"The first day"

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It was 2am el and will was sleeping  Joyce and Jonathan had been driving for 7hours. At 6am they were going to the new house in Georgia. Joyce: Wake up el! We arrived ! El: What? I want to sleep Will: Jonathan let me sleep 😴 Jonathan : come on let's go to the house you can't sleep in the car
Will: Okeyyyy! They go to take a nap.After they woke up the went to see the city. There was a square with a lot of childs.They stop to the supermarket to get some milk and other foods. The next morning El and Will had to go to school . Joyce : okey guys do you remember the streets ?
Will&El: Yes!
Joyce : okey good luck see you at night
They went to school and it wasn't wonderful. Mr. Pok: Okey kids today we have two new students Eleven hopper & Will Byers. Veronica to her friends : Eleven like the number 😂😂
Eleven heard them and she felt sad and lonely 😞. At the break Veronica went to El. Veron: I'm sorry can I ask you something eleven we said ?
El: yes ! What do you want ?
Vero : I'm sorry but do you have boyfriend I mean you're so ugly and I'm so wored to know . El : Yes I have. Vero: Yea whatever omg who's that man he's so hot 🥵 El : Mikeee ( eleven kiss Mike ) Vero: Wait that's your boyfriend no way
El: Yes he is and stop talking about
me all the time you get on my nerves

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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