"Fine what is it?" The shaman replied and if his face wasn't covered, you could probably catch him rolling his eyes.

"Can you help my bro? He's kinda dying..."

Chad pointed a shaky finger at West who was still face down on the ground. He chose that moment to let out another groan of pain and shifted in his spot ever so slightly.

"Disgusting, he's getting blood on my floor. Do you know how hard it is to get blood out of dirt?"

"Dude he’s dying!" Chad said, disgusted by the lack of concern from the shaman.

"I don't care, do you know how bad this is for business?!" 

"Your business is literally healing people! Help him!" Chad shouted exasperatedly, gesturing wildly.

"No, get him off my floor before I even consider helping you!"

The shaman stomped his foot in a childish manor. Chad huffed and grabbed West under the armpits.

"Can I lay him on the cot over there?"

"Absolutely not! That's my bed, lay him on that pile of used needles," the shaman instructed, pointing to a concerning pile of rusted and clearly used needles.

"What? No! How and where did you even get those!" Chad shrieked, somewhat gently dropping West back down.

"Where do you get anything? Move on."

"You know what?" Chad pulled up his sleeves. "That's enough out of you, you prick! You and me, I win and you help my bro."

"Fine by me," the shaman agreed.

That said, Chad charged straight at the shaman. He rammed his shoulder into the shaman's stomach, pushing him backwards into the wall and knocking the wind out of him. He started rapidly pounding his fist into the shaman's side, landing blow After blow until the shaman was able to wiggle out of his grasp.

Chad ended up punching the wall before the witch doctor kicked his legs out from under him, smacking his head against the wall and scraping it on the sturdy branches that made it up. The boy hissed, trying not to grab his stinging forehead as the Shaman quickly grabbed his witch doctor's stick.

Chad got to his hands and knees, just about to stand up when the shaman slammed his witch doctor's stick into Chad's back. The boy let out a mix between a whimper and a shout and collapsed back to the ground. Chad swung his leg, trying to trip the shaman and managed only to kick him in the ankle. The shaman grunted but was more or less unphased as he lifted his stick again to crack it over Chad's head.

Chad swiftly turned around before the shaman could swing and his eyes went wide at the terrifying sight of the shaman standing above him holding a bat-like object. Chad used all his strength to kick the shaman to the ground and his mask hit full force into Chad's stomach, pushing all the air out of his lungs. He tried to roll over so he was on top of the shaman but with his accumulating injuries, he didn't have the strength. It took no longer than three seconds for the shaman to collect himself and start throwing punches at the boy, forgetting about his previous weapon. Chad did his best to avoid the punches being aimed at his face, only getting hit a few times and eventually overpowered the shaman, gaining the upper hand.

Rolling himself and the shaman over, Chad started trying to hit the shaman while doing his best to avoid the stone mask. He hit the shaman a few times before getting rolled over again. The two continued to roll around on the ground until Chad, with his little fighting experience, ran out of energy. Eventually the shaman realized Chad was no longer fighting back and stopped mid punch.

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