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A / N: Hello !!!! This is the very first chapter of my book! I'm very exited, so if you see this please enjoy and tell me any suggestions on how I can improve my writing, or if you have a request for a chapter feel free to tell me and I'll try my best to make it happen.  

So, just so you know this is one of those situations I imagine the characters in, I'll try to make it comical but I can't promise anything. 

Enjoy !!!! 💜💜💜


Frankenstein was in an important meeting with all the other teachers regarding the recent renovations the school had gone through. They were discussing some new functions the building had installed, like for example the whole bunch of cameras that were installed by Tao. When suddenly emergency alarm went of buzzing in his phone, he looked at it, looked at what it was, send a quick message to special security and continued the meeting like nothing ever happen even though there was the possibility that the city was under attack.

Takio, Tao, and M-21 looked at each other and then started to secure the perimeter while Rael and Kairas went further in the city to make sure there was no reckoning happening there. After extensive searching and having found nothing out of the ordinary the special security continued their job. 

They were all uneasy with the feeling that something was probably happening to the city, but what else can they do after searching and not finding anything. They even had Tao hack into all of the police departments in the city and into the KSA to make sure there was no trouble out of the ordinary and after even checking all the security cameras in all the possible places the Union or some other enemy might attack they didn't find anything. So all they could do was continue their job and keep alert in case something did pop up.

Tao: I still can't figure out why the boss didn't tell us the situation and only told us to investigate the area.

Takio: He has his reasons and even if he didn't, would you go against his orders?

M-21: Knowing how Frankenstein is, that would probably be the last thing you do. 

Rael: (Coming out of nowhere) So, y'all don't know either?

Gejutel: (Also coming out of nowhere) What are you all talking about? I'm sure Frankenstein doesn't pay you to stand around and chat.

Karias: (who came from inside the building after thinking they were having some sort of meeting) Yeah, what are y'all talking about?

Tao: (ignoring Gejutel) we were talking about the alarm from earlier, and what might of caused it.

Geutel: Oh, you mean the alarm directed specifically to you guys that made you run around the city like crazy?

M-21: Yes ???

Gejutel: I send it.

Rael: Why?! What was the emergency?!

Geutel: Nothing I just wanted to see you all doing something other that just standing around, chatting, or giving gifts to underage female students.

M-21, Tao, Takio, Rael, Karias: (poker face)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The day continued like normal until it was time to go home. As always the trio stayed behind a little longer to make sure all the kids went home and there was no trouble with surrounding schools. 

???: Back off!

They heard someone scream in the distance. 

???: We already told you we don't have any money!

Tao: yish, all the trouble was saved for the ending.

Said Tao as they were arriving to their destination noticing that it was Shinwoo, Yuna, Ikhan, Suyi, Regis, Seira, and Rai who were surrounded by kids from another school.

M-21: Whatever the problem is, we would really appreciate it if you didn't hurt our students. 

Random student 1: Who are you to tell us what to do, old man?

Tao: We are R ... no sorry, wrong group. We are Ye Ran special security, and those students there, seem to be from Ye Ran.

Random student 2: (Looking at the group of friends) You have female Idol Suyi Im, three of you are so attractive I can bet all the money I was trying to take from you that they are models, your school has a special security and yet you claim to have no money?

Ikhan: We left our wallets at home ??? haha (nervously scratches head)

Takio: The point here is please don't bother our students.

Random student 1: How much do they pay you? (He asked while plotting to take their money as well since they were outnumbered by a lot)

Tao: As soon as I receive my salary it's gone so I wouldn't be able to tell you correctly. 

Random student 3: Listen y'all are outnumbered by a lot so to make this easier for us why don't y'all just give us all your money, and valuables.

Tao: Like I said, as soon as I receive my paycheck it's gone so I don't have any money with me, and also our job is protect Ye Ran's students not get intimated by other students. 

Since the other students were starting to get tired from the situation they just tried to take Suyi's bag but as soon as they laid a hand on her they felt the raft of Shinwoo's fist. And that was what set off the bomb causing other students to start attacking and forcing the trio to get involved physically, but since they didn't feel like hurting weak little children they just shoved them aside. 

After a long time of shoving students the trio grabbed the children and left running, however those other kids were following pretty close behind so they decided to jump over a wall. although the children were amazed by this action decided to not question anything and just keep. They finally got to a small convenience store and decided to buy some food from there and then went home to sleep, well Shinwoo and Ikhan stayed up all night playing videogames. 


A / N: I know, it's as **** and ending, but I didn't know what else to write as the ending so please inspire me. Anyways like mentioned before please let me know if you have any suggestions for a chapter or on how I can improve my writing.

I hope you enjoyed the episode💜💜💜

Thank you and until next time !!!!

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