The lioness approached beside Nirmala; a scowl plastered on her face as she glared daggers at the serval. Her appearance was one that Kama had not seen before, but it had not taken long for her to figure who this lioness could be.

"'Queen' Rani, I presume." Her voice mocking her title as if it meant dirt to her.

The two glared each other down, seizing up the other as they took a defensive position, "What did you do to Nirmala?" Rani spoke with rage in her voice, a growl could be heard rumbling as she bared her sharp teeth.

Kama gave no concern to her threat, there was no way that she could known who she was prior to today either which meant that there was still someone else here in the Prideland she had to find and finish them for good.

"I simply gave her a choice," brushing her paw against her chest as if she had better things then to waist it spending with these two, "and it just so happened that she chose the wrong answer."

Anger was not the best to describe what Rani felt towards Kama, enraged, furious, or was it a deep loathing for the serval? It was something she couldn't put a word to what she was feeling, but it was the same either way. She absolutely could never forgive this monster even if it begged for forgiveness.

Kama must have known what she was feeling, for her excitement grew at the hatred that was burning strong in the lioness' eyes. A sinister chuckle broke from Kama's mouth as she tried to form words.

"It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it?" the question broke the rage that Rani had felt and was quickly washed with confusion to what she meant. "That desire to kill, to mull and destroy anything that gets in your way." She slowly started to circle around Rani and Nirmala like a vulture about to feast. "That is your primal instinct, the thing that gives us a reason to live."

Rani quickly tried to ignore the words that Kama spoke, keeping a strong stance from the now talkative serval. "This is the curse of the Circle of Life," Rani grew questionable by this as Kama gave an answer to what she meant, "dulling our instinct with the false ideology that all creatures are equal. In the end, the strong shall lead, and the weak. Shall. FALL!"

At the end, Kama made a leap towards Rani who quickly shot a claw to shoo her away at paw's length.

Kama could not help but let out a chuckle at the lioness' attempt to hold her back, it was child's play to kill her, but something was tugging at her to draw this fight out. Was it another primal instinct to torture their prey? Whatever may it be, whether it was primal or native instinct that was guiding her at this point, she was ready to accept it for all its' glory.

Rani kept a close watch on Kama; though she would want to do nothing more than to get Nirmala to Rafiki in hope of helping her to recover, she could not risk Kama striking her with her back's turn.

"It must suck," the words snapped Rani back to Kama who gave a snicker, "having to care for the weak, only for it to lead you to your downfall."

Rani didn't care if Kama were right or not, she would rather believe that Kama was only trying to get under her fur, but the situation she was in only felt like it enforce that truth. But she would rather die protecting those she love and cherish then to live a hollow monster like the one before her.

"But there is still a chance for you to escape alive with your precious friend." Kama motioned to the lioness next to Rani, the chance was something she was prepared to listen if what she was telling is true.

The Outlander Siblings ﴾TLG﴿जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें