Phoebe:"Smiling".This is terrible what are you going to do?

Joey:"Smiling".I don't know.This little old lady lives for my career.When they dumped me off of Days of Our Lives she almost died.

Phoebe:"Not smiling".That's not good.

Joey:"Smiling".No smile!.Not that face smile!.Everybody smile!.

We all smile.

Elizabeth:"Smiling".Joey why don't you just tell her what happened?.It's not your fault.

Chandler:"Smiling".If we keep talking this way aren't we gonna freak her out soon?.

Grandma T:"Speaks Italian".

Joey:Soon,Soon I'm gonna be on soon. There I am!."Points to the screen".

Grandma T:"Pointing at screen". No!.Sam Waterston!.

Joey;No,no,no,that,that's me,that's me.

Grandma T:No it's Sam Waterston!.Crimes and Misdemeanors,Capricorn One.

Chandler:Doesn't know Hello.But she knows Capricorn One.

   Phoebe gets up and Monica follows her...Soon Monica and Dakery are talking on the couch.

Dakery:So uh Monica do you,do you like the Law & Order?.

Monica:Yeah it's good.

Dakery:See I'm finding out all this stuff about you today like you like the Law & Order and that you flirted with every guy in the Tri-State area!.


   Joey and his grandmother shush them and wave them away which they do.

Monica:Okay let me get this straight it's okay for you to flirt but not for me.

Dakery:Oh I'm so glad we cleared that up. Look I'm sorry some things are different for men and for women.

Monica:Go on teach me something about men and women.

Dakery:Okay I've already taught you so much already, but whatever.See when you flirt with a guy you think I'm just flirting no big deal.But the guy is thinking Finally!. Somebody who wants to sleep with me!.

Monica:No way!.

Dakery:It's true.

Monica:Well that's pathetic!.

Dakery:Again true.

Elizabeth:And this goes for all guys?.

Chandler:All guys that are awake.Then we go to sleep and then all the guys from the other end of the world wake up and behave the exact same way.

Joey:"To Ross in the kitchen".All right it's another commercial.I still haven't told her.

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