Chp. 1

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Inside the castle, on the bottom part of the 2nd floor.

Having begun to run ahead to assist Luffy, Jinbei, and Sanji. Cutting enemies down with not only her two katanas but with her Devil Fruit powers, the Biri Biri No Mi or the Electric Electric Fruit.

Only one thing was on her mind were, Sanji.

Ever since everything that happened with Whole Cake Island and with his family. Even after finding each other again in Wano and being honest with one another about their affections. They even started to be more open in showing their love for one another; Although Lauren still had to look at Sanji flirting with other women, though she had a way to make him remember that he should only look at her in that way and no other.

I hope they are okay and made their way to Kaido because of knowing Luffy and Sanji. They've to get side-tracked by anything they like; Hell, I know that vaguely; I know that I heard Big Mom's voice running through the halls and the walls; Hold it! if she's here, she wouldn't; hold back in hurting anyone of us?!

She thought, noticing a few enemies coming towards her. Grinning her teeth and pulling one of her katanas out from its scabbard, screaming at the enemies in front of her "MOVE ASIDE!! YOU LOW FISH FOOD!!!" cutting into them sending sparks of electricity all around her, as they fell one by one. She was sick of seeing this many lackeys of Kaido's, just why did he just HAVE to have so MANY lackeys. She then stared intensely forward, focus on the direction where Luffy, Jinbei, and Sanji were going.

Thank goodness he's still with Luffy... she sighs I gotta stop being such a worry wort, he's gonna be fine trust in him, trust in Luffy.

So many stairs, it certainly is an old eastern castle as dad once told me about.

Further up on the 2nd floor. Luffy, Sanji, and Jinbei were barging their way through every Lackey there was in that hall-way. They were shouting to each other to blank out the shouts and grunts from the lackeys that they were punching and kicking around.

"Hurry!! Faster!!"

"What floor are we on now!!"

"If we go up those stairs, we'll be on floor three!!"

Then Jinbei turned, looking back while shouting to Luffy. "The roof is above the fifth floor!!" something that made Luffy happy to hear and it filled him with more determination as shouted as well in hopes that his friends were okay up on the roof.

"All right!! It won't be much longer, Kin'emon!!" Luffy shouted.

Faintly among all of that chaos, Sanji could faintly something or someone?

"Hm!? Hey! Did you guys just hear that!?" he asked as he shouted to them. Luffy turning a bit shouting back "What!?", "What is it?". As Sanji closes his eyes, trying to single out the voice he heard, hearing a faint "Kyaaahhhh..." followed up with "Come here my dear", "No you can't~" to which horrified Sanji, a lady?! In danger?! In which he just ran off at a quick pace, splitting up from Luffy and Jinbei. Although those two didn't notice it at all...

Not even a few minutes after Sanji split from the group came Lauren up to them, from well... behind them having used her Devil Fruit power to catch up to them. Asking...

"Where is Sanji? Wasn't he suppose to be with you two?"

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