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After dismissing everyone,Manik dragged Nandini to his room..

"Manik what are you doing"

He pushes her inside and shuts the door.

"Nandini what did you just say?" says Manik.. She looked up at him and saw self-control simmering,he was about to lose himself

"What I should have said long back when we had first met you during the album meeting ..." Nandini said turning away from him

" Why?"

"What why?"

"Why do you wanna step down?" asks Manik calmly

"It's obvious why! ..I can ask you the same question Manik.."

" I can't see the obvious here Nandini..The thing I want to leave behind is what you are constantly digging  up everytime bringing it back..Please stop doing that !" scowls Maink

" But isn't it true that it has only led to what is happening right now?" She puts forth her point..

" Nandini for god's sake stop bringing back the past everytime ... I thought we were over that but no you bring it up that every damn time "

" I won't stop bringing that up when it has messed up everything...It has messed up the lives around us ... I can't see Fab 5 again being insulted just coz they supported me...just coz I didn't trust you and betrayed you...Their careers are at stake Manik .! "

"So you just decided to step down ?"

"Why? What is wrong in that?"

I was about to reply to him when I heard knock on the door and heard Cabir's voice, "Before you guys heat up further,something else is waiting for you to hype you guys more up...Come down right now or else I will be killed !" and he leaves

Manik and Nandini looked up at each other and went down... Descending down the stairs,they saw Mr Malhotra sitting on the sofa and everyone standing around nervousely


"Dad when did you come back? ",asks Manik.

"When I heard that decisions were being made without me..Last time I checked, I was the head of the company" his dad replied sternly

"Uh... Yeah... I...I...I'm sorry ...!" Manik replies nervously..

"Who gave you the right to decide everything about who will be part of the album and who not!" Mr Malhotra raised his voice and everyone flinched ...

"Bu...bu... but dad ..." Prateek tried to say but was cutoff immediately by his Dad...

" Prateek I need a long explaination from You about what you did "

"there's nothing to explain anything...She deserved it after what she did ....!" he spats out in hatred for Nandini scaring her

"And who the hell are you to decide?"  asks Mr Malhotra in a stern tone..

Everyone gasped in shock...Even Manik and Prateek were stunned coz they haven't seen their dad this angry.

"You guys think I didn't knew what happened between Manik and Nandini?...Sons you totally underestimated me ... I am not Nyonika...!"

"What do you mean Dad", asks Manik confused...

" Since the time I handed over guardianship to your so called mom..You think I don't know what you were upto?...and why you suddenly came back to Pune?"

"Whhhaattt?" everyone exclaimed in shock ...

Mr Malhotra sits on sofa comfortably,"As I said,I am not Nyonika who dosen't care about your wellbeing!...I was 100% sure that Nyonika wouldn't be too glad to take care of you...But I also appreciate how you dealt with her...I am still proud of you about that (smiles proudly) I kept denying what she was doing to you until she sent you to jail... and made Nandini to doubt you ... I was about to deal with her but then you came back... saw you broken and decided to leave itfor the time being until you brought it yourself...But you didn't so I took the step and decided to produce an album with the people who we important to you and will help you get out of the blackhole you were in... " gesturing to Fab 5 and Nandini...

" This means you kept tabs on me for all these years?" asks Manik.

" Why wouldn't I ? You are my son ....! for god sake ... "

"That means you knew who Nandini was?"

"Ofcourse and I thank God for sending her for you...She kept you sane...!"

"And I am knowing this all now?...Woww thankyou so much for telling now... Better you should have told me when I was about to die!",exclaims Manik to which Mr Malhotra rolled his eyes...

He turns to Prateek,"Now You!!! At least you should not have underestimated me ! ... I am dissappointed in you...And you failed as a friend too ....!"

Prateek looks up at his Dad and says, " What do you mean..!"

"Hearing your reply , I guess I should have sent you with Nyonika in place of Manik ...!" Prateek just walks away silently...

"Give me a break now everyone !I am tired ... You kids are too much to handle ! You have drained me too much... I am going to take rest... !I know Manik you want to talk,give me few hours to rest and I will call you" says Mr Malhotra and dismisses everyone....

As he leaves, everyone sighed in relief and crashed on the sofas ...

"Oh damn! What did I just witnessed ....! " Cabir exclaims in shock

"Exactly...I felt I was in a movie...!" replies Mukti

"Manik I didn't know your Dad was so cool...!" says Alya

"How would I know ... I didn't live with him ..." replies Manik in a daze still processing the revelations that his Dad made...

"Guys I will talk to you later... I need time alone ...! " says Manik and goes up to his room while Nandini just looks at him worriedly....

A/N: Non proofread...I hope its good...
let me know if you want something in the story

Manan :Together Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें