Chapter X: Fallen Attack

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I rushed home and lied on bed, melting my brain from how much thinking I got.

*Meanwhile Y/N's POV*

After we had enough tea and games me, Koneko and Rias left the club house and went home, Rias separating from us but Koneko was going the same way as me.

You: "Do you live the same way?"

Koneko: "No, just wanted to make sure you won't get ambushed by Asuka."

You: "Why?"

Koneko: "Because she hurt you."

You: "Come on, I know it's more than that, first of all you're always monotone and don't seem to care much unless it's really important but then when I'm around you're more emotional, and care more... about me."

Koneko: "Hmm, it's because you're not a pervert and you're someone I feel like I can trust." She then sniffed. "Fallen Angels are here."

Two fallen angels crossed our path, one guy and one girl.

???: "Well, well, well what do we have here, two lonely devils."

??? 2: "Only one devil... that guy is just a human."

???: "Hmm oh well go along human, our business doesn't concern you."

You: "Oh I'm glad, it is so unfortunate that my business concerns you."

??? 2: "And what are you going to do about it? Get away if you value your life."

You: "Oh I don't think I will."

???: "So you have chosen certain death I see, well I like this type of guy, shame you're in the path, I think I would actually and genuanly try to date you."

You: "I'm flattered but... do you see someone who asked?"

??? 2: "He got you, seriously this guy is great, shame he has to die."

???: "Well the least we can do is to let him know who killed him, I'm Kalawarner and this is my colleauge Dohnaseek."

Koneko: "I'm Koneko and this is my classmate Y/N."

You: "Well introductions are over now then, let's get ready to rumble!"

The two fallens have flown to to the sky and summoned a light spear, Koneko redied herself to dodge them.

You: "I got this Koneko. Geo" They threw the spears but I made that screen Ningguang taught me, the spears didn't go through.

Kalawarner: "What? How did that happen?!"

Dohnaseek: "That guy, he's not a regular human after all, he's a mistake."

You: "Anemo, Koneko get on my back, trust me."

She did so and I summoned seethroughable wings that glew cyan and flew into the sky, close to the fallens, they had their spears ready again but I made the wind around them strong and facing towards the ground.

It was too much for their wings so they slowly descended.

Dohnaseek: "What the- hey stop that you're playing unfair!"

You: "Life is unfair, unfortunately."

Kalawarner: "Love this guy! Aggghhhh my wings, my spear!"

Koneko: "You improved a lot, can you get me closer and dodge their spears?"

You: "Yes I can, hold on tight!"

I flew closer to the fallens, they threw their spears at me but but I easily dodged. When I got close enough Koneko jumped at them and punched them to their face with her whole strenght. It knocked them unconscious and when they hit the ground, it made a huge crack in the pavement.

Master of Elements: Male Reader x High Scool DxDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat