Faces Revealed

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I never took my eyes off of it as I continued to get closer and closer in my sprinting. I grit my teeth and got my shoulder ready as I used it to burst through the door.

It flung open and slammed harshly against the wall as I slowed to a stop inside the room. It was a big circular room with about four other doors leading out of it. It was mostly dark as it only had one light far above that was lighting the entire thing.

My eyes immediately landed on a bloody figure that was tied and gagged to a chair in the center. I slowly approached, the glass shards in my hands, though as I got closer the sinking feeling in my gut told me exactly who this was.

My breathing was heavy, though I was trying to keep it slow as I slowly used one of the shards to push back the lowered head of short brown hair.

It was Charlie. His glasses were broken and shattered around his eyes, some of the small shards even digging into his skin. At my touch he jumped up and looked around wildly, trying to talk through his gag.

I stared at him harshly for a few seconds before using the glass to cut the piece of cloth that was serving as the gag. He gasped as it fell off of him and took a couple of deep breaths, followed by hacking coughs.

" Y/N?... Is... Is that you?" He whimpered out, trying to squint up to see me without the aid of his glasses.

" Yes... it's me...what happened? Who took you?" I growled out harsher than I intended.

" No Y/N, NO! You have to get out now. She's always one step ahead! she always has everything planned out. Were all just puppets in her game!" He cried out.

" WHOS GAME!!" I pushed, but I already knew who it was. I heard the door slowly creak closed and lock behind me. Charlie whimpered and lowered his gaze to the ground.

I raised my eyes and slowly turned around to face her. The person who framed me all those years ago. Who had been trying to kill me for a long time. The person I used to call a friend.

The glass in my hands was still raised as I finished turning. Looking at the red-haired girl across the room with her hand still on the door. She smirked at me and blinked her bright brown eyes at me.

" Hello Y/N. It's good to finally see you like this." She said in a calm and serene voice. For a long moment, I stared blankly at her as I felt nothing, no emotion. It all came flooding back though only after a few seconds and I scrunched up my nose and spit at the ground.

" Destiny." I hissed out in a long tone. " What... WHAT!?! in all Hell, Earth, and Heaven possessed you to do all of this?!" I cried out at her. She only blinked at me before slowly walking along the wall. Strutting her hips as she did, clicking her tongue sadly at me as she slowly shook her head.

" You know Y/N... When I first blew up this hospital and planted evidence of you here I was overjoyed when it actually worked. Years of planning and preparing had paid off... almost flawlessly. You see, I meant for the crime to be big enough so that when you were arrested, you would go straight to death row. I never could have guessed that the Holland hill Institute for the criminally insane would have paid top money to bribe the law so they could have you. If I had had my way, you would be nothing but a skeleton right now. And everyone else. all of our families, and your friends, would be alive right now." She finished with a mocking pout and I snarled.

" WHY!?!?!?!!?" I hissed out and she threw her head back and cackled. She was laughing so hard that she was actually crying. he used one of her long pale fingers to wipe away her tears as she set her brown eyes back on me.

" Y/N don't you see? You were always in the way! I had to get rid of you!!" She shouted out at me. I glanced behind me at the cowering Charlie and it all clicked. All of the pictures in the labyrinth of the three of us. My face scratched out and Destiny's and Charlies with hearts around them.

She was like Joshua. She was obsessed with Charlie and was willing to do anything and everything he could to make sure that he was hers and hers alone. Only, Joshua did not kill my entire family and actually tried to help me in the end.

" YOU STUPID FUCKING WHORE!!" I Seethed out. " I never liked Charlie!! and Charlie always had a crush on you! you were his number one anyway! I was never part of the equation!!" I screamed at her and she took on a defensive stance.

" It does not matter. You were always in the way!! No matter how much he cared about me you were always next!! You were always taking him away from me!"

" Why would you kill his family!? MY Family?! Your own mother!?!?" I continued to shout. The room was filled with both of our yellings and I could hear Charlie continue to whimper behind me.

" I am a mastermind Y/N! I purposely spent most of my life making everyone I knew, think I was summer than I actually was so that they would never know how formidable I really am. I have spent years down here creating the perfect trap for the day to come when you would step in it! and here you finally are. They would not have to have died if you had just been sent to death as I intended! But no! You came home and the detectives continued to do their work. I have to admit they are good! I knew it was all over when the one missing the arm finally discovered who I was. He chased me all the way to that Asylum where I almost got the both of you! But like always you just continue to slither out of my grasp! Now! After I kill you! it will just be Charlie and me in the happily ever after he was always meant to have together!" She cried happily, her eyes wide with the insanity that I never could have guessed she held before.

I stared at her blankly again for a long moment. Neither of us said anything as we stared each other down. Charlie shook in his bindings. Looking at me, then her, then the ground again.

" Destiny... You killed innocent people to frame me." I said emotionlessly, standing up straight. " You continued to kill innocent people just to try and get after me. Even though, if you had never done anything, you and charlie probably would have ended up being together anyway. but no... you fucked up Destiny. You killed my family. You have been trying to kill me for so long, and the cherry on the pie? You hurt Elliot."

Then I charged.

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