Lotor paused, his entire body ceasing movement. It was if he had forgotten how to function. Finally, he said, "And why would you want that?"

Pidge bit her lip and took a drink of the tea. It was bitter and cold, though she could have sworn it had been scalding just a few moments ago. "I overheard Allura talking about how unhappy the situation is making her. How she's expected to follow through because she's a princess even though her father wanted her to marry for love," Pidge looked at him. "She's already been through a lot. I want her to be happy."

"But will this make you happy?" Lotor's voice was surprisingly soft, and it startled Pidge so much that she forgot how to form words for a few moments. Would this make her happy? No. But when she thought about how miserable Allura was and how she could stop it, and decided.

"If Allura gets to fulfill her father's dream, then I will be," And surprisingly, Pidge believed herself.

"Then I accept your proposal," Gently, Lotor took the tea mug from Pidge. "But you should get some sleep now. From what I heard from the other paladins, you don't get enough anyways."

Pidge got up and followed Lotor out of his room and down the hallway. The walk was surprisingly comfortable, even with the conversation they'd had just minutes prior. When they were outside Pidge's door, Lotor took her hand and kissed her calloused and greased knuckles before disappearing back down the hall. Pidge didn't bother changing into her bed clothes as she slipped underneath the covers, her stomach twisted in a tight knot.


The next morning, Pidge could barely drag herself out of bed. She'd tossed and turned all night, plagued by thoughts of the next day. The kitchen was full to the brim with people when she finally entered. This was especially because of Lotor and his generals. Everyone was buzzing around, getting ready for the day's big event. Allura was nowhere to be seen.

Lotor said nothing to Pidge as she walked in, but she could see the acknowledgement in his eyes. The green paladin averted her gaze and sat down next to Lance, who was sighing dreamily.

"What's your problem?" She asked as Hunk put a plate down in front of her, making sure to kiss his boyfriend before dancing away. Hunk was always graceful in the kitchen.

"It's just my boyfriend, Pidge. He's so dreamy."

Pidge snorted and began eating, though her insides lurched with every glance at the Galran prince. Allura finally appeared in the doorway, her hair pinned up in curlers. She didn't acknowledge Lotor at all, which made his friends glare.

"Paladins! I completely forgot to tell you, but you should wear your paladin armor to the banquet tonight. No need to find any fancy clothing. I'll see you all in a few vargas," She then made a hasty exit.

"Doesn't she mean like a couple vargas? The banquet starts in three," Hunk asked, but everyone shrugged.

Suddenly, Pidge didn't feel like she could eat anymore. Lance didn't even notice when she left. Pidge retreated back into her room, but was too worried to even focus on her robots. Was she supposed to tell everyone before the banquet, or wait so they can to nothing to stop her? The first would make her a good friend, but she couldn't let them stop her. This was something she had to do. For Allura.

She was pacing around when her brother entered, without knocking, of course. Pidge stopped immediately.

But Matt was always able to see straight through her. "What's wrong?"

Pidge avoided answering. "I didn't know you were back. When did you get here?"

"I got back literally just now, but-"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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