Series: The Halo- Book 1: Asp...

Da AlwaysSomethingNew

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"I walked the earth, with my brothers and sister. We are the only ones of our kind, and have lived in the nam... Altro

Aspire: Chapter 1
Aspire: Chapter 2
Aspire: Chapter 3
Aspire: Chapter 5
Aspire: Chapter 6
Aspire: Chapter 7
Aspire: Chapter 8
Aspire: Chapter 9
Aspire: Chapter 10
Aspire: Chapter 11

Aspire: Chapter 4

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Da AlwaysSomethingNew

Chapter 4

I was born on 12.25.2990, of the tenth revival. When it was 3008 scientist had been to close to finding out how the "Beginning" of the world happened, and what caused it. This about two worlds ago this was called the "Big Bang".

It was my birthday. I was on my way home from church school a truck hit me, and put me in Acoma. That's when I saw a woman with white hair that went past her feet. She had these purple eyes the color of lavender that glowed. Her skin was flawless and white like snow.

She extended her hand to me and smiled saying, "My daughter." I reached out to the light within the darkness placing my hand in her's. Then I was blinded. The next thing I knew I was on a church alter with three of the most beautiful people I'd ever met.

Two of them were guys and then the other was a girl. She reached out to me first. "Hi there Hail, I'm Soul, I'm also the oldest! How are you?"

I was confused the light was hurting my eyes, and my head felt like it would explode. I sat up squinting and dizzy. I had no idea what was happening, all I wanted right now was to be with my mother and father. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Hey there baby sis!" A then he ruffled my hair roughly. I looked at him unhappily. What was some guy I didn't know doing calling me baby sis? I took a closer look at him. He had long black hair and his eyes were purple, like the woman from before. He was also every tall, and had olive skin and looked about 18 like me.

"Gage she doesn't like that!" The girl scolded him. She had long curly red hair, a pixie face, and was short. Like the others her eyes were purple, but it looked kind of funny with the red, but at the same time it made her look right. Her skin was tanned and she was about 16.

"How would you know that Soul you're not the Angel of Knowledge!" He said laughing with the other guy.

"If she was it would mean the world had no knowledge!" He laughed high fiving each other. He was bigger boned, and had way too many muscles for a teenager. He had short, straight, dirty blonde hair, and was fair skinned like mine.

"So true Drake!"

"You two are making such a bad example for Hail!" She shouted at them, which only made them laugh more.

I felt panicked and at the same time I felt safe, like I was supposed to be here with these strangely gorgeous people. I tried standing pushing myself up off the ground, but flew through the air with out resistance and I fell forward hitting the ground with a loud thud! Being flung through the air because of my self was surprising, but not as surprising as the fact that hit the ground so hard didn't hurt!

They guys laughed harder and the girl came to my side worried. "You poor thing, don't worry you'll get use to not dealing with you're new strength soon. It's a little unsettling at first, but its fun once you get a hang of it!" She took my hand and lifted me with ease. "Let me show you one of the many uses for it!" She exclaimed excitedly.

I looked at her confused. "New strength, what new strength I'm flimsy and weak?" I asked them, but it came out in a whisper that they couldn't hear.

"Watch and learn!" She walked over to Drake then slapped him in the back of the head with a finger.

He went wide eyed and fell to the ground. I could clearly hear the snap of the wood boards cracking under him. "Hey what was that for?" He asked getting off the ground dusting his baggy brown pants off. He was completely fine.

"It was for being moronic!" She shouts at him, and then turns when she hears Gage in the background. "As for you Gage my dear baby brother you should know better, too, so stop acting dense!"

He was trying so hard not to laugh, at her. Sadly he couldn't and fell down going hysterical. He silk like hair was every where.

I took a deep breath then got on my knees to push my self up lightly. I was finally standing! I turned to the red head. "You said your name is Soul, right?" I asked her.

"You got it! So do you need anything?" She asked a smile plastered on her perfect face.

I said the first thing that came to mind. "Where are my parents?"

Her smile left her face, her purple eyes went hollow, like it pained her to think about what I asked. The guys stopped laughing and were now giving a sad thoughtful look.

"There gone." She said keeping her gaze away from mine.

I wanted to ask what she meant, but deep down I new. She had just told me that they were dead. I fell to my knees, not able to stand. My body trembled viciously. I felt arms rap around me cautiously like I would break.

"Shh, I know it's going to be fine Hail, where going to be here for you, okay baby sis?" Gage said resting his head over mine.

Gage had been there for me from the start, and now it was my turn to help him. I couldn't let him die, at least by the hands or powers of an angel or Alexandria. That was for sure, that much I knew!

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