
بواسطة kamiyamidrawings

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[Connor x Android!Reader] Detroit is having a problem with their androids, they are attacking their owners; D... المزيد



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بواسطة kamiyamidrawings

Opening your eyes, you see that you had been summoned to the Zen Garden. A strong hand wrapped around yours, looking over at Connor who is staring at you. The Zen Garden looked odd, the trees were turning white, some red and orange.

"I'm guessing that we are still in our charge mode, this is exciting." Following the marble pathway, the birds singing softly.

"Yes..." Connor said softly.

On the water across the way Amanda is sitting in a boat, waiting for both of you. Beside the boat are the two swans, side by side. One of the swans stretches its wings, which glowed a soft light.

"We shouldn't keep her waiting." Connor sighs, not wanting to disappoint Amanda any further. Gently you squeeze his hand, to reassure him.

"Don't worry, I'm here too."

Making your way towards Amanda, you cross over the bridge. Going down the slope, Connor letting your hand go for a moment.

"Hello Connor, [Y/N]." Amanda greeted, holding a orange and white umbrella. Blocking the sun from her back, wearing black and red shirt.

Connor gets in the boat, holding his hand out for you to get on. Taking it, Connor helps you into the boat. Connor sits down grabbing the oars, waiting for you to sit down.

"I thought you might enjoy a little cruise, you two..."

Connor leans over, pushing the boat further into the water. The swans move around the boat, following. The light reflects off of the ripples of the water, the white swans distorted appearance in the water.

Connor rows the boat, facing the both of you. The water dripping from the oars, pushing the boat under the marble bridge. You admire the view, mostly Connor.

"I love this place... Everything is so calm and peaceful... Far from the noise of the world... Tell me, what have you both discovered?" Amanda asks after her rambling about the garden.

"We found a deviant who harmed its owner, it then went to rob a bank. But thankfully the human that they had harmed is still alive..." Amanda nodded, Connor stops rowing letting the boat drift.

"We also found two deviants at the Eden Club... We hoped to learned something but... They managed to escape." Connor mumbled the last part, looking away from Amanda.

"That's too bad... You seemed so close to stopping them." Amanda looks at you, slightly frowning. Adverting your eyes, you know she probably blames the both of you for failing.

"You seem, lost Connor. Lost and perturbed..." Connor pushes the boat again, only to stop.

"I thought I knew what I had to do... Now I realize its not that simple." Connor looks away, his hands clenched in front of him.

"You had your gun trained on those deviants at the Eden Club... Why didn't you shoot?" Amanda questions Connors actions, Connor looks up at you before looking away.

"I don't know... I don't know." Connor sounded confused when he first responded then he looks up, looking more sure.

Amanda watches Connor, looking very disappointed. Looking over at you, seeing you staring at Connor. Ready to give him the support he needs, Amanda has a serious effect on his state of mind.

"If your investigation doesn't make progress soon, I may have to replace both of you..." Amanda looks between the two of you, leaning forward, your hands on your knees.

"We know we can succeed." You say confidentially, Amanda gives you a slight smile.

"All we need is time, a case this big can't be solved within 3 days." You continued, Amanda nods.

"Of course, my bad. Jumping to conclusions, i should not start doubting you two now." Amanda looks up at the sky, the trees losing its leaves.

"Something is happening... Something serious. Hurry Connor, [Y/N]. Time is running out." The enviroment turns black, opening your eyes, you stare at the ceiling.

Sitting up in the bed, Connor lays there his eyes closed tightly. Getting out of the bed, you grabb your jacket slipping it on. Connor still laying in bed, his eyes opened muttering to himself. You grab his folded jacket walking around the bed, leaning over to look at him.

"Come on Connor, we need to get ready" Connor looks at you, nodding slightly.

Connor rolls out of bed, standing a bit close to you. Looking down he gently uses his hand to touch your face, tilting his head. His eyes seem to be roaming everywhere, as if he was looking for something. Your thirium pump beating faster, and your purifier feels as if it wasn't working properly, making you need to breath heavier.

"Um, here." You gently push his jacket to his chest, looking away you walk away from him.

Connor slips the jacket on, making his way towards you. Leaning down to rest his head on your shoulder, acting extremely touchy.

"We have a case at the Stratford tower." Connor mumbles.

"The news station?" Connor nods at your question. His arms hestitaely wrap around you, pulling you close to his chest.

"Lets get going then, wouldn't want to keep Lieutenant waiting." Connor nods once again, pulling away.

The both of you leave the tower, heading towards the department. Lieutenant Anderson was already there getting his things ready, he looked at the two of you for a moment. Nodding at Connor, giving him a pat on the shoulder as a form of apologize of what had happened last night. The three of you head out to the lieutenant's car, driving to the tower.

Once at the tower, you all head to the elevator, cops surrounding the area. Lieutenant hits the floor he was given, having to wait for awhile to get to the top. Connor pulls out his coin, and began to flick it letting it spin on his finger. He then proceeds to pass it to you, which you flicked doing some coin tricks. Passing it back to Connor, who tosses it to his other hand. Flicking it again, Lieutenant Anderson takes it from him angerily.

"You're starting to piss me off with that coin, you two." Stuffing the coin in his pocket, Connor looks ahead his LED flickering to yellow and then blue.

"Sorry lieutenant..."

The elevator opens up, informing you of the floor you are on. The yellow and black hallway, with a few police officers questioning the people, some even questioning the security guards who were subdue by deviant androids.

"Hey, Hank." Chris says looking at the holographic file.

"Shit, what's going on here? There was a party and nobody told me about it?" Chris chuckles, looking over at the lieutenant.

"Yeah, it's all over the news, so everybody's butting their nose in... Even the FBI wants a piece of the action..." Chris explained, Connor walks into the room with you. You watch people writing down what the security guards were saying, Connor places a hand on your lower back pushing you forward towards the Lieutenant.

"Ah Chirst, now we got the Feds on our back... I knew this was gonna be a shitty day... So what do we got?" Chris and Lieutenant Anderson walks being debrief.

"A group of four androids. They knew the building, and they were very well organized. I'm still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed."

"Have you checked the roof yet?" Another cop interuppted Chris.

"No not yet, theres alot to look at." Chris continued down the hall.

"They attacked the two guards in the hallway, they thought they were here to do mantienance. Before they were taken down before they could react." Connor leans over to look at the computer desk, you walking towards the broadcasting room.

"One of the stations employees manage to get away. Hes in shock, not sure when we'll be able to talk to him..." Chris explained more, walking ahead.

"How many people were working here?" Lieutenant Anderson asks, walking past a detroit police officer.

"Just two employees and three androids. The deviants took the human hostage and broadcast their message live. They made their gateaway from the roof"

"The roof?" Lieutenant Anderson asks, looking back at the two of you.

"Yeah, they jumped with parachutes... We're still trying to figure out where they landed, but the weather is not helping... If you want to take a look at the video broadcast by the deviants, its on that screen over there." Chris, finishes up. Walking into the room, following Lieutenant Anderson. The video was on the screen, a close up on a android in its original skin standing out.

Connor walks towards the panel from where it seems, Chris follows the lieutenant, remembering something.

"Oh lieutenant, this is Special Agent Perkins from the FBI. Lieutenant Anderson is in charge of investigating for Detroit Police." Chris introduces the two men. Perkins had a beard currently growing from his brown stubble, short brown hair. A frown plastered on his face, no amused that Lieutenant Anderson was here.

"What's are those?" Perkins looks towards Connor and you.

"My name is Connor. I'm the Android sent by CyberLife." Connor states.

"My name is [Y/N]. I'm the other Android sent by CyberLife." You stand next to Connor, Perkins scoffs, feeling amused.

"Androids investigating androids, huh? You sure you want an android hanging around?.. After everything that happened?" Perkins stares down Lieutenant Anderson, with a smug grin.

"Whatever. The FBI will take over the investigation, you'll soon be off the case." Perkins stated harshly, giving Connor and you a glare.

"Pleasure meeting you. Have a nice day." Lieutenant Anderson waves Perkins off, Perking follows the lieutenant with his eyes.

"And you watch your step. Don't fuck up my crime scene." With that Perkins walks away, Lieutenant Anderson looks over at Connor and you. Very pissed.

"Who the hell does he think he is?"

"The FBI." Connor says, tilting his head.

Chris tells Lieutenant Anderson that he will be nearby, if they needed him. Lieutenant Anderson nods, going to look around the room. Connor walks towards the panel with you beside him, looking at the android on the screen. Pressing the play button, the video begins to play.

"We ask that you recognize our dignity, our hopes, and our rights, together we can live in peace and build a better future, for humans and androids. This message is the hope of a people. You gave us life. And now the time has come for you to give us freedom."

His words made you feel like you had a choice, that everyone could. You look at Connor who is intensly staring at the screen, a small glint of hope within his brown eyes.

"Think that's rA9?" Lieutenant Anderson questions, standing next to you.

"Deviants say rA9 will set them free. This android seems to have that objective." Connor says, scanning him you notice he has two different colored eyes.

"RK200... Markus, he was a gift from Eijah Kamski to Carl Manfred." You claim, Lieutenant Anderson looks at you.

"The Carl Manfred? As in the famous artist?"

"I can only assume so." You nod, Lieutenant Anderson looks at Connor who is just staring at Markus.

"Is there anything else I should know?" Connor snaps out of it, looking at the lieutenant shaking his head.

"No..." Looking back at the screen, Lieutenant Anderson nods before walking away.

"Connor?" You question, placing a hand on his shoulder. Connor nods, looking over at you.

"Just, thinking thats all." Connor turns around, noticing the video for the secuirity feed. You turn it on, reviewing it noticing that the androids didn't break in.

"They didn't break in?" Connor asks, looking towards Chris.

"No, no sign of forced entry." Chris shakes his head.

"There are cameras in the hallway. The staff would've seen what was happening... Why did they let them in?" You asks, looking at Lieutenant Anderson. It was a strange that this even happened without someone noticing something was wrong, until the very last moment at least.

"Maybe they didn't check the cameras..." Lieutenant Anderson said, you look down at the chair noticing that it was for the androids.

"We stored the station androids in the kitchen. There's no evidence that they were involved but we didn't know what else to do with them." Chris explained, honestly them helping the deviants didn't sound off.

You walk towards the door, about to enter the room when Connor stops you. Three androids standing in the middle of the room by the wall, standing perfectly still.

"Lets check the roof first before we ask them questions." Connor's reasoning was right, better check everything before going in at the other androids.

You walk towards the back stairway to the roof, on the wall was a bunch of bullet holes. Some blue blood with it, Connor walks towards the stairs when he was stopped.

"Connor?" A cop walks up to him, smiling.

"You remember me? You saved my life on the roof." Connor stands there for a moment, before nodding.

"I remember you." The cop smiles, looking really happy.

"I just, I never thought I'd say this to an android but... Thank you for saving my life." Connor nods towards him, giving an almost smile.

"It was my job." the cop smiles bigger, before turning back around getting back to work. Connor smiles, looking over at you.

"You saved his life?" Connor nods, walking towards a hat that was on the floor, which was apart of a disgise. Noticing the blue blood you take a few of the blood on your finger, putting it in your mouth. Analyzing the blood, which belonged to a PL200 unit.

Connor was walking around the area for a moment, scanning of what was happening.

"The speech was shot from over there and one of the androids seem to of gotten shot." Connor tells you, you look up at the staircase to the roof.

"Do you think they may of forgotten on of their own? They wouldn't be able to move fast with someone who was injured." You walk towards the stairs with Connor at your side, who nods.

"It's a probablity." Connor opens the door at the top, walking out into the bright outside world. Snow was falling from the sky piling up in corners on the roof, the police force was up there with their guns searching around.

"They made their way up through the whole building, past all the guards and jumped off the roof with parachutes. Pretty fuckin' impressive I'd say" Lieutenant Anderson walks up from behind you two, walking over to look at some things.

You look around seeing Blue blood on the ground next to some venilation, scanning it seeing that it was the same type of blood inside of the broadcasting room.

"It's fresh." You inform Connor, who is walking around the big box.

"It's still up here." Connor says, seeing a bag in the middle of the roof. He walks over to it bending down to look at it, you bend down opening it a bit wider seeing an extra parachute.

"How'd they manage to smuggle in a big bag like that?" Lieutenant questions standing over the bag.

"They didn't" You move the parachute to see if there was anything else in the bag.

"Someone brought it in for them." Connor finishes, looking towards you.

"Oh, that's strange... They planned a perfect operation but got the number of parachutes wrong?" Looking up at the foot prints on the roof, you can tell only three had jumped off.

"No, there are only four footprints. One of the deviants is still up here."

Standing up you look at Connor, who has snow clinging to his hair and clothes. He looks behind back at the blue blood, rushing over to it. His eyes turning a light lighter brown following the invisable traces of blood, going towards another ventalitations in front of lockers.

He walks towards a bunch of lockers, you can see a lot of blue blood around it. Inspecting it for a moment, with you standing behind him. Connor opens the locker door, only to be shot, his blue blood escaping his shoulder.

"CONNOR!" You scream as Connor falls into the snow, dying it a light blue color.

Grabbing Connor's arm as police begin to shoot at the blonde hair deviant. The lieutenant rushes to your aid, helping you move Connor to cover. Using his own gun to shoot at the deviant. You get shot in the arm, well more like skimmed. Your wound was opened and sparking, your blood pouring out.

Behind cover you place a hand on Connor's chest, inspecting his would that is bleeding. Connor's breath stops for a moment before starting back up, pushing your hand away from him.

"You have to stop them! If they destroy it, we won't learn anything!" Connor says loudly above the gun shots towards Lieutenant Anderson.

"We can't save it. It's too late! We'll just get ourselves killed!" Connor wasn't having it, he gets out from the cover rushing towards the deviant.

"No! Connor!" The lieutenant grabs you before you could follow Connor, hearing the gun shots making you cover your ears. Then the shots stop, the police comes out of their own cover.

Standing up you see Connor standing, he was ok. Running over to Connor with the lieutenant following you, very worried for the android.

"Connor! Connor are you all right? Connor?" Lieutenant stands next to you, as you stand beside Connor.

Connor breathing heavily, his body twitching, he was stressed. You grab Connor's hand giving it a squeeze, which Connor grasps it tightly in his own.

"Okay.." Connor says, staring down at the body, sounding scared.

"Are you hurt?" Lieutenant asks, looking up and down at the android. His eyes stopping at the gun shot wound on his chest.

"I'm ok." Connor says again, his hand trembling in your own.

Lieutenant Anderson backs away breathing out a 'Jesus', sounding relieved that Connor was all right. You move to stand in front of Connor, his brown eyes looking everywhere now. Gently you place a hand on his cheek, before going down to his wound putting a little pressure on it. Hoping to stop him from bleeding anymore, it hurt you to know that he got hurt.

"You scared the shit outta me..." Lieutenant pauses for a moment, turning around to look at the both of you.

"For fucks sake, I told you not to move! Why do you never do what I say?" Lieutenant Anderson yells, focusing his words more towards Connor.

"I was connected to its memory... When it fired... I felt it die... Like I was dying." Connor twitches some more, turning to look a the lieutenant.

"I was scared..." Connor looks away, squeezing your hand tightly. His head twitching every now and then, on the right side of his head was his LED glowing red.

You reach up, pressing your fingers gently against the LED. Wanting to make him feel better, to take away this feeling he is feeling. Connor closes his eyes for a moment, tilting his head towards your hand. Before he opens his eyes, looking at the lieutenant.

"I saw something, in its memory... A word... painted on a piece of rusty metal... "Jerico" " Connor explained, Lieutenant Anderson nods.

Connor looks back towards you, even though his LED is now blue. He was still twitching , his grip on your hand tightening even more. Connor lets out a shaky breathe, closing his eyes once again leaning on you. One of his arms wrap around you, holding you tightly.

"I was scared..." He whispers to you, his body shaking.

"I was so scared, [Y/N]." Connor sounded so weak and helpless, letting your hand go he wraps his other arm around you.

"I'm here..." You mumbled to him, your arms wrapping around his body.

It takes awhile for the police to gather the now dead deviant from the roof, Connor wasn't ready to go back inside just yet. Perkins had came up from the broadcasting room, giving lieutenant Anderson a look before leaving. He wasn't happy with us finding the deviant, he wanted to find it probably.

Connor was sitting against the wall of the room, leaning on you, trying his best to calm down. After awhile Lieutenant Anderson had seen what effects the memory probing, he didn't even mind that Connor didn't wish to leave. He let him be.

"We should... Continue with the investigation..." Connor finally said, getting up off of the ground. Finally composing himself, at least as best as he could. Connor brushes off the snow that had piled up on his shoulders, walking towards the exit.

"I'm sure Connor will be all right, he always comes through in the end." Lieutenant Anderson pats you on the shoulder, following after the traumatized Connor.

Leaving the building, Lieutenant Anderson walks to his car. Waiting for Connor to get in to drive off, but connor stands there his head tilted to the sky.

"Come on Connor, get in."

"Lieutenant, the android that was on the broadcast, it was made personally for Carl by Eijah Kamski himself. We need to set up an interview." Connor turns around, hopping into the car.

Kamski should have all the answers, he made the android for Carl. He should know at least something about this, or Carl himself might know something. But, looking through your data base, it seems like Carl had recently passed away.

"Kamski won't be availible until tomorrow, sadly." You stare down at your hand, which had some of Connor's blue blood on it.

He really scared you when he ran out into the cross fire of the deviant and the cops, even he was scared. Connor just wanted to get this one deviant, probably to make Amanda proud of him again. She seems to just be even more disappointed in him more, Amanda rarely picks on you.

"Lets get back to the department, I can upload my memory of the sign into our evidence locker." Connor's words seemed dragged out, he didn't even look at the lieutenant when he spoke to him.

Which made the car ride a bit quieter than usual, not hum of metal music from Lieutenant Anderson's radio. Even when everyone arrived back at the department, Connor left the car walking inside alone, head down. Lieutenant Anderson didn't really care for the way Connor was acting, giving Connor some space and not asking further questions. Then again, if Connor tries to talk to him about it, might not end up well.

Everyone in the department was gone, all on the streets trying to look for the deviants who broadcast their message live. Lieutenant Anderson was the only on there beside Gavin, detective Reed wasn't allowed on the case due to something that had happened last night. Which involved him temporary having to give his detective badge up for awhile. He was not happy, he's been assigned to file duty.

You make your way towards the evidence room, once inside you see Connor holding a device rewatching the image over and over. You place a hand on his shoulder when you are near, making him flinch slightly. He turns his head, his brown eyes wide with fear for a moment before he relaxes.

"Sorry if I scared you, Connor."

"No, it's fine. I didn't hear you come in." Connor looks back at the tablet in his hands, replaying it over and over again. Jerico in all captilized letters.

You place a hand on the tablet, taking it from Connor's hands. He makes a noise, trying to get it back when you palce it on the shelf in. Pressing a button, all the evidence that has been collected gets covered by glass and put somewhere else in the locker room.

"We should head back to CyberLife, We both need minor repairs."

"We need to finish this case, the worst has already happened. Now everyone knows about deviants, and its all my fault." Whipping around, you march up to him using your hand to push Connor back a bit.

"Shut up! Shup up, Connor! This isn't anyones fault. Even you wouldn't be able to prevent this, you know how unpredictable they are. For once I just wish you'd stop trying to do it all by yourself, I'm here too." Crossing your arms, you look away from him.

"I still can't believe you did that, Connor..." You look down, inhaling deeply.

"Rushing out in the middle of gunfire, all for what? To get one deviant? He was going to be destroyed either way, you should've listened to the lieutenant... You could've been destroyed." You clench your fist and punch him in his chest, Connor jumps back having his hands up in a desfensive stance.

"You worried everyone! Lieutenant Anderson thought you were going to die, that lieutenant Anderson would never see you again because they'd deactivated you." Connor's lips twitch, as if he was trying to smile but stopping himself.

"Oh? Lieutenant Anderson thought that? What else does the lieutenant think?" Connor raises his eyebrow at you.

"Yes, lieutenant Anderson also thinks you're an idiot that should move so that he can get repaired." Connor nods at your remark.

"Fair enough." Connor turns around, heading towards the door. Running up behind him, having to keep a good fast pace to match his speed.

Lieutenant Anderson sat at his desk, typing a report. hunched over, rubbing his beard in his hand, he notices us. A smile forming on his face, seeing that Connor seemed a little better than before.

"So, more evidence to go over once we get a good idea of whats going on." Connor gives him a slight nod, the strand of hair on hhis forehead bouncing.

"We can examine it more tomorrow after out interview with Kamski, we need some minor repairs. We will see you tomorrow Lieutenant Anderson." You push Connor to walk, making Connor turn his head to study you, perplexed.

Lieutenant gives the both of you a wave, a smile plastered on his face. Wrinkles appearing on the side of his eyes, he looked delighted seeing that Connor was ok. Something that both of you felt, pleased that Connor was ok, that he wasn't killed.

Outside, the car was waiting as usual. Getting inside the vehcle, you peek over at Connor wanting to make sure he was ok. Connor leaned in the seat, his mouth parted slightly taking deep breathes. His hand placed on his wound, his face contorts into pain when he pushes down on it.

"Connor, stop. The bleeding stopped right? There isn't any point to push it." Gently you take his hand removing it from the blue area on his chest, some of the thirium sticking to his skin.

"Just making sure..." Connor mumbled, his eyes still closed he tilts his head to look towards you.

"What were you thinking, Connor? I'd like to know what in any terms of logic this was ok, to do what you had did..." glancing up at Connor, who seems to now be fixated on you. Your thirium pump begins to pump a bit faster, increasing the artifical heart rate you produce.

"I just didn't want us to fail again because of me... I let two deviants get away because of what I thought in the moment, I've been dragging this investigation down. I thought maybe, if I got this deviant we could learn something from it. We did but..." Connor explores the whole car, avoiding eye contact. He swallows, glancing down. His eyes watering up at the mere thought of the roof, his fist curling into a fist trembling.

You reach over to him, pulling him into a hug. Connor wraps his arms around your body, his face buried in your shoulder. Clinging to you for comfort, in your grasp you feel his body shaking. Guilt hanging over you, not holding on to Connor when he ran out of cover. You knew you should've had done something to prevent this, to take this pain from Connor.

Connor lets out a shaky breath, pulling away from you. Your foreheads pressed against each other, you could feel his breath on your face. Reaching up, you place your hands on his face tracing his structure. This seemed to make Connor relax a bit, letting out a hum.

"Connor?" You whispered, Connor leans away so he can examine your face better.

"From now on, we do things together. Ok?" Connor nods putting more pressure of his face in your hands, his eyes never leaving yours.

"From now on." Connor confirmed.

The next day, around 11 in the morning. Lieutenant Anderson had drove the two of you over the Kamski's place, the creator of Cyberlife. Once parked outside, the lieutenant had gotten a call. Asking for a moment alone, he steps out. For a few mintues of watching Lieutenant Anderson pace in front of the car, his stance getting worried as if what hes hearing is false news.

Connor steps out, walking over to the lieutenant. You following behind, the snow falling from the gray sky.

"Is everything ok, lieutenant?" Connor asks, keeping a slight distance. Knowing that the lieutenant has a real temper.

"Chris was on patrol last night... He was attacked by a bunch of deviants... He said he was saved by Markus himself..." Lieutenant Anderson explained, looking a bit upset.

"Is Chris ok?" You asked, Lieutenant Anderson nods.

"Yeah, he's in shock but... He's alive..." Turning away from you two, Connor reaches grabbing on to your hand. Lieutenant Anderson mutters a "what the hell" that was carried by the gusting of wind, he takes a moment to compose himself. Proceeding towards the house before us, Connor peers down at you, his LED yellow.

Following the lieutenant, a dark aura around the building. Connor gives your hand a slight squeeze, walking ahead.

"I've got a bad feeling about this, Lieutenant. We shouldn't have come here." Connor confesses, inspecting the dark building.

"Bad feeling, huh? You should get your program checked. Might be a glitch." Lieutenant Anderson spoke, walking up the icey pathway. Hanging on to the rail just in case he slipped.

At the door, lieutenant Anderson rings the door bell. Getting a nice good look up close of the sleek black building, you press up against Connor's side. That bad feeling Connor was getting was also hovering over you as well, it was apparent that something isn't right about this place.

The impatient lieutenant only have rang the doorbell once in the last second, he reaches to ring it again. Just in time for the very first model of an android the open the door, staring the the three of you mindlessly.

"Hi. uh... I'm, er, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, Detroit Police Department. I'm here to see Mr. Eijah Kamski." She smiles, using her arm to usher us in.

"Please, come in." Lieutenant hesitates for a moment, before replying with an "okay".

Walking inside, the monotone color scheme of the room seems draining. Boring really. The only few color was some paintings, the roses on the wall and the bright red chairs, the female android after closing the door walks towards lieutenant Anderson.

"I'll let Eijah know you're here. But please, make yourself comfortable." She walks off in another room, piano music playing loudly from within.

Lieutenant Sits down on one of the chair's closest to the door by a red tree, patting his legs.

"Nice girl..." He states, to break the silence and the piano.

Connor walks towards the other chair in the room, motioning you to sit down first while he nods.

"You're right... She's really pretty..." Connor claims.

Looking up at Connor when you sit down, you see him looking at the door she left from. With a lost look. You felt something inside your chest, it was the same feeling you had when everyone had investigated the Eden Club.

Software Instability ^^

"Nice place..." The Lieutenant Continued, you gaze over seeing him giving you a certain look. Like he's asking you what's going on with you, he had kinda witnessed this mood of yours at the club as well.

"Guess androids haven't been a bad thing for everybody." He continue, leaning back he points with his chin.

"So, you're about to meet your maker you two. How's it feel?" Changing to topic, Connor looks over at Lieutenant Anderson.

"Kamski is one of the great geniuses of the 21st century. It'll be intresting to meet him in person." You spoke, looking away from everyone.

"I don't know... I'll tell you when I meet him." Connor says looking down at the floor, one of his hands on your shoulder.

"Sometimes I wish I could meet my creator face to face... I'd have a couple of things I'd wanna tell him..." Looking towards the lieutenant, you seemed a bit confused by his words. His creator is technically his mother and father, unless he doesn't have a father? Then, maybe he does want to see his 'creator'.

Waiting for a bit while longer, you lean on Connor's side. Wondering how long this will take, you see Connor take his coin out playing with it for a bit. Sadly, it took the two of you awhile to get that coin back. The only exeption that the lieutenant said was to teach him a trick, which was one of the reasons it took this long to get over to this place.

The black door opens, revealing the android. A smile on her face when the lieutenant walks up to her, giving him a bow.

"Eijah will see you now." She said, standing in front of the door to make sure it stays open.

Walking into the room, which now seems to be a swimming pool with two other androids that were the same model as the first. Resting in red water, at the end of the pool was Eijah Kamski. leaning on the wall relaxing, his head leaned backwards.

"Mister Kamski?" Lieutenant looks around the room, backing away from the two androids in the water. Elijah Kamski opens his eyes, his face lighting up seeing Connor and you.

"Just a moment, please."

Kamski pushes off of the wall in the water to swim towards the other side of the pool, You walk towards the window area, seeing the moutain side covered in snow. It was pretty seeing the view, dark patches in the distance from the trees. You only turn around when you notice Kamski was beside you, giving you a glance which made you feel disgusted almost.

Moving backwards, Connor places a hand on your back to prevent you from backing up too far and fall into the water. Looking at Elijah Kamski, you watch him put his wet hair in a bun, moving his robe to hide his chest.

"I'm Lieutenant Anderson. This is Connor and [Y/N]." Lieutenant Anderson explain, Kamski shifts his weight placing his hands in front of him.

"What can I do for you, Lieutenant?"

"Sir, we're investigating deviants. I know you've left CyberLife years ago but, I was hoping you'd be able to tell us something we don't know..." Elijah stays quiet for a moment, glancing at Connor and you. A smirk forming on his face, his blue eyes having a misgevrious glint to them.

"Deviants... Fascinating, aren't they? Perfect beings with infinite intelligence, and now they have free will. Machines are so superior to us, confrontation was inevitable... Humanity's greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall." He scoffs for a moment.

"Isn't it ironic?" Kamski questions, staring at the lieutenant.

"Deviancy seems to spread like some kind of virus." You started, Connor tilts his head.

"We thought you might know something about that." Connor finishes, Kamski gives you two a smile.

"All ideas are viruses that spread like epidemics... Is the desire to be free a contagious disease?" Kamski questions, acting all mellow. Which makes you glance towards the red water, wondering what is in there.

"Listen, I didn't come here to talk philosophy. The machines you created may be planning a revolution. Either you can tell us something that'll be helpful, or we will be on our way." Elijah stands there, his face straight.

"What about you, Connor?" Kamski asks, walking up to him. Completely ignoring you, which was rude.

"Which side are you on?" Connor tilts his head, his eyes glancing down towards you.

"I have no side." Connor responds, Kamski tilts his head to both side.

"I was design to stop deviants and that's what I intend to do. Along with [Y/N]." Connor added, turning his head to look down at you. Kamski laughs softly, looking between the two of you.

"Well, that's what you're programmed to say... But you..."

You peer towards Lieutenant Anderson, who is watching Kamski. Ready to step in when needed, he really seems protective and tense at the moment.

"What do you really want?" Up close to Connor's face, both seem at almost equal heights. Staring each otherdown, Connor then begins to shake only slightly.

"What I want is not important." Connor stutters, his arm twitches reaching out to grab your hand for a short moment.

"Chloe?" Kamski glances at his android before peering back at Connor, then you.

"I'm sure you're familiar with the Turning test."  Taking a step back to look at Chloe.

"More formality, simple question of algorithms and computing capacity." He grabs her shoulders gently, making her stand still in a certain spot in the middle of the white carpet.

"What intrests me is whether machines are capable of empathy. I call it "the Kamski test". it's very simple, you'll see..." Kamski explains, before looking back at Chloe. Getting closer, intensly staring.

"Magnificent, isn't it? One of the first intelligent models developed by CyberLife." Reaching out, he cups her face making it look at him. You move closer to Connor, this wasn't what you had in mind for the great genius that created androids.

"Young... And beautiful forever. A flower that will never wither... But what is it really? Piece of plastic imitating a human?" He shrugs as he continues to talk, Connor uses his arm to push you behind him. Giving lieutenant Anderson a quick glance, Lieutenant Anderson look just as creeped out as you were feeling.

"Or a living being?" turning around, Kamski moves to a drawer opening it, taking from inside.

"With a soul..." Turning around holding a gun, which he holds both his hands up to show lieutenant Anderson he means no harm to us. Placing a hand on Chloe's shoulder he pushes her on her knees, walking over to Connor.

"It's up to you to answer that fascinating question, Connor." Kamski continues, putting the gun in Connor's hand. Forcing Connor to aim the gun at Chloe's head, Kamski's face very close to Connor's face.

"Destory this machine and I'll tell you all I know. Or spare it. If you feel its alive, but you'll leave here without having learnt anything from me." Kamski circles the both of you, watching Connor who is looking down at Chloe.

"Okay. I think we're done here. Come on, Connor, [Y/N]. Let's go. Sorry to get you outta your pool." Lieutenant Anderson states, turning around to leave, but Connor stands there.

"What's more important to you, Connor? Your invesigation, or the life of this android? Decide who you are." Kamski moves closer to Connor, making you move away from Kamski. You didn't want to be around his crazy.

"An obedient machine. Or a living being." Kamski says, Connor stares more into Chloe's eyes. Both of them just staring, Connor seems entrance by her.

"Endowed, with free will..." Kamski whispers, trying to convince Connor what to do. He wants him to shot the android, he wants Connor to do that.

"That's enough. Come on, we're leaving." Lieutenant Anderson preassures more, trying to get Connor to stop this madness.

You see Connor open his mouth for a moment, before he closes it again. His eyes scanning over Chloe, his head slightly tilting, a rage fills you. This was stupid, that Connor was even doing this. That he would become infatuated already by another female android like this, these thoughts overcome you making you clench your fists.

Software Instability ^^

"Pull the trigger." Kamski orders.

"Connor. Don't." Lieutenant Anderson yells.

"And I'll tell you what you wanna know." Kamski gets closer, his face almost resting on Connor's shoulders.

Connor blinks, pulling his arm away to hand the gun to Kamski. His breathing becoming rigged, his hand shaking. Still staring at Chloe, she looks even relieved that Connor didn't shoot her.

"Fascinating..." Kamski whispers, taking the gun from Connor. His LED flashing red, showing how stress he is.

"CyberLife's last chance to save humanity... Is itself a deviant" Kamski eyes Connor, who is at the moment once again looking back at Chloe.

Kamski was really getting on your nerves too, totally ignoring your presence. Connor and YOU we're humanities last hope, YOU were design for this!

"I'm... I'm not a deviant." Connor refuses, his LED flashing from red and yellow.

"You preferred to spare a machine rather than accomplish your mission. You saw a living being in this android." Kamski helps Chloe, who takes a small step towards Connor.

"You showed empathy." You shake your head, this can't be happening. You rush up to Kamski grabbing the gun from him, he doesn't react unlike both Connor and Lieutenant Anderson when you pull the trigger.

Chloe falls back, blue blood staining the carpet. Your software instability goes down by a short amount, Kamski sighs shaking his head for a moment.

"And you... [Y/N], correct?" Kamski gently traces your face with his hand, his fingers stopping at your chin.

"I guess I have been ignoring you, another android with the purpose of accomplishing the mission of Connor if he fails, guess you did what was in your programming. You finish what he couldn't get done..." He scoffs for a moment, taking the gun from you.

"A war is coming, you both will have to choose your side.." Kamski paces for a moment, looking at you.

"Will you betray your own people?...." Kamski looks at Connor.

"Or stand up against your creators?" Kamski grins, standing between the two of you.

"What could be worst than having to choose between two evils?" Glancing at Connor who is stepping away from you, staring at Chloe's dead body. Lieutenant Anderson even taking a few steps back, shocked by your actions.

"Let's go Connor..." Lieutenant Anderson grabs Connor's arm, pulling him towards the exit.

"Ask away, I'll tell you all I know." Kamski says while walking towards the big window, you inspected chloe for a moment.

"Where is Jerico?" You questioned, glancing away from chloe. Feeling the oncoming guilt of realization that you had just killed someone.

Kamski turns around to look at you, opening his mouth for a short moment to speak until he saw your reaction. Closing it he takes a few steps forward looking at you, his eyes examining you. Taking his hand he places it on your cheek, making you flinch away from his touch.

"Ah.... So you were showing rage instead of empathy, angry that I was ignoring you? That Connor didn't do as his program said.... Or?" Kamski looks over at the Chloe on the floor, then back at you.

"Jealousy?" He questions, steping backwards next to the Chloe with the bullet wound in her head.

"I can assure you that, no one was harmed during this test." Chloe blinks standing up, you stagger backwards in shock.

"H-how?" Stammering you scan the two of them, trying to find answers.

"The gun was merely a fake, a paintball gun that I made to resemble a real one. I don't condone violence, its just for precautions. Do you honestly believe I would let you destory one of my main assistance's?" Kamski chuckles softly, wiping the paint off of the chloe's forehead with his thumb. The illusion of the bullet hole in her head disappears once the paint is smudge, you shake your head.

"You... You made me look like I killed her." You blame, shaking your hands at your side trying to contain your fustration.

"It's amusing, isn't it? How CyberLife had created the two of you, counterparts, to do the exact thing but their major flaw is... One can't be without the other, CyberLife created the first couple androids." Kamski turns around pouring himself a glass of whiskey into a small glass, gulping it down in one go.

"Your question though, the location of Jericho. A place where androids are free, a place for deviants who rise up against their creators!..." Kamski explains, motioning his head towards Chloe to you.

"They transmit a piece of code to each other, in order to find their sanctuary." Chloe extends her arm for you to take, grabbing her bare arm you download the data. The location unlocking for you, Chloe backs away from you, leaving the room.

"Now you have the key." Kamski walks towards you, giving you a smile.

"Ferndale Station is the door." Nodding at his words you walk away, the guilt still hitting you harder than before. Having remembering Connor's face when you shot the girl, they both left you.

"By the way... I always leave an emergency exit in my programs... You never know." Kamski states, making you stop in the doorway to the waiting area.

His words didn't make sense, he was being very cryptic towards everyone. It was like a riddle with multiple answers that are right, but are only looking for one. You sigh, leaving the building. Outside the snow rages on, signs of a car in the front had been washed away.

They left you, they don't even know the truth. You call a cab for you to pick you up, which will take away since this place is a bit of distance away from the city. You can only hope that Connor and Lieutenant Anderson will forgive you, even if it was fake they didn't stay around.

When the cab finally arrived, you put in the address for the department. Having to get back maybe to find Connor about the location, in hopes he will listen.

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