New beginning

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(Ukai POV)

I sighed as I scrolled through my phone, searching for something that could suit my abilities. I was recently fired as a security guard, even though I was good at my job, and quick on my feet.

It seemed like the company I worked for had gone downhill in income, and had nowhere near enough money to pay all the workers. So..some of us had to go.

Suddenly an ad popped up that caught my interest. "Security guard needed." Ah, this seems alright. All I  need to do is guard the entrance, and check ID. Doesn't seem too difficult, I have experience after all.

I sent in an application right away, and got an immediate answer. I was both relieved and excited to see I got accepted. They must've been pretty desperate to answer as quickly as they did.

Apparently my first shift starts tomorrow at 6 PM, but was told to come in at least an hour before so I could get used to the environment and of course get the supplies needed.

[Next morning]

I woke up to my alarm clock, it was 8 AM. I was an early bird, and liked waking up early. Then I quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth.

In the fridge I still had some leftovers from yesterday's dinner, it was something that could quickly be warmed up in the microwave.

As eager as I was, I looked forward to tonight's shift. I wondered what the people working there was like, and if I'd make any possible friends.

The key to making your coworkers like you, is always helping out and of course acts of kindness. Well, besides doing your actual work that is, I chuckled to myself.

[Fast forward some hours]

I grabbed my keys and coat as I headed out the door. Walking down 3 blocks, I found my destination.

I found my way to the backdoor as told. Entering, I found myself standing in a room filled with different colored lights, as well as a bar that was well noticable.

It had quite an interesting pattern on the wood, the chairs was also well made I may say. No way this won't attract customers.

There were no people in sight, other than what seemed like the bartender. He stood facing the other way, and had not noticed me arriving. Quietly I approached him, and tapped his shoulder.

"Excuse me sir." The man flinched and looked at me with big brown eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. We arent open'd you get in anyway?" He asked with a confused face.

"Well actually, I'm the new securityguard. The boss told me to come earlier since it is my first shift and all." Nervously I waited for a response.

"My apologies, I didn't know what you looked like." The man bowed at me as he apologized.

"No need to be so formal, it's okay sir haha." I chuckled. "By the way I'm  Keishin Ukai, nice to meet you." I reached out my hand and as he took it the man said, "Alright Ukai-kun, I'm Ittetsu Takeda."

I smiled as we shook hands. "Where is the boss between? I was supposed to receive equipment." My glance wandered around the room.

"Oh, of course. Here, follow me and I'll show you." We then walked into a locker room, and I quickly noticed a suit.

"This is the suit you'll be using from now on. There is also a pair of glasses in the front pocket." Take-chan picked up the clothing hanger and gave me the suit.

"You should put this on quickly. Boss will be waiting for you at his office. You will get further instructions from there." He gave my shoulder a light pat as Take-chan walked back to the counter.

I looked at his back as I smiled and carefully closed the door to the locker room. Quickly I put on the suit, and was ready to go.

[Time skip, closing time]

"Phew, good work today Ukai-kun!" A smile embraced his face as he complimented my work.

"Haha, it wasn't that big of a deal." Take-chan chuckled as I got embarrased.

"Well since we're all wrapped up, it's about time we both head home. The DJ has already gone quite a while ago. I'm not sure about the boss though." Take-chan turned off the final lights, and we headed home.

I unlocked my door, brushed my teeth and set everything out for tomorrows shift. I was exhausted, but happy I finally got to do what I loved again. And alongside nice people, I couldn't have asked for more.

(To be continued)

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