Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

"What is it?"

"Why did you lie about yourself?"

"Lie?" Arthur narrowed his eyes in confusion, he never had lied about himself.

"You had told me at Gloria's Diner that you worked as a school counsellor, but clearly, that does not seem to be the case now, does it?" Emmett acknowledged.

"Technically, Emmett, I did not lie, I was simply answering your question regarding my occupation and it seemed to be the best choice then, especially given your state of mind." Arthur sighed as he reminisced their meeting.

"State of mind, can you elaborate?" Emmett blurted out, a bit desperate to know what he wanted to insinuate.

"Emmett, please listen to me carefully, and try to comprehend this to the best your ability, okay? I know it will be hard given your situation, to come to terms with the reality but you have to listen, if not for me then at least for your family and for yourself, can you do that?" Arthur eyed him hesitatingly, for he wasn't so sure about his feelings given his quiet state.

"I am confused, Arthur. May I request you to get to the point?" Emmett quipped with an underlying irritation.

"Indeed. How should I word this, son but you are suffering from a mental disorder wherein, you hallucinate and your mind conjures up these realistic scenarios that you presume to be your reality when they are, just a fallacy created from the depths of your delusions and possibly triggered by a psychological cause, especially in your case, which is riddled with trauma and guilt. It can be cured, but it is entirely up to you, Emmett and my words, wouldn't make any sense to you until I help you in remembering certain aspects of your story." He confessed, hands twitching in apparent hesitation.

"What is it called?" He asked calmly, much to his surprise.

"Delusional Disorder or Psychosis. But you do not need to know more, for it can be nerve-wracking and we cannot afford to have that. Emmett, do you understand?" He pressed him, seemingly analysing his reaction.

"Understand? Understand? This is ridiculous, do you know that? I never expected you to be the cause for my unhappiness, Arthur. You simply have presumed and prescribed me with these tablets based on a diagnosis that is not even correct, and you expect me to believe you? Please, I beg of you, leave me alone, I do not want to talk to you." Emmett demanded frustrated at the man and his absurd charges.

"It will be fine, son. I know you wouldn't understand hence I have something with me that could, maybe persuade you to a certain degree."

"Lying is not a virtue that I had expected from you to exhibit, Doctor." Emmett seethed, biting his lip harshly.

"Emmett, please, I am not lying to you, I can never do that." Arthur desperately made the claim.

"You are exceptionally revered, Arthur. I have observed that but you have betrayed the trust that I had in you, too and if you think that you can present me with fictional theories regarding the reason for my underlying panic attacks, then you are highly mistaken because I am not to be fooled with an oblivious person." He stated, arguably posing as an adult with his composure.

"Emmett, just take a look at these pictures, please. I am not lying to you, I have no reason to do that, whatsoever." He pleaded, shuffling through his coat pockets for the pictures he had snapped as evidence.

"I will be the judge of that."

"Before you lose your temper, Emmett. Let me explain to you when and where these photos were taken-"

"There is no need for that, I clearly remember this one to be from the Glamis Castle, and this is of the Lemon Lake, but it proves nothing, Arthur. I do not know what you are trying to show me but I can see that you have been relentlessly stalking me, may I know why?" He observed, squinting to see his silhouette against the golden light of the Sun that had engulfed them on that day.

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