'21' Hey, Mr. President...{Part Two}

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“I don't know, what happens if I pass out. Or what if I throw up when I'm supposed to say “I do”, oh god I can't go out there.” He just shakes his head and nods for Jamie to start out the door.

“You'll be fine and if you pass out I'm sure your dad can carry you down the aisle. I doubt Dominic would mind if you threw up on his shoes, though, he didn't seem to particularly like them earlier.” Yea, that's good to know.

“Honey, you look beautiful, everything will be fine. You just need to remember to breathe.” Breathing's not so hard, is it? Breathe in and out, in and out, I just need to remember to do that and I'll be fine. Oh god, what if I forget what to say? What am I supposed to say? Two words, its two words, that's not so hard, so why can't I remember what two words I'm supposed to say? Someone help me!

The music started playing and my heart stopped. How can I breathe if my heart's decided it doesn't want to watch this mess? Oh god, I'm going to pass out. As soon as we walk out the doors, all eyes are on me and I feel like throwing up, but my dad refuses to release my arm to allow me to run to the bathroom. When my eyes land on Dominic I giggle at the look on his face. Guess I'm not the only one that's nervous. He's tugging at the collar of his shirt, swallowing nervously every time I take a step, always staring straight into my eyes and my insides turn to goo.

When we finally reach the alter it takes my dad a minute to actually let go of my arm and after giving Dominic one last glare he takes his seat, tears in his eyes. Why does everyone always cry at weddings? I thought they were supposed to be happy days, not sad ones. Once the preacher starts talking I'm lost in Dominic's eyes, not realizing that it'd come time to say “I do” until everyone starts chuckling when the preacher pats my arm. Swallowing the lump in my throat I say the two little words, nearly fainting when Dominic speaks. How do you go from being so nervous once to being so happy you want to jump up and down in excitement?

People start cheering but I'm lost in how amazing Dominic's mouth feels against mine, how the sparks shoot up my spine making me shiver. Never once I had ever seen myself marrying anyone, not even Zane, and here I am marrying the son of the woman that murdered my biological father. How screwed up does that sound?


“Miss are you sure about this?” Of course she was sure, it was his last wish after all. Who was she to deny the one thing her son had ever asked of her?

“Yes, it was what he wanted.” No matter how much she disagreed with his decision she'd go along with it, until she could no longer bear to keep the secret. How long could she lie to her granddaughter about his fate? How long could she keep up the charade her son had asked of her? How long before her granddaughter learned the truth and never spoke to her again?

“And Mrs. Parker? You would like her moved as well?” She nodded at the nurse, sighing in relief once the other woman left the room. Good lord, she couldn't do this much longer. Sooner or later people would find out the truth, sooner or later everyone would need to know.

“You can't keep us apart forever, you do realize that. We're meant to be together forever, nothing you can do will ever change that.” She nodded in acknowledgement of Kathryn's words, having no intention of ever allowing the woman anywhere near her son again. Knowing there was no way she could be certain that she could keep the woman away.

“You will leave Katalina and Dominic alone, Kathryn. I won't allow you to get away with harming either of them again, do you understand me?” The other woman's eyes narrowed from where she was restrained in a bed.

“Dominic is my son, you can't keep me from seeing him.” She nodded, moving towards the bed slowly, the anger burning bright in her veins.

“I've paid for you hospital stay and for your stay in the rehab center, you owe me Kathryn. Besides, from what I've heard Dominic never wanted anything to do with you anyway and now that he's married to my granddaughter you will stay the hell away from them.”

“What about Richard? Shouldn't his precious little girl know he's still alive?” She should, but never the less it wasn't her choice. If her son chose to keep Katalina from knowing that he lives, she was going to go along with his choice.

“He doesn't want her to know, as long as the world thinks he's dead Katalina will inherit his entire estate. He wants her to have the best in life and if he thinks this is the only way she will then I guess I don't really have a say, do I?”

“I knew that little bitch was only after his money.” Her hand connected with the side of Kathryn's face, the loud 'crack' echoing throughout the dead silent room.

“Call my granddaughter a bitch again and I just might have to kill you myself. Look here, if you ever try to contact either of them again I'll have you thrown in prison so fast your head will spin. Honey, you tried to kill my son and ruin my grand baby's life, you're lucky I'm letting you leave now. But the next time I see you I won't be so forgiving and trust me you do not want that to happen.”

Turning her back on the other woman she walked back to her son's side, frowning down at his peaceful expression. He looked like a little boy again, so carefree, no worries at all and it only reminded her of how much heartache he'd suffered. Even if she couldn't understand his choices she would go along with them until he was able to speak to his daughter himself. “Oh Richard, hon, I just hope you know what you're doing to that poor girl.” She prayed for his sake that her granddaughter forgave him for letting her believe he was dead. Because she didn't know what would happen when he woke up, if he ever woke up.

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Now, the way its ended there can be a sequel. If you guys want a sequel there'll be one, but I can't promise when I'll have it up.

Hey, Mr. President Series (Book One & Book Two) (On Hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ