Top Action Pretty Cure!

נכתב על ידי LunaticLemons

398 1 0

Everyone had a childhood hero they looked up to. They had always helped them to get them to where they are no... עוד

Writer's Note
Chapter List (in case you're confused)
Top Action Pretty Cure Info Log! #1
Top Action Pretty Cure Info Log! #2
Brawns! Strength! Cure Punch has Arrived!
Brains! Smarts! The Child Genius is also Cure Shock?!
Major Crisis! Two Girls, One Robot and... another Robot?!
Beauty! Sincerity! Welcome, Cure Chilled!
Hooray! The Team has Been Fully Assembled!
Uwah! Watch Out, the Pretty Cure Hunter!
Are You For Real?! Goldeye is Here!
Taking Back What's Ours! The Golden Channel!
Cooking by the Book! Bon Appetite!
Celebrity Girls in Hiroshima! Wait What?


25 1 0
נכתב על ידי LunaticLemons

It was a particularly bright summer day. The sun was gleaming all of its glory down to an airport in Japan, there was a crowd of people emerging from the plane. Many of them were tourists. However one of them particularly stood out from the rest.

A rosewood haired girl who looked around five-ish with one distinguishing ponytail took a massive leap from the airport. Her action figure of the titular hero from the hit TV show and comic book, Goldeye was protruding from an open gap on the zip of her backpack. The girl stopped for a moment and waited for her parents to come out with their luggage. The girl smiled in joy and continued on skipping around. 

After their arrival, the family of three settled into Hiroshima, one of Japan's main cities for tourist attractions, the red haired girl played around with her Goldeye action figure.

"Geez Ruby, you love to play with that toy don't you?" Her mom sighed.

"He's not a toy! Goldeye's my partner and we're fighting crime together!" Ruby stuck her tongue out and continued to play around.

"That girl..." Her mom crossed her arms.

"No need to be like that Mona." Her dad appeared from the side with a cup of hot chocolate in his hand. "It's Ruby, she has watched Goldeye since she was a tot."

"Pfft, you were the one introduced that show to her. Seriously Arthur, that show is for boys! I'm very concerned that Ruby won't grow up as a proper lady." The so-called Mona got up and brew a cup of coffee.

"Mona..." Arthur chuckled, he stared at Ruby playing with her Goldeye while the TV was showing another episode of Goldeye where the titular hero was saving many citizens from a burning building.

"Remember kids, always fight for your wonder!" Goldeye winked as he said his catchphrase.

Ruby smiled and repeated after him. Her mother sighed and walked off to the kitchen.

"Hey Rub. I think it's time for bed."


"If you don't go to bed, then it won't be so heroic like Goldeye would say. Wouldn't it?"

Ruby thought deeply when her father said that, she wanted to be a hero like Goldeye was, after a moment Ruby responded with a nod.

"Hmm... alright!" Ruby cheered, she picked up her Goldeye and hopped to her bedroom. Once she got to her bedroom, she jumped to her bed and pulled the sheets over her and Goldeye. Her father met up with her and sat by the edge of the bed.

Time skip to a few years later~

A few years had passed since Ruby and her parents have moved to Japan. Ruby herself was now a bit older and probably about start her first year of elementary school. Today was a particularly snowy day in Hiroshima. People were just passing by as usual and some children were out to play in the snow. Ruby stared at those people through the windows and her eyes gleamed. Her mother noticed Ruby from the distance with her coffee cup and sighed.

"Look Ruby, if you want to go outside then go. Besides it will be a nice chance of meeting new friends." Her mom placed her cup down. 

"Really?" Ruby turned around. "Ok but I need to get Goldeye first!" Ruby pranced around the house, she then tripped making her mother worried.

"R-Ruby! Are you alright?!" She rushed to Ruby's side. Ruby, however, didn't cry instead she simply brushed her pain aside and continued to look for her action figure. Her mother only shook her head in disbelief and waited near the front door. 

When Ruby got to her bedroom, she immediately saw Goldeye and picked him up. She herself slowly got up and went to the front door as if nothing happened.

"R-Ruby! Be more careful, young lady!" Her mother pleaded.

"Mom, I'm fine. I just tripped! And Goldeye's fine too." Ruby smiled. She opened the front door and went outside. Mona frowned in disbelief and went to go get another cup of coffee.

Meanwhile Ruby walked down the snowy steps and saw a pile of snow nearby the park where the other kids were. Ruby thought to herself of how she will introduce herself to the other kids. Although Ruby was conscious of how her Japanese would sound, back in America making friend was easy as pie in fact Ruby had more friends than enemies. Ruby took a deep breath and walked to where the park was.

Cold wind brushes past the air and many children were running around. Some were on the swings, one of them was trying to pull another child with their frozen hands. However the majority of kids were having snowball fights and making snowmen. Ruby arrived at the park and saw the fun.

"Ok everyone prepare yourselves! For the heroic Ruby and Goldeye are joining the fight!" Ruby grinned to herself and plotted how she was going to enter.

A group of kids were throwing snowballs at each other, the leader who was wearing a black scarf was carrying his team despite his play being too rough for the other kids. While he was making an interesting streak, Ruby had lots of snowballs in her hands and threw them at the leader's them and then at himself.

"Hey! Who was that?!" The leader groaned.

"The wonder herself has appeared!" Ruby lifted her finger in the air. "And that name is... Goldeye and his nifty partner Pretty Punch!" Ruby thrusted her fists and moved Goldeye's arms to make it look he was real.

The kids stared at Ruby blankly for a few moments. Then they all bursted into laughter, Ruby blinked and got confused.

"Haha! Nice joke! Pretty Punch? Where did you get that from?" The leader chuckled.

"HEY! I'm Pretty Punch, ok!? I'm supposed to be the mighty hero here! D-Don't just laugh at me...!" Ruby pouted.

"Oh! You mean Goldeye? That TV Show?" One boy with a blue hat chirped.

"Come on, no one watches that version anymore." A pigtail-haired girl giggled.

"Version? What are you talking about?"

"I mean Goldeye X! The new one! Unless you've been living in a rock this time." The leader rolled his eyes. Then he was followed by another trail of laughter. 

Fuming with embarrassment, Ruby clenched her fists and walked up to the leader.

"Ugh, that show. All that show ever does is teaching kids new dance moves and annoying hip cool phrases! That's nothing like what Goldeye does! He says everyone must always fight for their wond-"

"Oh please! That phrase was getting stale! Fight for your wonder? In 20XX?!" The leader scoffed. "Look American girl, Goldeye X is the new craze so why don't you accept it? Besides your Japanese sucks!"

Ruby glanced at the leader in shock, this is not how she wanted it to be. She wanted to play with the other kids, she wanted to be like Goldeye. Now she's getting pushed back for not being in a new trend and she got insulted by her accent. Ruby narrowed her eyes and proceeded to grab a snowball.

"Whatcha going to do now, huh? Going to play Classic Goldeye-" Before the leader finished his sentence, Ruby slammed the snowball his face causing attention to the other kids as they gasped. Once she slammed the snowball into his face, she finished it off with a punch.

"O-Ow! What the heck is wrong with you?!" The leader cried with slight tears while holding his tomato red cheek.

"What's wrong with YOU and this stupid new trend?! Goldeye stays as Goldeye! And also..." Ruby pulled the leader by the collar. "DON'T pick on my Japanese, I'm a beginnar." Ruby scoffed as she threw him to the ground and left. The other kids stared at Ruby in horror, then they all scattered leaving the leader behind.

Ruby stomped other to one of the swings by herself. Her face was crunched up and pissed, and her ahoge was spiker than usual. This was different to when she was in America, no one had ever bullied to her like that before. In fact Ruby couldn't recall when she had gotten bullied. Ruby continued to swing about and bury her face so no one could see it.

"Stupid kids... stupid Goldeye X" Ruby kicked her feet off the snow. She turned to see where Goldeye was but surprisingly she wasn't in her hands. Ruby's sapphire eyes widened as she got up to see if she accidentally sat on Goldeye. Nowhere to be seen. Ruby worried that she might have lost him.

"N-No! Where did Goldeye go?! Did I lose him!?" Ruby panicked. She worried of what her mother would say if she had lost Goldeye, Ruby blinked so she wouldn't tear up. She then checked and dug up the snow if Goldeye got buried by the snow. Ruby sighed and sat on the snow. She facepalmed herself and groaned.

"Goldeye... I-I'm sorry. This isn't me..." Ruby mumbled to herself.

"Eureka!" A voice exclaimed.

"Huh?" Ruby looked up to see an olive-haired girl who was wearing a long trenchcoat with had lighting bolts stickers all over. She was holding a huge grey backpack which many things stuffed inside it. The girl was also wearing chestnut glasses which she shifted. Her stance was more mature and bolder than the other kids were. And according to Ruby, her voice sounded very frog-like compared to the other girls.

"Heh, I knew it!" The glasses girl rubbed her nose smugishly.

"What? To mock me?" Ruby narrowed her eyebrows.

"Mock you? Did Junichi and the other bully you?" The girl sighed.

"Junichi? The guy with the dark scarf?"

"Yeah? Also... are you from America or something? You don't sound like you come around from here."

"Obviously. And you sound like a frog." Ruby frowned.

"Ahem. I-I was expecting that too! According to my cake!" The glasses girl shifted her glasses.

"W-Wait a minute... you can speak English?" Ruby looked at the girl.

"Not only English. I have mastered nearly 20 languages! I am a child genius after all." The glasses girl winked.

"Awesome, it's good to know that one person can understand my funny accent. Now what do you want from me?" Ruby got up and crossed her arms.

"You see. The reason why I was shouting 'Eureka' like an idiot... I found a Goldeye doll on top of the pile of snow after Junichi got punched. So as planned, I was going to search for the girl in red. Which was you, all according to cake...!" The glasses girl sniggered.

"Uh sure. B-But thank you for finding Goldeye for me!" Ruby grabbed Goldeye and hugged him.

"Woah... b-by the way? You know Goldeye?"

"Of course! I watch him everyday!" Ruby smiled.

"Excellent excellent." The glasses grabbed out a piece of paper and wrote something down.

"Umm... what are you writing?"

"AH! N-NOTHING!!" The girl put away her notes. "Moving onto the matter, you claim to watch Goldeye every day. Well... I also do like Goldeye."

"So the Goldeye X one?"

"Oh egads NO! That show is a grave example of massacring a classic! In you simpleton's words, I hate it."

"Phew! Finally someone agrees with me!" Ruby sighed. "Junichi and the other kids say it's the new stupid craze."

"It's Junichi. He likes to be in the new trend so he can be the popular one. Trust me, I am his number one victim."

"Okay but... oh! Where are my manners? I haven't introduced myself." Ruby exclaimed.

"Well neither have I..."

"I'm Ruby Rosehamme! I'm from America but I actually moved from Manhattan..." Ruby sheepishly scratched her head. "So what's yours? I'm expecting a name I can't pronounce..."

"Well greetings Rosehamme, although I look like a girl with a "frog voice"..." The glasses girl suddenly opened her trenchcoat which revealed many action cards of several superheroes that Ruby couldn't name of.

"You will refer to me, none other than... Sayaka! Unagisaki Sayaka! The child genius of Hiroshima!" Sayaka grinned as she dramatically posed. "Everything that has happened up still now has been... all. according. to. cake~!"

Ruby stared at Sayaka for a minute and rolled her eyes. "So is this how Japanese people normally introduce yourselves?"

"Not really. Don't take all the Japanese people for that. But it's a pleasure to meet you, Rosehamme." Sayaka shook Ruby's hand.

"Umm just call me Ruby." Ruby smiled back.

"Now my friend! I must go and do my experiments!" Sayaka zipped her trenchcoat.

"Experiments? What for? And is it cool?" Ruby loomed over Sayaka's bag.

"Nonsense! These cool experiments are for a project I'm doing! The Child Genius Sayaka has watched lots of anime like Gundam and Saint Seiya as research for my latest project... Genius Shock."

"Genius... Shock?"

"Ah I see, it's too complex for you to understand but I p-planned for that to happen! But in short, if any monster were to appear and destroy the world like... in your Goldeye show, yes?"

"What? Are you saying you're going to be a magical girl?"

"Ergh, no! Though I love the direction you're heading, it's off-limits! I don't even look like the type to be a magical girl! So instead I'm making a robot who will resemble one."

"Oh... okay then. That's a cool idea!"

"Thank you, Rosehamme. I'm approximately 35% at completion with my project. I've done all of the designs, I just need to make the robot function properly." Sayaka shifted her glasses. "Now if you excuse me, I must scoot."

Sayaka walked off and pulled up her backpack. However Ruby was following her behind.

"WAH! E-EUREKA!!" Sayaka yelped.

"Well... that seems pretty long. Mind if I help with it?" Ruby squished her mouth.

"Pfft...! Never! In fact, this is a solo project! As planned! So scram!"

"And your plan might backfire if you don't let anyone help you, I know it's your passion but sometimes it's good to have friends. Just like Goldeye said!" Ruby leaned towards Sayaka.

"Oh boy, you and your Goldeye quotes... just like my brother." Sayaka shook her head. "Look, I'll give you the sneak peaks ok? In other words, you can be a VIP." Sayaka sighed.

"VIP? Thanks Sayaka!" Ruby's eyes gleamed.

"Uhh... h-ha! Just according to cake! But seriously, I really need to go. I'll see you around some day. Rosehamme." Sayaka walked off.

"Ok bye! Hope we can meet each other 'gain!" Ruby waved back.

Ruby felt happy making at least one friend. She held her Goldeye figure tightly and went back home. After that she had told her mom and dad what happened at today despite her punching a boy in the face. Nevertheless Ruby continued on her life as normal life with Goldeye...

Until only more years later... that day came.

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