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Da JKR0415

529K 17.3K 44.5K

STORY IS BEING REWRITTEN UNDER THE TITLE OF 'it began with you'. ---- ๐—ฆ๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐—บ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฟ๏ฟฝ... Altro

Before reading...
(1) The beginning.
(2) Metanoia
(3) Elysian
(4) Abiditory
(5) Xenization
Power Explained
(6) Eccedentesiast
(7) Pistanthrophobia
(8) Eunoia
(9) Forfeiture
(10) Moira
(11) Arcane
(12) Kalon
(13) sushi
(14) bruises
(15) Hiwaga
(16) Saudade
(17) forelsket
(18) hiraeth
(19) Fract
(20) persistence
(21) Mellifluous
(22) Selcouth
(24) Kalopsia
(25) Epiphany
(26) Beguile
(27) Agathokakological
(28) Absquatulate
(29) Petrichor
(30) Tacenda
(31) Redamancy
(32) Orphic
(33) Serendipity
(34) Onism
Understanding y/n
(35) Stellify
(36) Ukiyo
(37) Thantophobia
(38.6) Appetence
(39) Meraki
(40) Morosis
(41) weltschmerz
(42) Jouska
(43) Kefi
(44) truculent
(45) amate
Im back
Voting Results

(23) Opia

11.2K 368 1.2K
Da JKR0415


This chapter will NOT have many details of their kiss from the last chapter.

Edit: get over yourselves. As the author this is my decision. Wattpad has stricter restrictions now as it is and many readers have came to me explaining their young age or discomfort with reading smut.

If you have a problem with me having a Patreon, try to be a 17-year-old paying for her 20,000 dollar (USD) tuition next school year by yourself. I didn't even start the Patreon for smut, it was started for those who wanted earlier and extra chapters.

Stop sending me shit for not doing it bc you're horny.

Sorry for being so aggressive but 🙄 death threats aren't cool.


Cold as ice

but in her hands

he melts

- Me! (Rina) lol

Italics= flashback unless it has ' around it.

"Good morning y/n! Are you excited to go?"

I stared at Mina with the deep-set bags of the tiredness that ran through my entire body. Her energy was great, truly heartwarming, but the time of the morning and loud yells and laughs of everyone made me wanna wrap the blanket around me tighter until I was in a cocoon.

"I'm excited to possibly sleep on the bus and read if that's what you mean." I retorted, voice raspy from the early morning hour.

"C'mon! It's gonna be a blast!" Mina insisted, hugging me and shaking my blanket-covered body. My eyes stood staring into the sky above us as her shaking intensified.

"Careful, Mina. I think Yuma is not a morning person." Kirishima laughed, looking at my flat bitch face.

"Hey! Look there's Kami and Bakugou, guys come here!" Mina pointed over to the two waving for the two to come over. My eyes widened slightly, pulling the blanket from off my head to around my shoulders.

"Hey, guys!" Kaminari greeted, Bakugou by his side. My eyes hesitantly looked up to the blonde, thin breath coming from my mouth. My eyes connect with his freezing on them.

His arms snaked around my body turning us so I was against the pool wall.

"Hey." Bakugou jerked his head up in an attempt to greet me. His hand pulled the collar of his white short sleeve up, covering the mark on his neck.

"Hi." I smiled sheepishly.

His lips were hungry, forceful as he pushed them into mine, colliding with such gentle pressure. My hands flew to his hair pulling the roots.

"Nice blanket. Dinosaurs just your thing?" He asked, pulling the blanket a bit on purpose. I jerked it back, covering my own collarbone from being shown.

"Yeah, I was just cold and... you know."

The water moved around us the more the kiss intensified. The heat in our bodies collided, bringing more of a rush to the feelings cultivating in us.

He didn't have to say anything. The look he gave me told me everything. He too was also thinking about the kiss. The most profound intimate moment of my life.

"Cold... I'll let you call it that." He teased, voice lower for only the two of us to hear.

Our relationship was different now.

More open, more teasing, definitely more flirting. With each second I could just feel the sexual tension grow between us. The longer I thought about the pool the more my stomach curled and my hands grew sweaty.

"Attention, Class A, our bus is here. Everyone line up in your preferred seating order!" Iida called waving his arms around to get our attention.

"Uh, who are you guys sitting with?" I wondered, turning back to my group.

"Kirishima and I got a cool movie we wanna watch. See ya guys!" Kaminari waved as he and Kirishima walked off, their phones in hand as they showed each other their screen.

"Hakagure wanted to sit together! Bye-bye!" Mina cheered, skipping off to the invisible girl.

I stood quiet, looking at the ground as I let a small laugh leave my mouth. "I guess you and I are sitting together." I looked up at Bakugou to see him already looking at me.

"Guess we are." He smirked, walking away to the bus. He looked over his shoulder, signaling for me to follow. I sighed, shaking my head at his subtle obvious actions.

"Wait for me," I called, speed walking behind him.

We got in line and right as I was going to walk behind him, he grabbed my wrist pulling me in front of him. Without anyone noticing, he subtly kept his hands on my waist for a second longer, giving it a small squeeze.

I slapped his hands off, feeling flustered. 'Calm yourself.'

'Can't help it sometimes.' He responded back as we climbed onto the bus. I took the window seat as he took the one next to me.

"Can you reach into my bag and grab my book?" I asked him as I balled my blanket on my lap, pulling my phone and headphones from the waistband of my skirt.

"Here." He held out the book waiting for me to grab it.

"Thanks." He sat down next to me grabbing the blanket to give me room to get comfortable. I shifted around until lifting my feet over his lap.

Grabbing the blanket back, I fixed it over the both of us making sure it fit well enough. I handed him one earbud placing the other in my ear.

"Any song you wanna hear?" I asked, scrolling through my playlist. I felt his hand go under the blanket and rest comfortably on my knee.

"Nah, play whatever I don't care." He grumbled, phone in his free-hand. I clicked a random song, putting my phone down to read.

"Here's the deal. We'll be on this bus about an hour before our first stop. Make sure you stay focused." Aizawa announced with only half of my attention.

"Who the hell brings a book to camp?" Bakugou bubbled up, flicking the corner of the pages.

"Uh- Don't flick the book, you rat." I insulted jokingly as I hugged the book against my chest. He rolled his eyes at my overdramatized attitude. "It's a poem book I've been reading since forever."

"If you finished it then why read?" He was curious. The idea seemed idiotic to him.

"Because I like to reflect on it and just, I don't know, just to refresh myself with the meanings of the poems," I revealed unsure of the meaning itself. "I make small notes."

"Sounds stupid." He mocked earning a smack with the book from me.

"It is not stupid, you are for that matter," I argued back, rolling my eyes. "Here, borrow it and you'll understand after." He looked between the book and my hand before hesitantly taking it from me.

"I'm not gonna read this shit." He choked, fanning the pages out in front of his face. I took my legs off of his lap replacing them with my head.

"Yeah, yeah, do whatever you want but you'll regret it one day." I sighed, tucking my hair over his legs. He looked down at me with annoyance before shaking his head and letting me rest.

"Don't think I will. Move your elbow, it's going into my damn ribs." He groaned, grabbing it and putting it over my chest.

"Sorry, I didn't realize." I rubbed his rib before laughing slightly. "Okay, I'm going to sleep for the next hour. Night."



"God damn, why are you so mad?!" Bakugou yelled as he followed my stomping body out of the bus. We finally made our first stop after the hour Aizawa said we had.

"Because you woke me up by putting the earbud in my nose for fucks sake!" I argued back, walking away from him. He groaned childishly at my actions, only regretting his past decisions.

"You two sound happy." Kirishima scoffed jokingly, rubbing his eyes as they adjusted to the bright light outside.

"It's cause he--"

I was cut off by Bakugou putting his arm around my shoulders, covering my mouth with his hand.

"You're better when you were knocked out, just shut up already." He spat, looking down at my head that stuck out from the loop under his arm.

The tension in my shoulders dropped as I leaned my head against his chest. God was he annoying but this was the closest he'd let the two of us get in front of everyone.

He slowly took his hand off my mouth and let me stand up fully. "Thank you, my back was starting to hurt." I huffed, stretching my shoulders back. I shook off his arm and walked away to the ledge where the open mountain area sat.

The mountains were beautiful. There was nothing else around besides open spaces of grass and trees. Nature at its finest. Mineta ran by yelling about how badly he wanted to pee which made me realize.

"Wait. If we were going to the camp, why are we surrounded by nothing?" I turned back around walking to Bakugou's side. He rested his arm on my shoulder, shifting to the side.

"Where's Class B?" Jirou added, also noticing we were the only bus here.

"You don't really think we stopped here just so you could stretch your legs, do you?" Aizawa asked, rhetorically, sass and sarcasm laced in his voice.

"Please, sir, the toilet," Mineta begged, his legs squeezed together.

"Heya, Eraser!" A voice called from behind us. The entire class's attention was caught, most of us turning around to see who spoke. It was hard to believe that none of us had noticed the random car parked to the side.

Our teacher bowed in respect. "Long time no see."

Two girls appeared in front of us. Their outfits resembled ones of cats yet with more spunk and vibrant colors that popped. Their emotional levels were out of whack with a bit too much happiness coming from one of them.

"Your feline fantasies are here! Say, 'meow'." Mandalay purred.

"Purrfectly cute and catlike girls!" Pixie-bob formed a heart with her paws as she spoke.

"You can call us the Wild, Wild Pussycats!"

We stared at them with the hard look of "What the fuck" across of faces. I hadn't even blinked the entire time of their mini-performance. There was a hard crease pressured between my brows from how deep my expressions were.

"These are the pro heroes you'll be working with at the summer training camp." Aizawa introduced us to them. Everyone stood quiet, unsure of what to say until Midoriya jumped up bursting with excitement.

"They're a four-person hero team who specialize in mountain rescues!" The flustered blush faced boy turned to us, practically bouncing in his skin. "The Pussycats were founded when we were kids, like forever ago!"

A loud audible gasp came from the two heroes behind him.

"This marks their 12th year working as a--" Pixie-bob cut off Midoriya, clawing at his face with no mercy. My eyes widened from her sudden aggression as Bakugou next to me enjoyed watching it play out.

"I'm pretty sure your math must be off. I'm 18 at heart." She gritted through her teeth, her hand still covering his entire face.


"That's so sad." Kirishima and Kaminari mumbled under their breaths.

"Everyone, say hello," Aizawa instructed, ignoring the scene in front of him.

"Hello! Nice to meet you!" I nudged Bakugou mid-sentence, getting him to stay it also since he had been dazed off. He sighed, mumbled it under his breath from the brute force.

"We own this whole stretch of land out here. Everything you can see. The summer camp you're staying at is there at the base of the mountain." Mandalay showed us, pointing the direction.

"That's far!"

"Uh. Ochaco began. "Then why did we stop all the way up here instead?" My hand ran across my face with distress.

"I'm afraid we both know the answer to that." Tsu grieved, feeling regretful for the all of us.

Sato shook his head in denial. "That can't be right."

"Um. Back on the bus." Sero laughed nervously. "Quick. Let's go."

"Good idea. Load up." Kaminari agreed, following his friend's lead. Everyone else nodded also agreeing with the idea.

"The current time is 9:30 in the morning. If you're fast about it, you might make it there by noon." Mandalay teased, a smirk sewing onto her face.

"No way. Guys!" Kirishima fretted, fear across his face.

"Holy crap!" Mina cried. Everyone's fear level spiked up an enormous amount as the realization soon came to us.

"Save yourselves!"

Everyone ran attempting to escape the pro heroes. As surprising as it was, it had been Bakugou who grabbed my wrist dragging me behind him.

"Kitties who don't make it there by 12:30 won't get any lunch," Mandalay yelled out against the stomps of everyone's feet hitting the dirt ground.

"You should have guessed, student." Aizawa sighed, disapproving our actions. "The training camp..." Everyone gasped as Pixie-bob jumped in front of our way. "...Has already begun."

Pixie-bob's quirk worked, moving and pushing us only using the ground beneath us. Bodies crashed into each other, dirt flying into our faces as soon the ground disappeared.

We fell out from the ledge, I had before been looking from, with screams and fear filling our systems. I knew at some point I'd die but this wasn't how I imagined it.

"Good news!" Mandalay shouted from the top of the mountain. "Since this is private land, you can use your Quirks as much as you want to. You've got three full hours. You should be able to make it to the facility at that time. That is, if you can get through The Beat's Forest."

Everyone stood up, dusting off their uniforms and hands of dirt.

"Hey, you know, that fall wasn't too bad." I joked, pushing loose hair out from my face. It stuck to my eyelashes and was in my mouth.

"That's because you fell on me dumbass-- Get off!" Bakugou shouted from under me, pushing my body off his. I fell across from him on my stomach, looking back at him with a hard glare.

"Could have been nicer about it," I mumbled, pushing myself off the ground. Everyone around was staring into the forest, panicking and nervous.

"The Beast's Forest?!" Midoriya cried, his voice echoing into the trees.

"It sounds like a name right out of a fantasy game." Kaminari wailed, continuing from Midoriya's statement.

"Why do we keep falling for Aizawa's little tricks?" Jirou groaned. Ochaco and Tsu were next to her on the ground. I walked over helping them up carefully.

"Am I the only one who thinks this could be fun?" I thought aloud in a slightly lower tone than usual.

"You're also the one with a concussion, y/n." Jirou reminded me, patting my shoulder.

"I guess there's no use complaining." Kirishima laughed off, dusting himself. "Might as well get going."

"See! Kirishima gets me, right bestie?" I joked, walking over to him before placing my arm on his shoulder. Someone from behind grabbed the back of my shirt pulling me back into their chest aggressively.

Bakugou looked down at me with irritation in his eyes.

"Jeez, jealous much." I huffed, smacking his arm away. Mineta zoomed past us with such a rush that light wind went by as he ran.

He soon came to stop when a giant beast-like creature came stopping toward him. We all watched, frozen, as it looked at him and roared at his tiny stature.

"We're all gonna die!" Sero and Kaminari screamed.

"Please calm yourself my giant friend!" Koda warned, attempting to use his quirk to calm the creature. "You don't wanna hurt them!"

The creature ignored his calls, throwing his claw back to butcher the small grape boy. Stupid enough, Mineta stood watching him until Midoriya zoomed in and saved him.

A few students flew by, ready to take hits at the monster.

Todoroki froze the ground with a single stomp, sending ice in a trail. Iida followed behind him using his "Reipro burst" to kick off a piece of its body.

I ran behind Bakugou, being careful of the explosion he was about to let go of. "I'll kill you!"

"You almost killed me in the process!" I growled, sending out a wave of black matter from my hand. The creature disappeared with his entire body being destroyed.

"What if that's what I was aiming for?" Bakugou smirked, earning an eye roll from me. He continued to laugh slightly at me.

"How romantic," I mumbled under my breath. I rubbed my hands together looking down at them with hesitation. Black magic, a power every caster had since birth. Only mine had stood black from being half dark.

"You guys took that beast down in seconds!" Sato's voice brought me back to reality, distracting me from my thoughts. I could see Bakugou in the corner of my eye, watching me closely.

"It was awesome." Sero applauded.

"You showed that thing who's the boss." Kirishima praised his best friend.

"We're not done." Bakugou reminded the class, his face facing the large vast of trees we had in front of us.

More growls and roars echoed in the distance away from us.

"Hey, come on." Kaminari groaned. "Don't you think this is a little unfair?"

"What now? Do we run?" Mina questioned, unsure of what our next move should be.

"Not good." Sato quavered in slight worry. "If we don't make it to the camp fast enough, then we won't get anything to eat."

"We need to go and now because I will not go without food." I urged, attempting to motivate everyone while food being the main subject in my mind.

"They're right." Momo agreed, taking a lead. "We have no choice but to cut through these woods using the shortest possible route."

Everyone nodded, agreeing with her idea.

"All right." Iida coincided. "Let's go, Class A!"


Everyone was pumped, finally ready to take on the forest with the new motives in them. We each took our turns, jabbing at the creatures with our powers, working as a team.

"I spot three up ahead. And two flanking each side." Shoji analyzed using his many eyes and senses.

"So seven total. They're coming!" Jirou warned, running back with the group.

"Alright. I've got this one!" Sero called out. Tape released from his elbows, wrapping around the tree closeby and around the flying creature's wing, stopping it in flight. He threw it to the ground causing it to turn into a simple pile of dirt.

Sato and Kirishima muscled up, taking their jabs at the creatures from the ground.

"Bakugou!" I called out to him loudly. I jumped out from the top of the tree I climbed up, quickly slowing time for a second to reach one of the flying dirt monsters that were crossing by.

Its target changed from my fellow classmates to down at the ground as I bounded it to the ground. Bakugou blasted it before running over to my falling body.

"Why would you jump from the fucking tree?!" He scolded me as he caught me in his arms with a jolt.

"Because I knew you'd catch me." I smiled before patting his hair and jumping out of his arms. He growled under this breath before running next to me.

Purple balls flew around as Kaminari ran up the tail of one of the dirt monsters. "Mineta, get outta here." He warned, wrapping his hands its head. "One point three million volts!"

We ran past the girls who had their own plan, using Hagakure as their bait. She ran past the beast using herself as bait to lure them in.

"Everyone, quick. Take cover now!" Momo warned. Large explosions came from behind, breaking the creatures down immediately.

"That was amazing, Momo!" Mina cheered for her.

"Great job!" I smiled, looking over my shoulder.

"I've spotted more of them closing in." Shoji let us know. Bakugou left my side along with Todoroki behind us as the two unintentionally worked together to bring them the one in front of us down.

"You're in my way there, Icy hot!" Bakugou cursed, glaring at his classmate.

"Then pick another route." Todoroki dismissed, ignoring Bakugou's anger. I shook my head at the two, running up ahead of them further.

In the distance, Midoriya and Iida were yelling at each other aiming directly at the beast in front of them. Midoriya flew across the tree before giving it a full-powered punch.

This process continued for what felt like forever. The same, flying across trees, yelling at each other, using our quirks until it ached.

I just wanted food.


I trudged through the grass, forcing my legs to move despite the strong resistance that was held along their numbness. Saying my head hurt was far below an underestimation. The bit of strength left in me was only enough to move a single leaf with the wind.

Bakugou was working double as he watched over me as I made terrible decisions with my fighting tactics while also taking care of himself. His hands were twitching, pain only striking through them slowly.

Our thoughts were loud in each other's minds yet neither of us had the energy to make it stop.

Overall, the class worked our asses off. I only hoped that the food was amazing after all the hours of bullshit we just went through.

"You said it would only be, like, three hours?!" Sero trembled, his tiredness appearing in both his tone and face.

"I guess we timed it based on how long it'd take us. Sorry!" Mandalay laughed off, ignoring our misery.

"Now you're braggin' about how much better you are? That's so mean." Sato breathed, dropping onto the ground.

"I'm starving. This is hell." Kirishima bellowed, throwing his head back.

"Stupid bullshit," I muttered, crouching to the ground, loosening my tie and throwing it off to the side. Bakugou rested his arm on my head, closing his eyes for a moment.

"Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow!" Pixie-Bob blurted, her paws covering the amount of happiness she was holding in. "I thought it would take you kids even longer. But, you did much better against my dirt monsters than I thought you would. You guys were seriously great. Especially the five of you!"

She pointed to Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, Bakugou, and me. Red flags spread across in my mind.

"It seems like you've had quite a bit of experience. I call dibs on these kittens! I'll groom them myself!" She launched herself forward straight at us.

"Nope- don't touch me." I hurried away, keeping my hands folded against my chest as a way to hide horribly.

She grabbed my shirt pulling me back as I shielded my face, swatting her away.

"Mandalay. Has she always been like this?" Aizawa asked a distance away from us.

I hit her hand, pushing myself away from the harassment. I had no idea what was up with her but it was getting into my bubble of personal space.

"It's gotten worse lately," Mandalay confessed. "She's at the age to take a mate."

"Uh. Speaking of people's ages--" Midoriya began until once again getting a hand to the face. Poor kid couldn't get one sentence in before getting attacked by her or Bakugou.

"Choose your words carefully, boy." Pixie-Bob threatened. A bead of sweat dripped from Midoriya's nervous face.

"I've just been wondering since we got here earlier. Who is that kid? What's he doing here?" He pointed over her shoulder to a small boy wearing a red baseball cap.

"Oh, this little guy?" Mandalay looked down to her side where he was. "He's my cousin's son. He lives with us now. Don't be shy, Kota. Say hi to everyone. You're gonna be around them for the next week."

Midoriya got free from Pixie-Bob and walked over to him. Bakugou subtly came over to where I stood.

"Hey there. My name's Midoriya. I'm from the UA High School hero course." He bent down lending his hand out. "It's nice to meet you!" I smiled thinking how kind he was to the kid until Kota's arm jerked back and punched Midoriya in a spot that probably hurt a crap ton.

"What a low blow! You fiend of a child! A punch to the scrotum is unforgivable!" Iida disapproved, rushing to Midoriya's side.

"The last thing I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes." Kota spat. I couldn't help but smile a bit. He reminded me of myself at that young age.

"'Wannabe'?! How old are you, kid?"

A heavy sigh was let go next to me. My heart turned to see Bakugou smiling at Kota with such admiration. "That brat's got spunk."

"He's like a mini version of you," Todoroki murmured loud enough for him to intentionally hear. Bakugou's smile dropped, turning into a scowl. I laughed slightly, earning a deeper glare before he walked to Todoroki.

"What are you talking about? You need to shut your mouth before I blast you all the way to hell." Bakugou intimidated.

"Yeah, sure," Todoroki mumbled, shrugging.

"Enough playing around. Get your stuff off the bus. Once your bags are in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that, you can bathe and sleep. Tomorrow your training starts in earnest. You'd better get a move on." Aizawa suggested pointing to the buses.


"Move it, I want to eat my food!"

"I have never seen y/n so eager for anything!" Mina laughed, scooting over so I could sit next to her. She pushed food into her own mouth.

"It's food. Could you blame her?" Kirishima shrugged, stuffing his already full mouth.

I grabbed my plate of meat, taking no time to fill my mouth. Being a careful eater was something I was not. The amount of pure agonizing hunger in my system was way more important than my appearance while eating.

Bakugou across from me was in the same ordeal as the bowl of white rice was only centimeters away from his face as he continuously stuffed his face and ate his food.

My mind only had thoughts of food and sleep on it with hints of my brother and mom at home.

I missed them a ton.

Usually, we'd travel together, never being the distance we were currently. Especially with Senya, he and I usually always did things together. I only hoped that they'd be okay since I had no communication with them.

The sound of a plate hitting the table made me jump up slightly.

I looked at the table to see that Bakugou had placed down a plate of chicken in front of me, giving it a small push forward before going back to his own food.

"Oh my food." I groaned, grabbing the plate and digging in. "Thank you~" I sang, bringing the chopstick up to my mouth.

"Yeah whatever, you need it more than I do." He shrugged, going back to eating his own food.

"Anyway, today's the only time we'll be doing this for you," Pixie-bob told Kaminari as I eavesdropped. "So make sure you kids enjoy it."

"Thank you!"

I didn't know what that meant or even wanted to know what she meant. My body was worrying about the soreness and cracking that was going on with my bones.

After eating we all went our separate ways to bathe and get ready for the night.

I was full body into the hot springs, ignoring all of my surroundings. My body was at ease, calmer than it had been before yet with subtle pain in certain areas.

"This feels amazing!" Mina beamed, splashing water around.

"I'm so glad they've got a hot springs here!" Jirou continued, running the water up and down her arms.

"Well deserved after a hard day." Momo chimed in, engulfing herself in the comfort.

'How are you feeling?' I queried, going back to the conversation Bakugou and I were having in secret.

'Still shitty but better than before. And you?" He responded back. Distant yells from the other side of the wall got louder.

'I'd say a lot better. What's all that yelling?' I questioned, still keeping my eyes close.

'Watch out, the grape face is trying to climb over.' He warned me. I opened my eyes, looking up to see Kota pushing Mineta back onto the boy's area.

Of course, the pest would go crazy enough to do something like this.

"Mineta really is the worst, isn't he?" Tsu shared her thoughts with the rest of us.

"Thanks so much, Kota, babe! We owe you one!" Mina thanked the child on the top of the wall. She must have forgotten that we were completely nude but it sure did shock Kota.

He jumped in hysteria before falling onto the boy's side.

"Poor baby, Mina. Gave him a heart attack." I laughed, sitting up against a rock next to Ocacho who was standing.

"Sorry! I totally forgot that we were in the water." She chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. She turned her head away from me before having to do a double-take. Her eyes widened along with her smile. "Y/n, what is that?!" She pointed to the mark on my collar bone.

My hand flew to the mark covering it. "Nothing, just a bruise."

"A very special bruise! Let us see." She sped over to me, pulling my arm away from my neck forcefully. The noise was mixed with the water splashing around us and the other girl's laughs behind us.

"Mina- come on it's nothing--"

"Got it!" She shouted, yanking my hand away.

The other girls gasp, walking closer to see the mark. I covered my face that was obviously blushed from the deepest embarrassment. It had slipped my mind that it was there and, of course, being completely nude, they were going to find it.

"Woah, y/n, is that what I think it is?" Ocacho asked a smile etched onto her face.

I laughed a bit more from nervousness before walking backward. "You guys are insane. Nasty for that matter- PSH. You know, I'm gonna go get dressed and head to sleep." I quickly got out of the water, grabbing my towel, and running out.

'No more hickeys you ass twat.'

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