I Do(n't) Care (BoyxBoy)

By FrozenEscence

76.7K 3.1K 83

Finding your mate is one thing, actually getting them to like you is harder for some than it is for others. P... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six

Chapter Nineteen

1.2K 65 4
By FrozenEscence

-Laken's POV-

Holy fucking shit.

Those were the only words I could think of as I stared back into bright red, glowing eyes. I was joking when I said about the werewolf thing but now, I'm not so sure.

Are werewolves even real? Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised, I'd always loved things like that, it got me called a dork on multiple occasions, but if that's true, what does one want with me?

No, this is Damon I'm talking about, not some stranger, we have become close over the past month, he has become somebody important to me, and I was really falling for him.

I can't let my mind be swayed when I don't even know anything yet, but honestly, to date a big bad werewolf would be fucking cool, but then what interest could he possibly have in me?

"Fuck...," he cussed, forcing his eyes shut, but I didn't want him to hide from me. It was kind of my fault, but hey, if you're gonna flirt with me, I'm gonna flirt back.

I placed my hand on the side of his face, so it was resting against his cheek, his skin is so warm, it was almost unexpected.

"It's okay," I whispered, I was so damn curious that my mind was ticking away, it resulted in my usual humour to be pushed back.

Damon's eyes slowly opened and again I was staring into his deep red eyes, wow, they were beautiful.

I was mesmerized by them, they almost didn't look real, they shone with power and dominance, yet he looked scared.

"You don't want to scare me off," I thought aloud his earlier words, is this what he was talking about?

But I'm not scared, I'm fascinated more than anything, maybe I watch too many shows, but isn't this everyone's dream?

I had so many questions, but I couldn't speak, all I could do was stare at him in pure amazement. He isn't playing a trick on me, is he? I still had a lot of work to do on my trust issues, cause the fear in his eyes was very real, yet I still doubted myself.

"Show me," I blurted out, not entirely sure I had thought this through properly, but for some reason when it comes to Damon, I'm either suicidal or super trusting, and I'm still not sure which one.

"Not here," he said looking around, day was quickly becoming night, and the beach was now empty, but I suppose if any passer byers were to see...yeah, that could go terribly wrong.

"Where?" I asked, knowing it would have to be some place secluded, the thought should have scared me but like I said, suicidal or too trusting.

"I'll show you." He grabbed my hand and went to stand up.

"Wait!" I stopped him, staring ahead of me in amazement.

"Wow...," he whispered, sitting back down beside me, and intertwining his fingers with mine, I let him.

The sun was going down, the sky a mix of red, orange, and yellow colours, that swirled together to create its own natural masterpiece. The sun was slowly disappearing beyond the horizon, hidden behind the sea, like it was falling into it.

It reflected well on the water, leaving the image of two suns moving simultaneously, casting its final light upon the world before it let the moon take its turn, with a promise of returning in the morning.

I shivered from the cool wind that wracked my body, the temperature had already dropped considerably, but I hadn't paid much attention until now.

Damon noticed, his arm falling around my shoulders and pulling me closer to him, I took the advance and leant into him, feeling the warmth of his body comfort my own.

What a place to fall in love.

We sat like that for a while, we didn't speak, instead we let the sounds of the wind, the far-out traffic, and the crashing of the water fill the silence between us.

It was all shockingly beautiful, and being in Damon's arms, I felt safe. It was a nice feeling, I could stay here forever in this moment, trapped in a memory of pure bliss.

But soon the sun completely disappeared, the wind picked up, and water approached where we still sat on the beach. The moon rising to take its place in the sky, and it was time to move, but instead of feeling sad that the moment would end, I was excited to learn more about Damon.

The water nipped our feet, telling us it was time to go, and I quickly moved my feet away, looking towards Damon in panic.

"Time to go," he laughed, pulling me and him up from our seats, and quickly grabbing the blanket and his basket from the sand, as I grabbed my shoes, and we made a run for the car, laughing the whole way.

Damon put the items in the back of the car, before climbing into the driver's seat as I got comfy in the passenger side and put my socks and shoes back on, I was still lost in a moment, a memory I would never forget.

We sat in the car for a moment in pure silence, still staring ahead at the water, it was comfortable, a silent promise held in the air.

"Thank you," I said, I'd calmed down a lot, feeling sentimental, I don't know how but I felt important, like I'd seen something others haven't, like my eyes had been opened, the walls around my heart came crashing down.

And for the first time in a long time, I knew I was okay.

"That was incredible," Damon commented, smiling to himself. "I'm glad I got to see that with you." He was so hesitant, like he was holding his breath by trying to stay calm, completely different from how I was feeling, but why?

"Me too," I smiled softly, enjoying it for a bit longer, before my curiosity finally got the better of me.

"I'm sorry if I've ruined our date, we can continue if you want, I can wait." I wanted to know the truth, but I'm not willing to screw our date up that easily.

"Actually, this kind of works out, there is a place I wanted to take you for our date, but I couldn't because you didn't know. I guess I can take you now, but excuse me for being hesitant."

Why is he hesitant? If he's telling the truth, there's nothing to be worried about, right?

"Why are you hesitant?" I asked, finally turning to look at Damon, whose eyes were already locked onto me.

"I don't want to scare you off," he smiled sadly, again bringing back his earlier words.

"I hope you know, you're not gonna scare me off so easily. You showed me love and affection, so I'm your fucking problem now." I jabbed him with my finger, and he laughed.

"I can deal with that." The fear was dissipating from his eyes, vastly being replaced with a look of adoration.

"You better, cause I ain't going anywhere." I nodded defiantly, if he thinks he can get rid of me that easily, he's got another thing coming.

"Good to hear." He watched me in amusement, but I refused to look at him, my stubbornness had kicked in, my arms crossed in front of me to prove my point.

"So, you still want to see?" He asked, his fingers tapping on the wheel.

"Hell yeah I wanna see my boyfriend turn into a badass wolf," I huffed.

"Boyfriend, huh?" He smirked. Oh god, did I say that? I blushed hard, quickly becoming flustered as I tried to say something, but only noises came out as I tried to hide my face.

"I like the sound of that," he said, before I felt his hand on my chin, forcing me to look his way, but my face was still beet red, then his lips touched mine.

The kiss was short, and I was so surprised I didn't have time to respond before he was pulling away again, looking at me with a proud smirk.

"Just drive," I mumbled, hearing him laugh as I tried to hide my face again.

It was quiet after that, I was slowly being eaten alive by my embarrassment, did I really just call him my boyfriend?

We drove for about an hour, using the music to distract me, as the excitement and nervousness started to kick in the closer to home we got.

We passed through town and towards the outskirts, before we were pulling up at a big one-story house, hidden away in the woods.

Is this where Damon lives? I mean if he is a werewolf, it would make sense to live in the woods, but it only just occurred to me that he probably isn't the only one, and I swallowed down.

He stopped the car, pulling the keys out of the ignition and turning to face me once more.

"Are you ready?" He asked, it was really dark now, the moon was high in the sky, does it affect him?

I've seen my fair share of werewolf movies and shows before, but the lore is different in every one, so how am I to know what is true and what is myth?

I mean, I guess I could just ask him. I nodded my head and Damon climbed out of the car, rushing around to the other side, and opening the door for me.

I took his outstretched hand and refused to let go, as he led me into the woods.

"I'll always protect you, Laken," he comforted, his hand squeezing mine, that may have been holding his a bit too tightly, but he didn't complain.

"It's pitch black, the moon is the only light source we have, and we're walking deep into the woods, where god knows what could be hiding, excuse me for being a little scared."

Something made a noise behind me and I squealed, jumping into Damon's arms, who just laughed and cuddled me closer.

"You're okay, it was probably just a squirrel," he reassured, completely unbothered, as he dragged me further into the woods.

"Run little buddy," I whispered, my eyes clenched shut.

Damon didn't make fun of me for being scared, he just held onto me tighter, reassuring me the whole way, until eventually we reached a clearing in the woods.

The moon illuminated the area perfectly, a flat area of green grass, with a lake that glistened beautifully. The area had trees circling all around, it was the most revealing area of the forest, and I instantly felt better being able to see my surroundings.

"Laken." Damon spoke my name, softly, sending shivers down my spine, as his fingers lifted my chin slightly, so I was looking up.

"Wow..." Thousands of stars stared right back at me, twinkling beautifully in the sky. I'd never seen anything like it, just how many pretty sights did he plan on showing me tonight?

"It's beautiful, Damon," I said in awe, turning to find him staring up the stars with me, a peaceful smile on his face.

He turned to look at me, beaming. Everything with him just felt so right, is this what soulmates feels like? Is there even such thing? If there is, I'm willing to believe this is it.

"I'm glad you like it, now are you ready for the main show?" He smirked, but again the anxiety was back in his eyes, isn't it my job to be scared, not his?

"Sure," I nodded, taking a seat on the grass near the water and watching him, that's when he pulled his shirt off.

"Woah, what are you doing?" I panicked, my eyes instinctively scanning his body, hot damn.

"I don't want to destroy my clothes; you can look away if you're shy," he smirked, unbuckling his trousers.

"I'm not shy, I'm horny," I groaned, only to hear him laugh. He winked at me before removing his boxers. Oh fuck, did somebody say gifted?

I didn't have time to let my mind wander to darker places, cause the next thing I know his body starts moving in ways that it definitely shouldn't be moving.

I'm gonna be honest, I couldn't look, seeing his bones shifting like that looked painful as hell, and that wasn't what I was here for. He made no noises of pain or discomfort though, so either it didn't hurt, or he was used to it.

It had to be the latter, no way in hell that didn't hurt.

When I opened my eyes again, instead of finding Damon still stood in front of me, there was a great black wolf, and holy fuck, it was huge.

A part of me was waiting for him to start baring his teeth, growling at me in hostility, but he didn't, he crept up to me hesitantly, slowly approaching me.

Until he was stood in front of me, well more like looming over me, I felt the sudden urge to stand up, but I stayed seated, reaching my hand up slowly.

The wolf lay down in front of me, so he was at my height now, which made me feel a lot better. I sighed out in relief as I slowly let my hand touch his fur.

He just watched me, while my hand sank into his fur, that was surprising really fucking soft. I was expecting it to be quite harsh on my skin, maybe matted, but it wasn't, it was silky and felt amazing against my skin.

Wow, imagine cuddling with Damon in his wolf form, I'd be so warm and comfy.

Damon pushed his head into my hand as I stroked his fur, his nose hitting my arm as he did.

"Ew! Your nose is wet." I wiped my arm on my jeans, and turned back to see Damon's wolf glaring at me.

"What?" I asked, obliviously, letting my hand stroke through his soft fur again, and the glare soon dissipated.

"So, you're a werewolf," I deadpanned, not really sure of what to say on the matter. He definitely looked bad ass, and I wouldn't want to get on his bad side, but my mind was still trying to process everything.

It has definitely been a crazy night, and one I would never forget.

Damon shifted back not long after that, he couldn't communicate with me in that form, which made things quite difficult, and again a naked Damon was standing right in front of me.

He quickly started to get dressed but I was too busy staring, and of course I had to say something.

"You have a really nice body." I wasn't thinking, okay? I had other priorities to worry about than that.

"Thank you," he smirked, pulling on his shirt so he was now fully dressed and took a seat cross-legged in front of me.

"So, you're a werewolf," I repeated.


"Cool, cool. So, uh...why would you be interested in me?" It was probably best to get that out of the way as soon as possible, honestly.

"I already told you why I like you, you're funny and charming, I honestly can't get enough of you, and you're my mate." His mate?

"I think we've gone passed the friendship point, don't you?" Is this bitch really about to friendzone me? Damon laughed, making me glare at him, do it, I dare you, see what happens.

"Mates are what we call our soulmates, specifically chosen out for us by our goddess, Luna. You're the person I am destined to be with, my soul is bound to yours, which is why I'm freaking terrified," he sighed, wait, so there is such thing as soulmates?

"I really thought you were about to friendzone my ass," I groaned, rubbing at my eyes. "Seriously, don't scare me like that. So, hold on, let me get this right. I'm your soulmate?"

"Yes." The fact that he seemed so scared was slowly starting to piss me off, did he have that little faith in me?



"Are you sure?" Gotta double check, you know.


"Well damn, when did I get so lucky? Thanks Luna, appreciate it, queen!" Damon laughed, staring at me in confusion.

"So...?" He asked, uh is he waiting for something?

"So?" I can't read minds, but I'm definitely missing something here, aren't I?

"Do you...you know...accept me?" Wait what?

"You say that like I can reject you?"

"You can..." He had no time to feel scared anymore, he was just staring in straight up confusion.

"Why the hell would I do that? I ain't one to disobey no goddess, and if you're telling me you're my soulmate, why would I ruin that by rejecting you? I'm not an idiot. Damon, you could be a demon with two heads, and I wouldn't care, you've cared for me more in the past month than anyone has in my whole life. Hell, you make my life better. Why would I push away the light when I'm trapped in the dark? You've made life worth living again, so of course I accept you."

It felt like he was confessing a bad thing, and it was up to me if I wanted to deal with it or not, but I didn't see this as a bad thing, it's who he is and damn, I love who he is.

Something bad that I have to deal with, would be like leaving his clothes all over the place, which honestly, he will have to deal with from me anyway, so it won't bother me, we'll just be as bad as each other.

But to reject who he is, that would be cruel, I know what that feels like, and I would never make Damon go through that, that shit cuts deep.

"You mean it?" He asked with wide eyes, watching me.

"Of course, like I said, I'm your problem now," I grinned, and the joy that filled his eyes nearly melted my heart. Even the big bad wolf could be cute at times.

Fuck it, I thought, and kissed him. Pulling my body closer to his as his lips moved swiftly against mine. I would never get bored of this, I sighed into the kiss, letting him take dominance before I pulled away to breathe.

"So, do you want to see the pack house?"


Hi hi hi hi! So, I caught up on Sk8 the infinity and it's really good, they got me out here shipping Reki and Langa. These Anime's be playing with my heartstrings though, think I need something sweet and wholesome next.

I'm actually in the middle of writing a chapter right now, so hopefully I can put a dent in it before it's time to sleep.

I can't believe it's already quarter to ten, where does the time go? Okay, I got stuff to do so I must go but another chapter will be going up tomorrow.

Leave a like for love and light! <3

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