Zodiac Highschool

By lynncisco

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In a universe called Zodea, these twelve individually different teenagers had been accepted into a "normal" h... More

°• Character Descriptions•°
Chapter 1- New School
Background characters
Chapter 2- Adult drama
Chapter 3- Sleepover time
Chapter 4- Caught
Chapter 5- Library Of Secrets
Chapter 6- Sports day out
Chapter 7- Familliar face
Chapter 8- Bittersweet
Chapter 9- News
Chapter 10- Practice
Chapter 11- Costumes
Chapter 12- We Meet Again
Chapter 13- Hacking Help
Chapter 14- The life of a teacher
Chapter 15- Day Out
Chapter 16- Suspicion & Reveals
Chapter 17- Newfound grudges
~☆The Halloween Special☆~
Chapter 18- Mystery
Chapter 19- The Play
Chapter 20- The 4th Galaxy
~☆The Christmas Special☆~
~☆New Years Special☆~
Chapter 21- Attempts
~♡Valentine's Special♡~
Chapter 23- Amusement Adventures
Chapter 24- Only For You
Chapter 25- Near demise
Chapter 26- The Unknown
Chapter 27- Insignificance
Chapter 28- Ambivalence
Chapter 29- Evanescence

Chapter 22- Who?

3.1K 53 81
By lynncisco

Arghh I know I've been absent, my life is just getting busier 😩 however I don't want my personal life to affect anything, I'm not the type to be like "I'm so upset so I'll be taking a break 😭" that's not me at all, I'm someone who'll start on something and finish it☆ lol this also might be a multi chapter towards the end, it depends and I'll also be focusing on Leo & Aquarius for a bit becauseeee of something 😏

Chapter's song:

~Rather be~

Leo's POV

I stood there with a new unkown letter in my hands as I clasped it tight, inching it closer to me with another smile plastered onto my face. I had been receiving quite a bunch of new letters, it's been a few weeks ever since we've arrived back to school, much to my dismay. I truly enjoyed the time I had spent together with the class in the 4th Galaxy, tho we did have to go back at some point as we couldn't stay there forever or else we'd miss out on our education.

Ever since I had found that one particular letter that truly made my heart melt, I've been considering letting go of Aquarius and move on to love this whole different person as they've captured my attention, this did reveal my mini-crush on Aqua, but it was time to finally let go of him. Don't get me wrong, he's an amazing guy but I felt like he'd never see me the way I'd see him, it hurt me as all he'd ever do was friendzone me and a part of me didn't want want to let go, but I had to. I've unrequetedly loved him way for too long, my patience remaining as I had hope for him to ever feel the same way I've felt for him the first time I even dared to lay my eyes on him, falling for him even more each day as the more time I spent with him, the more he conquered my heart.

5 months and there still wasn't any signs of his non existent romantic feelings towards me, it was no use to me as the upsetting reality would sadden me even more, therefore it was time to let go as I might've found my significant other, my secret admirer. I knew it was a hard choice to make and if I'm honest I secretly didn't want to let go of Aquarius at all, meaning that he'd always have a place in my heart as I'll cherish our friendship forever.

My thoughts wandered off to another specific person.. my secret admirer. I hadn't know anything about them whatsoever, I was absolutely determined to find out every. Little. Detail. I could find & analyse through the traces they've left behind. I wasn't going to do it alone however, my dear sister Sun was going to help whether she wanted to or not, she still owed me $30 from over a year ago and I wouldn't let that go to waste. The least she could do is to atleast somewhat make an effort in helping me unmask the mysteriously romantic person behind the heartwarming letters

If anyone was great at unmasking people, it'd be Sun! Which isn't entirely true.. it would be Capricorn tho I'd never ask him to be apart of this search as I knew Virgo's reaction wouldn't be the best towards the decision itself, I wasn't bound to enrage my bestfriend which is why I went for the second best option, my noble and loyal sister, Sun. Sure, she was quite over exaggarative but it did somehow help, she was someone that would look outside the box instead of inside the box in situations like these.

I took my phone out, dialing her number as I eagerly waited for a response in the hopes Sun could atleast bother to help me. Time had past and she still hadn't responded to me or my calls which caused me to slightly grit my teeth in annoyance, I headed towards her dorm not caring whether she was busy or not. I needed her help as I demanded it right now, my secret admirer could possibly be my soulmate, the person I'd see at the altar and the one I'd be marrying! I barged right through the door as it closed behind me, marching my way through the bright space.

"Sun, I need your he-"

I stopped as my eyes widened at the sight infront of me, gasping as I wasn't sure whether I was hallucinating or not. I had never thought I'd ever see my own sister, my flesh and blood, Sun, making out with Rigel, crystal clear for me to both see and witness the moment with my own sight. I rubbed my eyes once more making sure I wasn't in some sort of dream or aspect of a sleep, that really was Sun together with Rigel. It all sounded so.. weird.. as she claimed to not have any interest in him whatsoever, not to mention, I myself couldn't get used to the idea itself.. Sun and Rigel.. Rigel and sun! I cleared my throat as the two stopped to look over at me, Sun fliching which caused her to immediately get up and move as far away from Rigel as possible

"Eww, pda!" I said in absolute disgust

"Leo, it's not what it looks like, you know my thoughts on this grape already!" Sun lied

"Girl, for how long?" I bluntly asked

"A few weeks now" Sun admitted in defeat

"You could've atleast told your own sister that you've finally got a boyfriend!" I smirked

"Shhh lower it down!" Sun hissed

"Why?" I asked in curiosity

"Because me and your sister are in a secret relationship" Rigel calmly said as I made an 'o' sound

"Why is it a secret? It's not that hard to publicly announce it" I teased

"You know how people can be, there's a ton of reasons to why we don't want the world to know about us" Sun glared

"Okay woah calm down, I was just asking! Is it because of Betelgeuse? You know her opinions don't matter right" I reasoned, attempting to bring back the optimism

"That bitch? Pftt I could care less about what she has got to say! If anything, I'd love to shove it into her face that Rigel is mine, maybe then she'd stop constantly clinging onto my man!" Sun huffed

"Jealous much?" Rigel grinned

"No because you're mine and mine only! No hoe gets to claim my property" Sun proudly said

"You definitely got more possessive" I laughed

"I always was and besides, he likes it as much as I do" Sun glanced at Rigel

"Right, what even got you guys together? I swear all the interesting things always happen when I'm gone" I complained

"Erm.. well.. let's just say I got a little 'too jealous'" Sun blushed

Flashback in Sun's POV

I stood there in the distance, my blood boiling as my hands formed a fist ever so tightly. Majority of the teachers had been invited to a ball organised by principal Milky Way, he hadn't arrived yet which is the reason to why the room was full of noise, people loudly talking to each other to the point my ear drums could've exploded at any moment. I scanned the room looking for one particular person. Rigel. There he was chatting with Betelgeuse. as usual. I had attempted to brush away the feeling of rage entering me, but I just couldn't seem to keep my eyes off the man I adored, keeping my feelings hidden from anyone as I didn't want to admit the cold, harsh, truth. I liked him, and I knew it. I just couldn't bring myself to face him, he looked absolutely stunning and the thought of him already made my face heavily flush.

Before I knew it, that disgraceful bitch (I'm sorry I just had to add that😂) Betelgeuse pulled him in towards her for a kiss. I immediately ran away, not wanting to witness the sight of her with him at all, the feeling of discomfort filling my heart as it shattered into pieces, imagining the image itself got tears to form in my eyes. I silently cried to myself, tears streaming down my face, the cries turning into sobs which I eventually choked to as I let out all my emotions that I had kept hidden for the past few months. I had never allowed myself to feel this way, gaining feelings for him was a restriction I had as I didn't want to fall in love, not trusting or letting anyone into my heart. I didn't want end up getting hurt in the process, now here I was feeling the emotion I feared to express for a long time, I had never wanted this for myself at all! Why couldn't I be like Moon who wasn't interested in love in the slightest bit? It was extremely unfair the way love worked!

I felt a tap on my shoulder, flinching at the sudden touch. I looked up to see a concerned Rigel which caused me to hide my face and look away as I clearly didn't want to see or have anything to do with hin, I was in a vulnerable state of mind and didn't need to look at the source who even caused this feeling of agony in the first place.

"What do you want from me?" I glared whilst sniffing

"Sun, look at me" He sternly said, grabbing my wrist

"Just leave me alone, why don't you go suck faces with Betel-juice" I scoffed

"I never kissed her?" Rigel raised a brow

"You did! I nearly witnessed it but I managed to save my eyes from such a vile sight" I looked up at him as he lightly chuckled, getting me quite confused

"..Why are you laughing?" I questioned

"You never saw the rest of it. I pushed her away from me and went after you" He smiled

"So.. you never kissed her?" I hesitantly muttered whereas he nodded as I sighed in relief

"My question is, why do you care? Didn't you find me annoying or something" Rigel asked

"Oh well.. no reason" I lied. What was I doing? This could be my actual chance with him, I had only one shot and right now was the time to shoot it. I was going to confess and be true to myself, I could no longer cover up my endless complaining to why I specifically disliked him. I did despise him, despise him for making me feel this way but most importantly, for making me love him.

"On a second thought.. could I please have your attention for a second?" I mumbled as he listened in

"I.. haven't been entirely honest, and I just want to get this done and over with. Truth is, I like you, a lot.. I know I've had to constantly lie about my thoughts about you, but you make me feel a way I've never felt before. Just looking at you already gets me to blush.. I love the way you talk to me and how you always attempt to atleast make a move on me, it gives me butterflies each time thinking back on your honourable actions. I just.. love you. before you say anything, please know this comes from the heart and I meant every word of it" I finished my sentence as I took a deep breath, it felt nice to finally get this off of my chest but the one thing I feared was Rigel's reaction, I wasn't sure on what to expect from this at all regardless my honesty. He suddenly hugged me, my eyes widening and face heating up, a small smile forming as I tightly hugged him back.

"Glad you feel the same way sunshine" He said in a pleased tone

End of flashback

"And afterwards he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend which I obviously said yes to, you don't need to know the rest" Sun finished as I stared at her with my mouth open in shock

"So you're telling me you finally faced your fear of loving?!" I exclaimed

"She sure did" Rigel pointed out

"It's not that big of a deal" Sun rolled her eyes

"But you must keep it a secret or else" She glared

"Calm down no need to be harsh on me, sure I'll be quiet about it but under one condition" I sternly said

"What do you even need?" Sun questioned

"Your help to find out on who this certain person is, please..?" I asked in hope

"Fine, whatever makes you happy" Sun sighed

"Have you even got any sources or?" Rigel questioned

"Uh, well I have this letter?" I pulled out one of the many nicely decorated pieces of paper with the most touching words inside of it, specifically the first one I had ever received. Sun took the letter from my hand as she read through each and every word written inside of it atleast twice, analysing such things as the handwriting or the way the sentences were put together

"My my, seems like this person has the hots for you! Before I do a further investegation, who do you personally think it could be? Maybe you know this person, it could help me get the possible suspects together" Sun stated

"Oh well, I'm not sure myself really. That's why I came to ask you for help but.. I do have this someone in mind, but I feel like I'd be wrong" I confessed

"Spill the tea, who do you have your suspicions on?" Sun grinned

"Well.. there's this boy I used to like, but again I feel like it'd never be him" I said, slightly uncertain

"This is going to have to be a long case then" Sun facepalmed as Rigel patted her shoulder

Aquarius' POV

"Guys I did it! I sent Leo a freaking letter!" I proudly smiled whereas Libra & Gemini gave me a round of applause

"Good going dude! What's your next move huh? I'll be here for moral support!" Gemini exclaimed

"Um.. I need to slowly but surely reveal myself" I nervously said

"Wait, what's that supposed to mean? Aquarius don't tell me you sent her it anonymously" Libra facepalmed as I nodded a 'yes'

"Aww man, it would've been great if you confessed to her on Valentine's Day. Why did you keep your identity hidden? If she knew right at the moment she received the letter, it would've been romantic" Libra complained

"I don't know man, I just felt like a jellyfish while writing it! I didn't have the guts to put down my name. I really wish I were like you Libra, you have it so easy being both a flirt and player" I sighed in defeat

"Bro I disagree, have you seen the amount of girls after him?! I can't believe he has the natural ability to be calm around these lunatic fangirls of his!" Gemini laughed

"And then he has to deal with the fact his love interest doesn't like him back, yet a billion of other girls which he isn't interested in do!" Gemini continued wheezing

"Shut up mate, atleast I know how to be honest to myself" Libra rolled his eyes

"The point is, Aquarius Leo should like you for you. You don't need to change yourself for her, I'm sure she already admires your unique personality" Libra continued

"Yup! Not to mention, bro's before hoes! If she's gonna date you she better not get inbetween our bro time, the same goes for you Libra! We already get irritated by Lorelei, don't let Aries be the second, tho I don't think she'd ever date you by the looks of it" Gemini playfully said as he once again proceeded to laugh at his own words

"Hey! Leo isn't a hoe" I glared

"Haha very funny Gemini, I totally agree" Libra sarcastically said

"Okay all jokes aside, Aqua you got this man. Just continue taking small steps and you'll eventually develop the last and final letter which should put you two together! Hopefully, your courage is built by then" Gemini reassured

"I just don't know what to expect!" I miserably groaned

"Like I always say, expect the unexpected" Gemini grinned

"That was smooth man" Libra commented

"I know right, I should become a poet!" Gemini proudly stated

"You already are one, trust me" I pointed out

I guess I'll end it here. I'm sorry for not updating much once again, my life is just full of multiple things and not to mention, I didn't know Easter would be in two days so now I'm going to have to literally rush a video and the flipping chapter for it as fast as possible! I swear, why do the dates change every year?!

I've now expanded on the whole Sun and Rigel stuff since it just really was time to get them canon, it's the right part of the story for them to do so😇 Again, I might be focusing a bit more on Leo and Aquarius, you'll all hopefully see why

-Your Sagittarius friend♐

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