Sans AUs x Reader: Boyfriend...


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Sanses included will be...Classic, Swap, Fell, Swapfell, Ink, Error, Dream, Nightmare, Dust, Killer, Lust, Ho... Еще

How You Met (pt. 1)
How You Met (pt. 2)
Becoming Friends
He Meets Your Pet(s)
Living Arrangments
His Feelings For You
His Brother's Opinion of You
First Date
When You're On Your Period
He Takes Care Of Your Pet(s)
Meeting The Other Versions
Small PSA
He Grows Protective


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| March 13th, 2021 |

[ I apologize for this being late, mental health went sploot for a while so I hadn't had much motivation to type. It's started going back up now, so dw, it's all good, my g-

Also, some of these are going to be very, very, very bland and lazily done because motivation said "No ❤". ]

~ Classic Sans ~

Classic didn't know what he could do to surprise you at first. After the whole period fiasco, he tried his best to comfort you and make sure you knew you were well-loved. So after finishing up another week at Grillby's, he brought you down to the underground to show you what his home was like before being freed. After a while, he brought you to his favorite spot in Waterfall, his pinpricks filled with love and admiration as you grew fascinated by the echo flowers.

~ Underswap Sans ~

It was a huge surprise to everyone (aside from Papyrus) when Chara had managed to break the barrier that trapped everyone down below. You became very close with the child when they had fallen down, they enjoyed playing with Astraea in the snow whenever they had the chance and you enjoyed the silly conversations you both had whenever they stayed for lunch or dinner. Although worried for the child, you were impressed to hear that they had broken the barrier.

After a long moment of taking in the sun, you dragged the skeleton brothers and your adoptive father over to where you used to live. To your surprise, the place was left untouched. Perhaps since you haven't been home much, there wasn't anything to tax since you didn't use any water or electricity. Nonetheless, you smiled at your monster family as you eagerly invited them in. Since they had let you live with them during your time with them, it was only fair for you to do the same.

You were thankful there were enough rooms for the four of you, even if Swap asked if the two of you could share a room instead.

~ Underfell Sans ~

You weren't sure how it happened. I mean, one minute you were on the couch with Fell and Artemis, as usual. Nothing special really going on, just wasting the day away with comfort and naps. Then, you heard that a human child who had fallen a bit before you had managed to free the monsters from the underground. How they had not died was completely baffling to you. When meeting them, you had learned that their name was Frisk, and you had given them your respect.

You took a moment to yourself as you stared at the overhead view of the forest and city. Breathing in and out, you knew what you had to do as Artemis stood upon your shoulders. Turning on your heel, you started making your way down the mountain, a determined look in your eyes as you ignored Fell's calls towards you.

"Uh...Sweetheart? Swee-hey! (Y/n)!" When he saw that you weren't responding, he followed after you, trying to reach out to you once more. "(Y/n)! Talk to me, what the hell's going on??" Once again, you didn't respond. When he did manage to catch up to you, he was able to hear you talking to yourself.

"He is so fucking dead once I get my hands on him." Confused, he ended up following you towards a surprisingly nice and rather rich-looking area that was at the edge of the city. Of course, he got weird stares, but everyone's focus was on you. It didn't take long for whispers to spring up about your existence. "You fucking bastard!" You yelled anger laced your voice as your fist collided with a man's face. "You thought you could push me down a hole and get away with it? Well, I lived, bitch!" Glaring at the man in question, Fell looked to see who he believed to be 'Johnny' on the ground with a bloodied nose and a shocked expression on his face.

" did you escape the mountain?!" Johnny shouted in disbelief.

"Long story. Now you're completely aware of my group, La Squadra, and second in command Prosciutto, yes?"

"Yeah, I'm actually surprised they were worried about your sorry ass. Would have thought they would be relieved to be free from you." With a slight eye twitch, you took in a deep breath, ignoring your shaking hands as you handed Artemis to Tell as gently as you could.

"Ya know, Pros always said that it was pathetic to kick someone while they're down. However, I think we can make you an exception." Cracking your knuckles, you didn't hesitate on beating Johnny's ass while Fell did nothing but stare. By the time he decides that he should intervene, your team has already run over to separate you from Johnny. While a few of the members, mostly Melone, welcomed you back home, the two leaders of the group dealt with Johnny, all the while Fell stood there awkwardly.

When you finally calmed down after half an hour, you took this moment to hug each of the members (if they wanted hugs, I imagine a few of them don't-) and then introduced them to Fell.

"Sans, this is my team I told you about. There's 'big boss' Risotto, 'tiny' Formaggio, 'mirror man' Illuso, 'mom material' Prosciutto, 'precious' Pesci, 'whore man' Melone, annnnd 'angry ice bitch' Ghiaccio." You introduced as a smirk grew on your face, you could feel Ghiaccio's anger level rise.

"'Angry ice bitch'?! You've been gone for how long and you still call me such idiotic nicknames?!"

"I dunno, Ghiaccio, I think it suits you juuust fine." Formaggio teased as he and Illuso snickered to themselves.

"You cannot be fucking serious!" A smile crawled on your face as you looked over to Fell.

"They're always like this, don't worry about it."

"Oh, uh, I won't. I never thought I'd be meeting your family like this-" As the words left him, it grew quiet for a moment before Melone was hugging you tight enough it made it hard to breathe.

"Aw, you see us like family! I told you Pros! What did I tell you?!" Prosciutto simply gave a small sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Release (Y/n), would you? You're suffocating her." You were happy to see your group again but became rather nervous for Fell as you now had to explain to them that you were dating a skeletal monster.

~ SwapFell Sans ~

SwapFell made sure you didn't leave his sight when the human child freed you all from the underground, especially when he saw the discomfort on your face when you all gazed at the city below. He was aware of what happened in your life before you fell down, and now that you were all free, he made it his goal to never let you leave his sight, not like you would leave to begin with.

While the two skeletons discussed living arrangements, you had offered to let them stay at your place for as long as they wanted. Although your home was a bit small, it was better than being out in the streets.

Although Papyrus had his own room, SwapFell declared that the two of you would share a bedroom. Despite blue dusting his cheekbones, he crossed his arms to show that the idea didn't faze him, even though it did internally. [ Okay, I have no idea what color his blush should be, every blushing imagine I see of him is either blue or red so I'm gonna stick with blue just for the sole fact that it's my favorite color- ] Although the idea was bashful on his end, he mostly wanted to be as close as possible to you, especially when you're all now on the surface instead of the safety of Snowdin Town.

Eventually, you started attending classes again. Papyrus was looking for a couple of jobs to help with the bills, along with SwapFell as he made sure to have enough time to pick you up from college and walk you home.

In one of the walks, the usual group that used to throw beer cans at your head had found out you returned from the mountain, already calling you names such as "monster-fucker" and "monster whore". Just when you were about to stand up for yourself and finally shout back, the car they had been driving had stopped so suddenly, crashing into a blue stump that appeared to be made of bone. Looking up at SwapFell, you saw his socket glowing furiously with magic as he held an agitated expression.

"LOOK WHERE YOU'RE DRIVING BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO OPEN YOUR FILTHY MOUTHS, YOU LOWLIFE DEGENERATES!" With that, SwapFell took hold of your hand and started dragging you back home. Although his grip was tight, he made sure you were alright before he had to leave for his job, to which you reminded him that he was going to be late if he didn't leave soon.

~ Ink Sans ~

Ink always loved to shower you in affection, making sure you knew how much he loved you every single day, especially whenever he had to leave for his AU patrol. Today was no different.

After making sure you would be alright for the 10th time, he reluctantly left to see if Error was causing any sort of trouble. And to his surprise, he actually was. For months, Error had laid low, never bothering any of the AUs for a while, which caused Ink to grow anxious about. Although he's relieved Error wasn't doing anything too dangerous, he grew suspicious when the current AU they're at is a very dead one.

It was sadly one of those universes that were making progress with an interesting storyline and characters, but its creator sadly dropped it before they could even get to Waterfall. But to see Error at this one instead of a big and popular one was rather surprising. Nonetheless, the two fought once again until Error was forced to flee, which was also a surprise to Ink since the battle didn't even last that long.

After that, it was quiet for the rest of the time. Every AU was doing well and no other skeleton murderers attempted to attack. With the thought nagging at the back of his mind, he decided to go back home. However, something caught his eye just when he was about to leave.

A movie store that had a sale on all gothic cinematic movies they held. Deciding it wouldn't do any harm in looking, he decided to check it out.

When he returned home, however, he carried a couple of bags worth of movies, and he was determined to have a long movie night with you. Starting with the beautiful classic, Edward Scissorhands.

~ Error Sans ~

That was an incredibly close call.

With how little Error attacked the AUs, he was sure that Ink would get suspicious and pop in unannounced like he always did. As the days went by, his fear of Ink finding you within the AntiVoid grew more and more until he decided it was time to actually do something about it instead of sitting and praying to whatever god was out there.

It was a small AU, a completely dead one that was given up by its creator. He didn't think Ink would actually notice but was proven wrong when the artistic skeleton presented himself.

It was a small idea he's had for a while. If you were going to live with him permanently, he just knew Ink would find you quick as a fiddle even if Error hid you in a random universe. So to prevent that, as well as the possibility of losing you, he decided to steal a small house from a dead universe and make it your new home. Not only would it benefit him in hiding you better, but it would also benefit you whenever you need to do any human business.

With him being a skeleton, he never had to worry about showering, using the restroom, or lying comfortably on a couch or bed, he was always fine with the empty void, his strings, and his puppets. But now that you lived with him, he had to take you to different universes whenever you needed to do anything, so having a house in the void will definitely be a big plus for the two of you.

Error had managed to find the perfect house for you both. A small, one-story house that you could easily navigate around without his help. Satisfied with his founding, he managed to strip the code of the house out of the universe and into the void, making sure it wasn't that close to you to avoid harming you.

With the code in the AntiVoid, he smiled proudly to himself on finding the perfect home so quickly. But his smile was quickly washed away when the familiar sound of paint was heard not too far from him.

"Error? Well, long time no see! I'm surprised you started your antics again. I was worried about how quiet you've been, I thought you teamed up with Nightmare again." Ink joked as he readied his paintbrush for battle. Error ignored the joke, more focused on figuring out how to get out of the universe without Ink tailing after him. Although there wasn't much time to think when Ink attacked him first.

Error attacked back, but it was obvious he wasn't putting in his all into the battle. He defended, blocked, and ignored what Ink said. After doing some damage to the universe, he saw his chance to flee and took it.

Error hid in Waterfall of a random AU for a while to make sure Ink didn't follow after him. After about 10 minutes or so, he quietly made his way back home to his human girlfriend.

Although it was a bit troublesome on getting the house to the void, it was worth it to see his Sunshine glow with excitement when he told her he brought a house home.

~ Dream Sans ~

Dream always loved to spend his time with (Y/n). He enjoyed the laughs and jokes they shared, the meals spent with her father, and the playtime with Honeydew whenever he came over. Today, he thought he'd give you a little surprise.

It wasn't much, but he wanted to show how much you meant to him. Today, he brought you over to a beach where you swam together and made random sand objects. Such as sandcastles or the sand equivalent to snowmen. After a long day of playing, he brought you to get a sweet treat and walked you home, ending the fun day with a small kiss on the nose.

~ Nightmare Sans ~

Nightmare wasn't the type to really plan surprises or surprise anyone for that matter. Mostly because he viewed them as a waste of time, he figured he would give you a small surprise that he can fully trust you with.

You were both in his bedroom, merely cuddling and enjoying the quiet night when Nightmare cleared his throat to get your attention.

"There's something I must confess for you, (Y/n)'s rather serious, but...I trust you enough with this information, and I believe you have the right to know just who you decided to love..." Although curious, you grew worried for Nightmare as the topic seems to really bug him. He then proceeded to explain his past to you.

You were quiet the entire time Nightmare spoke, taking in every word as you proceeded the story in your head. When he finished, you had wrapped your arms around him and pulled him into a gentle hug.

"I appreciate you trust me enough with this information. But even if what you did in the past was wrong, I still love you for you. Nothing you do will ever change that. Unless, of course, you decide to act like my mother." A weak chuckle left you both as the atmosphere grew lighter around you both. With a few more comforting words exchanged, Nightmare felt a huge weight lifted off his ribcage. He felt completely safe with you, which results in him bringing out his tentacles to feed your curious mind. He was very happy to trust and love someone as understanding as you.

~ Dust Sans ~

Dust wasn't sure how to surprise you with anything. With this being his first time to ever be close to someone aside from Papyrus, he didn't know what to do or how to act, especially when his relationship with you is romantic. One morning, when he was picking up some lunch for the two of you, an idea came to mind.

He never liked leaving you alone, even with Everrose by your side, something in the back of his mind screamed that it was a bad idea, that something would break into your small house and harm you while he was away. So, after thinking it through, he decided to help teach you self-defense and how to properly use a knife. After a long talk with Everrose, Dust instantly got started to teach you, taking breaks whenever you needed.

~ Killer Sans ~

To be honest, Killer didn't do many surprises because of how much you didn't like them. The reason as so is because most surprises you got out of life were quite terrible ones. Aside from Killer, the only great thing that happened to you was your precious bunny who had managed to grow used to your behavior.

Today he decided to surprise you with something good. Although as to what to surprise you with was the main question. You already had everything you needed, you were very content living with him, perhaps he should get you a gift? Perhaps something small so it doesn't take up too much room.

After leaving the house, he began his search on what to get you for a small surprise. As he walked, a small shine tugged at his pinpricks, as if demanding to have his attention. When he looked over, he saw a small, silver pendant, the type that would open and reveal a picture inside. However, for such a small thing, it was not worth the price.

So he decided to steal it instead.

After a long chase with a few casualties along the way, he had successfully run away with the pendant in his hand. Proud of himself, he decided that a picture of him and Willow would be perfect to have inside the necklace. The only issue would be getting Willow, holding her, and getting a decent picture without you getting suspicious.

After stuffing the pendant inside his pocket, he returned home as he thought of a plan along the way.

It took him a while, but he managed to successfully get a great picture of him and Willow together. After sizing the picture properly and carefully fitting it inside, he surprised you with the small gift and happily helped put it on you. After seeing the photo inside, you thanked him for the gift as Killer nuzzled his face into your neck. You both proceeded to cuddle afterward.

~ Lust Sans ~

Lust was merely scared of surprising you with anything, mostly for the sole fact that he didn't want you to get the wrong idea when it came to the word "surprise." Even though you knew him enough that he wouldn't bring up anything of the sort unless absolutely necessary, he still worried about accidentally driving you away.

But he managed to surprise you as well as a couple of other monsters that night.

He decided to have tonight be a movie night, but with his brother, Mettaton, Alphys, and Undyne altogether for a fun and relaxing movie night. Although most movies that fell were exotic, a few were lucky enough to be the opposite, one of them including Mettaton's absolute favorite anime.

It wasn't much, but he was happy to see you bright and smiling while you cuddled up against him.

~ Horror Sans ~

If Horror were to surprise you with anything, he would be blunt about it, and no power on earth would get him to spill the beans. Unless of course, you threatened to harm himself, but you didn't want to stoop that low, so you waited anxiously for Horror's little surprise for you.

There wasn't much to really surprise you with, you knew just about all of the areas in the underground, aside from beyond the Core as Sans did not want you to meet the queen. He himself would know that she wouldn't hesitate to kill you, even if he protected you. He would just be another pawn in the way that she would just have to discard.

The surprise was, once again, something small since the underground didn't have much to offer, but he thought a simple potted Echo Flower would be a perfect gift for you.

When he handed it to you, he silently motioned you to be quiet and to listen to the little message the flower had for you.

"M'love you, Doll...lots and lots..." The message was something simple, but it still brought a smile to your face as you thanked Horror for the small gift.

~ Fresh Sans ~

You know damn well that Fresh was good with surprises. However, this particular one was something he wasn't too sure about.

For a while, he hid the fact that he was a half parasite and needed to get a new host every month. He always thought about being honest with you, but he feared that it would drive you away and no longer want to be with him anymore. But he decided that, if you truly loved him, then you would continue to stay with him and love him like you always did.

When he brought this to your attention, he dropped his 80s slang to show that this was a serious discussion and went straight to the point as he revealed to you what he's been hiding from you. When he finished, he expected to hear harsh words and names. What he didn't expect was a tight hug from you.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this, but I'll be here to support you 100% of the way! I love you, Fresh, and nothing will ever change that." Relief spread throughout Fresh as he breathed out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He then returned the hug just as tight as tears threatened to fall.

"Thank much, Toots..."

~ Next Chapter ~

• He Takes Care Of Your Pet(s) •

[ Tbh, this chapter only exists because I thought it would be fun for the ones who are stuck underground to be on the surface. The rest I had to make up so that they wouldn't be left out, which is why most of them are very meh. Oh, and I will move the 'temporary note' chapter to be at the very beginning of the story so that any and all new readers can see it- ]

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