The tournament to be the student.

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"No." I said

I finished my lunch and drink as I got up to walk out as I only had one class left but it was study hall so I was going to head home to grandma's place. I walked to the gate as I looked around before jumping up and getting past the gate with ease. My spiritual powers were pretty good to the point I could use them without trying as I was walking to get to the train stop.

"Hey you're not bad, you got past the gate no problem." Yusuke's familiar voice said and I jumped as I looked at him.

"You're following me now?" I asked

"No, I have something to do but you just went over the gate like it was nothing." Yusuke said

"I see, well I really need to catch the train." I told him

I ran heading to the train station as I used my pass grandma got me to get by and I was going to be early. Yet my routine was this way for the next several days as I noticed the demonic aura in town but ignored it till the weekend came. I was glad to miss on a Friday as I was relaxed playing a game in her arcade.

"Akari, I'm going to be holding a competition for a new student, someone who can train beside you." Genkai said
"Yeah, sure Grandma." I said

My eyes never left the game as I was playing hearing her walk out as I listened still. I heard her announce that the first test was the drawing of lots, she'd already gave me one and I ripped it open handing it to her as she saw it was red. I wasn't even paying attention whether it was red or white as I played the game. She always supplied me with quarters to keep playing the games and keep my skills sharp. I finished my game but heard commotion outside as I got up and walked out there not realizing people from my school was there.

"Everything ok Grandma?" I asked
"Everything is fine Akari, go back to your games." Genkai said

"Ok" I said

I was going to return back to the game when I saw him as I met eyes with Yusuke. I gulped a bit before going back inside and chose one of the games the others couldn't play as I heard Grandma lead them inside. I kept my eyes focused on the game I was playing but it wasn't like I didn't hear that loudmouth Kuwabara.

"What is Akari doing here?" Kuwabara asked

I heard the machine above my head move as I knew Grandma set it up. I was doing good to ignore everyone there even though out of the corner of my eye I peeked to see Yusuke almost staring at me.

"I hope you brought your quarters. These games are the 2nd test." Genkai said "Only use the ones designated, don't touch the other games or my granddaughter."

"Her...granddaughter?!" Kuwbara said

Still I heard all the people playing the games to see if they could get a high score. I was playing as I finished seeing the two people from my school over by the boxing machine. I walked over while Yusuke and Kuwabara were over there standing with everyone as I saw Kuwabara got a 129 and Yusuke got a 155. I was so tempted to do it that I picked up one of the gloves.

"Whoa, it's the granddaughter." One of the men said
"She's going to go up against them after she saw their scores." Another said
Yusuke and Kuwabara both looked at me "Let's see what you got Akari." Kuwabara said
"Don't say I won't warn you." I said

I put everything into my punch with spirit awareness and spirit energy as I hit it but I only ranked a 165 but with all my training it wasn't surprising. I was glad that it seemed to be paying off as I took the glove off and tossed it in the air walking away. I could feel some people staring at me but I still had a while to go before I was ready to ever fight with Grandma.

YYH - The Granddaughter of GenkaiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum