Twin Souls

De lonelyscribbles

939 130 0

The topic of boys wasn't something Sanaa was fond of. A young 13 year old girl with a beautiful yet twisted m... Mais



44 4 0
De lonelyscribbles



"You're such a good friend!" Ada squealed as I handed her a solved math worksheet. She quickly stuffed it into her bag before sitting on the floor with Chichi and me.

"I try," I replied with a smile. Call it strange but another person's happiness caused by me fulfills me.

I was blessed with the opportunity to spend my last weekend in Nigeria with the friends I made. We were ending our adventurous weeks with a send off sleepover at my house on a Friday night.

"How's Johnathan?" I asked Ada, wiggling my eyebrows. Chichi smirked at my question and Ada scratched the back of her neck, unable to send me a glare.

"He's fine. I'm completely over him."

"Of course you are," Chichi snorted as my lips twitched into a smile.

Johnathan was our school mate who was two classes ahead of us due to his intelligence. He was a year older than us and came as a new student this school year from England.

"I am. He doesn't even notice me."

"Maybe he doesn't because you don't want to be noticed. Everyone knows he has secret admirers."

"They don't know I'm one of them."

"Sanaa, did you just hear that? She used the present tense instead of the past," Chichi pointed out as Ada's eyes widened.

"Whatever," she said, taking a pillow shove her face into. "I'm a hopeless case," she mumbled against the pillow.

"What about you, Chichi? No one's on your mind?" I asked, shifting my body towards her.

"Boys are a waste of time," she replied with an eye roll.

"You won't be saying that for long," I sang. "I know girls like you."

"How do "girls like me" behave?" she asked, making air quotes.

"You have this mindset of boys being the worst creatures created."

"Aren't they?"

"To some extent."

"No one has been able to catch your interest?" Ada asked me, putting the pillow aside.

"Not really."

"Are you serious? You've been smiling a lot lately."


I was stuck on the regular dreams I shared with Abel. His intellect was quite outstanding for a young age and his presence ignited unknown feelings within me. I haven't been comfortable with sharing the thoughts I had with him but knowing my friends, they wouldn't let it go until they hear what they want to hear. I just had to find a way to mention him without mentioning him if that makes sense.

"I was thinking about a celebrity crush I've been dreaming about," was what I could come up with.

"You and your celebrity crushes," Chichi snickered. "Dreaming about him, eh? Sounds like you have a boyfriend in the 3D realm."

"God forbid!" I replied, laughing with her. "I've just been thinking about him lately, that's why."

"Or maybe he's someone important but you don't know yet," Ada reasoned. "Perhaps a soulmate."

My heart's pace increased at the sound of the word. "Soulmates," I mumbled, tasting the word against my tongue. I shrugged, ignoring the burning sensation from the pit of my stomach.

"Ada, you're such a hopeless romantic. Soulmates don't exist," Chichi said, brushing off Ada's statement.

"They do."

"They don't."






"OKAY!" I exclaimed, ending their argument. "Let's do something exciting."

"What's on your mind?"

"Listen to music and see where the night takes us."

"That's cool. Let's begin with Wizkid, the best," Chichi said, earning a glare from Ada.

"No way. Davido is way better than Wizkid."

"I disagree. Wizkid has more hits than Davido."

"Now you're lying."

"I'm not."

"You are."





"What's happening here?" I mumbled to myself with a face palm. "Let me just shut up and see how this plays out."

Ama walked in with my charger in her hand.

"I had to borrow it to charge my phone."

"What's wrong with yours?"

"It got bad."

"Of course it did."

Among all of us, Ama was the most careless person. She was unable to keep any of her belongings in tact and was fond of "borrowing" items from me. She's my sister and I love her but it's annoying when you can't find your belongings due to a careless sibling. The irony is that she actually takes care of other people's belongings. She has to or else she would feel the wrath from me, respectfully.

"What are they arguing about?" Ama asked, referring to my friends.

"Wizkid has more awards than Davido," Chichi argued.

"Now you're lying," Ada replied before I tuned them out again.

"Who's the better artist," I said, answering my sister.

"Oh..." Ada nodded. "That's stupid."

"Exactly. Both of them are great artists."


Before Ama left the room, she yelled, "Davido is better. I don't care what anyone says."

"AMA!" I yelled out as her laughter filled the hallway.

"Be careful! I'm going to lose my eye if you don't stop poking me with the brush," I said as I dodged one of Ada's attacks.

We agreed to do each other's makeup blindfolded and the winner would get to eat a tub of vanilla ice cream.

"Chichi came up with this dangerous idea anyway," she replied as she struggled to look for the eyeshadow palette. "How would I do your makeup correctly if I am blindfolded? You probably look like a clown."

"That's why I haven't looked at my face yet. I just know I look stupid."

"You do," Chichi cackled as she recorded my makeup look.

"You don't look better," I clapped back, looking at what I did to her face. Her situation was worse because I had no idea on applying makeup. "You look like an off brand version of Chucky."

"That's just mean," Ada stated before bursting into a fit of laughter. She continuously slapped her right thighs and shook her head as she (probably) envisioned Chucky and Chichi. "I'm sorry but it's true."

"Whatever. I still have to do yours," Chichi said to Ada.

"I'm not worried because I know I'll look better than you."

"We shall see."

"Yes, we shall," she answered, spraying my face with setting spray before placing it beside her. "I'm done."

She removed the blindfold and glanced at me, showing off a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I said as I reached for a hand mirror. "At least I look better than Chichi."

"To hell with you!"

"Okay, now it's my turn," Ada said, taking my position as Chichi took her former position.

"I will totally win," Chichi stated, smirking to herself as she applied the foundation on Ada's face.

"I agree," I responded, recording my friends.

After another hour, Ada's look was complete and she did look decent despite the circumstances of her makeup artist.

"This looks amazing. Thanks Chinara," she smiled.

"You're welcome."

"Who's going to be the judge?" I asked.

"Let's ask Kai," Chichi said.

We nodded in response and headed towards Kai's room.

His back rested on the wall as he crossed his legs, reading Prince Caspian, the fourth book of The Chronicles of Narnia. My brother was the biggest bookworm I knew and his love for reading made him quite mature for his age.

"Hello ladies," he greeted, not looking up from his book.

"Hey, we need your help," I said.

"What's up?"

"Whose makeup is the best?"

His eyes broke contact with the book as he looked at us, taking in our looks.

"Hmmm," he hummed, rubbing his chin in thought. "Ada's."

"Normally I would've said it's because of your crush on her but I agree," Chichi said with a nod as Kai used his book to shield his embarrassed face. His crush on Ada doesn't bother me because he'll eventually get over it.

"I won. I did her makeup," Chichi smiled, facing us.

"True. I'll get your ice cream," I said and left to get the ice cream.

"Can I have some too?" Kai asked with a puppy face when I returned.

"Sure. We're not eating in your room though," Chichi responded.

"Okay then," he mumbled as he followed my friends and me to my room.

"I hope you brought enough spoons. You know I'm a cheerful giver," Chichi said and I nodded in response.

We dived into the creamy delicacy but I couldn't help the feeling of a deep pit in my stomach as I ate. It wasn't a stomach ache; it was guilt. I felt guilty for eating ice cream with people I care about even though I hadn't eaten it in two months. All I could think about was my body holding on to the new pounds of fat. I visibly shook my head as I placed my spoon aside.

"You're full?" Kai asked with a full mouth. The ice cream and saliva mixture was visible.

"Ew," I fake gagged. "And yes, I am."

"More for me," he shrugged, digging a huge portion with his spoon.

"Do people really hate me that much?" Ama fake gasped as she held a spoon in her hand.

"Why are you holding a spoon?" Ada asked.

"Because I can. Are you a spoon police or something?"

"I'm sorry," Ada said, raising her hands in surrender.

"I saw you eating about five minutes ago and decided to invite myself since no one thought about me."

"We actually forgot. Sorry," we said with sheep smiles on our faces.

"It's okay. The rest is for me though."


My friends and I wiped the makeup off and spent the rest of the night talking with my (uninvited but present ;) ) siblings about anything and everything.

"I really don't want to go," Kai whined as his head rested on my shoulder.

"You'll understand one day, dear brother," I softly replied, running my hand through his soft, dark curls. "Never get attached. " I added, saying it mostly to myself.

There are people I will miss but I refuse to allow the attachment pull me down. Many things in life are not promised and I will meet them again, if God allows me to.

"Get some rest. Our flight's leaving in the morning," I whispered.

"Okay. Good night,'Na," he answered, using his special nickname for me. It stuck when he mispronounced my name as 'Na when he was learning how to speak.

"Good night, cub."

He shot me a playful glare before leaving my room.

My head hit the pillows and I tucked myself in.

dream state.

The scenery this time was different. I found myself surrounded by beautiful species of flowers and wore a yellow floral dress which perfectly contrasted with my chocolate skin. My huge afro was in a puffy bun, finishing the simple yet elegant look.

I got up, dusted myself up and took a look at the flower field, taking in its beauty. Flocks of birds flew in the sky as butterflies and flower petals surrounded me. Suddenly, I felt his presence behind me.

"Are you alright?" he asked with a hint of worry.

"I am okay. Why ask?"

"Your posture shows how tense you are."

"Well then," I began, facing his chest. I had to look up to see his face. He had to be at least 6'0. "I'm worried about my brother. He's still adjusting to our soon to be new life. He didn't sign up for this but it's the path our parents chose."

Insecurity didn't consume me when I was with Abel. I was able to express my mind without thinking of the consequences. It's a strange experience because I am a logical person.

"He's human. He might not share the same views as your parents but he'll adjust to the situation. Besides, he has great big sisters who will guide him through."

"How do you always know what to say?" I asked, my hand on my cheek.

"It's a gift," he shrugged. "Come on, there's a pond and a huge lake not too far from us."

He stretched his arm out and I took his warm hand, which contrasted with my cold ones. We took a relaxing walk through the meadow as the sun gleamed on our skin. He picked a small daisy and gently tucked it behind my ear.

"Daisies represent innocence. Your innocence is quite refreshing."

I bent my head with a smile as we walked further. By the time we reached the lake, my eyes widened with admiration. The sun enhanced the mystical blue colour of the water which glistened on the surface as flower petals swayed back and forth.

"This place is magnificent. How did you discover it?" I commented, my eyes not leaving the view in front of me.

"I was exploring for a while before you came."

"Why do I always meet you and not the other way around?"

"Maybe it's because I sleep early," he replied with a shrug.

"Why would you sleep that early? I sleep around 8:30 and my mom considers that late."

"I have football training almost everyday and I need enough rest or else I won't have enough energy to do assignments later on."

That explains it.

"Explains what?" he asked, his lips slightly curled.


"If you say so," he said, his melodic laugh ringing in my ears.

I scratched my forearm, a habit I adapted to control my nervousness. How could a person's laugh cause such havoc in my body as if I was suffering from a withdrawal. The experience is still new and not certain which is the reason why I haven't mentioned it to anyone.

"Are you even real?" I whispered, my gaze focused on my clasped palms.

"I'd like to think I am and I just know you are too. You're not that different from me."

"And how would you know?"

"Something called intuition. Use it sometime."

"Sarcasm, my love language," I sighed with an eye roll.

"Mine too," he winked. "We'll talk sometime later and I will clear all your doubts."

"Why are you so relaxed about the situation?"

"I met you for a reason. A reason you still don't know."

"Seems like you do. Enlighten me."

"I'd rather not. I believe you're smart enough to figure it out."

"Fine then," I said, my eyes growing heavy. "I feel myself waking up. Thanks for the time."

"You're welcome," he smiled and placed a tender kiss on the back of my hand.

end of dream state.

"Another first day of school," my brother sighed as we stood outside of the school building.

"Yeah..." my sister and I sighed.

"Hi," a chirpy voice rang, startling us. A short and slim brown complexioned girl with a dazzling smile stood in front of us.

"Hi," we replied.

"I saw you from afar and realised you are new students and I wanted to greet. Welcome to our school."


"What are your names, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm Sanaa, she's Ama and he is Kai."

"Good to know," she smiled. "I'm Nita."

the inconsistent queen is back 💀
will probably see y'all in a month (or two) 🚶🏽‍♀️


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