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Jamen land on a small rock that rose out of the water, Audree beside her. The rock was one of many that outlined the coast. Behind them, a cliff.

Jamen gripped the sides of her robes. She lifted them, bend over and sat down. The coastal breeze tangled her hair. Her hair covering her face. Jamen lifted her left hand and placed the tips in the middle of her forehead. She grazed them to the left removing her hair from her face. Once finish she place her hand in front of her face so that she was facing her palm.

Slowly she rotated her arm towards the right of her, lifting it slanted so that she saw the blue arrow that traveled up her arm to her armpit.

The fact that she- the one that the other kids hardly every noticed- will become part of the avatar one day. And though Jamen had never left the air temple, she somehow knew where to go. It was as if their minds were intertwined and she could feel everything that was happening to him.

Plus, as often as she would get visions, she heard things. In fact, that moment the heard two voices.

"Aang, why are you staring at me?"

"Uh wha- I was staring?" said the other voice.

The voices would have continued if not for the yelling behind her. She turned to the direction of.the cliff. On it was a group of boys. There was about five of them and they were holding another. The one they were holding appeared to have darker skin than the other pale skinned kids.

"Let me go!" yelled the boy.

"Throw the waterbender of the cliff! Let's he if he could waterbend his way out of this."

"No, no. Please!" His words were too late. He was tossed over the cliff. Jamen quickly grabbed her staff and zoomed across.

As she grew nearer, she watched him make large circles with his arms. The water below him rows up like an upside down tornado. Jamen knew that the little funnel would reach him in time to keep him from splashing to his death.

Jamen zoomed and...

Aang's twin Sister: Part 1/ Volume 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن