De Busariaf

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Valentino has gone through a rough patch his father left his mother when she was pregnant his mother died lea... Mai multe

From Nobody To Somebody

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De Busariaf


Chapter I: A Rocky Start

There was city, the city of good luck and in that city live the Johnsons family, they were very poor and the family had an irresponsible father he goes out as early as 6:00 am and come home as late as 12:00 midnight drunk. The story continues from there.

Knock Knock!!! Who is that? It is me you foolish woman come on open this door, I am sorry, are you alright, I have been knocking for the past 30 minutes I am sorry, shut up. I am hungry. But there is no food. Are you mad? No but. Shut up, you didn't give us money for food. So you are now saying I am poor today you are going to feel my rage. Get out of my house, but I am pregnant. What!!! Yes I confirmed it today and you think I am the father of this child it is better if you leave my house and meet the person who you slept with but, I said get out.

Chapter 2: A new beginning

Eight years later. Mummy I want to go to school, don't worry my child you will go to school someday and mummy I want to learn out to play an instrument which instrument my dear, a saxophone I want to learn a saxophone O.K. it's your birthday right you will get what you want and even more in Jesus name, amen and don't forget all the values I thought you if you believe in God everything is possible, O.K mummy.

Happy birthday my son this year will be a glorious year in Jesus name and go and have you bath, alright mummy.

Ha!!!! Mummy you bought me the saxophone thank you so much, you are welcome but who will teach you, my friend's mum said if I could get an instrument she will take care of it, ok just be careful don't worry.

Good morning ma, good morning and how are you I am very fine ma, so which instrument did you choose a sax wow nice choice so come and meet your teacher alright his name is Mr Emmanuel, so this is you teacher hey there what is your name my name is Valentino we will get along just fine see you later, bye and thank you ma. So which instrument do you want to learn I want to learn the sax, interesting? So let me tech you the basics and then we will get to differentiating notes ok sir. Later that day............

Thank you so much sir I will come tomorrow please do come again I enjoy you company thank you sir have a safe trip back home. Good evening ma good evening my child how was your lesson, it was fine would you like to eat anything yes please I am hungry.

You can sleep now go to your room don't forget to pray before you sleep alright good night mummy, good night my son Lord please every talent my child possess pleased let it be the way to our success.

Chapter 3: Talents Emerging

Good morning mummy, good morning how was your night it was fine alright go and sweep and then have you bath then I will drop you at you music school.

Mummy I am done with all you asked me to do can you drop me off now, sorry dear I am busy can you walk there yourself yes I can ok you can go just be careful bye.

Good morning sir, good morning how was your night it was fine so let us firstly practice all the thing I thought you yesterday and then I will teach the remaining notes ok sir, Later.............

You did great today so go on a break and we will pick up where we left off and before you go I don't know if you like reading books but I have a book for you the title of the book is "Gifted Hands" by Ben Carson, thank you sir.

Sir I the break you gave me is over so let us continue, ok you are so eager to finish this lesson. Later that day

Ok thank you sir for today's lesson you are very welcome bye sir. Good evening mummy good evening how was your day it was fine mummy I am going inside, why is he in a hurry to go inside let me go and check what he is doing, I think this book will be interesting who gave you that book my music teacher gave me the book but you don't know how to read or write mummy that's a lie I can read I have started reading the moment he gave me the book alright continue reading sorry, lord he never went to school and he can read lord thank you.

Good morning mummy I have swept and had my bath is my breakfast ready yes it is can I take it to my class ok but why are you in hurry don't worry just give me my food ok take you can go bye mummy, he is a hurry but why let me check his room what is he writing when and where did he learn how to write lord my child is writing and not just anything he wants to write his own story thank you lord.

Mummy why are our bags out of our house and why is a vacant sign on our house our land lord kicked us out of our house, why mummy I didn't pay rent when it was due mummy where are we going to live I don't now.

They are walking on the road worrying about where they are going to live and suddenly a car comes speeding out of now where and runs over his mother and then drives off leaving the child orphaned and the child starts begging let's see where the story picks up.

Two years passed the young boy is 9 years old and he is begging on the streets and his saviour comes out of nowhere.

Please in need money please help me I have no money or parents please help me, hello little boy why are you begging on the streets, my father left my mum and my mum died in an accident I don't have anybody to help me, don't worry I will help you, sir what do you mean, I am going to adopt you, What!!!!!!!

Chapter 4: A New Family

Valentine come downstairs, I am coming who is that, I found him on the streets begging he newly just got orphaned and I thought I could help him by adopting him, honey can I talk to you privately, what is it why did you bring that boy here please return where you found him I can't do that that would be cruel look we haven't been able to give birth to a child for 8 years now let us adopt a child we would be helping a child alright great so what is your name young boy my name is Valentino Johnson wow when is your birthday, my birthday is on valentine February 14 what do you like doing I like reading, writing books and playing the sax do you have your instrument with you, no I sold to get food well don't worry I will buy you another sax so let me show you your room let's go, wow this room is so big what is that it is a computer do you know how to use it yes I do you are an intelligent boy you will be going to school have you gone to school no I go to the public library to study and that's why I know how to use the computer let me get you some new cloths and you can join us for dinner thank you sir you are welcome. Valentino come downstairs for dinner ok sir I am coming, please don't call sir call me dad or father anyone you prefer ok dad it Val sir who is Val it is you that is your nickname so when I call Val I am referring to you ok, sir what kind of food Is this it is spaghetti with veggies and salad with cream wow I am not used to this meal I am used to baked beans and bread well you will be eating better and healthier so eat up ok sir this is delicious thank you sir. Now you are done eating let me take you to the bathroom will teach you how to use it let us go, so this the toilet it this is the W.C and this is the shower were you will have your bath this is your towel dry yourself and you pyjamas are in the closet and if you don't want to sleep yet you can watch TV or if you fell like writing a book use the computer in two weeks you will admitted in school, thank you sir you are welcome. Valentine I wish I could tell him the truth, don't worry you will tell him in due time.

Two weeks later..... Good morning Val where is he good morning sir you are up early I am going to school on my first day I am excited ok come downstairs and eat your breakfast ok, good morning ma good morning son how are you I am fine ma sir where are you going to I am going to work come on eat your breakfast sir do you have dark chocolate why do you ask I read that dark chocolate is good for you in the morning we have chocolate Valentina get this boy chocolate, honk honk sir what is that, that is your school bus sir what is the name of my school the name of your school is M.D nursery and primary school don't keep the driver waiting and your name is no longer Valentino Johnson you name is now Valentino James ok sir bye sir good bye son.

Chapter 5: Rivalries are made

At school they give the young boy a warm welcome they give him a tour of the school and they take him to his class in primary 4 and he meets his classmates but one of them isn't one of the good students.

Attention class we have a new student how do we great him "You are welcome we hope you have a nice time learning in our great institution" introduce yourself please hello my name is Valentino James I am 9 years of age what are your hobbies I like reading, writing and playing the sax wow ok Valentino please take your seat next to Francis ok ma, hello little boy let me tell you something I am the smartest and no one else can take my place you understand Later that day........ School is over those following the bus go downstairs and if you aren't following the bus stay in class.

Good afternoon ma good afternoon how was your day it was fine where is father he is at work ok I am upstairs doing my homework Later that day....... Valentino I am home good evening sir how was your first day of school it was fine what is behind you well open it and see a sax yes I thought you deserved and one thank you so much save your thank you for this would you like the piano yes sir well then you can bring it in sir what is that the organ or the acoustic piano it uses no electricity every day when you come back a music teacher will teach you thank you sir, you are welcome.

The next day......

Val it is time for your second day of school I am coming down good morning sir good morning Val and please don't call me sir call me father or dad ok dad right then go to school. Good morning miss Adebayo good morning Valentino how was your night it was fine ma please take your seat ok ma, Francis can't you great, I do not need to great you are not worth my time please excuse me Francis go back and greet her it is a sign of respect and also you should apologize to her immediately come on do it I am sorry miss Adebayo I won't do that again no problem go to your seat and Val no problem ma.

Ever since that time Francis didn't talk to Valentino, he didn't make eye contact with him you could say he despised him after that day four weeks later came the day of their test.

Ok everyone tomorrow is the day of your test I hope you have been studying for the test, I don't need to study I now everything already because I am Francis well that doesn't mean you shouldn't study oh please would you shut up Mr know it all and mind your business ok Francis that was rude apologize, I am sorry no problem now that is over you all should go home and have a great day, Valentino or whatever your name is stay out of my before you came I was the best and I will always be so mind yourself and stay out of my lane now go home and do whatever you do, I will do what I always do study and try and be the best and you can stop me from reaching the top in the class have a great day.

The next day.....

Hello everyone I hope you had a peaceful night yes we did ma so today is you test day I wish you all the very best thank you ma.

She handed out the sheets of paper and Francis looked at Valentino with displease as he did the test Val didn't bother at all so the day was over and the test was over the next day came Francis did the same thing again the second day and then the next day the test was over and the results were out as she announced the results Francis as well as everyone was shocked.

You all did the tests very well and firstly I would like to announce the person with the highest score and that person is none other than Valentino with the score of 10/10 in all his tests and the person with the second highest score is 9/10 in most of his subjects and that is Francis clap for both of them.

During the break time....

Hey, you think that because that you got the highest score you think that you can take my place in the class I am the best and I will always be get that, Francis leave him alone he got the highest score live with it we didn't get the highest score and you don'ts us crying, yeah Francis leave him alone fine just keep yourself in check Valentino. Thanks so much for standing up for me guys no problem well my name is Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzy ok Lizzy so who are your friends he is Olamide he is Daniel and he is John so we saw your performance in class and we saw how well you did so we wanted you to come and explain the mistakes we made in the test and if that is successful we would like to make a study group with you wow this is good ok I will help you thanks so much.

So the study group was a success and the five friends made a lot of progress with their studies and Francis is still jealous so they all did well in all there tests and exams and also the promotional exams they all passed the test same as Francis and they all moved to primary 5 the study group was intact and functioning and the end of primary 5 was near so they all had to do their common entrances to enter their desired school only Valentino and Lizzy went to the same school and Francis wanted to go to the same school as Valentino just to prove he was better than him and then the secondary school life begins.

Chapter 6: The Secondary School Life

Good morning dad good morning son dad when will I go to school very soon son but let me tell something I have seen much about life more than you know what do you mean nothing I mean that you should be careful in secondary school you will meet good friends and bad friends don't join any cults and don't take any hard drugs don't make the mistake I made eight years ago dad did you join cult what no I was talking about someone else the point is that you should be careful and the reason I am saying this is because you are going to boarding school and you will be on your own during the period you will be in school I hope you understand go to the car ok dad wow honey he has grown up so fast and he is now in secondary school I hope he doesn't make the same mistake I did eight years ago don't worry you will tell soon enough I just hope he forgives me.

After at least an hour spent in traffic they got to their destination and he looked around as he admired the school his father reminded him to be careful and when he had left he saw Lizzy so they chatted a bit and said that the study group would continue with both of them and Lizzy was in boarding school making it easy to study together and just then the saw Francis and he then told them he came here purposely to show Valentino that he was better than him and he was also in boarding school and then they called all the boarder a tour of the school and showed them to their hostels and unfortunately Francis and Valentino where in the same room and they shared a bunk they both slept as they prepare their minds for what they in for and then the next morning........

Good morning Francis I said good morning hey I am not deaf and I didn't ask you to greet me ok just mind your business I came here for the sole purpose to show you that I am better than you, Francis why do you hate me I just read and do my work and nothing else and you can do the same thing just keep your mouth shut I don't need your advice ok just mind your business.

Good morning Lizzy good morning too you to how do I look in the new uniform, perfect thanks and you don't look so bad yourself thanks how about Francis did he do anything you know what I want nothing to do with him I just want to mind my own business alright lets go to class.

Good morning ma good morning students I am the principal of this institution and I want to welcome you to you first term in this school I promise that you will enjoy your stay here please stay focused and study so as to make your parents proud ok ma here are your timetables you will have different periods and different teachers will be taking those subjects ok ma I will let you meet you first teacher. Good morning sir hey you get up what is your name who me yes me I am Francis the son of the rich and wealth owner of 10 businesses well ok Francis can't you greet, I don't need to greet you ok so can I sit now Francis that is not how to talk you teacher you did the same thing in primary school apologize hey Val mind your business and sit down Valentino is right apologize fine I am sorry I won't do it again no problem. So today I will be teaching you Mathematics so my name is Mr Adetola we are going to write your scheme of work and tomorrow we are going start the first topic.

So Valentino met his other teachers after four periods it was break he and Lizzy ate their lunch when there were going to the library then Francis cause some trouble in the hallways.

Hurry Val break will soon be over alright I'm coming, Hmpf Val what happened ha-ha look how foolish he looks Francis what is your problem you put your leg in way intentionally to make him fall down how could you Lizzy leave him alone since he has nothing better to do with his time just leave him alone ha-ha-ha-ha Valentino got you Francis, you will pay for this humiliation.

The next day..........

Good morning Lizzy good morning to you too Val how was your night it was fine let's see if we can read a little before classes start ok, Good morning Valentino and good morning to you too Francis, what do you want I just want you to meet my elder brother Alexander so how is that my business well my brother said he wants to talk to you, aren't you the one that humiliated my brother yesterday you must think so highly of yourself well let me break it to you, you are just some useless fool who knows nothing and talks rubbish out of his mouth, well I wish you could have said that louder because I don't think the principal heard you clearly wait what do you mean look behind you, ha good morning ma don't greet me you where insult that young boy apologize now, I am sorry for insulting you no problem now that's settled class has started.

After a few weeks Valentino and Lizzy made reputation for themselves with all the teacher especially with the Mathematics teacher as well as Francis he made a reputation as the rude student and now is maths period for their class.

Good morning class, good morning Mr Adetola so today we will be having an impromptu test you have spent five weeks in this school and I hope you have had an exceptional learning experience so now I want to test your knowledge and this test will be used in you 2nd CA test so know please put your maths notes in your bag and if you are caught cheating there will be catastrophic consequences now tear a sheet of paper and write this questions down.

Valentino and Lizzy where ready for this test in fact if someone were to give them an exam right now they would pass it but Francis on the other hand was sweat like an x-mas goat he was not ready for the test then he decided to cheat and then he is caught now.

Hey you what are you doing with that book no-no-no-nothing sir do you think I am blind I saw you bringing out your book no sir that's a lie, so now I am a liar no sir that is not what I met shut up and follow me to the principal's office please sir I am sorry obey before complain follow me and the rest of you do you work I am leaving Valentino in charge anybody who makes noise note down their names ok.

The next day on the assembly ground.........

Good morning student's good morning principal so today we will shall be punishing a scape goat amongst us and his name if Francis please come out on the count of five don't worry he is outside so do you know what he did he cheated in class and he will be punished he will be flogged 10 strokes of the cane not only that he will pick up the whole school for only today and he is going to kneel down throughout all his classes for two week, ha ma please I am sorry I won't do it again sorry shut up, please hand me the cane

P-p-please ma I won't do it again, whoosh ha my buttocks one, time for the next one, swoosh two ehhhhh bum-bum, whoosh three ha-a-a-a I promise I won't do it again. After the tenth stroke......

Good next time you will think twice before cheating again now during your break make sure you pick the basketball court where everyone will see you, you are all dismissed go to your classes' ok ma.

Ha my butt, ha-ha-ha there's the cheater how is you butt I hope it is fine ha-ha-ha-ha.

During break Francis picked the whole school and the basketball court where everyone could see him now.

Hey there is he is the cheater who is now a cleaner ha-ha-ha, he can't even clean properly

Just clean it very after we have drop our own trash on the floor ha-ha-ha-ha-ha


Chapter 7: Francis Joins a Cult

After the cheating incident Francis vowed to get revenge on those who made a fool out of him especially Valentino because if Francis wasn't around he would not tried to prove he was smarter than him. One year passed in that school and they were all in Jss3 and they needed to do their promotional exams to Ss1 Valentino and Lizzy were ready while Francis kicked back waiting for the examination on that day he bribed a teacher and the teacher accepted the bribe and after the exams both Valentino and Lizzy's reached the pass mark for science class and Francis didn't need to study because his bribe was going to get him the mark he needed the results were posted and Valentino and Lizzy passed with flying colours and Francis passed as well by the means of examination Malpractice and in that hall where Francis was when Francis decided his future.

Hey look there he is can you believe he got a high mark I don't believe it he must have cheated like he did in Jss1 if you must know I didn't cheat you are a liar a leopard can never change its spot, once a cheater always a cheater shut up or else I will beat you to stupor oh please try it, aaah Francis let go him he was insulting me telling I can't do anything let's see if he can talk when he is dead please don't do this Francis, hey you stop that how dare you try to injure someone in my school you are suspended for two weeks now leave my sight and can someone call the school nurse.

Just before Francis left the school a group of boys meet and they wanted to talk to him.........

Hey you what do you want, or do you want join the boy in the sick bail calm down your name is Francis right well my name is claw, what kind of name is that, that's the name we give people in our group and this is scar, bulldozer, blade and bolt and I am the leader of this group, what kind of group? A cult group called the 'THE CABER TOOTHS' and we saw what happened today and we see potential in you those students made mockery of you and in our group we protect our members we don't want you to made a laughing stock so join us when you have made up your mind we are ready anytime, wait I accept you offer those idiots think that the can make a laughing stock out of me they shall pay.

Chapter 8: Francis life as a cultist

Welcome to the 'THE CABER TOOTHS' after you drop offering to the leader of the group, scar you will be a member of the our group if you are talking about money that's not a problem give me your account number I will send it to you, yes I've gotten it so now Fracture that will be your new name from now on, here is your gun so what we do here is that we protect our members we will oppress student and we will be stealing from rich people in the district so we will get money to fund our group got it, yes scar, great so now let's get to work.

Two weeks later.........

Lizzy its two weeks shouldn't Francis have come back to school, look Val I am going to tell you this that boy is turning from a cheater to a thug, let me give you a piece of advice you should stay away from him that boy is bad news, look Lizzy he has just gone astray he should be given a chance to I pity you I just pray you are not a victim of circumstance.

Later that day......

Francis is that you, yes so what I want to talk to you, see Francis I think it's time you put this childishness aside it will be better for the both of us if we make peace with each other, are you alright you are telling me I should and should not do how is that your business I will beat you up if you don't leave my way, Francis it doesn't have to be this way, ehhhhh Francis why did you slap me I told you to mind your business now you are going to pay the price.

And then Francis remove his belt and started beating Valentino mercilessly, he was hitting his head against the wall then all the teachers came out of their offices to see what happened to find out that is was Francis and all the students joined the crowd and Lizzy was in the crowd the moment she saw it was Valentino that was been beating she ran to stop Francis now.

Ahhh!!!! Francis leave Valentino alone I warned him to keep his mouth shut and he didn't listen now he is going to die by my hand I said leave him alone, you dare to push m now you are going to pay, hey you stop that we just suspended you two weeks ago and now your first day back in school you want to attempt what you were punished for, tell someone to get the bus driver to get the bus ready.

After few minutes they got Valentino to the hospital and luckily he survived, the school gave his parents a call and they came immediately to see him and both Valentino and Francis parents went to the principal's office and commotion grew in the principal's office.

This is carelessness of the highest order how could you have let that rouge beat up my son to the extent that he is in a hospital bed and under your watch, how dare you call my son a rouge it is your son who started the fight my lovely son was on his way to class and you son started to insulted my son, point of correction based on what my son said he told me that he was advising him to change his ways and your rascal of a son started beating my son it is still your son's fault he should have left my son alone, please-please let's act like civilized people you dare tell me to calm down instead of apologizing you tell me to calm down you know what never mind I am withdrawing my son out of this jungle of a school right this instant, but sir I is hard to admit you son to another school at this stage that he is, how is that your business I will do what I please have a good day.

At the hospital........

Good afternoon Valentino, good afternoon daddy, how are you felling Valentino I'm fine thank you, Valentino we are changing your school, what!! But why, look Valentino that school isn't safe for you and you know I care so much about you that's why I am taking this step for your safety but daddy, enough Valentino that is my decision and that is final.

Few months after the incident......

Good morning Valentino, good morning dad, so are you ready for first day at your new school, yes look Val I know changing your school was a very big decision but I had to do it to ensure your safety now get your bag ready for your first day in your new school.

After the separation of the two friends Valentino and Elizabeth they were both heart broken and only time will tell if their paths will cross. Meanwhile at "The Caber Tooth's" hide out.........

Welcome to our hideout Francis and we are honoured to have you here today, we are going to make you a bonified member of our group firstly you have dropped your offering so now you are going to bathed in animal blood and then you will be a member of this group, O.K scar.

Francis was bathed in animal blood and they gave him the name "Fracture" as his nick name and they also gave him his gun and then gave him the details of the next robbery which was in two days at 11:00pm.

Two days later.........

So Francis oh sorry I mean Fracture are you ready for your first robbery, I was born ready scar, O.K let's go in. Knock Knock, WH-who is there open this door right this instant or else we will shoot, please don't shoot we will open the door. Everybody lie down on the floor now, please don't hurt any one of my family members, don't speak until when spoken to or else I will pull this trigger so now to the order of the night Fracture take this man to his room and tell him to open his safe, but I don't have a safe, hey don't play smart with me we have Intel that you have more that 10 million dollars in this house so open that safe or I will shoot

Ok Ok I will open the safe but please don't shoot, here is the is money that was kept in the safe, wow you did a good job Fracture so now that we have the money let us leave. Wow Fracture you did well today on you first robbery now with this money we will be able to fund our cult group so now let's return back to our hostels before anybody notices us, Ok scar.

The next day.........

I called this emergency meeting to tell you all that our account has been hacked and all the money is gone and that all our weapons have been stolen, what!! But how is that possible, yeah we always keep our weapons in the safe so who could our weapons have been stolen, I don't know but all I know is that we need money to buy weapons and to fund the group, I know what to do, Fracture what are you going to do, just leave that to me.

Francis had an idea in his head and the idea was to sell his father's property to get money for his group because he was the heir to his father's property a few days later his father got the report that his accounts were empty and all his properties were gone and he realized it was sold by in only son Francis and then he called his son to have a word with him.

Good afternoon daddy, shut up don't you dare greet me do you know what you have done to me you have sold all my properties making me homeless the new owner of this house will come and kick me out of my own house why did you do this to me, I did it to fund my cult group, WHAT!!!!!!!, yes daddy I am a member of a cult group and all our money and weapons were stolen and we needed money to fund our group or else we would have had to suspend all activities, shut up you wretched boy why did you sell my properties why are you in a cult group in the first place, look dad I was made a laughing stock in school and I couldn't let them laugh at me forever so I joined a cult group so no one would laugh at me, that was still no reason to join a cult group you know what just get out and I don't want to see you in my house again, don't worry dad I will soon come back and I will make you proud of me once again.

At the "The Caber Tooth's" hideout.........

Promise made, promise delivered I was able to get more than enough money to by us weapons and to fund our group, well done Fracture you were able to get this much money for this great deed you are now my second in command so you can make any order and the rest of the members of the group will follow so now we can begin to plan our next robbery.

After the second robbery it was there exams so they had to delay the next robbery, after the exams they began to plan their next robbery and that was also successful but on their fourth robbery with Francis there was a sudden twist of fate.

So Francis are you ready for you fourth robbery with the "The Caber Tooth's", of course I am, alright let's go in.

Knock, Knock open the door this instant, who is there, if you don't open this door you will all die on the spot, ah please don't kill us we are begging you we will open the door, everybody don't move or we will shoot hey you go upstairs and bring out the money that you got by defrauding someone, what are you talking about I would never steal someone else's money, if you lie I will shoot you dead, Ok Ok I will bring the money. Great we've got the money now let us go, scar did you here that, that is a police siren, what!!!! Then what are we waiting for let us escape before they catch us. Boss I think those are robbers, where did you see them, over there, what are you waiting for a formal invitation take the rest of the men and catch those robbers.

They eventually caught all the members of the cult group except Francis he was smart enough to hide just before the police spotted him so he walked away Scott free who knows what the future holds for Francis.

Chapter 9: Paths Collide

Several years later.........

After the separation of two friends Valentino and Lizzy life moved on for them both, Valentino is now the owner of a multi-millionaire business and he is looking for a capable C.E.O to help him set up his business and during that interview he receives a shocking surprise.

I welcome you all to today's interview as you may or may not know this position need to be filled immediately so after the interview I will be picking the right person for the job my personal assistant will be escorting you to my office for each of you interview, so I wish you all the best, the first person should please come and the next person should get ready. Good morning sir, good morning to you to please have your seat ma'am, thank you sir, so please what is your name, my name is Elizabeth Ade-Williams, Lizzy is that you, excuse me I don't understand do you know me, Lizzy it's me Valentino, Valentino is that really you, yes it me it has been long since I have seen you, well it's your fault why didn't you tell me that you were leaving we could have kept in touch, I am sorry my dad didn't let me step foot in the school after the incident but it's nice to see you again, well we will catch up later so now we have an interview to finish Ok why not.

After the surprise that Valentino he was filled with joy to see his childhood friend, after the interview with all the applicants he finally has his new C.E.O.

I thank you all for accepting invitation to this interview but only one person stood out amongst the others and their name is Elizabeth Ade-Williams I thank you all again please have a good day.

Later that day.........

Thanks for coming I hope it was no stress, no it wasn't Valentino, so after I left school what happened, nothing much except that Francis is a drop out and has joined a cult group, wow he went that far and told him but he won't listen, Val let's leave Francis and his life alone so how has life treated, as you can see life as treated me well, so let us order excuse me waiter............

Chapter 10: Francis time is up

Several years later after Francis escaped punishment he is now a hired assassin for Otunba and has disconnected from friends and family he is now on his own, working as an assassin let's see the end of the path he took.

Call me Francis this instant. Good day Otunba how can I be of help to you today, as you know it is very close to the next election and my opponent is my a thorn in my side and I want to win this election at any cost and that's where you come in in need you to infiltrate his house and find out his plan and bring it to me so we can use his plan to win and if his plan doesn't work for me then the next option is to kidnap his family and use that to threaten him to step out of the race do you understand Francis, yes sir I will give you, your supplies to infiltrate his out you are dismissed, Ok sir.

Later that night.........

Francis it's time go inside his house and make sure you are not caught, Ok sir. I am in I need to find his plan fast or Otunba will literally try to kill me, aaah there it is I have it now so I think it's time I leave before I am caught.

At Otunba's house.........

Sir here is the plan like you asked, yes I have his plan good job Francis here is your money, and thank you sir have a great night.

Few days later.........

Francis the plan failed he came up with a better plan to make him win the election you know what to do, yes sir.

The day before the election Francis did as his boss told him to do and that backfired badly.

Hello sir, as you may or may not know your family has been kidnapped and the only way to save them is to step out of the race or you will never see your family again and don't play smart by calling the police or your family will die.

Few hours later...........

Knock Knock, who is there, you are surrounded come out with your hand up or we will break this door down, I will never surrender, then you leave us no choice guys we are going to break the door down, are you ready one, two, three!!!!! Freeze you have the right to remain silent because anything you say can and will be used against you.

Francis was eventually caught with his boss and they were both taken to court all the evident was against them on the final day of the herring they both were sentenced to 30 years imprisonment with hard labour and Otunba's opponent won the election by default, 30 years that's a long time who knows how Francis will get his life back together.

Chapter 11: Francis accepts Valentino

30 years later, Lizzy and Valentino are married with three adorable children and Francis is out of prison and desperately needs a job and with his certification he could only get a job as a security man and at Valentino's company how will this turn out when they both bump into each other.

Honk, Honk please open the gate, yes sir I am coming, thank you and don't forget to close the gate properly, wait Francis is that you, Valentino is that really you, Francis what are you doing as a security man, I was sent to prison for thirty years and needed a job and because I dropped out without a senior school certificate this is the only job I could get, look Francis we have never been in good terms before but I am going to help you to continue your education so you can find a job and fend for yourself, Valentino I don't know what to say I have been rude and disrespectful towards you and you helped me I will be in debt to you forever, it is no problem Francis.

Chapter 12: The truth is revealed

Valentino's father called for him to come to his house to tell him something important who know what is it he wants to tell him..........

Valentino I think it is time to tell you the truth, the truth about what, that I am your real father Valentino, wait what do you mean, your mother was pregnant when I told her to leave the house after that on one of the occasions that I was drunk i slumped and I was taken to the hospital by a pastor, the doctor told me that because of my excess alcohol I only had 14 days to live, then the pastor preached to me and the pastor then preached to me to give my life to Christ and I did so and after the pastor prayed for and I asked for forgiveness after the 14 day I was still breathing and the doctors checked me once again and said I was fine but I would never be able to have a child again I knew that was my punishment and I was meant to find the son I abandoned, when I saw I felt a connection took you to the hospital and the doctors said you were weak and needed blood so they said only the father or mother could donate because they didn't have you blood group something told me to donate blood and the doctor said that the blood was compatible and took the opportunity to take a paternity test and found out you were long lost son, Valentino can you ever forgive me, yes dad I can, I am so sorry Valentino, it's Ok.

The End

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