Intimate Violence

Start from the beginning

"No prints, no DNA" Voight asked. 

"No. There's no pictures either. They spray-painted all the surveillance cameras as soon as they walked in the store" Kevin replied. 

"Well, the fact they knew where the cameras were suggests they cased the place. So let's keep talking to witnesses, but pull all the surveillance over the last couple of months. These guys did their homework. Maybe we catch them studying" Voight said.

Back at the district, it was a mad scramble to find anything that could help us. There was still no word on the citizen who had been shot, and I was hoping that he was going to be okay. As I was going through some files, Voight entered the bullpen.

"All right, bring me up to speed" Voight stated. 

"The same crew has hit two other check-cashing places in the last couple weeks, so that makes three. It's definitely a pattern" Hailey spoke. 

"They're using gloves and masks. Same MO, and they're stealing a car every time to cover their tracks" Jay added. 

"Sarge, I pulled the rest of the eyes on the block like you said" Vanessa said and waved us all over to Kevin's desk. 

"And as far as we can tell, they had a lookout. That might be our way in. So this is the drug store on the north end of the corner five minutes before the robbery. The kid on the bike, that's our lookout. Look, he's watching that patrol car down the block. As soon as that patrol car leaves, he calls it in. And there's the minivan our shooters escaped in" Kevin explained and pointed to the footage. 

"All right, so how do we get the kid" Voight asked. 

"Well, we ran facial rec. Jamal Meeky. 20. He's got one prior for breaking and entering. Spent a year in juvie" Vanessa answered. 

"Good. Let's roll him up" Voight said.


"Jamal's story seems credible. We ran his phone records. The only calls Jamal made before the heist were to his associates, which are a couple of kids with minor drug priors" Kim told us. 

"Okay, so the woman who Jamal thought was suspicious, Michelle Taylor, I interviewed her at the crime scene" Jay said. 

"Right. The good Samaritan" I recounted. 

"The good Samaritan who gave me a bogus number, and her story does not jibe with Jamal's. She said she's inside during the robbery. He says no, she's outside the whole time" Jay spoke. 

"All right, so now she's a suspect. You and Yn go find her" Voight said.

We tracked the car "Michelle" had with her at the store to a florist, and while Jay went inside, I stayed in the car. At the moment, the only thing on my mind was a wedding, so I started looking up a few things. Jay had said earlier that chances are, our wedding would be in either fall or winter. So, I started looking at fall themed weddings, and I fell in love with what I saw. Finally, Jay came back to the truck, and he had a bouquet of red roses with him, which he handed to me.

"Aw. You're so sweet" I say and take the flowers, inhaling the scent of the roses.

"Her husband came in. She told him I was a customer. Something didn't feel right" Jay admitted.

"Yeah, well, I took a picture of him, ran it through the system. Turns out our good Samaritan is married to a convicted felon" I inform him. 

"Let me guess, armed robbery" Jay said, to which I nodded.

We headed back to the district and did some more resource. Once we had enough, it was time for Jay and I to present what we had to the team. I got up from my seat, grabbed what I had printed from the printer, and walked over to the white board.

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