"We're doing everything we can for your father-" He tried to speak.

"Everything you can?! Please, Minister tell me what the hell everything is!" She snapped as rage filled her from head to toe.

Remus grabbed her arm, "not here, Ro."

"No it's quite alright, I understand how hard these times are-" The Minister tried to speak once more.

"Not you don't! You never will be able to understand! You'll never understand what it's like to be lied to your whole life, or to not be able to say goodbye to your dying mother! You'd never be able to understand what it's like to know the truth about your fathers illness while everyone around you thinks it's just some sort of cover up! You sit on that chair high above everyone else thinking you're worthy! You'll never be worthy! You just think we're some sort of pathetic creatures while you have control over what we can and can't say or even believe anymore. Well let me tell you this, Minister...You're just as pathetic as the rest of us. So don't you dare tell me you know how it feels..." Rose got out of Remus' grip and walked out to the hall.

Remus followed out to the empty hall.

"It's so obvious what has happened, they're just to blind to see it." She cried.

He hugged her, "They've been this way for years. No matter who's in charge, it won't be fixed."

"What do I do while they're trying to cover it up?"

He sighed, "Ro, there's a full moon on the 23rd."

"No! You can't go out there!" She looked up at him, "With everything happening?"

"It's the only way. If I could-"

"If you could what? It's too risky. You could die too. You're the last person I want to lose."

"I'm just laying out the options."

"I'm not risking you're life for my father. It's not worth it. There's got to be other ways...We're just not thinking it through."

"Ok...But if it comes down to it...I have to go."

"No you don't! Remus, it's not logical thinking! Please!" She begged. The thought of losing someone else close to her would kill her. Even thinking of him going back out their mentally exhausted her.

"Ok, ok. Ro, it's alright." He hugged her again, "I'm sorry..."

"I don't want you to be sorry. I just want you to be safe." She cried, "Everything was just getting right around here. And now it's all screwed up again..."

"Rose..." Tonks walked over, "They found this." She handed her keys.

"It's to the house..." Rose examined them as she wiped her tears, "It's not too far from here actually. I'm gonna go."

"I'll go with you." Remus said.


They got to the house and Rose opened up the front door. Looking around, stepping inside it felt nothing more than just a house. Suddenly there was nothing else to be called a home.

Dust was collecting on shelves and furniture as picture frames holding family photos hung crooked.

Rose walked upstairs with Remus following her.

"This was my old room." Rose opened up to a pink room.

"Pink? Didn't think that was you." He looked around.

"I'm starting to think the same...Dumbledore and Mcgonagall said that my father threw out everything the second he married my mother. Said he basically went off the grid. But how can that be? Especially if Bellatrix was able to find him so easily..."

Beauty and the Beast (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now