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Hope you enjoy the song


It was a calm snowy day at the Ubuyashiki estate. The helpers were already asleep and Kayaga was writing orders for new missions. There was a sudden sound at the door, as if something was scratching; asking to be let in. Kagaya stopped when he first it, wondering what it was. When it sounding a second time, he got up and headed to the door. He opened the door and saw no one. He looked from left to right and there still wasn't anyone. He was about to go back in when he heard a whine and looked down. To say he was surprised would be an understatement. There, in front of him, stood a white blue eyed fox staring at him with what he would believe to be a pleading look and a blanket wrapped around its neck.

Kagaya knelt infront of the animal who stepped closer to him. It looked at the blanket then him and whimpered. Kagaya understood and shifted the blankets to see its contents. To his surprise, he saw a child sleeping soundly. He stood up quickly to fetch him wife but the fox, who thought he was about to leave bit unto his yukata in alarm and whimpered loudly. Kagaya looked down on the alarmed animal and smiled warmly.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to fetch my partner." his voice was soft and it gave the fox a sense of peace.

It released him and he turned and enter, leaving the door open to give the fox more reasurance. He quickly made his way to his room and woke his sleeping wife.

"Dear, there is something you must see." He said while dragging his wife in her half asleep state. When they got to the door and saw the fox however, her eyes widen and all signs of sleepyness went away.

"Why is it here?" She questioned while staring at the blanket around its neck.

Kagaya knelt down and carefully removed the blanket and was astonished at not only seeing a baby but also a fox pup and a letter. Amane, his wife, took the blanket while Kagaya opened the letter and read out loud.

"Dear Slayer

My name is Crystal Hashinari and I was also a demon slayer. I am a member of the group possessing rare abilities. You may not believe me but there is a fox bringing you this letter. By the time you recieve this I'm already dead. I retired from slaying  once I found my self pregnant. My husband, who was also a slayer betrayed both the Corps and I by turning himself into a demon and told them all about my powers and my unborn child. Since then, I've noticed a few demons lurking but not coming too close. I believe they are after my unborn child. There was even an Upper Moon who visited, Upper Moon six I would believe. She came in the form of a lost traveler and kept asking questions about when I would be concieving. Of course I played along but I felt an even greater force lurking; Muzan Kibutsuji. I'm not sure of the reason why they are after my unborn child but that is the reason I'm hiding her away. I ask from the bottom of my heart to please protect my daughter please.

Yours Scincerely

Crystal Hashinari"

There was a pause in the air after Kagaya finished. It was broken however by the Child yawning before opening her heterochromiatic eyes which left the couple in awe. Being distracted, they didn't realise the fox chaging shape until they heard a voice

"Yuki Hashinari"

They both looked up in shock at the lady who stood in front of them. She wore a plain white kimono and waist lenght white hair was adorned with snow white fox ears and a bushy foxy tail swished ever so gently behind her.

"Huh" Amane questioned in both shock and confusion.

"Thats her name. Yuki Hashinari" The lady replied.

"On behave of my deseased master I am begging you to please take her in."  

The lady bowed on her knees with her arms on the floor.

"Wait, but if your master is dead then shouldn't you also be. Not trying to be mean but, from whatI've heard the shapeshifting guides normally die along with their master. How is it that you are still alive?" Amane questioned, geniunely confused.

The lady sat up on her knees and looked at the two individually before a short sigh left her lips.

"It is true that us guides normally die when our masters do, but that is because we choose to die with them as we can technically live forever. When our master dies, we feel empty; we no longer have a reason to live so we die alongside them." She explained.

The two nodded in understanding before the lady continued.

"But we stay longer when we recieve a final order or what you could call a dying wish. To us, fulfilling this wish is of utmost importance to us and we refuse to leave before completing it, no matter how long it takes." 

"And my I ask what was your master's wish" Amane questioned softly.

The lady again sighed before turning to look at the newborn who was staring at her with bright innocent eyes. She smiled softly.

"To train her to be a demon slayer. Even though Kibutsuji is after her, she wants her to be able to take care of herself and those whom she holds close to her." Was her answer.

We'll take care of her. Though I already decided this the moment I saw her." Kagaya smiled while Amane nodded her head rapidly in agreement.

The fox gave a wide closed-eye smile before standing.

"I don't believe I'ved properly introduced my self. I'm Sora and I will be taking my leave now but I will return once the time is right. Until then, have a good night." And before the two could blink, the fox lady dissappeared. The two blinked in surprised before looking at each other.

"It looks like we have our first child." Kagaya stated while taking the child from his wife while she continued to hold the pup.

"Indeed. I guess her name is Ubuyashiki from now on." His wife added.

"Yuki Ubuyashiki. Has a nice ring to hit. And we'll be naming him Yuri Ubuyashiki." Kagaya added.

Yuki and Yuri Ubuyashiki. I like it." his wife responded.

"Let us return inside."

Amane nodded and on that note they closed their door and went back to bed with their new family additions.


Hope you enjoy. Don't forget to vote and comment. Constructive criticism is always welcomed👌

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