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In a world where 80 percent of the population have powers which they named them quirk while the other percent of the population don't have power

Our hero went to the hospital to check what his power was since all his other classmates activated there's at the age of 4 while he didn't and to even make it worse was that he wasn't born with one he was quirk less but that didn't stop him from trying to become a hero his mother wanted him to give up since it was really dangerous as she didn't have any more family members

Footsteps padded through the dark forest.

A young boy named Izuku, about 14 years of age, had just run away from home. He was known for being defensive, always having to prove himself whenever he was wronged. This was, no doubt, in no small part due to his father being in prison for grand larceny, and to the entire high school that he went to knowing about it and treating him "like a piece of trash thrown from the driver's seat of a car," as he later put it to his mom after a particularly bad day. What made it worse was that Izuku was, indeed, the spitting image of his father except that he was mostly green : curly green hair that weaved this way and that, green eyes that reflected the world perfectly, and a lean, toned build suited for athletics -- or crime that required quick movements.

Of course, what had really motivated him to run away was the fact that no one, not even his mom, truly understood just how bad it was for him -- or so he felt. Knowing that the one person he had thought was one of the greatest men in the world was in prison, combined with the fact that no one thought he could be any better than that, wasn't just depressing; it was downright infuriating on a daily basis, and it filled him with such hate for his peers that he could never concentrate on his schoolwork, which didn't help matters at all. Nor did the fact that he was quirkless

It had finally come to a head when izuku mom had yelled at him for disappointing her so badly. His report card had sunk to a D average, despite her best efforts to get him to do his homework, get him to school on time, and make sure he was well fed while that happened. And the whole while, he always said he was trying to be better, and that it wasn't his fault that everyone else thought he couldn't. She had said that his image damage was, in fact, his fault, since no one was truly bound by their past and was free to define their own life however they wanted. His reply had been that all everyone else saw was his father no matter what he did, and so it wouldn't matter.

After a few more shots thrown between the two, Izuku had finally screamed his last statement: "I HATE YOU."

Those words rang in his head as he stomped through the woods that his house had been built next to, after sneaking out his bedroom window with nothing but his gray hoodie, blue jeans, and his red sneakers. He'd even left his smartphone in his room, as the ultimate show of defiance. Not even now, as he trudged between the tall pine trees, did he ever once take his mind off of the injustice of his treatment or the statement he had made as his parting words.

In his mind, the civilized world didn't care about him, and he didn't care about it. So he felt that it was better if he left it to its own business.

The shadows of the forest concealed and blurred Izuku's features, making it impossible for anyone to recognize him. The moon, currently a crescent shape, made these shadows even more striking, as there were no clouds in the sky and quite a few stars could be seen through the lack of light pollution. It created a very calming atmosphere that soothed his mind and body.

Without warning, Izuku stumbled into a clearing. He raised his head and stared into the starry sky, gazing at the various constellations he could make out. It amazed him that beauty like this still existed in the world, what with the course civilization was taking. This was another reason he'd decided to come here: to bask in nature's glory before setting out on his own. It might be my last chance to do this, he thought as he sighed to himself and prepared to trudge on.

IZUKU THE GUARDIAN (Paused)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя