushing Jafar closer to Sharrkan. The white haired man stared at the boy, his gaze dropping to the ground when he sighed.

"You gotta be kidding me... ughh. Ok, ok, fine then. We'll just do it the hard way." Sharrkan sputtered around his horse, mumbling mostly cursed words at himself. Piprika sighed and shook her head.

"We don't have time for your rambling, Sharrkan. Hurry up and get us to the ship so we can get out of here." She practically threatened, every word she said spilling with this title of authority. It made the white haired man gulp and jump back on his horse. The horse skipped for a moment at the sudden movement of its rider but did nothing else.

"F-fine. Let's just hurry ok? I want to get back to the ship as quickly as possible. Everyone else is waiting there for us." He mumbled as he already was starting to fly away on his horse. The others just sighed, apart from Jafar. Their expressions said, 'you didn't have to do this job if you didn't want to, dumbass.'


As they rode off towards the ship, Sinbad started to make small talk again. Great. "So guys, the weather's really warm today, don't you think?" Everyone groaned, even Jafar. Everyone hated small talk, and Sin was aware of that fact but refused to actually acknowledge it. Damn that guy... Mystras slowed down his pace so that she was riding beside Altas.

"Hey. You wanna talk about earlier?" He asked, his brow raising a little in amusement. Altas felt heat rise to her cheeks and she looked away, flustered. That gained a couple of laughs from his girlfriend before he stood up on his horse, stepping gracefully onto Altas's horse and sitting down behind her. He wrapped his arms around the girl's waist, smiling as he rested his chin on her shoulder. "That was probably the best teasing I've ever done." Once again, Altas's cheeks flushed. "Hahaha!"

Meanwhile, Sinbad had continued his small talk with Jafar. They'd usually exchange minor things like, how're you? Or, where're you from? It was mostly Sin doing the talking, with Jafar answering any questions he could or would. The conversation quickly ended, however, with a long sigh from the latter. "Is something the matter?" Sinbad asked, a little worried. Jafar frowned, placing his hand on Sinbad's shoulder.

"We're not alone." He whispered, looking around into the trees of the forest. His eyes scanned over the tree line, finding some dark shadows present. "Royal stallions." Sinbad followed Jafar's gaze, his eyes noticing the shadows and reaching into his bag. Jafar grabbed his hand, however, before he could grab anything. "Focus on riding and just alert your friends. I'll fend them off." Sin was quite confused, but decided to trust the white haired male.

"Guys, we have company!" The pirate called to his members, who all turned to the trees. Mystras sighed, jumping back onto his own horse and plucking out some knives in his bag. Piprika pulled out a bow and arrows, firing a shot at the upcoming royal guards. They deflected the arrow, riding faster and harder. It sizzled Piprika's blood as she fired another arrow. It didn't work again.

"Fuck. Mystras, it's all yours now." She called when she knew she couldn't just waste arrows. Mystras nodded, turning around on his horse and putting his index and middle finger together, pressing them to his lips. "Oh geez not this move..." Piprika commented under her teeth. Mystras make a giggle sound, blowing out a kiss to the royal guards. For a moment, they just blinked in confusion but not a second after, they were blown away. As Mystras turned back around on his horse, Altas sighed. "Must you really have to blow them a kiss?"

"Of course, would you rather me do it to you? I mean, I can actually take your breath away if you know what I'm saying~" Piprika felt her face heat up once more as she turned to look at herboyfriend, practically flaring.

"Stop teasing me!"

"Teasing isn't the word for this... hmmm. I'd call it more of, showing my love and affection?"


"I don't know... maybe because I'm talking about having s-"


"*mimicking voice* Shut up, Sherlock."

"What did you just call me?"


"You son of a bitch!"

"Owww why'd you hit me?!"

"*angry noises*"

"Yeah yeah, you love me."

————- Jafar's POV——

Once they finally arrived at the ship, they were greeted by all the crew members. Most of which were quite forgettable like Spartos, Pisti, and more, but the one that stuck out most to Jafar was Hinahoho. He was a tall man, and definitely not someone Jafar would want to mess with. Yet, Hina had this kind of presence to him that no one else really had except Sinbad.

"So, where's the weapon?" Yamuraiha asked, crossing her arms. She glared at Sinbad as he smirked back at her. Jafar sighed, knowing he'd be brought into conversation no matter what, so he walked up next to Sin. He didn't exchange eye contact with anyone, only staring at his feet. Only then did Sinbad swing his arm around the former's shoulders did he answer.

"This beautiful guy right here is the weapon!" If Jafar was fazed by being called beautiful, he didn't show it on his face. He had heard it too many times in his life from people who had hurt him in ways he couldn't and wouldn't describe. Everyone stared in awe at him, their eyes wide and mouth gaped. Once at least Yamuraiha regained her composure, she pointed at him.

"This kid is the weapon? Sigh... Well, it does make sense. Mystras, Hinahoho and Drakon are all weapons so I guess we should've assumed that the weapon the king was hiding was actually a human. But a kid? Look at him. He's so skinny and pale-"

"I'm usually this pale even without eating..." Jafar commented, sighing. "And I'd like to ask you kindly to not call me a child. I threw your captain over a bed and held his sword to his neck for a good 2 minutes so I won't hesitate to do the same to you." Everyone stared at him, a little shocked that he'd threaten his kidnappers. Sinbad just laughed, crocking his neck a little.

"I mean, he's not wrong. I let my guard down because he looked like a sleeping beauty..."

"You're telling me that you let your guard down... BECAUSE HE WAS BEAUTIFUL AND HE WAS SLEEPING!?" Piprika grabbed Sinbad's shirt, shaking him every which way as she yelled at him. Jafar chuckled, which soon turned into a sweet somber laugh. It had been forever since he'd felt like this, and it felt nice. Oh how he missed this...

"Sorry to break the love festival but we should hurry and get a move on." Mystras intercepted, pointing to the trees. "Those soldiers won't stay down for long." He explained as he grabbed all three of them (Piprika, Jafar and Sinbad) and dragged them onto the ship. Everyone else got on, getting it ready to set sail.

—————Sinbad's POV————

Sinbad couldn't sleep that night. All he could think about was how beautiful Jafar was. Slowly, he sat up off of his bed, walking to his door. At the moment, he had no clue what to do. Now that the king knows that they stole his most prized possession, he'd definitely send his most powerful troops after them. Sinbad's head was racing with ideas, people, possibilities and outcomes of what they had done today as he strutted up to the deck. The night was cold, especially at sea, but Sin had gotten used to it. He made his way to the railing of the ship, only to spot a slinky figure already at the railing. As he got closer, he realized it was Jafar. Great. Now he had to think and see him at the same time... but Sin wouldn't complain about that. Jafar's beauty was one to behold, and his personality was even better. (At least from what he's seen)

Gently, Sinbad wrapped his arms around Jafar's waist. "Please do not do that." The latter responded to the gesture, to which, Sinbad obeyed and leaned over the railing with him. It was silent for a moment before surprisingly Jafar started the conversation. "Thank you."

"Huh?" Sinbad raised a brow. Why was Jafar thanking him? It wasn't like he had saved him or anything. He had taken him away from his home. Wouldn't he be upset? Jafar smiled, which caused Sinbad's heart to speed up once the former turned to him.

"Thank you for taking me away from there." He explained, smiling brightly as the moon's light lit up half of his face while the other half was engulfed with darkness. "You saved me." Sinbad's eyes widened. He had saved him? But how? He decided not to fret on the idea for too long, because Jafar quickly turned back to looking into the night sky. Sinbad gulped, looking around. He didn't want to make small talk, especially after that thank you thing. He sighed, turning to face Jafar, who caught onto the motion and looked over at the former.

"You don't take a journey to gain happiness. Happiness is the journey you take. You find happiness by connecting with others, which is all a journey is about. You can't change your past journeys, even if they're filled with sorrow, but you can forge your new journeys." Sinbad took a pause, trying to read Jafar's face. He needed to add something, like a quip. Damn. If only Sharrkan were here... he would have something in mind. Sighing, Sinbad just said the first thing that came to mind. "What I'm saying is... forge your new journeys with us. I can't promise we're all puppies and rainbows, but we're a family. We look out for each other, and we hold everyone accountable for themselves. We're messy at times, and we're quirky and sometimes- well most times rude to each other, but... we're family. I'd like you to be a part of that." Sinbad raised his hand up for Jafar to shake. The latter stared at it for a moment before facing Sin completely, slowly raising his hand up to the latters. His hand flinched a little when he went to grab it, but eventually he connected their hands together, looking up at Sinbad with a grin.

"I'm looking forward to it, captain."


"I see you made it." Ceylan smirked in the darkness of his office, a silhouette appearing form the shadows. A single candle lit up the room, being the only thing keep one side of the kings face lit. "I knew you would. You're not the type to miss out on getting some blood on your hands, aren't you?" Slowly, the king slid a paper to the shadow, who picked it up and analyzed it. "His name is Sinbad. He and his crew of pirates using their cover as merchants stole my Ja- my weapon. I'll pay you however much you like, just as long as you bring me back my weapon and Sinbad's head." It went silent. Ceylan snickered. "Of course, if you're not up for the job-" Suddenly, the candle went out, and the silhouette sinker back into the shadows, it's voice ringing as it spoke.

"Consider it done." Ceylan smirked, wrapping his hands together.



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