unusual conversations with unusual suspects - 14

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You'd driven out of the city for sure. The roads were small and all that surrounded you was open fields and woods. It was weird not seeing the city around. You didn't think Lyda was huge, but it certainly didn't seem like it was anymore.

The cab pulled onto a long dirt road that lead you past some trees until you spotted a large cabin. When the car stopped you paid the fee and watched as he drove off. You hoped the next cab driver would be able to get here quickly in case things went south.

Gathering some courage, you walked up to the front porch, the planks creaking underneath your boots.

Rasing a balled fist, you knocked on the red front door, awaiting an answer.

A woman appeared behind the door. Her eyes widened as she looked at you, almost like she had seen a ghost.

"It's Jamie, right?" You ask, tilting your head to the side.

"Yes. Y/n. You've grown since I last saw you." She smiled from behind the door. She welcomed you in, and as you stepped into the house, something felt so familiar. You couldn't name it. But it felt nice and warm.

"Please get comfortable, could I get you some tea?" Jamie asked as you sat down on the golden velvet sofa.

The house had aged well. Pictures hung on the walls of who you assumed were her children and grandkids, as well as other family and friends.

Bookshelves were lined with dozens of books, both old and fairly new. A china cabinet was overflowing with delicate glassware and china sets that looked gorgeous.

"Oh no, I'm good. I'm actually here to ask you a few questions." You speak softly. Jamie returns and sits on the sofa in front of you.

"I see. Well, go ahead."

"I saw you at the funeral, but I don't really know anything about you." You begin, curiosity eating away at you.

"I attended, yes. I was close with your father before he met your mother. We were never anything official, but he was a good friend. Your mother was actually my best friend." Jamie began, pulling out an old photo book, she showed you a few pictures from when your dad was younger, back before you were even thought of.

"Your mother and I lost contact after a few years, and it broke my heart. I reconnected with your father soon after and found out your mother had passed away. And then your father. I attended the funeral out of respect. I was going to talk to you, but a few people had recognized me and I decided to leave." Jamie continued.

You flipped through the photobook, smiling at the pictures of your father with your mother, and even ones with Jamie.

"Your uncle believed your father was having an affair with me, but that was never the case. Before the funeral, I worked as a detective. Your uncle had gotten into contact with me and began to blackmail me." You looked up as she began going into detail.

"Over the course of those weeks before your father had died, I had been getting anonymous tips about your uncle. He was running with a gang, selling illegal weapons and unauthorized drugs. He found out I was onto him and tried to blackmail me. When he was arrested, Castello Lazarus bailed him out." The name Lazarus rang in your ears.

"Is Castello Lazarus, Bryce Lazarus' father?" You questioned. Jamie nodded, glancing over to a photo frame.

"The Lazarus family has been around for ages. Lyda was founded by a Lazarus. Castello had been running the gang for a while, and eventually, when Bryce was of age, he took over. Castello was a greedy bastard and didn't want to give Bryce the control he had been trained for, and instead bent the rules. Castello disappeared and his body was found in the lake outside the Lazarus estate."

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