chapter 2

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Katsuki Pov:

I was walking into the classroom with my team when we were stopped by the insomniac teacher. I need you guys to go get Izuku from the auditorium, he states yawning. Great now I have to fetch the nerd cause she can't show up for class by herself. I could hear that round face bitch complain about how it was beneath me to have to fetch a tramp like deku for him. I ignored her comment knowing that most of the girls that fawned over me are jealous of Deku because I don't mind talking to her sense she doesn't see me like a sex toy with money. Anyway me and my group go to the auditorium when we get there we see all the drama geeks scattered everywhere fast asleep. Deku was halfway on and off the stage with her glasses still on her face, papers all over the floor under her, and light snorse could be heard from her as I got closer. I have to admit she was cute asleep like that, wait what did I just think? The nerd is not cute. I looked at the others in the room and the boys were covered in paint, sawdust, and oil then the other chick was asleep with a cup hanging out her damn mouth. We couldn't help but laugh at them, Shitty hair took a picture of the sight we were viewing. RISE AND SHINE DRAMA GEEKS!!!! They all bolted up some falling over and what made it even funnier was the damn nerd fell off the fucking stage. The nerd got up off the floor rubbing the back of her head,Och my head Katsuki what do you think you're doing? Really she is the one sleeping at school and she asked me what I am doing. I am here to take your dumb ass to class seriusly how stupid are you? At that moment the scar faced guy dabi I think his name was. Grabbed me by my collar. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR TALKING TO LIKE THAT YOU JACKASS THAT IS A YOUNG GIRL NOT ONE OF YOUR BOYS!!! I take a hold of his wrist glaring at him, GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME SCAR FACE!!! Just then deku jumped in, ripping scar face off of me and apologizing on his behalf. I'm so sorry Katsuki he is just really protective come on lets all get to class. She takes my hand and runs us out the auditorium with my group following behind us. I didn't pull my hand away for some reason I was ok with her holding my hand. When we get to the classroom she lets go and we all walk in.

Izuku Pov:

I thought Dabi was going to rip Katsuki's head off. I ran to them, tearing Dabi off of Katsuki and knowing that Dabi wouldn't apologize. I did it for him.I'm so sorry Katsuki he is just really protective come on lets all get to class. I took him by the hand not really paying attention to what I was doing leading us to the classroom. Once we got there I let go of his hand realizing I was holding it, Sorry about that, I said looking down. We walked in and I went straight to my desk. I could hear whispers coming from some of the girls in class but I left it alone. I hate drama, ironic since I am in the drama club. Class went on as normal once the bell rang for lunch I packed up and began to walk out of the room. When I was just about out the door Ochoko and two other girls stopped me, I don't know what you are playing at but to have Bakugou go fetch you for class is pathetic you know, Ochoko scuffed. It was clear what this was about and I wasn't about to be shamed or whatever in front of my peers. I got in her face, you know what I have no clue what the thing is about Katsuki but let me say one thing he is an self centered, egotistical jackass I bet he doesn't even treat his own mother right I would never go there I don't understand why girls like you do so next time you stop me from going somewhere make it worth losing my time. As I said that I didn't realize the populer blond standing behind me. Wow don't hold back or anything do you deku? I turn around to meet a somewhat hurt Katsuki. I didn't know what to say so I walked to the destination I was headed to before, the music room to work.

Katsuki Pov:

I was walking out of the room when I passed the nerd she was going off on round face. You know I had to listen in aspetaly when I heard my name mentioned. I only got the ending of whatever the nerd was saying as she was in the girls face, "Katsuki but let me say one thing he is an self centered, egotistical jackass I bet he doesn't even treat his own mother right I would never go there I don't understand why girls like you do so next time you stop me from going somewhere make it worth losing my time." I can't believe it. I know we don't get along that well but still I can't help but feel hurt by her words. I didn't even know that words could hurt but what she said is it true is that how people see me? She turned around as to notice me behind her. My face screamed that I was hurt by her words as the expression it held was not a happy one or angry one like normal. Wow don't hold back or anything do you deku? She stared at me for a second then ran out the door. I figured I would be able to address what she had said at lunch but when I got to the cafeteria she wasn't there it was like she never ate. I ate quickly so I would have enough time to go find and talk to the nerd about what she had said. I looked everywhere I was almost about to give up when I heard singing coming from the music room. I walked in to find the nerd at the piano working on songs I'm guessing for the play. Her voice is one of the most elegant and beautiful voices I have heard. When I got closer to her she lifted her head up seeing me then stopped everything she was doing.Hey can we talk nerd? She didn't say anything, just scooted over and nodded so I took a set. You know what you said back there you were wrong. I treat my mother well. She just looked at me not knowing what to say. The other stuff you said though is that what you really think of me? I looked at her as she put her head down not wanting to look at me. I heard her voice a little trembley but she started to talk,Yes Katsuki that is what I think about you and I am sorry about bringing your mother into it, I should know better. I returned her honesty and apology with a Thank you. I still don't like the fact she thinks about me like that but I don't know why I normally don't care what people think. I was taken out of thought when I heard a small grawl from her stomach. I look at her as her face is heating up bringing a small but cute blush to her cheeks,why aren't you at lunch aren't you hungry? I asked and she shook her head, No not really I just want to finish my work for the play. Ok, I was about to get up when she pulled me back down. What do you want nerd? She looked up at me shyly, Can you tell me what you think about this song for a solo? She started to sing her song she had written. 

The song was really good. I had no Idea that she wrote songs this good. I know that the teacher said she writes the songs and scripts for the plays but to see and hear it with my own eyes and ears was amazing. The bell eventually rang and we got up and headed to the classroom. She walked in first sitting down at her desk putting her headphones in. then I walked in going to my desk not saying anything.

School play (bakudeku) Fem Dekuحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن